Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and forty-three The Battle of the Georgians (20)

Lord Husa, if this news is true, it is the heaven-sent opportunity for my temple army, and it must not be missed! "

Hearing that Martin Liga’s remnant army was really active, there were only 60,000 people. Someone in the Temple General suddenly suppressed his voice and said that the other generals looked at the person who was talking with confusion, even Hu Say also blinked. He raised his hand to the general and said solemnly, "Guya, what do you mean?"

"My lord, although my temple army is claimed to be 300,000, in fact the actual combat strength is only 70,000 or 80,000, and the imperial army has only 100,000 in the Holy City. Once the empire and us turn over, our army will be nothing. The power of war, if my temple army does not want to look at the empire's face all the time, and really wants to get rid of the empire's control, there is only one way, that is, use this opportunity to go south to strengthen the strength of my temple army and truly become a support sect The power of the country, and the first to bear the brunt, is the dilemma of the extremely lack of weapons and ordnance in our army. Without weapons, we simply cannot grow our strength, and we have to spend huge sums of money to buy from the imperial merchants at high prices. Empire Pocket"

Hearing this general called Guya, Husa’s face grew darker, and other generals of the temple army were also in deep contemplation. In fact, they also felt that the empire would not easily let go of the sect, but in accordance with the empire’s historical practice, This possibility is extremely high

"But now, we have the opportunity to get rid of imperial control, and that's..."

Gu Ya swallowed a spit, stopped talking, and looked to the left and right, Husa grasped the feeling, waved his hand to the surrounding guards, the guards immediately spread out, isolating the surrounding 20 meters, leaving only Lower Hussa and generals, there is not necessarily no empire in the Templars. This is not a fool. The Southern Intelligence Department of the Empire came from Mount Etmont in Erow. For many years, it must also be placed in the Templars. With a lot of attention, what is being discussed is how to get rid of the control of the empire. Naturally, this kind of thing can never be spread. Otherwise, as long as a slight voice is heard in the ear of the emperor, the temple army will be taken by the imperial army. The possibility of declaring war!

Gu Ya saw the safety around him, and he said solemnly to the generals, "Everyone should be very clear that this battle of the Holy Capital, it is not us who really contributed, but the empire! Characters like the emperor of the empire may temporarily tolerate Our Temple Army steals the reputation of the Battle of the Holy City, but it is absolutely impossible to endure this way all the time, so we must expand rapidly during this time, and we must build a force that will not allow the Empire to dare to easily do it!"

After finishing these few words, Guya glanced subconsciously at Husa’s old face. When he saw that Husa was silent, he settled down and continued, "In the final analysis, it is to expand the army, otherwise everyone is still dead." Don’t look at what the empire can do to me now. Once the empire waits to gain a foothold, it will come back from this battle and it’s the end of my wait!”

"His" generals' faces all changed. Everyone was still full of longing for going south, and even the excited eyes looked at the south, they all felt kind, but at this moment, they felt a bit of coldness. The tail spine rushed to the top of the head, so I forgot how it was, but it was an empire, a barbaric nation that included the huge Nordic Barrow in the territory in just a few years. At this moment, the generals remembered that the empire was never gentle. The deceived master, the battle of Bavaria, the imperial emperor slashed 300,000 Feishan people, the north-south war, the empire swept the 700,000 southern coalition all the way, in the northern Gaul, the empire defeated the Gaul Empire more than 1 million troops In the Gang Fei Empire, the imperial bombardment of the Gang Fei King Capital, the forced Gang Fei Empire moved to the capital twice, and finally did not escape the end of the empire. Everyone was squinted by the temple army's so-called power. Eyes, I forgot myself, but extracted teeth in the mouth of the emperor emperor tiger! How could the empire-eating tiger be reconciled!

