Whole Nation

: Three thousand four hundred and eighty two

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The sun was still looking hot. The morning was about to pass, and the hot winds were blowing in the wilderness, listening to the late summer thunder from the north. Lightel stretched a lazy waist lazily and came outside the military account, and the hills that stretched to the north The sparkling river, the flying birds gradually turned into white spots, a piece of tranquility, but just two days ago, the last hope of the Royal Family of Prince Zee was wiped out here, once invaded by human blood The purple hero flower seems to grow more lush, and the purple is filled

"Master, from the morning, the eyes of the Hokuriku people outside the camp were completely removed." The adjutant came up with a weird face and whispered.

"Add three more patrols, let out scouts and pay attention to the twenty-mile range of the camp. Others don't care. "Letter, who knows what happened, did not show surprise. After a little silence, he waved his hand and asked " How is the situation in the military, does anyone express dissatisfaction with the sudden order to repair?"

"No one expressed dissatisfaction, but now everyone says that adults are like soldiers. Everyone coming from the West Coast can finally take a breath!" The adjutant said seriously.

Lightl took a deep breath with a stunned look, his eyes flashed stunned, he was not familiar with the innocent worry, but suddenly ordered the whole army to repair, which was for killing Hokuriku in one fell swoop and defeating Ai with a strong impact Prince Burt’s army, looking at the 100,000 armies of the Empire that is no longer invincible in the entire Northland, is definitely like a stick.

The adjutant seemed to have guessed Lightl’s worries and smiled, "Master, don’t forget, we marched all the way from the West Coast Roston City day and night across the entire Fezer King area. It’s hard to eat, not to mention that our temporary recruitment team, if it’s not for this time, the bounty is high enough, and just outside the city of Roston, it just cut more than 40,000 heads, which is not enough. I’m afraid that someone will ask for it halfway. Complaining, now that everyone has killed more than 20,000 heads, what are you waiting for?

"Ah, is that true?"

Hearing the words of the adjutant, Lightl opened his mouth with an open mouth. He was indeed a little afraid in his heart. He was really blinded by the victory of Roston City. He even forgot the emperor in front of him. It is a temporary pull-out force. In addition to being compiled into the more than ten thousand former Nords who are truly capable, they are the backbone of the war resistance. The other 70,000 or 80,000 people are either the former Fitzer Slave or the bounty. The attracted caravan mercenary, the World War One outside of Roston, completely cut off more than 40,000 heads of the Northland Noble Army with a single blow, and then immediately followed the Northland Remnant Army all the way north. Come and take a breath, and then fought against the elite Abit army in the north into Yamaguchi

After the two wars, although both were victories, the casualties of the Hundred Thousand Emperor Team were equally heavy, with a total of more than 10,000 battle losses and four or five thousand wounded soldiers. When falling back, in this case, if you switch to yourself, and hear the above order is a trimming order, not a command to continue forward, it is good not to send cheers. Who will control what is the reason? , I didn't expect it, Eistante undoubtedly looked at it, then. Collect this site ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛. . . . . Thinking of the report received this morning, Lightl looked excitedly and asked the adjutant, where is Esante now?

"When the subordinate just came, Lord Estanto was resting"

"Yes, go find Esante, no, let me go." Leiter left his military account, and a few minutes later, came to Esante's military account and saw that the curtain of the military account was open, I can see what Estanter is standing in front of the northern land map and look at it. Sure enough, this is really what Estanter did!

Lightl walked in with excitement and reached out and patted Eistante who was staring at the map. "Estante, let Xi Tingjun bypass the Gengdi family. This is too clever. I believe that the Gengdi family has already Seen as a traitor by the entire Hokuriku, how did you think of this approach?"

Estante looked up in consternation 1 and saw that it was Lightl, and his face was startled. "Let Xi Tingjun bypass the Geng Di's house. Isn't it the order that the adults gave Xiting Jun?"

