Whole Nation

: Three thousand five hundred ninety-eight Dead door (1)

"What happened, why did Cooper's Fourth Army still have no news?" Spike's eyes flashed cold, turning his head to look at the generals behind him, and the generals couldn't help feeling a chill.

The fourth army of Cooper bears the north of the Holy City, and the direction of the imperial army is north, so the most arduous is the north. The other three directions are only more than 10,000 people. Only the north sends the entire fourth army. A cavalry of 24,000 people, as long as it does not encounter the main force of the Imperial Army, how can it be enough?

But now, the Fourth Army has no news, and the generals are looking at each other, don’t know how to answer. This battle has been practiced many times, the division of labor is close, the goal is clear, the army is killed in the Holy City, in order to avoid being surrounded To cut off support to the Holy City, all four directions of the Holy City must be taken down. This is not a joke. It is related to the life and death of more than 100,000 invading the army. It is related to the victory or defeat of the entire battle. Even if Spike appreciates it Cooper, if you mess up on this task, you will be rudely ordered to cut Cooper's head!

"His Royal Highness, the Fourth Army had already returned the report of the attack on the strategic goal of An Luo City, which was 15 miles away. Two hours, according to the character of this guy, if you don’t go forward, you will go forward for another seven or eight miles. The distance is not Cooper, and the guy is not an idle person. "Looking at Commander Spike's frown, a general Martin Liya stood up and said quickly

"Su Libi, you personally take someone. Before dawn, be sure to contact the Fourth Army!"

Spike said in a cold voice, the fear of his face was blue, the holy capital raid laid the decisive status of his army commander, a breath of generals that diffused from his body, and let the surrounding air solidify for a moment, and now it was dawn How long? One hour? Two hours? It’s a dozen miles to go back and forth, even if people can’t run, the horses can’t stand it, but the general Martin Liya swallowed ugly, and didn’t dare to show any disobedience. The respectful response "Yes, Your Highness" turned and rode on his own horse.

This is the case with wars. There is no human common sense. Although Spike’s orders are not close to humans, there are no mistakes. More than one hundred thousand troops are waiting. A war is over, and it’s normal to not have eyes closed for days and nights. The situation of running several horses is even more common. The military order is the military order. The enemy will not give you reason, let you rest, and wait for you to prepare! What's more, this raid on the Holy Capital is to take the chestnut in front of the imperial army. A little carelessness may be the result of looting. Not only the Holy are fighting in the dead, but the other three acropolises are also fighting in the dead. The **** is the bastard. I am crazy, I am afraid I have forgotten that the army is still waiting for his reply. Everyone who engages in eats the cold wind here in the middle of the night. When he is found, he will take two whips and release his hatred!

Waiting for the general Martin Liege to go into the night, Spike turned around and said to the generals behind him, "No matter what is the situation with Cooper's Fourth Army, we can't wait any longer, order Go down and prepare for an offensive across the board. I want the first dawn before dawn to shine on the city gates opened by the Holy City!"

"Yes, Your Highness"

The generals responded, and responded neatly. The horn sounded across the vast ground outside the Holy City. Spike looked coldly at the wall of the Holy City in the distant fire. Behind Martin Liya, the lords of the generals guarded to form 30,000 elite. It began to slowly spread out the formation front. This siege battle has been fought for more than four hours. Even if the garrison in the Holy City is made of steel, it should be time for exhaustion to break up. It is the fighting strength of both sides, the strong lateral force of willpower, and he has left the most powerful 30,000 troops in the present. What he is asking for is the most powerful city-breaking blow. You know, just to put 30,000 deputy infantry all the way back Pulled down to the Holy City, he used more than 5,000 war horses, and these 30,000 heavy armor had already used the biggest face of the Yi people’s crown prince, and they got it from the military department of the Martin Kingdom. The sum of all heavy armor purchased by Martin Liya in the past two years

This was Spike's killer tool used to attack the Holy City, and now it is finally time to show his edge.

