Whole Nation

: 3,416 Ansia

The imperial navy's fleet stopped in front of the sunrise chamber of commerce fleet, an imperial dragon-class battleship drove out of the fleet, and a middle-aged man wearing a silver navy admiral uniform of the imperial navy boarded the sunrise chamber of commerce while watching the sun There are more than 200 transport ships in the Chamber of Commerce, and the vast sails are like a forest. The eyes also reveal a curious and shocking look.

Since the Empire defeated the Strand Sea State and truly became the overlord of the inland sea area, it has been rare to gather more than two hundred large fleets. The average warship of the Imperial Navy Fleet is less than thirty, even if it is Pulling out the equipped transport fleet together, that is, seventy or eighty, and the middle-aged admiral was even more shocked that the fleet in front of him was just the essence of a chamber of commerce.

"I'm the commander of the third naval squadron of the Imperial Navy, Effinger"

The middle-aged Admiral stood upright and paid a military salute to Sokotus Delane. As an Imperial Navy Fleet Admiral saluted a businessman, there was nothing unnatural in Sieffinger’s face. Because the woman in front of me is not someone else, but Sokotus Stellar, who is known as the Queen of Commerce, is also the head of the Imperial Bank

The imperial bank north of the Inner Sea, the pressure is not obvious, because the north is the territory of the empire, it may feel like a business organization, but in southern Europe, the imperial bank represents a completely different and boundless Wealth is an interest group that bundles more than ten royal families together. It is a tens of thousands of powerful bank flag team, but because it is not an official identity of the empire, it has no scruples in doing things because it offends the Imperial Bank, or The local forces that have suffered a devastating blow off the Imperial Bank and the dark forces abound. The name of the head of the Imperial Business Alliance, Sokotus Delan, in many fields, is more open than some kings of the kingdom, not to mention It is said that this woman holds 40% of the Chamber of Commerce industry in the coastal area of ​​South Europe. 70% of the Chamber of Commerce in South Europe has the background of the Imperial Bank. Many coastal ports are completely planned. Under the name of this woman

Even the disputes of the imperial navy in some complicated areas of Southern Europe Baro, as soon as this woman came forward, the attitude towards the opposite side would immediately become different

It is precisely because she knows the energy of the Imperial Bank in the south that she knows this woman. Although she does not have the name of a queen, she is definitely a queen. Even many royal families in South Europe are afraid to take a breath in front of this woman. Since the Empire used the victory of the North-South War to penetrate the south, the royal families in the coastal areas of Central Europe and Baro have fallen. In order to obtain loans from the Imperial Bank, the domestic minerals, land, and even export taxes have been mortgaged to Imperial Bank, this woman is a little displeased, dare not say to overthrow the royal rule, but to collapse the domestic economy, it is just a matter of reaching out,

"Commander Sieffinger is too polite, it should be said that we are able to please you, it is our pleasure to be right!" Sokotus Stellan returned a gift to Sieffinger, and then blushed around him. Rui introduced it to Si Affinger. After learning that the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce came to Ancia to collect debts, Si Affinger's complexion couldn't help but change and hesitated.

"Ansia has been very hostile to the empire since the annual meeting, I am afraid that the debt will be returned without success!!"

"Commander Sieffinger, I don't know what you think of the fierce pirates in Ansia's waters in recent months?" Sokotus Delane smiled indifferently.

"Where is there any pirate, that is the Kingdom Army of Anthea pretending to be himself, in fact, we launched a squad last month, sunk two pirate ships of the other side, and also caught a dozen people of the other side, and the remaining one ran directly into the After the port of Anthea, I believe Miss Dylan also knows that Anthea has been very opinionated on the empire since taking back the port, and the other party directly refused our entry. Sieffinger’s expression of sullen face was also annoying. Even if the imperial navy enters the port of Anthea, it immediately threatens to burn all the facilities of the port of Anthea, and asks the imperial navy to take all responsibility for this. Finally, in view of the possibility of causing hostility in the Central European Baro countries, I can only lead the division The fleet left and reported the situation to the Admiralty at that time, but until now, the Admiralty has not given a specific response."