"What else do we need to pretend between the two of us, if it were not for you to let Xi Tingjun circumvent Geng Di's family, how could Xi Ting Jun make no crime against Geng Di's family autumn, but instead bleed the blood killed by other northern forces into the river" Leiter face With a smile on his face, does this Estante have to conceal himself? Then Lightl saw the opposite face of Eisante change

"Isn't... really not your order?" Lightl's smile froze on the corner of his mouth, and from Esante's disguised face, it seemed to feel something.

"I can say with certainty that I did not give such orders to the Xiting Army!" Eistat took a deep breath, shrugged his shoulders embarrassedly, and said to the stunned Lightl, "You did not hear it wrong, and My identity, the Xiting Army will not listen to me! You know, the Xiting Army is a direct force of His Majesty the Emperor. Although he is part of the Emperor’s Team, he never belongs to the Ministry of Emperor’s Affairs and is his private force. Do you think I, a regional flag leader, can order the emperor's private troops? But Xiting Army did not attack Geng Di's family. It is a fact that if there is no order, how could Xi Ting Army put Geng Di's largest piece of fat meat unmoved?"

"Therefore, there is only one possibility. Only the emperor can keep the Xiting Army from moving the Geng Di's family. That is to say, the greatest possibility of the emperor is that he has reached the west coast. Otherwise, it is impossible to go southward to the Xiting Army in such a short time. Adjusted, "Esante raised his head and looked at the purple meadow covered with earth, with a bit of bitterness at the corner of his mouth. Everything that he had shown since he killed the 60,000 noble army outside of Roston was in control. The expression of his face reveals a deep sense of frustration. At the time of Nord's defeat, although Eistante finally surrendered to the empire, he was not convinced from the heart, but at this moment, he was really deeply hit.

Hearing Esante's speculation, Lightl was also slightly trembling. Yes, no one except the emperor could command the Xiting Army! Although it is Hokuriku, it is actually only three or four hundred miles from the west coast. According to the speed of the emperor's homing pigeons, one day and one night can go back and forth. The emperor either arrived at the west coast in advance, or was already on the west coast!

"Then what shall we do now?" Lightl's voice was a little trembling

"If it's really the emperor's order, then it's interesting!" Estante's mouth suddenly laughed, but the smile inside gave people a strong sense of stormy wind and wind.

Lightl was silent. He was actually a little scared. As a pure Southern European Baro, he knew more about this Battle of Hokuriku and was more shocked. The nobles of Hokuriku went south, The northward advance of the Martin Liga Army, the counterattack of the Aristocratic Southern Noble Group, and the rebellion of the Bianites in the Central European Baro region, within two months, several major forces in the south suddenly started, and the total force used exceeded one million. Going to half of the southern Europe Baro region, Southern Europe Baro's battles were scattered in the blink of an eye. Even the powerful Northern Falcon Empire suddenly faced the counterattack of the entire Southern Group, fearing that it would be in a hurry

If you are a little careless, you will be defeated in the Second North-South War, and you will spit out all the dividends from the South in the previous two years, and the empire’s power will be suspended. I don’t know how many eyes I have. Staring at this land and staring at what the empire will do, is it a complete loss of the territory of the South European Baro, and after 20 years of inability to go south again, or is it once again to slap the opponent from the absolute backside with an amazing strategy

At the moment, the emperor was secretly taking the west coast. As long as you think about the meaning inside, it is enough to make people feel hard to breathe. In the first North-South War, the imperial emperor used one force against the entire south, and killed the southern head with inferior forces. Rolling, it can be said to cast a psychological shadow over the entire south, and this time the North-South War, the emperor started with the battle of the North Land, what mystery is contained in the end?

"In fact, don't be too nervous, just pay close attention"

Estante seemed to be used to it, and he said to the wandering lighter that he stretched out a long lazy waist, walked to the military booth he was laying on the ground, and sat down. "You don’t understand the style of the emperor, If you don’t shoot, you must kill in one hit. In fact, I am also curious. At least as far as I know, the Hokuriku nobles are now gathered in Ellensburg, and there are 20,000 troops on the bright side, and Allens The fort is located in the Great Lakes, and there is only one road that can pass through. Even if it is a multiple of the force, it can not be expanded more than five thousand people at a time. The Geng Di family of power can certainly make cracks in the northern land nobles, but this is only the case. If you want to collapse the northern land nobles, it is also difficult!"

