Whole Nation

: Three thousand four hundred and twenty-seven

The setting sun melts gold, the light of the sunset dyes most of the sea surface from the far sea level to red , It’s like a black cloud overlaid on the outside of the Port of Moore, and a scorched atmosphere before the war filled the entire Port of Moore

"Oh my god, it's the Sunrise Chamber's fleet!"

"The evil gangsters are here!"

The Bian people in the port yelled in fright. The recent rumors about a sunrise chamber of commerce can be said to have spread throughout the coast of Central Europe Baro. At first, no one took this so-called sunrise chamber of commerce seriously. , Even those countries that have received the ultimatum from the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce, more often regard this small chamber of commerce that can't figure out how much they weigh a few pounds as a joke.

Not to mention, there are all kinds of things in the streets and alleys, and even in the shortest time, a Central European Baroque proverb "Sunrise arrogance" was born.

But the ensuing events made the Central European Baros unhappy. Everyone thought that the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce would definitely break the blood at the head of Rockburg, which has the title of Xiaoqiang of Central Biya, and probably spread money to likes. The Medici family would generously reward some money when the beggar was killed. Who knew the news came, everyone's glasses were broken

The Sunrise Chamber of Commerce was not dismissed. Instead, Lockeburg, who possessed tens of thousands of elites, was pitted. He sent a blood in pain. Without counseling, he surrendered to a chamber of commerce. Who would have thought of such a thing, Even if the Medici family is worse, it is also at the regional monarchy level, not to mention that Rockburg has grown greatly in the past ten years under the management of the Medici family, especially the use of the Hungarian chaos to gather many talents and become The central economic and cultural center of Central Europe, even in the same position as other powerful Central European countries, is such a sharp country, facing a fleet of chambers of commerce, it has dropped.

Everyone hasn't pondered it, and some people even speculated whether the Medicis had any special strategy. They first relaxed the vigilance of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce, and then gave the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce a fatal blow before making such a ridiculous decision. But two days later, the Central European Baro people did not wait for the miracle of the Medici family to fight back. Instead, they got another news that shocked the entire Barbara.

Ansia, who has a certain naval combat power, was just violently and unreasonably blasted the gate by the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce’s fleet because of the rejection of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce’s fleet, and after sinking the fleet in the port, a group of Sunrise Chambers of Commerce The mercenaries rushed in, landed directly, and defeated the guard of the Anthea Palace, swept the Anthea Palace completely, and then forced the Antheians to sign a wonderful agreement for leasing the port to the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce for one hundred years.

This time, the Central European Baro people understood that this is what kind of chamber of commerce, this is a group of hooligans! Under the guise of debt collection, it is clear that one by one is to rob the Central Obaro port along the coastline,

The Beyonds in the Port of Moore are still lucky. After all, the strength of the Beyond Kingdom can also be ranked in the top five in Central Europe Baro, and the people of Beyond are tough, brave and warlike. There is a "fighting fish" in Central Europe Baro. In the title, in the early Hungarian tooth chaos, the powerful Hungarian cavalry attacked the two border cities in Bion,

Although the Hungarian cavalry finally captured two cities in Bion, resulting in the death of more than 13,000 soldiers in Bion, they also paid the price of 6,000 casualties. The military leader who led the Eastern Army had already killed Rila. In the south, there is an urgent need for follow-up troops. In view of the reason for the gathering of forces, the Hungarian tooth army who attacked Bion then withdrew from Bion and chose to bypass the border of Bion. The Bion side also tacitly did not attack the Hungarian tooth army. , But the resistance of the Beyond people is also evident. Even the Hungarians are not willing to bite this hard bone. This time, everyone’s eyes have also gathered in the Port of Moore, the Kingdom of Beyond.

Whether the Björn people can bear it is already a matter of the face of the entire Central European Baro. The Central and European Barrows are all small and medium-sized countries. The Kingdom of Björn is already the largest inside. If even the Björn people fail , Then there is no force to dare to resist along the coast of Central Europe Baro, and the always tough external kingdom of Bion is also on the one hand to assemble troops urgently, secretly putting a third of the kingdom’s troops into the direction of Port of Moore, on the other hand In order not to frighten the grass and snakes, the wind released from the outside is still the saying that the sunrise chamber of commerce absolutely dare not to provoke the Bian people.

