Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and five Dead door (8)

The sound of the turbulent water, the sound from the direction of the river channel, so that hundreds of vigorous Martin Liya cavalry who were slashing unconsciously strangled the horse. The captain of the Martin Liya cavalry squadron even swelled his eyes. In the winter, there are no ships coming and going, so what are these in front of you, one, two, three. . . . . . One by one, the horse ran fast along the river channel, the heavy hull parted surging waves, and rolled over fiercely. This kind of scene is incomparable to Martin Lijia, or the Templars of the Order of the Order Shocked, as the distance approached, the flag of the wings spread into the eyes of everyone,

"It's the Imperial Eagle Banner!"

The body of Martin Rider Cavalry on the horse couldn't help but tremble a little, almost rolled off from the horse, and the Imperial Army went south? Okay, from the north portal, why is it right in front of you, how is it right in this river channel, so many imperial ships come down the river, according to a full load of 200 people, the dozen ships in front of you, that is enough There are only two or three thousand troops, and this is just the river channel seen in front of you. The north coast enters the sacred wetland from the estuary. There are more than ten branches spreading and spreading, as there are seven or eight on this scale. So much, who dares to say that no other imperial army entered the Holy Capital from other rivers?

"Everyone is close to me, let's withdraw!"

The captain of the Martin Lica Cavalry Squadron reacted for the first time, his face turned pale, and he shouted to all the Martin Lica Cavalry around him. No one would think that the Imperial Army did not follow the expectations of everyone. To the north, they entered the Holy City, but along the river channel, so the boat was poured into the battlefield of the Holy City. If it did not happen to happen, I don’t even know how to die. The emergence of the Imperial fleet let these Martins The Liya Cavalry was no longer in the mood to continue to hack, and turned their horses to the rear.

"It's the Empire's fleet" The Temple Army could not help sending out hysterical shouts for the rest of its life

"Master Kubelito, did you see that the empire went south!"

The Templar Knight looked up at the sky with tears in his eyes, but he knelt on the ground, his forehead was against the hilt, and his mouth murmured in a whisper. Adjutant, I just received an evacuation order last night. Kubellido ordered everyone to evacuate, and then saw Martin Lijin people coming like a tide. Kubelido hurriedly ordered everyone to retreat. Originally everyone thought that Martin Lijin people Only good at field warfare, there is no courage to attack the wall at all, but I did not expect that these Martin Rider cavalry jumped from the battle immediately, and the wailing climbed the wall with a shield. In the hands of the Martins, as the city gate was opened, the sharp bayonet of Martins Cavalry drowned everything like a tide, and Kubellido led the temple guards behind him, and was defeated by the Martins. The several captains in the team were beheaded jointly, and the **** head was hung on the flag of the Martin Lijin.

The steam slammed into the face, on a large rattle-like channel, standing on the shore and urging the embarrassing soldiers to accelerate to disembark the emperor's empire, Reposti, looked at the surrounding scene. On his side, a team came down from the chaotically stopped hull The imperial army felt that there was still a sloshing of mud in their minds. There was no docking station. Many merchant ships simply rushed to the beach, and many people were stumbling.

Has the Santo area come in like this?

Many people stumbled from the first idea of ​​standing up on the deck. Look at the vast land around them. The pale gray sunlight shines through the clouds, the wet ground, and the flying birds in the distance are simply too bad. Really, it's too easy. I thought that I would encounter Martin Lijin people fighting hard to block, who knows that they are stepping on the land of the Holy City, and even the shadow of the Martin Ligu people is not seen.

If it’s not certain that this is the Holy City, it feels like coming to a group tour

The Holy City was originally a place with a beautiful view of the sacred atmosphere. The ancestors of the ecclesiastical country fled from the collapsed Holy City here, and finally decided to rebuild the Holy City here, also because the scene here is too like the location of the Holy City, but after that catastrophe For decades, the surroundings of the Holy City have been gradually desertified because of the severe damage. The beauty of the past has become a variety of legends, but there are still rumors of people seeing the Holy City in the air in the desert.

"Come on, please bring the Templar guide here!" Among the chaotic voices, Reposti cleared his thoughts, let his subordinates spread out the map in his hand, and opened his eyes to find his possible location on the map

"Master Reposti!"

Soon a middle-aged and handsome Templar was brought to Reposti, saluting Reposti

"Lord Gulie, are you familiar with the terrain here?"

