Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and thirty-eight

The black smoke of Mucheng is still shrouded in the sky, and there are stars and flames in the city. The whole earth is burned into black. Almost all of the wood city in more than ten years has become a wall, and the burned materials and tents are everywhere. In the air A scorched smell permeated, stepped on one foot, the morning breeze was blowing, that is, the smoke rose, and the empire reassured Varisian standing in front of the ruins of the wooden city, gazing at the broken walls in the wooden city, the empire Soldiers are clearing the ruins of Mucheng in twos and threes. There are constant news of materials found in the ruins. With the news coming back one after another, Varisian personally came to Mucheng. The wooden city of Noda was burned. How strong was the fire last night , Even if it is more than a hundred meters away, you can feel the burning scorching feeling. The troops attacking Mucheng have many people who have traces of brows and hair burned by fire, but the news from the front search team shows that The large amount of materials hoarded by Martin Liya actually only lost a part!

Varisian was shocked himself. He was very curious. How did Martin Liya's supplies survive under such a fire?

"Sir, please come with me." A searched Imperial officer salutes Varisian and leads the way. As he walked past his feet, the ashes almost drowned to the back of his feet, and the sight in front made Varisian **** back. With a sigh of relief, the eyes are also wide open hard, a look of unbelievable expression

"Adult, I think that's because of this, so most of the supplies of Martin Liya are preserved." The imperial officer came straight to an entrance position, which was a hole in the ground dug down from the ground, through the early morning In the light, Varisian can clearly see the large and small sacks and wooden boxes across the cave,

It was a miracle. Varisian was shocked. Was Martin Liya a rat in a hole in the ground? He even dug a large hole in the wooden city. Each hole was supported by a wooden frame. It has a width of 20-30 meters, and a small one has a width of 5-6 meters. It is almost impossible to hollow out the ground in the wooden city. It can be seen that this method of digging holes and stacking materials is very useful. How many tens of Martins are crowded into this Shilimu city, otherwise just a lot of materials will occupy a lot of space. Last night was really a fluke. Varisian took a deep breath. If Martin The Liya people did not fill up the supplies, so that when they encountered a raid, there was no place to hide, they could only give up the wooden city. It was impossible for them to use the fire attack to easily break through the wooden city, and if they were not Martin Liya people already I completely lost the confidence to fight. Even if only half of the Martins did not flee last night, it is an absolute strength advantage for my 50,000 army.

"Sir, Martin Liya sent a messenger to ask to see him," the adjutant looked up from behind and whispered in Varisian's ear.

"Martin's messenger?" Varisian's face was slightly stunned, and his eyes turned a little. At this time, what did Martin's messenger send the messenger to do? After hesitating, Varisian waved his hand and asked the adjutant to bring the Martin Lijin messenger in front of him. A few minutes later, the adjutant appeared in Vari with a middle-aged nobleman wearing Martin Liya army armor In front of Sean,

"But Lord Valisian, who is known as the emperor's claw, among the famous mainland generals," this middle-aged Martin Liya noble raised his head and asked in a condensed voice

"Yes, I am Varisian. You are the messenger of the Martin Forces? The Martin Forces are already in desperation. If you can still keep a clear understanding, you should know that you have no chance of victory." Lysian nodded, and his nose snorted heavily. The middle-aged nobleman looked average, and his eyes were pale and soft, of medium stature, and he looked a little kind. At first glance, the middle-aged nobleman's eyes flickered, and after bending down to salute, he didn't seem to have the inferiority of being a loser, but there was no rumor that the stubbornness of Martin's noble aristocrat was able to survive this situation Being neither humble nor hyperactive is enough to show that this person is not as ordinary as it looks

"The battle of the river, our main force was defeated, and the wooden city barrier was completely burnt out by His Excellency Varisian. In this war, I have lost the power of Martin, but if Lord Varisian thinks that the Empire can easily get this The ultimate benefit of a war is that it’s too naive.” The middle-aged aristocrat of Martin Liya smiled slightly and didn’t care about the killing intentionally exuded by Varisian. The ruin of Yanmu City, with a little emotion, withdrawn his eyes before saying

