Whole Nation

: Three thousand four hundred and fifty-four Scythe of the God of War (6)

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Under the dark, dark night sky, the fire in the distant Rocksburg was very clear. It was some burning houses. Several black smoke went straight to the sky in some parts of the city. Rockcastle, which had been calm for several years, was completely **** tonight. Encircled by the washing house, the Fontaine Palace, the main house of the Medici family, can be seen brightly lit.

The first move was the captains of the Medici with red feathers on their helmets. These Medici hounds broke into the aristocracy with the list in their hands, and soon came a chaotic voice, mixed with various All kinds of screams, at the same time, a team of Lockborough Castle guards entered the main streets of the city. Behind them, wearing a long pointed hat on their heads, the law enforcement team with a beheaded axe in their hands stood The central squares of these blocks are obviously hot summer nights, but they give a cold chill

A city guard officer looked at a gorgeous carriage coming slowly in the distance, he gritted his teeth, and walked up.

"stop for inspection"

The captain of the city guard raised his hand toward the oncoming carriage with an extremely cold face. The attendant on the carriage wore a red dress with curly hair on the head of the carriage. On the roof of the carriage, a star representing the kingdom of Aden The coat of arms is particularly eye-catching. Although the kingdom of Aden and the empire are belligerents, they belong to the nobles in Lockborough.

damn it! What is going on tonight?

The Captain of the City Guard didn’t know what happened just two hours ago, but he knew in his heart that something had happened.

"Captain Lagos, this is Lord Ashley's carriage? What do you want to do at Rockburg, you must know that Lord Ashga is the special envoy of the Kingdom of Aden, so you must take full responsibility for the diplomatic problems caused by this."

The attendant in the carriage clearly knew the officer of the city guard who was stopped, and his face suddenly couldn't hold, shouted loudly, although he was only an attendant, he was also the attendant of Aden, the special envoy of Aden, and the representative of Aidzha was the overlord of the Gulf of Aden. The face of the kingdom, what kind of thing is a Rockburg?

"Parking check, did you hear!"

The captain of the City Guard was blushing and his eyes were not far away from several figures in the uniform of the Medici family. The collar of the coat was high and the brim was low. This is Medici In the uniform of the home inspector, the captain of the city guard is very aware of the serious consequences of stopping this carriage, but the above order is to strictly investigate any passing carriage, even if the carriage is the family Prentas, Otherwise, as soon as a missing car is found, the following inspector will immediately grab himself without mercy, and then put the deputy captain who has been thinking about his position for a long time on top.

"Asshole, Ragus, you mad dog, do you think you've lived a long way? Isn't it. ┏XX④③⑨⑨┛..."

"Iron, stop and let them check"

A heavy voice came from the carriage, the door opened, and a thin, middle-aged nobleman in a gown came down from above

The middle-aged nobleman had a slightly prominent forehead, and his deep eyes gave a powerful feeling. He glanced around, and there was a look of surprise on his face. He was the special envoy of the Kingdom of Aden stationed in Lockborough. Although his status in the Kingdom of Aden is not high, he is just a marquis, but compared to the small forces in the region, Lockeburg is more than enough, and as a neutral force in Central Europe, Lockeburg is itself a party The center of information exchange of forces, especially in the past year, the tentacles of the Kingdom of Aden’s intelligence were pulled out by the Imperial Intelligence Department, and the intelligence personnel suffered heavy losses. There has even been a blank period for the intelligence of the Empire.

In addition, the center of gravity of the Kingdom of Aden began to lean eastward into Centralbia, and the investment in the west was even more stretched. The importance of Aisha, the special envoy of the Kingdom of Aden stationed in Rockborough, can be imagined.

Withdrawing his gaze from all around, Aisha had already felt a strong **** smell, and her eyebrows were frowning, "Is it Aisha? We are from the Medici family. Some things need your help to investigate!" When the officer wanted to say that there was no problem, several inspectors of the Medici parked on the road came over, which made the captain of the city guard even shiver. It was dangerous, if he deliberately released the water just now, I'm afraid I will be asked to leave together.

"Okay, I'll go with you"

Eisha just hesitated and nodded

Tonight, the situation is so tense, it seems that the Martins have started. The city guards throughout the street, the murderous Medici private army, it seems that the Medici family has decided to clean up whether it is successful or not. By the way, as one of the confederates of the Southern League, although the Martins did not tell Aden about the specific plan, they also vaguely warned Aden. At this time, if he hesitated, he was causing trouble for himself. Now he himself At least the Kingdom of Aden must be removed from this matter.

