Whole Nation

: 311 Return to Kyoto

My son sincerely thank Chacha! Light brother ticket. Wisher Delete Blade

The gigantic warship body is like a giant beast. Under the **** of several small warships, it slowly drove into the Xincheng Wharf, and martial law was on both sides of the river. A squadron of Samor soldiers stood tightly in the dock by the dock with spears. The steel shield shone in the sun. The flag of the flying troops was embroidered with three golden swords and a curved shield, which shows that this army has performed outstandingly in three attacks and one defensive battle.

Toda Hero Squadron! The name of this squadron is just like its flag, it is very famous in the Samor army, the famous Toda squadron, is the heroic army that reinvented the noble private army in the Toda fortress counterattack. Bravery and sacrifice have become admired in the hearts of all Samorian soldiers,

In recognition of this squadron's outstanding contribution to Samor at the most critical moment of Samor. With the remaining Toda fortress defenders as the backbone, the fat man reorganized this squadron from elite troops. Their outstanding defensive ability and absolute loyalty were the best candidates for stationing in Kyoto New City Pier.

"Stop immediately, please show proof." Ismailioli's horse was stopped by the Samor soldiers in neat dress at the gate of the new city. A captain of the soldier came over and looked at them cautiously. Eyes looked again at the two-meter war bow behind Isamoriel, showing a dignified look. No matter how you look at this exaggerated war bow, it is not like a toy played by noble ladies. The bow handle is because of the long years. The friction is bright and smooth, which is impossible for any high-end paint to dye.

The new city garrison belongs to the headquarters of the Zhivadine Regiment, and is not familiar with the North Army celebrity Ismailiel. The captain of the soldier hesitated and said, "If the two are here to discuss transportation issues, I am sorry that the two cities are all The city is under martial law, and the terminal has also stopped operating, no matter how urgent it is. Please come back another day."

The captain of the soldier was very euphemistic, because in the eyes of both women it was not easy to see, one was like a ranger, and the other might be a girl from a big family. Although Samor was not afraid of them, there was no need to offend them. After all, the new city still has certain business functions

Xincheng Wharf is divided into two parts: the inner city wharf is for military use, the outer city wharf is for civilian use, and many goods shipped to Kyoto from the southern stop are entered into the new city through the waterway network and then shipped to Kyoto. This can save a lot of inconvenience and expensive land transportation costs in mountainous areas, and it has also begun to relieve the huge pressure of road transportation lines.

"I'm here to pick someone up! This is my proof." Isamo Qianer's face was cold, and he seemed to have expected this situation. He turned over a Samor Governor's house to sign a pass. Passing it to the captain of the Samor soldiers, this made Allenstein, who was following, even more curious. What connection does this mysterious woman have with the Samor army?

"This is!" The captain of the soldiers took over suspiciously. The proof of the embroidered gold thread was the first time he saw it. His eyes swept the documents in his hands carefully, and his face changed slightly, although his identity was unknown, but The pass is indeed true. It is not only covered with the red seal of the Governor’s House of Samor, but also the white thorns badge of the Military Guard Corps Department, which is only possible for the senior generals around the Governor General.

"All upright!" the captain of the soldier yelled quickly. The soldiers guarding the level straightened their bodies, and paid a respectful salute to Isamoril. Isamoril took the order and drove Allenstein into the new city.

There were sentries along the way, with a special pass by Isamoll, and the post at the back was basically smoothly released. A famous black armor soldier stood on both sides of the road like a javelin. Almost every distance, there were patrols passing by The clamor of the armor on the soldier's body clashed, and the sharp spear in his hand flashed a cold awn, and the tidy pace showed a heavy atmosphere of Xiao Xiao killing

Isamoriel is the only person on the street still riding a horse, in this empty street. The eyes of the soldiers on both sides looked like blades of sword. Allenstein felt a dry mouth. The huge pressure made this aristocratic girl who had never left Kyoto feel uncomfortable. She only dared to lower her head. Behind Isamori

"That fat man just likes to engage in these flashy things!" Isamoller looked free, muttering secretly in his mouth, and Isamollier who had experienced the Battle of Scarlet Tyre was already familiar with such small scenes.

Suddenly, Isamoll heard a shouting cry from the direction of the pier, "Long live Samor! Long live Samor!" The violent sound even covered up the confluence, and the slamming roar of the Satsuma Lijiang River seemed to tear the clouds in the sky.