"I believe that His Excellency Varisian already knows that your chasing cavalry was blocked by ours last night. It is difficult for you to eat up our fighting power in one breath. Since this is the case, it is better to sit down and talk It’s better to talk about it, and I believe that His Majesty the Falcon Emperor won’t see it. It’s far better for the empire than the full strangulation to keep us Martin, unless the empire is ready to cleanse the entire ecclesiastical state. , The empire has just relied on the ecclesiastical state to obtain the hegemony of southern Europe, and the ecclesiastical state should be cleaned up and down. I believe that His Majesty the Falcon Emperor will not be short-sighted to such an extent."

"How does your lord know that our army chased the cavalry and encountered resistance?"

Varisian's eyes narrowed and turned around, his eyes trembling with fierce eyes, Shen Sheng asked, the Martin forces collapsed last night, the whole line fled, the tragic encounter encountered by his chasing cavalry Blocking battles, in fact, the fighting time is not long, only less than an hour, Varisian believes that most of the fleeing Martin Liya lords did not know that the imperial chasing cavalry encountered blocking.

"Oh, Lord Varisian doesn’t need to be so surprised, because the man who commanded the empire to chase down the cavalry was the one who was directly under the commander of the Sam’s army, Sigrim, and is currently the only person who can cooperate with the empire. "The middle-aged nobleman looked calm, and what he said shocked Varisian.


"The man who killed us. Dare to run here to show off his power, really looking for death!" The several imperial generals standing behind Varisian also pulled out the sharp imperial swords, and the cold blade quickly hung on the green. Because of the sharp edge of the neck, even a touch of blood could be seen, as long as Varisian nodded, it was the result of chaos

"Your Excellency Varisian, if you really killed me, the empire would have missed the perfect opportunity to actually enter the central part of Southern Baro." Segling raised his head and showed a fearless expression

"Oh, I don't believe it. Without you, my empire won't be able to enter the southern part of South Baro!" Varisian's eyes grew colder, and he grunted angrily.

"Lord Varisian, let alone say that the empire can really fully grasp the springboard to the south of the empire, can the sect of the Order be?" Si Gelin said firmly and unkindly.

"Secretary? Haha, something interesting." Varisian's face was cold, and he suddenly laughed. Varisian waved his hands to the generals, and the generals put their knives into their sheaths. For a moment, Varisian said, "I have been warriors for many years, and I have seen countless opponents, and I can admire a few. Yours can now be regarded as one. Since your own capital and If the empire cooperates, then the people will not speak secretly. Our empire has achieved a decisive victory. The southern European Baro hegemony has fallen to the ground, and you Martin’s continuous defeats, the main force of the army has been lost, can you run out of teaching alive The regiments are still two different things. Your Excellency will say directly, in this case, why should the empire cooperate with you?"

"Just because my Sam tribe is the royal family of Martin Liya next year, even though I am defeated by the Sam tribe, there are still more than 200,000 troops, enough to help the empire to drag the temple army of the Order, not Let the fruits of victory in this North-South War be snatched by the Templars." Si Gelin breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he was also afraid, but this was his only chance,

The war was just over last night. He came to the imperial army on a non-stop basis. It was a big gamble in itself. Now the only way to keep these 200,000 Martins is to surrender to the empire secretly, and he must surrender to the empire as soon as possible. Get on the line, because at this moment for the empire, the Martin remnant army is still valuable, and it is still worth raising. Otherwise, once the temple army goes south from the holy capital, the temple army will definitely die for the Martin Liya residual army. In hand, Martin Liya's remnant army really hanged the fate of the water dog, and then crying and surrendering to the empire secretly surrendered, it was completely two situations.