Eichza's determination saved his life,

"Fortunately, the Adenites should have no problem, otherwise, my Medici family will be in trouble." The head of the Medici family, Prentas, who was informed, breathed a sigh of relief and pressed the list in his hand on the table. At the same time, offending the two great powers of the South is also a huge pressure for Lockborough, but the Martin Luyas are all stolen, even if they do it, it can be said that the past is in the past, even if the Adens are also involved, But if you don’t check the Aden, the empire cannot explain

"Sir, it's almost time, although the people on the list haven't caught all of them, but there are only a few small fishes." An attendant of the Medici family glanced at the whitish sky and said carefully

"Go ahead" Prentas closed the list in his hand, closed his eyes for a while, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice

In the morning light shining from the east, a clerk of the Medici family read a series of names aloud, dozens of bare-blooded executioners lifted up the sharp axe of chopping people,

"Don't be so troublesome, just start." Prentas raised his hand grimly. Just now, Prentas had received a report from the military, and as expected, the 50,000 empire had already Quietly approaching Lockeburg fifteen miles, the Imperial Army came with a large number of Thor, and on the sea of ​​Lockeburg, just last night, the main force of the Empire Navy, which had originally docked at Ansia, had arrived at 4 am today. On the surface of Lockborough, according to the emergency report of the port, at least the side bunker baffle of more than fifty Imperial warships has been opened and is ready to shoot at any time.

Looking at such a report, the Lord Lockeburg’s heart was cold, even if the navy suddenly killed, Lockeburg had almost no naval power, only a few old ships bought from the original Strand The sail ship that was eliminated, but what happened to the army, and the 50,000 army of the empire was not a mouse, not to mention that on the way from the Kingdom of Rila to Lockeburg, it was impossible for 50,000 mice to be undetected, but The imperial army did it. It can only be said that the route was completely controlled by the emperor, so that the information could not be delivered. This should be the most terrible warning of the emperor.

As long as Lockeburg has a dissent, the empire can stand in the blink of an eye

"The master order, do not read it, just execute it"

The fast horse ran like a meteor and ran from the execution position. With a command, the cold flashing axe was violently lifted up, and it shone cold in the iron blue dawn dawn. Almost all the Martins in Lockborough were gathered here Liya merchants, nobles, a full 164 people, together with their families are nearly two thousand people, want to remember when to go, they put the butcher knife on the head of these people, why the empire did not put the butcher knife on it On his own neck, these people are not dead today. After dawn, the Medici family is dead!

"Kaka Kaka"

The axe cut the bone marrow and the head rolled off. The blood splattered high and high. Clothed people's heads are covered with cloth

People in the second row who were pushed up also had the same mouth, because they were stuffed and could not make a sound, and only whined a low, wailing noise. Old and weak women and children, there is no exception, it is useless to struggle for mercy, pushed up in a row, pressed by the executioner to kneel, and then axe flashed, even the executioner's face became ugly, and took a deep breath before his face Said rigidly "Next."

After killing a batch, another batch went up.

The shirtless shirtman's hand was steaming hot, and the thick steel axe was cut into a curl, and he continued to cut with a new axe, an hour of thick blood. Quickly immersed in the feet of the hands of the gentleman. Rows of headless bodies were carried on the carriage that had been prepared long ago

"Sir, Elder Prummu committed suicide!" In the distance, a fast horse flew by, and the messenger jumped from the horse before the horse stopped, and said in a hurry

Outer suburb of Rock Fort,

Pressing the documents sent by the messenger of the Medici family on the table, the dark-haired youth's eyelids were not lifted, and the wind blew in from outside the tent, lifting the corner of the robe covered by the emperor's armor. The one-eyed strong man wearing heavy armor is kneeling on one knee, and behind the strong man, dozens of imperial generals are kneeling on the ground in unison.

"His Majesty, the rebellion of the Kingdom of Beyond, his subordinates have unshirkable responsibilities. They dare not ask His Majesty for forgiveness, but only hope that His Majesty can give the glory of capturing the kingdom of Beyond. One-eyed Saron, the heavy military minister in Central Europe, is one of the five empire commanders of the empire. The name alone is enough to let the children stop crying. This time it can be regarded as a shipwreck in the gutter.