Leiter left Esante's camp and looked at the purple hero flowers in front of the dense land, but his heart was still difficult to calm down, or Essenter was right, the emperor's method was not normal and can be guessed, since it is himself Chess piece, you should have the consciousness of being a chess piece. Half of it has passed in three days. Since there is no new order, we will stay here and watch to see if Xi Tingjun can break the completely unsolvable Ai on the last day. Leinsburg!

For Ellensburg, Leiter also studied. Even with his rich experience, he finally thought that this sturdy fortress surrounded by water on all sides of the lake was perfect enough to have no shortcomings. Six corner castles surrounded the main castle. The thick fort wall up to 40 meters high, as well as the trebuchet machine set up high, can throw the sling to any corner of Ellensburg. If someone attacks, these slings will make the raiders pay a heavy price Almost the only road was blocked, and no matter which direction the attackers attacked, they could not avoid the blow through the high altitude. In the end, the only way that Leiter could think of was to drive the imperial naval warship into the lake. Come, use the Thor on the battleship to tear the defense of Ellensburg directly,

But the problem is, it’s simply impossible. The imperial naval warship can’t drive in. It’s a lake that converges from the melting snow flowing from the mountains in the north. It is not connected to other waterway systems at all. Even if the imperial infantry cluster wants to break this The stronghold is afraid that it will take a considerable amount of time and strength, not to mention that Xi Tingjun is not good at siege!

Fort Molina,

Bloodlines are spreading. The moat outside the castle was dyed crimson, and the arrows with flames in the sky kept traversing. In the light and darkness of the river, the body stretched, and the Northland soldiers with the blades of arms stood up from the pool of blood staggeringly, just a few meters away, the cavalry team of the Duowei Department was like another side by side with the White River. A torrent of torrents was killed by howling, countless canine teeth on both sides of the river, the fire burned the woods, howling in the wind, the war horses stopped densely in front of the raised earth slope, giving an indescribable deterrent, the huge flag was dark In the middle of the wind, the main castle gate suspension bridge in the distance fell heavily

The Duowei cavalry who went to explore the road frantically infused,

"The door, the door is open!"

A stern shout, the black line of the brigade slowly accelerated forward, and the ground began to tremble under the sound of a tumbling horseshoe. The line of attack of the war horses thundered like a huge hug. The defenders on the battlements were completely chaotic. Before a group of infantry soldiers approached the gate, they were overwhelmed by the Duowei cavalry pouring into the gate. The scimitar waved like lightning, and immediately cut on the body of the person. Crossed the scimitar, the **** head flew up at once

The sound of a "horse horse" crashing into the crowd~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly rolled up a **** color, bringing up a sky of blood stains, the head of the big fight was split into the air by the arc of the war knife, and the horse was swept by thunder. , The black cavalry armor drenched in blood, the guard's shining scimitar moves forward like a wave, the melee cavalry swoops like a huge fan towards the gate, like a huge dark cloud covering the front direction, and there is only Light riding in leather armor, crazy accelerated into

"Don't fight, we surrendered!" A crying father shouted at the entrance of the battlement. Anyway, the situation has already collapsed. Molina Castle, which has a large amount of food, fell. This time, the Xiting Army unexpectedly accepted the surrender.

The second daytime was definitely the most difficult day for all the people gathered in Ellensburg. With the first day’s lessons, the Hokuriku families have paid close attention to their territory, but with the news Snow flakes usually fly, and Ellensburg explodes again

"Why, why did the enemy accept the surrender of Fort Molina?" A young head of the family crushed the received report on the table in a huff, and immediately a head of the family rushed over to grab his collar, Shout out, "What do you mean, do you have to be slaughtered by the Kurie family, will my Molina family also be slaughtered? And not only my Molina castle, but also Eicher City, Feitangu's Surrender has also been accepted, why don’t you talk about them!"

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