"Now our only way of life is to make ourselves really grow before the Empire slows down." Gu Ya's face showed a touch of sorrow, staring at the distance, and said firmly. "Although Martin's main force was defeated by the Empire, Most of the heavy supplies are also lost, but somehow it is also the collapse of 120,000 people. As long as we find them before the Imperial Army, then the armament of these Martins is our spoils, even if the Empire has this Dissatisfaction, we will not do anything with us now. With the armament of these Martins, our 300,000 Templar Army is indeed worthy of the name. As long as we are not chaotic ourselves, even the Empire will have to be afraid of us, not As now, only rely on the union of other forces in the south to have the power to speak your own words."

"General Guya is absolutely right. According to the emperor's original nature, it is absolutely impossible to tolerate us all the time. We must strengthen ourselves as much as possible before the empire is determined to start working on us. It’s something that we must get.” Even Husa agrees with Guya’s statement. As the leader of the Temple Army, Husa is far more aware than other generals. In order to force the imperial emperor to do it properly, he himself was even Pudami Ya is used as a bargaining chip against the emperor

"More than one hundred thousand Martin Ligans, once attacked, will inevitably run away. Even if we want to swallow, we are afraid that it is very difficult." Some generals raised concerns, "First determine the location, wait at night, we will all around Surrounded"

"Is it still not blocked?"

"It doesn't matter if you run a part, don't forget, this is the Holy City, it's the control area of ​​our Templar Army, on the terrain is familiar, is Martin Liya people more familiar than us?" Now everyone will **** Martin L The armament of the Tooth was regarded as a more important thing than going south. Originally, some thoughts were loose, and they all gathered together at once. Everyone thought about going south, but at this moment they found that the crisis of life and death was in front of them. Although the empire opened the road to the south, In fact, it is more like pulling away a murderous knife. No one knows when this knife will be chopped off. Now the only thing they can do is save themselves!

Continue to return to the Holy City? This is impossible!

From the moment they wrapped up so many people pouring out of the gate of the Holy City, it had already represented the rupture of the Templars and Pope Pudamia, and it represented that the battle of the Holy City had just settled, and the Templars It has been completely turned away from the empire, which is necessary, otherwise other forces in the south do not need to support the Templars, and if the Templars want to get rid of the empire’s control, they must break with the empire and part with the pro-imperial Pope Pdamia, From that moment on, the Templars were only the Templars, and they would not have any relationship with the Pope, nor would they be sheltered by the Pope. From that moment, the empire’s ally with the Templars , Already a natural demise

This time when going south, the temple army blocked everything and there was no way out!

Husa took a deep breath and glanced at the general's ardent red eyes. Although intuitively, this time it was a surprise to discover the whereabouts of Martin's remnant army. It always felt a bit wrong, but in the war It’s quite common for such a thing to happen. If everything is taken for granted and is reasonable, then there will be no famous generals. Everyone directly puts the array to fight, what ambush, sneak attack, and there are One thing is for sure, that is, Martin Liya Remnant Army has been out of food for at least three days. What if it is really an ambush? Is it possible that a group of people who have been hungry for three days still can't fight against the Templars who have cultivated themselves for many days?

Husa’s eyes fell on two of the generals of the Templars, and he said sharply, “I’m now ordering the 7th Army of Aharis and the 11th Army of Anmo to march down the river channel, ordering the Cross Battalion to find out Martin Liya. The position of the people, the rest of the armed forces rested on the spot after arriving downstream, fed and drunk, and then killed all the Martins in one breath."

"Yes, Lord Husa"

The Templar General shouted with joy,

The 7th and 11th troops issued by Hussar in advance are regular troops of the Templars, which is enough to show that Hussa put the real fighting force in the regular army of the Templars, not the militia composed of rogues. That is to say, the loot and the like are naturally attributed to the regular army, and these two legions are easy-to-operate light troops, and even the eleventh army is extremely rare with 500 Templars, although 500 cavalry Not much, but in the case of both infantry groups in front of you, these 500 mobile cavalry are crucial, because if Martin forces begin to run away, these 500 knights can become death knights. Five hundred sharp knives behind the Martin Liya, let Martin Liya's final strength flow clean with the blood!

