Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and three dead door (6)

In front of a slope, the cauldron hung from the fire head raised by the camp tent, it was already boiling, and the smell of various foods was murmured, a bundle of weapon arrows was loaded on the carriage, and the whole blacksmith Inside the shed, there was also a flash of fire, and there were dense sounds of tinker bells, a burning red forging stove, and piles of long-cut swords and arrows clustered next to the shed. A Martin Liya noble officer watched leaving the camp 'S convoy, looking solemnly and asking a companion

"I heard that the fourth army of Cooper was blocked by the imperial army. The city of Sulu that had been won was recaptured by the imperial army. The fifth army of Sutalst had already opened to the city of Sulu. You said that the gap in the north can Is it blocked?"

"Despite him, anyway, as long as the 40,000 elite cavalry of the Yi nationality are desperately filled in, even if the imperial cavalry that swept the Barrow of Northern Europe, after defeating these 40,000 elite cavalry, how much power will fight against our army? At least also It's impossible to swallow our 100,000 troops in one breath like the North-South War two years ago." The companion beside this Martin Liya noble groaned slightly dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, don’t complain. Who told us to show such a young man," heeded the complaints in the tone of the companion, the young aristocrat of Martin Liya was not good-looking, but his tone was restrained, his other A companion is different. When it comes to this matter, his eyes are red. This young man, who has no combat experience at all, will not come early or late, but he came when the army was assembled, you said you If you don’t have any experience, it’s okay to look at it honestly, and to cheer up your own army in the family, it is also a heart-warming army, but you still have to point your finger at the offensive strategy that adults have repeatedly practiced.

Now it’s ok, an opportunity that has been difficult to meet for decades, and just slipped through the gap between fingers. Who can reconcile and defeat the glory battle of a king, not only the so-called military gains and wealth gains, let Martin force What the young nobles really care about is the hard-earned knights that are released, and only the places where wealth is accumulated like the king capital, and the major lords who hold the knight in their hands will release their fingers to release these knights How many aristocrats in Martin’s army are waiting for this moment, and it is the dream of many Martin’s men to be able to take a knighthood with their swords and restore themselves to the glory of their ancestors.

And since the last similar situation, it was still more than 20 years ago. Everyone was waiting for a big fight, but now it’s okay, because of the arbitrary actions of His Highness, the low-energy actions in the military meeting led to the whole The 30,000 elite of the Sam national army were included in the second attack echelon. Although they are both attack echelons, how can the first and second be the same thing, especially for such a raid, it is fast enough. Quick enough, the army invades, the first echelon will be able to eat all the food, the merits that can get the hand are all obtained, the second echelon may just have entered the threshold of the battlefield, just like this, the army is attacking the Holy City After one night, I entered the Santo area on my own side, and what it means to keep a pile of combat supplies here!

His name is Gudmongan, and Murray, who speaks to him, belongs to an embarrassing group. They are all officers of the Sam ethnic group.

For them, this time it was really a disaster. Just before the war, Sam Tamara, the chieftain of the Sam minority, let the Sam lose his face at the military meeting, although the major lords looked at the Sam Face tolerance was granted, but the Sam’s army was still pushed out of the first battle sequence of the raid against the Holy Capital, and was ranked in the second battle sequence, and it was still the logistical transport force. How much does it have to do with them?

More than one hundred thousand troops attacked the Holy Capital, although it could only be a three-day battle, how much can the assault troops carry? Spike’s 150,000 troops rushed into the Holy Capital fifty miles overnight and struck the Holy Capital. All the cavalry who participated in the battle prepared only three days of dry food, one shot and one shield, and the archer had only enough to attack the full cluster of arrows. If this is not the case, how can we achieve the advance of light troops, such as lightning, especially to attack the big city of Southern Europe, such as the Holy City, the various types of equipment and arrow clusters consumed are a huge amount, and Spike ordered the assault troops to teach along the way The cities and towns of the regiment country are cleaned like a fence, just to ensure that the subsequent combat supplies can be safely delivered to the front line.

"Master, it seems that the officers have great opinions about being placed in the second echelon. His Royal Highness Samta Mara is afraid that he will be scolded this time!"

Sergeant’s attendant, who was squatting in front of a fire, said hesitantly. A thick, middle-aged general who was also squatting on the ground beside him, without a head up, was Sergeant, the chief of the Sam army, The military leader, who was not outstanding in appearance, rolled his hand over the golden lamb leg being roasted on the fire, took a deep breath, and sighed

"Actually, this time, the responsibility cannot be fully transferred to His Royal Highness Sam Tamara, because Martin Liya’s tribal army and the Yi’s army have been fighting bravely, and have always been the main role, Ansi. The Lijia Army is flexible and good at harassment. Only the Sam tribe is the tribe with the most artisans among the three major tribes of Martin Liya. In every battle, the logistics supply is the responsibility of the Sam tribe. This time, 30,000 There are more than 20,000 craftsmen under the jurisdiction of the Sam army, so Spike handed over the logistical **** work of the army to the Sam army, and the arrangement itself is blameless. This time, Mara did not come to the battlefield of the Order of the Order, and the strategic arrangement was roughly the same. It was just that the time when the young hall came down, and she did not listen to her persuasion at the military meeting. She insisted on acting alone, which led to this black pot. Buckle it up, but don’t worry about it. His Highness Spike has promised that as long as he captures the Holy City, he will at least come up with a baron and six blocks on the east side of the Holy City to subsidize my Sam.”

"With the addition of a baronial title in Six Streets, His Royal Highness Spike is really generous." The attendant made a low exclaimation, and seemed to think of something. He quickly suppressed the voice and asked. "With such a reward, why don't adults tell the following The officers, I believe this will make all complaints disappear."