"The ferocious Hungarian cavalry dared not provoke the warring Beyoncé. This sunrise chamber of commerce is a fart in front of us Beyoncé! The warrior Beyoncé is not a stupid Anthea, nor is it a life-and-death Locke Castle. If the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce really dares to come, we will let them sink in Port Moore!"

Then the courage of the Beyoncé did not hold on for an hour when they actually saw the fleet of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce over the sea,

Ships docked in the port lifted their sails out of the port. The Bian people in the port ran out of the way. The carriages of the dignitaries collided with each other and jammed on the road. The coachman shouted loudly, "Get out of the way, get out of the way, open your dog's eyes and see clearly, do you know whose carriage you blocked?"

In some neighborhoods, there were cases of mob smashing and robbery. The red fire smoke continued to ignite in the urban area. A long black smoke went up to the sky. The whole port of Moore rose in chaos.

"Sir, is the city below sending people to stabilize?" a general standing behind Brent, the head of the Bian Army, said hesitantly

"What to do, not so messy, how to make the enemies on the sea believe that there is no preparation here!" Brant shook his head calmly, and the sea breeze blowing from the height blew the red cloak behind him, and he was sharp Looking at the chaotic scene of the city below, there is no slight fluctuation in the cold face

Without messing up, how can the enemy be hooked!

In fact, after the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce broke the port of Anthea, he was already sure that the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce would come to Port More

He originally had time to evacuate the civilians in the city, but he ordered the blockade of the news that the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce was heading towards the Port of Moore, that is, to use the chaos in the port to make the Sunrise Chamber on the sea think that, The Port of Moore is completely unprepared, and now it seems that the effect is far better than expected, especially in a few blocks where smashing occurs, the smoky smoke is more proof of the port of Moore Chaos, and Brent knew that there was an expensive instrument in the imperial navy called the observatory that could watch a long distance. He believed that at this moment, in the fleet on the sea, someone was looking at the situation in Port More

This is also the reason why he put none of the 50,000 Bian army in Port Morel. He just wanted the other party to see what they saw. The real situation in Port Morel, the more real the better!

"However, it's really okay to leave it alone, is that really good?" The general was a bit overwhelmed. He was the head of the military at Port More, Angelia.

"Angria, I heard that your family is still in the city, right?" Brandt's eyes flashed and he asked in a condensed voice.

"Yes, sir." Anglia's breathing was a little quick, the city was so chaotic, and his wife and children were still in the city. If they knew this, they should be allowed to go to other places, but they were ordered three days ago. After attending the meeting, I was banned from the Xineng Palace. No news could be spread! Now it seems that this is exactly what Brant intentionally did

"I believe they will be safe. You don't have to worry so much. Those smashing phenomena are only done by the people I deliberately arranged. In fact, the city is not as chaotic as you think!"

Brant looked up calmly, and looked at the huge fleet that looked like a layer of black clouds in the distance. He took a deep breath and said, "Strictly speaking, Port Moore is a key node that blocks the sunrise chamber of commerce. It’s not particularly suitable. It doesn’t have a terrain that can be maintained, nor does it have heavy weapons that can threaten the sea fleet, but it is the only key node that we can possibly block the enemy. Because after a little over the Port of Moore, the coastline behind is flat. , The countries to which they belong are also small countries with weak national strength, and the Port of Moore is not only an excellent natural port. In May and June of each year, the sea water will hit Mexico because of the low terrain of the port. After the coast of Ayr Harbor, there is a kind of magical reverse flow,

"Backstream? I've heard it faintly, and my subordinates always thought it was just a legend." Anglia heard Brant's words and froze for a moment. The legend about the return of Port Morel was mostly It’s all hearsay, because the return has little effect on the ship, but it has a significant effect on the fish,

"Oh, the fishermen of Port Moore used this special confluence. In these two months, they often get twice or more than three times the output. Don’t forget, before I transferred to Wangdu, I was in Mexico. I’ve spent three full years in the port, and my favorite is to fish near the return embankment during this season. This is a secret that only local fishermen know. Even businessmen don’t know it. I know it because I like fishing. This secret"

"Adult hobby is really extensive"

Anglia looked embarrassed and said that in the eyes of nobles, entertainment can be hunting, horse riding, banqueting, chasing women, fishing, etc. This kind of thing is completely untouchable. It is no wonder that this Lord Brent has ever After leaving the Port of Moore, the situation in the Wangdu is not very good. Although the sword technique is quite outstanding, it is incompatible with the entire Wangdu aristocracy.