Reposti salutes the knight chief, expressing the hope that the other party can find the approximate location on the map

These Templar Knight guides are actually the guards of Pope Pudamia. For this operation, the emperor personally seconded 500 Templar knights from Pudamia, requesting each one to be from the Holy City The Templars in the area need to be familiar with the Santos area. The Santos are so big that there is no deviation. Although some unfamiliar places are not clear for a while, as long as they go to an open place, they can basically be determined. At this location, not only in this channel, but also on the medium and large river channel that flows into the Santo Wetland from the northern estuary, and countless imperial ships have rolled into

Although the 100,000 troops of the Empire in the north of the Holy City were stationed far and near, they did not differ much in the distance of the river channel. More than a thousand ships of various sizes were scattered into the river channel. The dense layers on the hull deck were all Imperial soldiers. , As long as the fleet rushes into the more comfortable position of the river, it will drop the anchor and lean towards the river bank, not at all to determine the landing site according to the location of the pier

There are more than ten rivers in the entire holy city. I am afraid that even Reposti himself does not know how many people are docking. The emperor’s surprise attack not only made Martin Liya want to die, but also the imperial army. Desperate to die, this raid tactic has never been used by anyone, even even thought about it. If Martin’s army raided the Holy City overnight, it can be said to be a bold and successful case, then the emperor did not You politely reciprocate your teeth, counterattack your raids with raids. You Martin dare to dare to attack the holy capital, our imperial army also came to raid the holy capital, the mantis catches the cicadas, and the yellow **** are behind.

The emperor simply used a joke to give back to Martin, who thought he was smart,

"If I remember correctly, this should be the Sin Woodland in the middle of the Maguya River." The Templar Knight, who was called the ancient column, did not disappoint Reposti. He looked around, although not very sure, but roughly Determine location

"Then it should be right, our assembly point is two miles to the west!" Reposti found the Stern Woodland on the map, which was very consistent with the surrounding environment, and he looked excited to let his subordinates curl the map. I am afraid that even if Martin Martin noticed it, there would be no way to do it. Although the landing points of the various armed forces were quite confusing, the closest meeting point had been determined before departure, and the imperial forces on the shore seemed to be scattered. In fact, the separation between the various armies is not large, more than a dozen miles, and few may be two or three miles. The Santo Wetland River is densely covered. Tens of miles along the way, as long as it can be docked, unless Martin Liya will take all the rivers along the way Are stationed in the army, otherwise they can only stare.

"To summon the whole army to the west, and then we will kill Xiang Shengdu!"

Reposti stepped on the horse and glanced fiercely at the sky

The cold wind is scorching, and the ground of the Sandu Wetland is like a slight wave. It is the land in front of me. The marching forces of Martin, the Templar, and the Imperial Army are close to seven or eight million people. Staggered, around the center of the Holy City, bite and strangle, people like ants, the ownership of the Holy City, will determine who can hold the real hegemony of Southern Obaro, this war, from two months ago to the present, from the west The line hit the ecclesiastical country, just the two parties in front of it, it has caused several forces, either to demise, or to hit hard, or to fall from the status of a powerful country, and more than millions of souls are in the war, all parties involved. And the country, which already accounts for 80% of the entire South European Baro

And all this will end in the last three days!

Reposti’s army completed its assembly two hours later, and then went all the way to the direction of the Holy Capital. At the west portal of the Holy Capital fifteen miles from Reposti, countless imperial troops swarmed the walls like ants. The sound of shouting, the blood of fighting covered everything, Martin defenders on the city wall were fighting hard to resist, a wall segment has been broken and changed hands twice

Without reinforcements, you really want to die here!

The raider, who was swift last night, became the raid today. Martin Sylvan, the commander of the thirteenth army, was covered in blood and stood on the broken tower, looking at the dense imperial forces below, and a little behind. The array of the Empire's military flags spread apart, the large spears of guns stretched out, and his face was completely ashamed. Where did the imperial army of this size come from?

Has the north barrier failed?

Srian's face grew paler, but he immediately denied that it was impossible, absolutely impossible. The elite cavalry of 40,000 Yiers were not paper-bound. How could they be defeated immediately, even if it was unfavorable to combat, as long as they were not beaten, but With a spirit of biting, he can at least hold the Imperial Army for more than a day

Even if the Imperial Army puts its wings on ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is absolutely impossible to appear here in such a short time, so what is going on in front of you!

Compared with the confusion of the 13th Army, the 14th Army of Martin Liya, who was in charge of the south, was even more aggrieved

In the wilderness outside the city, the cold wind screamed through the **** and smoky field, with a black line, wearing a group of imperial armored infantry, countless spears towering like a forest, and several stones thrown in the sky Draw a line of trajectories, hit the wall of the city heavily, every collision is like a vortex, the ground is shaking, facing the imperial trebuchet at the peak level of Obaro, but the city wall of the city is clearly lacking protection, Every time it fell, a rift was smashed, and the 14th Army Commander Towns was rushed to the ground by his adjutant, and the surrounding of the shattered rubble shattered, which was the most unlikely. Encountered to the south of the enemy, it was attacked by the imperial catapult!

Towns felt that he must have had a bad luck today, pushed away his adjutant, and spit out a bit of dirt in his mouth. Did these imperial troops fly from the sky?

2018 has finally passed, and 2019 is here. Baozi sincerely thank you for accompanying me every day.

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