"Hehe, adding a baronial title in six streets, even if it is enough for me to be the main force of the offensive, now it can be obtained as long as our army guarantees that the logistics materials can arrive safely. If such a secret contract is announced, you Do you know how much influence it will cause the other two races?" Sigeling stared at the golden roasted leg of lamb with a dismissive glance.

"Don't look at the army's intrusion into the Holy City. Everything looks good. It seems that the Holy City is already in my Martin's hands. The Knights Templar and even the Imperial Army are rushing to death. Even His Highness, Spike, dare to say that within three days, if he fails to take the Holy Capital, he will retreat instead of saying that he will definitely win within three days. Holy capital, the meaning here can be experienced by oneself

"And now it's been a day, you just took the inventory. Look at how many arrows and swords were just shipped out and how much armor was sent back for repairs. Do you know what this means!" Siling's voice paused and looked. He became very sharp, snorted, and he heard the words from Siegling, and the attendant's face couldn't help changing.

He counted the damaged materials, and naturally knew what was going on. They entered as the second echelon, and kept a certain distance from the troops of the first echelon besieging the holy capital. Although they did not see the horrific battle of the holy capital in person, they can also see from the broken weapons and armor transported back this morning. Come out

The blood-stained armor fragments, broken swords, broken pale sword hesitated in the mind of the attendant flashed in his mind, and hesitantly said, "It is indeed an inventory of the subordinates. I did not expect to lose so much. I heard that it was only last night. Overnight, the first echelon that attacked the Holy City killed more than 4,000 people, injured more than 6,000 in various ways, two corps were killed, six squadron captains were killed, and 146 captain-level officers were killed. Take a look at the armor that was brought back to repair, some of them were shot into holes, and some were obviously pierced by powerful weapons. Several holes were generally thick with human hands. And what happens to the human body behind these armor after being hit by these weapons"

"It's roughly like this. The attack on the Holy City was not as smooth as expected, otherwise it should have been won last night, instead of being mixed with the bad news that Sulu City, the gateway to the north of the Holy City, was recaptured by the Imperial Army! The most crucial one The door was not closed, and it was a fatal threat to the entire army attacking the Holy City. "Siglin said." The Fifth Army of the Yi Nationality, which was originally a reserve team, opened to the city of Sulu. The elite will be able to stop the imperial army from going south, and it is these three days that they are fighting for."

"Forty thousand people, what they are asking for is three days, which is not a loss for the Raiders."

As a senior officer of the army, Sigrin is very clear that the facts spoken have made the servant officer feel numb, even if it has been planned on the military map countless times, all aspects are in place, and all the armed forces and ethnic groups cooperate seamlessly, Spike Your Highness also made preparations for the battle damage of the 100,000 Martin Forces when necessary

All this is because there are 100,000 empire elites on the north side of the Order, even if the 100,000 empire troops are scattered, it may take three or four days for the assembly to go south, but as long as it is the emperor In the hands, no one dares to have a slight contempt, because the emperor of the military **** itself represents, making everything impossible possible! From the beginning of the North-South War, it has always been an overwhelming existence in the whole South. His Highness Spike is also a talent, but it is unpredictable whether he can contend with the emperor of the military god. The main reason for the Samo army to be the logistics transport

"Because I have too many artisans in the army, it is impossible for me to fight like the cavalry of the other two races. If the situation is not good, I can run. If the imperial army is really surging, the situation of the Holy City is turning sharply. The other two races have no energy to take care of my Sam. At that time, the army of 30,000 Sams is the lamb under the imperial butcher. Now it is placed in the logistic position, always paying attention to the battlefield situation, and can enter or withdraw." Si Gelin took a deep breath. His eyes were full of coldness. He was able to serve as the chief of the Sam nationality for so many years. He could be equal to the other two ethnic groups. How could he be an easy generation? Sleek, and few people have noticed that the leader of the Sam national army has a very good look

Under the capital city, Spike was riding on a black warhorse, his eyes were glorious, and the light was fierce like a lone wolf, and the ears were bursting with the sound of a thick drum like a rain, which was different from other already prestigious Martins. , Spike’s eyes have always been calm and frightening, only the hand holding the reins of the warhorse is tightly invisible

This raid was originally the main fight of 500,000 Martin! Others don’t know that Spike, who is in charge of the whole army, is very clear. The army’s supplies have bottomed out. After many harvests, there is no more material to be mobilized in the occupied area of ​​the Order, and the domestic supplies are broken down because of the Western Front. www.wuxiaspot.com~ is far away, half a million Martin forces, but at this moment is in a very dangerous situation, as Spike said, if you can not attack the Holy Capital within three days, then Only withdraw troops across the board, because if you do not withdraw troops, once bitten by the imperial army, I am afraid that few people will be able to go back alive!

But if the withdrawal is announced in this way, the saliva from the major lords can drown him

Even in the history of Martin Liya, there has never been such a large-scale withdrawal, which is a shame for Martin Liya, but for Spike, it is an excellent opportunity, as long as it can encourage the lords Working together to attack the Holy Capital, either the Holy Capital will be captured. After the surrender of the royal family, the Yi people can still dominate the domestic situation of Martin Liya, or they will abandon the Holy Capital and the army will retreat. The lords of each race will not think that it is caused by Spike. The defeat of the holy capital of the country will also make Spike establish a high reputation among the major lords. He is a genius strategist who can fight against the imperial army **** emperor and almost retreat. Capital, the young leader of the three tribes who pushed the kingdom of Martin Liya to the throne of Southern Obaro

How to count, he Spike has made a lot of money, the only danger is these three days, as long as they can drag through these three days, he Spike becomes Martin's future king is a matter of determination! Even for this opportunity, Spike crushed his 40,000 cavalry! At this moment, 1 no one wants time to pass faster than him

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