"I just brought the Admiralty's reply this time!" Sokotus Stellar raised her hand to the maid behind him, and the maid took out a document and handed it to the confused Siefinger

"How can the Admiralty's reply file be in the hands of Miss Dylan?" Sieffinger glanced over the seal of the Admiralty on the cover of the document, and his face could not help sinking slightly, even if Soukus Dylan had great energy, It is impossible to get the documents of the Imperial Navy Department

"Don’t get me wrong, this admiralty response was only in my hands for some special reasons, and I also brought another document, hoping that the commander would make a better judgment after reading it." Lan took another document from his pocket and handed it to Sieffinger along with the document from the Imperial Navy

Sieffinger took a deep breath, took the document, glanced at it, and froze for a while. The Admiralty report didn't reply. Sieffinger couldn't help but immediately opened the second document. The red text, like a sharp blade, is reflected in Sieffinger's eyes

Battle name "Slashing Witch"

Sieffinger shook the hand holding the document. Anthea's waters were choppy, and the waves were surging continuously, rolling over a half-meter high wave, shining colorfully in the sunlight. Because of the angle of refraction of the May sunshine, it looks like a ribbon from a distance. For inexperienced seafarers, this often produces the illusion of watching these beautiful rays of light for a long time, but in fact, these rays of light It is poisonous. If you watch for a long time, it will cause irreversible damage to your eyes. This is similar to the snow blindness caused in the snow. Therefore, the word Anthea means the sea of ​​witch in Central Europe.

Sokotus Delane said with a cold face, "The fact that Anthea's strong rejection of the imperial navy's entry into the port last month was a buzz in the entire inland sea area of ​​the empire, and it had a great influence on the prestige of the empire. Nothing was signed in the report submitted by the Admiralty, and it was not until this departure that it was handed to me along with the order and the report. I believe that Commander Sieffinger should be able to understand the intention of His Majesty. His Majesty let me take this The report was brought to the commander in the hope that the commander can reply to the report himself. Although the facilities of Port Ansia are very important, but relative to the face of the empire, what is this! Central Europe Baro is the empire fighting with a sword Come down, take the things you lost, get them back!"

"I understand!"

Sieffinger's expression excitedly closed the document in front of him, and asked cautiously. The signature on the document and the seal of the spreading falcon also made Siefinger's face red and excited. After a while, the report was taken back into his arms. Sieffinger returned to his navy flagship. The sea was rare and clear, and the sky was clear. The inner sea is the territory of the empire. The imperial navy does not need to enter any inland port. Anyone's permission, naturally, prevents the imperial navy from entering, is the enemy of the empire! Even the port of Anthea, the former naval port of the third squadron!

"The fleet turns, Anthea!"

As an island kingdom, Anthea's terrain is actually a volcanic island. Flames and smoke are still erupting on the island, dense forest on the ground, and a considerable degree of underground caves. Under such harsh environments, Anthea people can imagine If the empire is not open to the inner sea, the location of Ansia, the golden triangle, will be developed at once. The Ansia region has always ranked at the bottom of the Central European Baro countries, even the Hungarian teeth have not been affected here, because even Hungarians are reluctant to come here

At the time, the empire leased the port of Anthea, and the rent was 500,000 empire gold a year, and promised to give 10% of the tax to the Anthea royal family. In a small fishing village, the empire has given such a high rental fee. No wonder people say that the empire is a barbarian with a lot of people and money.

But with the rise of commerce in the Inland Sea, the status of Ansia’s Golden Port was established, the huge profits brought by the merchant ships, and the large amount of capital injection by the Empire in the port of Ansia, Ansia Port has really changed from a small fishing village. A large harbour and a dock have been built, and the port has expanded more than ten times, and the scale has been able to rank in the top five in the inner sea area.

The barren islands that were originally barren became full of voices, and the ships sailed like clouds, but merchant ships came and went, but these were not related to the Anthea royal family. Although the 10% of the tax was quite considerable, it was annual. It was only settled once, so I looked at the rich oil that should have been put into my pocket. Most of them were taken by the empire. Anthea’s royal eyes were red like rabbits, and the dissatisfaction with the empire was more and more like the volcano on the island.