Spike looked calmly at the army creeping in front of the Holy City like a tide, raised his right hand high, and at the end was the city wall under the night of the Holy City. The first attack queue was Spike's heavy armor Count Busey The three teams, the two in the middle are elite troops in battle, the heavy steel array is neatly forward, and the queue is black and overflowing like an avalanche.

"Everyone, follow me." In order to protect these heavy armoured infantry, the already retired Martin Forces once again surged up, and the generals of the army are still constantly dispatching troops, but these Martin Forces The soldiers, like the legionary soldiers in the city, are starting to wear out physically and mentally. In their eyes, this towering and sturdy holy city is like a meat grinder. The people who go up are either corpses or miserable. After falling down, the rock was thrown from a height, and the people who hit the wooden ladder were upset. The air was filled with a strong **** smell. The Martin Liya soldiers standing under the city felt that the feet were all soft and bloody. The corpse is sticky under the feet. It is red blood flowing like a stream like a brook. The front of the city is thick and stacked one after another.

"Everyone moves forward!"

"The retreat cut!"

"Damn, can't you take a break?" Compared with the command of the infantry captains, some Martin Liya soldiers whispered that they had been fighting for several hours before they were withdrawn from the front less than half. Hour, it was pushed up again, as long as it was human, no one could bear it, but the military order rang in the ear and had to move forward. But the footsteps were undoubtedly slower, bursting into the Holy Capital in one breath, and then more than three hours of assault, even the arms waving the arms were swollen, slowly moving forward a little bit, just looking forward to something else Hurry up, don’t take your turn to climb the "meat grinder". At first, the momentum of scrambling and leading has already dissipated a lot.

It’s just this scene, which is obviously invisible to the commanding team of Martin Force, who thinks that winning

"It seems that Si Duhan was right, he can't save the Holy Capital!"

Above the city wall, the head of the Knights Templar, Husa, looked at a part of the Martin Force who was clearly not in contact with the surrounding troops. His face was very solemn and murmured. The heavy armor infantry was for the Martin Force. It is definitely a luxury, and such a large number of heavy armoured infantry means that the Martins are ready to break the city,

And the situation on my own side is definitely extremely bad, the army is seriously damaged, the fifty thousand temple army has been reduced by a third, most of the rest are wounded, and Martin Lifang made it clear that the wheel offensive Without any breathing, I don’t know how many people were lying on the ground after Martin Force had just withdrawn. It was impossible for the officer to pull it up anymore, and he could not stand up, and even fluttered faintly. This is a sign of complete disengagement. When people are most exhausted, when they fight fiercely, or they can still hold their teeth with their teeth, and now they relax, the body can't support it! Don’t say stand up, you can’t hold your muscles

"No matter how good the layout and strategy are, ignoring the people who implement it will greatly reduce the effect. If the adults really want to hold the Holy City, this is the only possibility! Martin Liya people’s remote raid will inevitably be pressed across the board, in order to be able to Breaking the Holy Capital in World War I! Although the opponent is coming aggressively, the weaknesses are also extremely huge. The army raided, and the military food they could carry would not exceed three days. The adults only had to guard for three days. Scattered in his mind,

"Three days, it was like this one night"

Husa glanced at the wounded soldiers all over the walls of the Holy City, and took a deep breath like a determination. He said to an officer behind him, "Son down, and send someone to place the Imperial Army on the second floor. Those things are pushed to the top of the city"

"Master, do you mean those devil things?"

Upon hearing Husa’s order, several officers’ faces changed. They did not change their color in the face of the Martin’s assault, but only mentioned those things. There was a little fear in their eyes. Capital, and a large amount of combat supplies are also stored in the Holy Capital. Although the Imperial Army left the Holy Capital and took away a part of it, some heavy and inconvenient things were still left in the Holy Capital. Seeing Husa, the super gift in that letter made Husa’s heart tremble. In Pope Pdamia’s letter, the Emperor of the Empire has promised to keep all the war preparations in the Santos Tun , All are given to the Knights Templar as a fortification only"

"All of it? Including the more than 40,000 infantry armoured knives and guns and those things?" Husa trembling with the letter's hand, his face inexpressible excitement, no one knew it better than him, what is this A huge gift, this gift from the empire is really sent to his heart, it is a straw

No matter how much Husa resisted the empire, he couldn’t control that much at the moment.