In order to equip the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce in the front, the entire Central European Baro nation was warned that "anything that is unfavorable to the legal behavior of the imperial merchants will be punished." The latter is the fire of the Kingdom of Bion in the Port of Moore that burned the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce. Overwhelmed by the loss, more than half of the loss, and then directly raised the banner against the Empire than the Kingdom

For Saron, it was a naked face, and even made Saron quicken the emperor's laughing stock. This famous tyrant of the empire, after a hundred battles, was invincible. It was able to withstand this. The kingdom launched an offensive, and who knew the emperor's order, he gave this task to Xiting Jun,

"I handed over the task of attacking the kingdom of Bion to Xiting Army, and you can understand that Saron is dissatisfied with this."

The dark-haired youth glanced sharply at Saron and the generals behind him, and he grumbled coldly. "But if I give you the task of attacking Bion, what are you going to do? It is in front of the whole of Europe In the face of the countries of Barrow, killing all the people of Beyond can show your glory? Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is that you do not know how to lose. The kingdom of Beyond is just a bureau set by our opponents for the empire. The Kingdom of Beyond made it clear that they would do their utmost to stay on guard. Even if you can finally defeat King Beyond, what you get in exchange is only the total collapse of the empire in South Europe, then you Saron can really become the history of the empire. The first legionnaire to be executed for failure"

"Or you Saron has already made the mortal awareness? But what's the use of your death? The empire's two years of hard work, hundreds of thousands of imperial warriors' **** battle, was ruined because of your so-called face! "The dark-haired youth stood up from the seat, Huo Ran suddenly smiled coldly, and sighed meaningfully.

"Do you know why I transferred Valisian and replaced you with Obaro?

"It should be in the name of his subordinates." Saron hesitated, and he thought it strange.

"Stupid, if you only need a murderous empire general to sit in town, how many emperors are there? You Salon is the governor of the Southwest and one of the five empire commanders. Let you come to sit in Central Obaro because of Central Obaro. It is an area that has not been conquered by the war of the empire. The southwestern empire of the empire is the center of land trade in the north. As your governor in the southwest, you can stand on your own and you should be able to use commercial relations to capture the Central European countries. What did you do when you joined the Empire camp? For two years, not only did the Central European Baro countries not enter the Imperial camp, but also the Central European Baro made frequent troubles. If you can realize this earlier, you won’t Today’s situation!"

"Subordinate **** it!"

Saron's face was pale and his head was knocking on the ground

If it wasn’t for the emperor’s order, he really didn’t expect this. Although he was in charge of Central Obaro, the identity of the governor of the southwestern empire was still there, and he still controlled the southwestern empire of the empire. The southwestern region was the imperial commercial center in the Gaul region Business is prosperous and densely populated, and it is an area where the imperial productivity is a key input, supporting most of the trade in the imperial Gaul

The hostility of the Central European Baro region to the empire is largely due to the empire’s excessive management of coastal ports, which has seriously affected their vested interests. This is the way people feel. These countries receive benefits from ports, and they should be grateful. The empire, but watching the empire grab a profit that was unbelievable in the past, after a long time, naturally naturally resent the empire

Salon never thought about it. In fact, he can take advantage of his position as governor of the Southwest Region ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to find a land trade line for the Central European Baro countries. As long as time passes, the Central European Baro countries will naturally Belonged to the imperial camp, but unfortunately, for a full two years, it was just wasted,

"Get up, for your sake of salvation, I am not afraid to reveal it to you, let Xi Tingjun deal with the hard bones of the Beyond, because Xiting Jun has the natural advantage of being able to use his fat fat eyes. The blue sky beyond the military account, sighed, "This time, the Beyoncés have decided to stay dead. If they want to capture the capital of Beyond, the empire will have to pay at least one hundred thousand people. Say, let the empire lose face"

"The Xiting Army can slaughter civilians without any care, drive the civilians to attack the dead place of the Beyonds, and let the Beyonds collapse from the inside. When the Xitings are finished, they can go, and you can also leave after Saron? Empire Although it has the name of brutality, the empire is not omnipotent. Isn't the empire killing a region after conquering it?"

"And don’t forget, it’s the Sunrise Chamber of Commerce that burned the fire in the Port of Moore, not the Imperial Navy. What’s going on with your Saron to kill the Beyoncé? If you let Saron do it, you will Even if Long’s first name was completely destroyed, he would wait until Xi Ting’s army captured King Bion’s capital. You Saron would come forward and ask Xi Ting’s army to evacuate. The identity of the Governor of the Southwest District, without me, you should know how to do it!"

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