"Dead fat man is here." Isamoriel's heart twitched suddenly, and a blush appeared on Bai Zhe's face, from the root of the ear to the neck. Allenstein, who was following, could even feel Ismailier's body trembling slightly. I can't help it, what kind of man is "to make this woman so excited!"

"Do you want the Duai family to regain the prosperity of the past?" Isamoll suddenly turned back and asked, a pair of slender phoenix eyes shining strangely, seeming to be able to look directly at people's hearts,

"When, of course!" Allenstein, who was still thinking, was taken aback, not knowing what was going on. What does this mysterious woman mean? Can only reply subconsciously,

"What if the price you paid is your life?" Isamoll looked at Alan Sting, who was a little flustered, and there was clearly a trace of instability in the cold voice, just like the high-pitched treble in the low The sound is particularly clear, and it seems to be holding back the untold secrets "My life is family! Whatever the cost. As long as it is worth it, I will not hesitate. Even my life!" Allenstein The loving face of my grandfather flashed in my mind, almost blurting out without thinking,

Since he was eight years old, his parents, Allen Sting, was driven out of his territory by his own brother, Allen Winter, the lord of the northern Lentuso territory. It was my grandfather who was staying in Kyoto. The old Duke Duai took the lone Allen Sting back from that moment. Allenstein has been **** with this family,

Whether it was the chaos of Kyoto in the back, or the suppression of the royal family, the heart of the girl’s revitalization of the family has never been shaken. Allenstein has hoped that he can grow up overnight. Time is what Allenstein wants most.

In that way, you can use the marriage to fight for a strong foreign aid for the family, and you can relax the tight eyebrows of the loving old duke, marriage! She wants to use this weapon to make the Duai family stand up again, which is why she is facing the threat of the Satu family. The reason for Allenstein to fight with death, because that is her only and last weapon!

"Oh! You guys from the Duai family. They are all the same stubborn!" A smile appeared on the corner of Isamoll's mouth. It seemed that I remembered something interesting. Allenstein heard it somehow, wondering softly, "Do you know anyone else in our family?"

"No, no, I don't know your family member Isamoril. I don't want my little pistachios to show their mischief in advance, so I quickly shook my head.

"Maybe I'm more attentive!" Allenstein's face was dim, and his voice was inexplicably bleak. Explained softly, “Since the defeat of the family, in addition to the separated family from the scene, many family branches have chosen to leave. The former glorious duke family is like a disgusting beggar at this moment, all the grief and anger For help, it's just glances again and again!"

"No one except me, the heir, will say that he was once a member of the glorious Duai family!" Seems to be too sad. Alan Sting's poignant figure shivered slightly.

"Not necessarily!" Samounger's rare tenderness once, the cold tone softened. Patted Allenstein's shoulder with his hand. Consolingly, "In my image, your family still has a side branch that seems to be very powerful! And that side branch has not announced its departure from the Duai family! Why don't you go find him!"

"Are you there?" Allenstein's face was confused. In my mind, I can't find a clue about the chaotic thread, so there are so many branches in the family. Most of them are lords of the north and west. Since the decline of the family, these sidemen who have always been around the family have disappeared all at once. Under the impact of the Kyoto Protection Act, the separation from the escape, the escape from the escape, leaving only one promise that cannot be fulfilled.

"Come~www.wuxiaspot.com~Come with me!" Isamoll heard a heavy squeeze from the dock. Interrupted Allenstein's train of thought, and took Allenstein to speed towards the dock. More and more soldiers, and more and more serious investigations, heavy crossbows and stone-throwing machines on both sides began to show up, and the new city inland pier in front of the heavy soldiers was in front.

"I'm sorry! You can't pass!" A serious-looking squadron stopped Isamore's Mercedes horse at the dock's bar, even though Isamore showed a special pass to no avail, the grumpy Isa Mollier was ready to break in. A row of gleaming crossbows emerged from the arrow of the pier. The dense array of spears blocked the mouth of the pier. The atmosphere in front of him was tense.

"Why can't I go in!" Isamoll strangled the horse helplessly, waving his pass in exasperation, shouting "I have a pass signed jointly by the Governor's House and the Legion Department. It is the Governor's House of Samor I have no right to stop me!"

"I'm sorry, this is not the Governor's Palace, and there is no special document approved by the Legion Department. No one can enter the inner city dock. The captain of the Samor squadron shook his head firmly and did not give up because of Ismailiol's stubbornness.

"Let her come in" when the two were arguing. A slightly fat figure was walking out of the pier under the protection of a team of guards

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