The Emperor Beijing Annual Meeting, the Central Europe Barro port country, Ancia representative is the most fierce one

As a result, no one expected that the empire used the opportunity of returning the port to blackmail the port country. After the annual meeting, the Central European Barro port country found that it was about to die in the toilet and was vigorously developed by the empire. The coast of Feishan, engaged in gambling and tourism, grabbed the original gold center of maritime trade in the past, and the Central European Barro port country thought that it could take profits, who knows but can only watch the huge sums of money to recover The port gradually withered, Anthea was already in poverty, and finally lived a good life for a few years, and was beaten back to a circle again, and also had a huge debt. The hatred of the empire can be imagined, dressed as a pirate robbery To and from the merchant ships, to prevent the imperial navy from entering the port, part of it was to ruin the face of the empire. On the other hand, it was also to demonstrate to the empire and force the empire to invest again in the port of Anthea.

After all, the location of the golden port of Ansia Port is there, and the huge investment in the early period of the Empire is there. The Anthea royal family did not believe that the empire would ignore the Anthea Port, and last month threatened to burn the port facilities. Actually, the powerful imperial navy can only leave in vain, which makes the Anthea people a little more sure.

The empire will definitely come back. If you want to get back to Anthea, you must pay enough money! This time it's not half a million imperial gold, I want to send us away!

"Suluo, you go with me, pay attention, pay more attention to the coast." A bald, five, three, rough Ansia pirate pulled up a companion, and several other Ansia pirates lazily sentries on the tidal flat. Looking at the surrounding sea from time to time, these Ansia pirates are actually sailors of the Anthea Kingdom. At the time when the port of Anthea was the most prosperous, they worked for merchant ships. As the number of merchant ships in the port decreased, plus The Anthea royal family pushed behind the scenes, and the sailors of these merchant ships became pirates. At the beginning, they gathered more than 300 people. As a result, they were attacked by the Imperial Navy once, and the rest were more than 40.

"What are you doing so nervous, even if the soft eggs of the Imperial Navy come, I don’t believe they dare to enter the port, and they will not be sloppy away by then." A pirate laughed disdainfully.

"What's that?" A pirate stood up sharply, looking at the distant sea. At the far side, where the water and the sky meet, a clear black line appeared. They appeared under the clear sky. Very eye-catching. The black line is getting closer and bigger, bigger and bigger, slowly, slowly, the pirates are seeing clearly, it is a huge fleet lined up, and there are too many to see how many ships there are.

"Send a signal to refuse the imperial navy to enter Hong Kong!"

In the port of Anthea, a middle-aged nobleman of Anthea looked back proudly and looked at the huge fleet emerging from afar~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The sneer unintentionally, the empire could not help but come , But what about it? Attacking a subordinate vassal state without authorization, even a barbaric empire cannot make it, so if you want to get back Ansia Port, there is no five million imperial gold! This time, Ansia will not be fooled again!

"Commander, the other party refused our fleet to enter Hong Kong!" came the voice from the flagship mast

"Reject, it's the enemy, order the fleet, prepare to fight!" Sieffinger looked up with a cold look in his hand. In the lens, a flag bearer could be seen standing on the high platform of the port, waving the flag towards the distant fleet. During the docking period of the Imperial Navy’s Third Squadron, many of the standard-bearers were trained, but I didn’t expect that the standard-bearers I cultivated would slogan and refuse to enter the port of the Imperial Navy. Sieffinger’s face became colder and colder. Turning the side slowly on the sea, the baffle on the other side of the ship's side turned like a fish scale, and the artillery of the artillery barn pushed the thunder **** on the other side out

"Rumble" shakes the mountain, the sea is boiling, the shelling of the Empire's Third Fleet swept away like a thunder, and the entire port of Anthea instantly became a fire, and the dense explosion sounded like exploding beans , A lot of facilities were hit, broken and flying, even the middle-aged nobleman of Anthea also turned into fly ash in a fierce fire

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