Whole Nation

: Three thousand four hundred and seventy four (12)

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War has always been a cruel competition. The winner can lead the song, but the loser can only quit. The premise is that they can save a life. Duke Geng Di, the only high-ranking Lord of the Northland, knows Prince Albert When the army counterattacked the commander of the Northland Noble Army, who was attacking the Northland, when he heard the news of the night attack of the Imperial Army outside the camp, even if he was known as the first general of Northland, Duke Geng Di, who had experienced many wars, It was black again in front of my eyes, and immediately spit out a black blood

Duke Geng Di's whole person was solidified on the seat like a statue, and the two attendants fanned the wind beside him. No matter how Duke Geng Di was once the powerful influential fate of the Kingdom of Fezer, it is now more than sixty The old man, not to mention the southward march, fighting all the way, eating and sleeping, even if it is still a young and middle-aged man and he can't eat it, let alone an old man in his sixties.

Duke Geng Di's terrible red eyes didn't know what to think. Within the military account, the generals of Geng Dijun dare not breathe one by one, but only heard the sound of fighting in the distance from the camp, like a landslide and tsunami. Come,

Everyone looked at what the situation outside was like, but the Emperor suddenly counterattacked, as the most powerful Geng Dijun in the Noble Army of the Hokuriku, but at the moment it was quiet, I am afraid that the other families also scolded Geng Dijun at his heart. In the bones, but Grand Duke Geng Di couldn't give orders, everyone had to put these doubts in his stomach

Outside the military account, the elite troops of the six-thousand Gengdi family were watered under the rain, but the queue was silent, and only a pair of eyes looked suspiciously at the military account of the Duke. The captains of the teams in white cloaks behind each other He murmured in a low voice, and the West Coast was in front of him. If the Emperor chose to defend a certain place, or it would cause considerable obstruction, and now the Emperor team is also actively rushing up. This is not to find death. As long as the military order comes down, defeat this The imperial team, it is rumored that the west coast of Jinshan and Yinshan has no resistance at all, and it will not be able to do anything at that time! I don't know what the adults are thinking, what else to consider, why the war order has not come down!

"Just got the news, just as we fought **** battles to seize the West Coast, the despicable Prince Albert has betrayed us, abandoned the area of ​​King Fitzer, and led 20,000 troops to the Northland portal Fenglongbao "Duke Geng Di took a deep breath under the eyes of everyone, and Shen Sheng said the news that shocked everyone

"What, Prince Albert, bastard!"

"I knew that I shouldn't believe him. He had betrayed the royal family, and now he has betrayed us again!"

The generals of Geng Di's family who were all revolving around their stomachs changed their faces at the moment. Finally, they knew why Lord Geng Di's expression was so lost. Everyone's territory was in Hokuriku. Now, what about the West Coast!

"It's not too late. The main forces of Hokuriku have gone south. The entire Hokuriku is empty. We must recapture the road to the north before Albert has captured Hokuriku!" Duke Geng Di got up and shook his head, gazing A deep look outside the military tent, a grin on the corner of my mouth." And Albert, this bastard, not only wanted to **** our Hokuriku, I even suspected that he had joined forces with the emperor! Otherwise, why not come early, not late , Prince Albert turned to attack Hokuriku, and the Imperial team took the initiative to counterattack."

Grand Duke Geng Di's voice paused, and his mouth grinned. "The emperor must have thought that our army would inevitably shake the heart of the army when they heard the news. It was a pity that the emperor team did not expect it. This news did not spread, even if the Imperial team is even more powerful, that is, less than 20,000 troops, how can the North Army face 40,000 or 50,000, but it is so desperate, I don’t know if the Emperor’s commander is What do you think?"

"The Grand Duke's book is right, the emperor took the initiative to attack, but we saved our time."

"The subordinates were wondering just now, why the Emperor Team would suddenly counterattack. Now when I hear the Grand Duke, I know why the Emperor Team is crazy.

"So don't tell everyone about this news for now!" Grand Duke Geng Di turned from the gate of the military account and beat back. He raised his right hand to the left and right generals and waved his hand. It is indeed the figure of the first general in the Northland, although it is already old , But between hands and feet, you can still see a bit of the oppressive momentum of the old man,

The camp outside the military account, I don’t know how many people are involved in the chaos, the momentum seems quite scary, but Duke Geng Di does not think it is a serious matter, the intelligence of the entire North Army is still stuck five or six days ago , But it has neglected because the Fez nobility on the west coast was shocked and suppressed. In just five or six days, the military strength of the empire on the west coast was no longer than the previous 20,000, but it was more than 100,000. The army was completely cut off from intelligence, and the Northland Noble Army with self-confessed victory has become blind and deaf. Duke Geng Di believes that if other families know that Prince Albert has gone to Northland at this time, they will be shaken. The military's heart is counterproductive, and wait until the other families repel the attack tonight,

He said to an attendant, "You arrange for several people to stay and wait till dawn to tell other families about this."