The army of Martin Force was close to the city, and all connections between the Holy City and the outside world were cut off in one fell swoop. The life and death of the Holy City has made people have no choice. Once the Martin Army breaks the Holy City, the entire Saint is inevitable. Now, in the entire Holy City, there are only about 50,000 Knights Templars, how long can they stand under the strong attack of Martin Liya, I am afraid that Husa himself is not sure

But if the empire gave all the arms supplies in the city to himself. That's another thing

"Of course it is all. This is the meaning of His Majesty in our country. Adults need to use it only." The judicial Han said calmly. As the emperor's confidant, at the moment he got the letter, he had a hunch that the emperor had given up the Holy Capital It is planned, and this is not a temporary decision, because most of the Imperial Army supplies in the Holy City were transported by him in one hand. From the Martin Forces, they crossed the border to the north, and the emperor was already preparing for this battle. Among the various materials transported from the empire's homeland, food and the like are strictly controlled in the northern coast area, but only a large amount of armaments are continuously transported into the Holy City

"So, I'm so grateful." Husa rarely paid a military salute to the empire special envoy Stuarthan.

The empire reached 60,000 people when the garrison was the most. The six infantry flag regiments in the southwestern district were the most powerful front-line field regiments in the Imperial Army sequence that participated in the battle to eliminate the Gaul Empire. The commander is famous Saron’s weapons and equipment, I don’t know how much more than the Templars, not counting armored weapons and the like. The Empire’s heavy crossbow vehicles equipped by these six infantry flag regiments have reached more than 200, and there are rumors. The most terrifying weapon for the Chinese imperial army to defend the city, with a total of more than 1,000 barrels of imperial fuel bombs, if not because Husa insisted that if the empire Thor was put on the head of the Holy City, it would be the biggest insult to this Holy Land. There are muzzles of the Empire Thor in the head of the Holy City,

Originally, Duhan also believed that the emperor wanted to use the Holy City as the battlefield, but he did not expect that the Emperor ordered a command that the six infantry regiments of Salon would be launched from the Holy City, but the large number of armaments were not mentioned. Speaking, Situhan was still hesitating whether to take away these armaments, but he did not expect that the emperor would send such an order. It was clear that he would stay here. What would he stay here? What more can be done, of course, left to the Templars! The emperor's hand was so that Husa could not resist it at all, and Stouhan came to the Holy Capital as an imperial envoy to coordinate the conflict between the imperial army and the Knights Templar

During this time, Husa, who is the head of the Knights Templar, also knows a little bit. Don’t look at Husa’s old image of death. www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is not exactly the case, otherwise the old and new popes Struggle, the Templar Knight officers belonging to the Pudamia faction were arrested by the Protestant, exiled in exile, decapitated, the biggest head of the Templars who supported Pudamia most, But he didn't even say a word, pretending to be crazy and selling silly, it was able to escape the burning of the Protestant, which is enough to show that this Husa is really the most important when it is the most important character.

"Quick, push things up!"

The sound of the wheel turning, driven by more than a dozen soldiers of the Order, the huge figure slowly revealed its fierce appearance from the dark city corridor. The soldiers of the Order made a loud shout and shook the bowstring. The winch, the two crossbow bowstrings on the car, made a bitter creaking sound as the winch was pulled, and finally buckled firmly on the back tooth machine. The soldiers of the Religious Mission State crumbled the heavy crossbow arrows made of cast iron into it. Although they had never operated this kind of thing in the arrow trough, when the imperial army was stationed in the holy capital, they did not watch the operation of the imperial soldiers. There was something to learn. Although the hands and feet were slower, they were generally able to handle it.

Each crossbow car can hold five iron arrows about one meter long. The largest one is as thick as a filial arm. At the top is a half-moon shaped sharp edge. The four arrows next to it are thinner. Fixing the tail feathers is even more terrifying, because the non-directional shot after shooting will turn into a spin after hitting something, more like an arc iron ingot, and the dark skin flashes the cold light of the courage in the cold night,

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