In the evening, the rain in the sky had stopped, and the water flow in the river was a little muddy. The mud and sand rushing down from the upstream were mixed inside. Husa stood on his back with his hands on his back, gazing at the river. A section of wood where the waves are rolling down, the flow of the river is extremely fast, especially here is the downstream swift bay area, the water is violently hit, and the water splashes on the river bank under a heavy blow, making a grunt

"Sir, the 3567 people in our cross camp are all ready. Just wait for the order of the adult, and as the army striker, they will enter the Guca concave where the Martin Ligu is currently." He has a long handle with a dark red color on his body. Cross swords, the commander of the Templar Cross Battalion, Otasm, kneeled on the ground on one side of the river channel, and said with a cheering face, there was a black cross on the front of his mail armor. Because they are not from the temple, they are not eligible to wear the holy cross, only to wear this black iron cross, and in the temple, the black iron cross represents the killing, and the heart is bright

Ottum is born with great strength, and has a sturdy body. His thick arms are as thick as those of other people's thighs, but he wears the upper body of the mail armor, and the bottom itself is a pair of trousers dotted with iron. The person kneels on one knee There, it is not much different from the height of Husa. This blacksmith from Moroccas in the south has a height of two and three meters, just like a giant. He made the cross epee behind him personally and reached a length of One meter eight, weighs forty pounds, the blade position is only rough, and the edge is opened. Various gaps have been densely covered on it. The dark red sword body has a breath that makes people feel dazed, since Otasm Let the three Martini teeth officers who killed their wives and children forge a sword, this sword is such a daunting color

Even Otasm himself did not know how much Martin Crosser’s blood was drunk with this cross sword. Some people said that he killed at least five Martin Supermans, and some said he killed ten Martin Supermans. People, and Husa knew that only in the battle of the Holy City, Otasm stayed at the mouth of the city for ten minutes in the case of a city segment being broken. It is said that when the people behind arrived, Otasm was Standing like a blood man on the corpses of seventeen or eight Martin Lijins, like the God of War, the Martin Lijins on the opposite face were pale and dared not move forward. There is a proverb in the Temple Army, that is to Let Martin Lijah speak the truth, as long as Ostam stands in front of him. Ostham is a symbol of a hero at the Cross Camp, and Martin Martin is synonymous with a brutal butcher

"Otasm, if I remember correctly, your hometown is Moroccas in the south. I used to be there when I was young. I don’t know the bank of the river flowing from the left side of the city gate. In the spring, the forest with crimson flowers will still be there. "Husa turned from the front, and his eyes fell on Otham, who was kneeling on one knee, and the rare one was full of kindness.

"Yes, adults, the small hometown is Moroccas in the south, what adults say is like a smoke woodland~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is still there, the small one grew up there" Ostam His face was stunned and he nodded and said

"Then don’t participate in the Cross Camp." Husa’s eyes flickered and took a deep breath. The Guka concave is the biggest trough nearby. The internal terrain is quite complicated. The army is attacking and the loss is bound to be heavy. This time I will not You are ready to make the Cross Camp as a striker. You have made enough sacrifices. At the time, there were only 3,567 people in the Cross Camp, and now there are only 3,567 people. There is no one in ten. I can’t let you go to charge." Master, how can we do this? We are all ready." Ostham's expression with unbelievable expression

"This is the order" Husa's face plummeted. "You are the hero of my temple army. You should go back to the south alive. You should take a look at me to see if the woodland can bloom beautiful flowers." After this sentence, Husa left a dull face and turned away. The first battle has been given to the cross camp. This time, the generals will never let the cross camp join in. The cross camp can fight. , But not qualified to share loot!

(End of this chapter)

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