"Yes," the attendant nodded and turned to arrange for someone to go

The temporary decision of Duke Geng Di made Geng Dijun, the most powerful of the Northland Noble Army, evacuate in the night of the life and death of the Northland Noble Army, compared to the more than 40,000 Northland Noble Army killed that night. The unknown Geng Dijun is lucky. The fastest update ┏Χ④④⑨⑨┛ But on the third day, when he was bitten by the scouts of the imperial cavalry, Geng Dijun had already begun to feel something was wrong. Duke Gengdi ordered light forward, and was chased by the imperial cavalry like a wolf dog for a night. Unfortunately, the imperial cavalry The number is only six hundred, which is enough to make Geng Dijun stagnate. In the area of ​​King Fezer, Geng Dijun was bitten again and suffered heavy losses under the attack of the imperial cavalry.

The army of more than 6,000 people, after two days and two nights of rushing, traversed the area of ​​King Fezer, and reached less than 4,000 when it arrived on the Hokuriku Plateau

Grand Duke Geng Di's body almost collapsed, and was awakened by the harsh early morning wind. When he woke up, he only felt that his body was sore with pain, and his headache was splitting, and his throat was thirsty like a fire. Burning, his eyelids were heavy like a thousand pounds of shot, he groaned painfully: "Water!" The attendant quickly passed the kettle, he greedily grabbed the spout with his trembling hand, and swallowed the water with a big mouth. . But only half of the first sip, he spit it out: the water in the pot was smelly and fishy, ​​with an unpleasant smell of mud and blood, the attendant whispered in the ear, "Master, overcome it , All the wells have been filled, and this can only be found temporarily."

Duke Geng Di knew in his heart that the entire King Fezer was swept clean all the way south by the Noble Army of the Hokuriku, and that when the Imperial Reclamation Army was evacuated, all the wells along the way were filled with stones. Now they want to dig temporarily. Unable to do it, he swallowed a sip of water with nausea, but could not drink a third bite anymore. He lay down weakly, feeling like he was shaking in a boat, and Duke Geng Di was being stretched Carrying forward, in the rhythmic shaking, he fell into a trance state that was half awake and half unconscious. When he woke up for the second time, it was already the afternoon of the day. Looking out of the stretcher, the brown road under the stretcher glides endlessly,

"Road to the North!"

There were cheers all around, the soldiers shouted in excitement, the road to the north, this is the only name that the Fezers have for this road along with the Hokuriku Plateau, lying on a stretcher, Duke Geng Di's complex look In front of the inexplicable confusion, just over half a month ago, 60,000 Northland Noble Army entered the area of ​​King Fezer from this road, and now it is back, it is really only three or four thousand in front of it. Man, a servant hurried towards him,

"Where are we?"

"The Grand Duke, we have arrived on the road to the north. As long as we move forward, it will be Hokuriku!"

"Is there any news from other families?" Duke Geng Di's pale old face was struggling to sit up and look around. Among the brown groves dyed with summer colors, the dense foliage was the verdant color, hovering Flying around. The sun is shining on the large slopes of the fields, the large forests in the distance appear under the blue dazzling sky, and a road extending northward gradually disappears in front of the raised plateau

"not yet"

The servant shook his head ugly, and the news from the south was not yet sure, but the emperor team appeared behind to bite it, and it already explained many problems in itself. If the main force of the Northland noble army is still there, the emperor team does not care. I won’t bite it, but who would dare to say that? If you know, it’s the main force of the entire Northland Noble Army. Forty or fifty thousand lives will disappear in one night. This is for the entire Northland family. In terms of near destruction, it is not an exaggeration. Now the whole army is forbidden to talk about this matter, because it is too scary and desperate.

Duke Geng Di's eyes withdrew from the far north road and sat up from the stretcher. He came to his horse and struggled to take out a pack of oily cloth from the horse. Package, solemnly handed to the attendant. Seeing that Duke Geng Di was so solemn, the servants did not dare to ignore it, and took the package with both hands, "Duke, is this?"

"This is the flag of my Northern Army." Duke Geng Di closed his eyes and said after a few seconds of silence. The attendant knelt down and raised the package with his hands above his head. His voice was a little trembling with excitement. "Duke!"