This time, it was said that the king was appointed as the person in charge of the 50,000 army, and he stepped into the ranks of the king's heart. It seemed to be a smooth move, soaring into the sky. In fact, it was also because it was a hard job and played well. Defeat a chamber of commerce with 50,000 troops. . . . . What is this record? If you don't play well, you will be embarrassed, which will not only cause damage to Bian Guowei, but will also become the laughing stock of the entire Obaro. Your life is over, and it is really worth the loss. It is no wonder that it was launched as a big deal!

"Adult, all the things that need to be prepared have arrived!" At this time, a Brent's subordinate officer came up from the back to report

On the surface of the sea, white waves splashed on the huge hull, spread to both sides, and collided with other waves, bursting out of white foam, if you have a pair of eyes looking down from the sky, You will find a wave of waves rippled like a huge gyration on the fleet flying the flag of the sunrise chamber of commerce, but only the height of the watchman on the mast, you can not find the mystery of the return of this huge bay

"It seems that our predictions are wrong. The Björn people did not expect that we would come."

Putting down the look glass in his hand, Sokutus Delan in a black dress glanced at the corners of her pretty mouth. Although she is not a soldier, she can also see that the chaos in Port Moore is true, the architectural style of Port Moore It is a typical open street with various exquisite two-story or three-story buildings on both sides. The black smoke rises in the city like a huge black dragon connecting the sky


Through the looking glass, Sokotus Stellar can see the red flames coming out of the lighted shops and houses, just like a giant red long snake rolling, tumbling, and the firefighters madly slamming the bucket. At the same time, the tipping carriage, the crying woman, and the gangsters and the resistance were scuffled together, and their heads broke blood until the blood fell to the ground. If this is also acting, then the performance of these Bionians is too Alright!

Sokotus Stellan is not a soldier after all, and now she also knows why the emperor had appointed Crimson Rui as the head of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce. It is because the whole woman is ruthless enough to be the youngest legion in the former Nord Kingdom long,

Decisively demanded shelling of Anthea Port, and then ordered the infantry to land and directly impact the king capital of the Anthea. The command and decisiveness displayed by the entire woman was completely contrary to its sweet appearance. For any resistance, only one order was issued. Just kill!

Crimson Rui was a woman of the Nord Warchen family known for its brutality, an Ansia. Crimson Rui directly ordered more than 30,000 killed, and then killed more than 10,000 people in the name of cleaning and arresting pirates.

More than 40,000 heads fell to the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~A quarter of the entire Anthia's population disappeared,

At the same time, it also directly eradicates any factors that may oppose the empire, leaving only a princess who is scared by the Anthea royal family as a tool to sign an agreement with the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce

The time for signing the lease agreement must be one hundred years. The problem is that Ansia’s royal family is dead, and a mad princess is left. It is impossible to live to a hundred years later, so Ansia’s port is actually an empire. Yes! If such a thing is to be done by Sokotosdalen, Sokotosdalen can't do it! After all, Sokotus Delan is not a soldier, unlike Crimson Rui who was used to the scene of the **** sea of ​​corpses, and spent a few years with Mao Monaqing, both the means and the courage have reached a considerable level Otherwise, how can we really hold the big ship of the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce!

"It does not look like an act, but I always feel that there is a problem here. Until now, we have not seen a city guard or security soldier on the street. Although I don’t know what the other party wants to do, but I I think there must be something waiting for us," Crimson Rui put down the lookout in his hand inexplicably, and said with a clear voice

"Submit the order, and strengthen your guard tonight!" Sokotus Stellan's face changed a bit. Out of the woman's intuition, she could feel that Crimson Rui had not lied.

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