The time to propose a secret surrender to the empire must be before the Templars head south, and all who are in full pursuit of the Martin Forces in front of the eyes are all empire troops. It is the best opportunity to negotiate with the empire, without knowing it, except for the empire and himself, who would have thought that the Martin forces had already surrendered to the empire secretly.

For the empire commander Varisian, Si Green still knows that this is a master who likes the sword to go off the wing. The outside world is rumored to be the most eminent subordinate of the emperor and the best blessing in the empire. , And this general who broke his king’s capital several times in the imperial army, it is rare that there is no so-called slaughterhouse record, which is enough to show that this Varisian is actually a quite minded person, able to The empire will stand out in the environment of stars and clouds, and in a few years, it will stand out and become the fifth powerful military minister of the empire. How can it not be a simple-minded violent person?

The most important thing about Sieglin is that Varisian is the confidant of the imperial emperor. If you want to surrender to the empire secretly, you must meet with the emperor. Although the emperor is murderous, he is here. The reputation of this kind of thing is still quite reliable, even more reliable than many monarchs who claim to be benevolent and righteous, this is the only way for Martin Liya to live.

Sigrin proposed to Varisian to meet with the emperor personally. Varisian hesitated and said, "I personally cannot make the decision to meet with His Majesty the Emperor. Only by asking His Majesty can I reply, and I I also have to ask, are you really sure that all Martin Liya remnants will obey your orders? You have to know that if there is even a small problem here, His Majesty is angry, Feishan 300,000 people The beheaded thing is not impossible to be repeated"

"My Excellency Varisian can rest assured that I can guarantee this"

Si Gelin nodded without hesitation and saw that Varithin still didn't believe in himself. Si Gelin definitely revealed a little detail. "I'm not afraid to tell you that the rest of Martin's army is in my hands. If the lords of all races want to To survive, you must surrender to the empire with me. Of course, there is no possibility of repentance, but you can not worry about it. You can surrender secretly to your emperor, the emperor. The surrender was spread, and in my Martin's country, it was in disrepair, and even the territorial feudal land had to be fully recovered. The family members were all used as the most inferior slaves. The lords of other races would not agree that someone would regret it. Is the situation where the group starts

"All I can say, now I need to rush back immediately, otherwise it will be dangerous if found by other lords." Sieglin said goodbye to Varisian and stepped on the horse

"I will arrange the meeting with Your Majesty"

Varisian took a deep breath, with an indistinct appreciation in his eyes,

"Then you have worked hard?" Sigeling saluted, turned around and drove away, and calculated from the time, those fleeing lords should also start to stop now, and when the news of their dispersal passed, the time was almost the same. Off

Varisian looked at the back of the disappearance of Si Gelin. This Si Gelin is a personal talent. It doesn't look very eye-catching. It was really ruthless enough in the front. He desperately blocked himself from chasing the cavalry and saved Martin's teeth. The whole crisis of collapse~www.wuxiaspot.com~Now came alone to negotiate such a dangerous thing, but I can even think of using this method to protect the more than 200,000 Martins. Both the vision and the courage are only seen in these years.

I didn’t expect that there were such people in Martin’s force. Varisian also sighed in the heart. In fact, this Greene has another meaning to say, that is, this surrender book is not only important to the empire, but also about to become Martin. For the Sam of the Liya royal family, it is also a great benefit. The important people in front of the Martin Liya army were either killed or captured in the river channel, and the remaining small shrimps that finally fled back now. It’s unremarkable, but it’s a hand in hand. After returning home, it must be the group of people who are most likely to have power after Martin Liya, and this surrender book is equivalent to helping the Sam people to advance these future Martin forces in advance. Full control of the real power figures

The Sam tribe's outreach empire, the real power lord of internal control, and the identity of the royal family, even if it is proposed to abolish the three-clan rotation system, the other two clan can't stop it! This Siegrin is paving the way for the Sam family to truly become Martin Liya's only royal family in advance.

. Nine Heavens Emperor

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