"Open, let me see." Grand Duke Geng Di's voice twitched slightly. The flag of the Hokuriku Coalition Army, if going south this time, it will also be the national flag of the Hokuriku State, but now, it can only be I dreamed that the main force of the Hokuriku noble army was lost, Prince Albert's army invaded Hokuriku, and there are still unknown how many imperial teams are coming over

Northland, the wind and rain, how will the fate of each family have been completely out of control, the servant under his eyes, carefully opened the carefully packed package, took out the flag, shook away, grabbed a corner, smoothed Flag. The attendant and the two guards worked together to unfold the military flag and let Duke Geng Di look at the smooth banner. The proud Hokuriku white-hair eagle gazed at the crowd with a majestic look.

"Go, find a high place, and hang the flag! If you can still arrive here alive, you will see this flag." Duke Geng Di's hand gently touched the surface of the military flag, his voice murmured, reflected in the sunset at dusk, The flag fluttered lonely on the high slope, the white-haired eagle flag was bleak and desolate, and everyone gathered before the high **** to silence

"Okay, let's go home!"

Duke Geng Di raised his finger and headed northward. This one-way road blocked the Fizers for more than a hundred years. At that time, the Anstai dynasty built a very strong fortress on this road, and the Prince Albert army must also Some guards will be left behind. Now the whole army is tired, and the morale of the army is even lower. If you don’t find some means to inspire, I am afraid that you want to return to Hokuriku, but Albert wants to complete the work on Hokuriku as soon as possible. Conquer, there will be no more troops left, and Albert will never think that he came back so fast. Facts have proved that Duke Geng Di’s guess is correct.

Prince Albert has only two thousand troops left on the mountain road. Although these two thousand people do not seem to be many, they are more than one-tenth of the current strength of Prince Albert. According to Prince Albert’s expectations, the North The Army of the Noble Army had to scrape off on the west coast for more than half a month before they were willing to leave, so under normal circumstances, two thousand people only need to be able to stay on the mountain road fortress and report the situation at any time, even if they didn’t take it for half a month. Going down the entire Northland, but most of the Northland can still do it, but unfortunately, the two thousand Alberts encountered Duke Gengdi who knew the road ahead.

Geng Dijun, who suddenly returned to the army, was like a group of hungry wolves. He was the first to see not the enemy, but a lot of corpses of nearby civilians. His eyes turned red at a glance. The rotation of the fortress, the relationship with these Northland civilians is quite good, and even some soldiers are from nearby civilians, because there is no time to deal with these corpses, the Albert army is randomly throwing them in the low-lying mud, but did not expect Geng Dijun to take advantage of Night came up, and when it was discovered, it was already in chaos. Geng Dijun was holding the shield, watching his companions falling down, and desperately rushing towards the fortress.

"Pap Pap Pap 1" Dozens of simple long ladders leaned against the entrance of the fortress, and there were more than a dozen Geng Di's black silks at the foot of each ladder. Prevent this simple long ladder from pushing down. The previous group was killed and returned, and more people still climbed the long ladder. Either empty-handed, or just desperately climb up without cover. "Pap! Pap! Pap!" Countless cups dropped from the wall and hit the people who were climbing the city. These cups burst on the heavy armor~www.wuxiaspot.com~Geng Dijun wearing the heavy armor produced by the Empire Heavy infantry, just shake the body a little, and continue to move upward, seeing the Albert soldiers above feel a chill in their hearts

"Asshole, it is Geng Di's heavy infantry!" Someone immediately recognized the family emblem of Geng Di's family. Geng Di's family is the most heavily armored infantry family among the nobles of the Northland. The heavy armor on the body was purchased from the Empire. Inch-shaped armor leaves are layered with leather buckles, just like a few thick layers of armor, the arrow clusters are difficult to wear, and the spear will be stuck if it is pierced, unless it is smashed by a heavy weapon. It is difficult to break through in one fell swoop. In the face of these heavy infantry infantry, the soldiers left by Prince Albert have no way at all. Only one night, the fortress fell, and the obstacle to the northward path was opened.

The rain hit the body like a bead of broken rope, and the tail of the rainy season that has passed has just caught up

Duke Geng Di immediately stained the fortress in front of his eyes. Inside the gate opened, more than two hundred prisoners of the Albert army could be seen with their hands tied behind their backs, and they were forced to kneel on the road into the fortress. Behind them stood a Geng Dijun with a sharp blade. As the horse of the Duke Gengdi slowly moved forward to every position, Geng Dijun standing behind the captive would cut the neck of the captive without hesitation, and the head Rolling down, blood flowing like a pillar of water, the rainstorm hit the gorgeous flag of the Geng Di family, the rain was like a mess of broken beads beating on the muddy ground, like a turbulent flow rolling wildly on this land

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