Whole Nation

: Three Hundred and Forty-Six Battles of the Gethea (23)

Sudden changes at the end of the Battle of the Glenn Eyes, the reciprocal attack of the Martin Remains and the Templars. The commander of the Martin Remains, Si Gelin, may not know it himself. He has been an extremely stable and unremarkable military throughout his life. Career, he will be included in the ranks of the mainland's famous generals because of this battle.

In the early morning of January 20, in the faint morning light that had not yet been angry from the horizon, the fifteen thousand Martin Lya remnants swooped into the camp of more than a hundred thousand temple troops, in the starry fire of the temple army camp, Martin Liya attacked the Temple Barracks, as if the soldiers descended from the mountain, swooping down from the hillside like an avalanche.

The temple army is completely blind. The regular army of the temple army has been taken away by Husa. Although the rest has more than 100,000 people and a full army of eight troops, the officers are amateurs from top to bottom. In order to expand, and to take away everything that can be taken in the holy city, in just ten days, the temple army under his command was expanded more than three times. The generals of the temple army were able to obtain enough soldiers in the future, especially As long as someone is willing to join, regardless of the future, triple expansion, and the vacancy of a large number of officers, have become the bargaining chips of these temple generals, and Lord Husa openly sells officer positions.

The upside and down effects, the so-called temple glory, has long since disappeared, and to the general of the temple army, it is even crazy

The clear price is no longer needed, and as long as the other party is willing to take the money out, at least a captain can be arranged to do it. If a little more, the squadron captain can be arranged. As for the original team is a 100-person team, it may now be 30 people. Forty people, even twenty people, these are all money. If you don’t fish out, there will be others. Once the bottom line is released, there will be no bottom line. The corps is about 80 to 100 squads, but now, the number of squads in a full-scale corps reaches an average of 350 squads, and a squad of 20 people abounds. A meeting is held to call for a squadron officer. Can spread a large area densely,

It’s really a hybrid of dragons and snakes, a cross-battalion with a desperate effect, and some speculators, businessmen who want to mix into the temple army, there are bankrupt nobles who take advantage of it, there are all kinds of characters in the Holy City, most of them are not Those who have seen the battlefield have many reasons to join the Templars, but there is no one, that is, when the Templars recruited them, they played the banner of regaining the lost land. As for the Martin Remains There are more than 200,000 people, which is another way of saying

"What are you talking about, what if you meet Martin Liya?"

"Stop joking, you think that Martin Liya can only be encountered if you want to meet it. If you do, you will wait to make a fortune. Martin Liya has been defeated by Master Hussa in the river, Even Martin Spike's commander Spike was captured alive, the Martin's wooden city barrier was also turned into fly ash, a group of Martin Liya starved to death for seven or eight days, and it was not a knife. Slaughter, the gift of five silver coins in the head, all sterling silver, but not the fake silver coins filled with white iron issued by the idiot Pope, can you encounter such good things, you need to see if you have this Fortune?"

"I'm not afraid of meeting Martin Liren, I'm afraid I can't touch Martin Liren."

In this way, the recruits who joined the Templars will naturally not be prepared to guard against Martin Martin, and this way, it is indeed a Martin Martin who lived and did not see it, and died in the wasteland. There were quite a lot of people. They were all Martin Liya remnants scattered in the battle of the river, some were starved to death, and some died cold in the middle of the night. Most of the stones next to them were piles of bones, and the broken Martin Liya flag was completely It’s just the rotten strips that have been trampled on by unknown feet. Everything is showing that Martin Liya has indeed suffered a big fiasco that has never happened before. There are countless deaths and injuries. Otherwise, these bodies will not be allowed to expose the wilderness. Animals that hung out for food in winter night bite and tear

Unexpectedly, I stepped into this slaughterhouse tonight, and more than one hundred thousand Martin Liya remnants against the same number of Temple troops, only the battlefield range reached five or six miles, and Martin Liya light infantry collided in front Outside the opening of the Temple Barracks, the Martin Liger archer who had the advantage of the raid, raised the compound bow in his hand neatly in the order, "Beng Beng Bian!" , Like a huge half-moon that was ejected violently and hit the direction of the temple army camp. The templar general soldiers running around everywhere hit the arrow, and the place where they fell, just like a neat sharp scythe Sweeping across, the sound of bones being shattered by metal arrows one after another, countless Templar soldiers fell to the ground violently while running

Mom, run!"

The Templar soldiers who were crying and howling were like rabbits with their tails burned. They looked at Martin swordsmen in all directions. Their faces were pale, and their hands holding arms were shaking. This is the rumor that they should be hungry even when walking. Can't Martin Lipman? It’s too funny, who has seen no food for seven or eight days, and can still chase their buttocks like a dragon, and the front of the assault is often wearing heavy armor and holding a long knife. The middle and lower rank officers of the Martin Force Army, captains at all levels, the middle and lower rank officers of the Martin Force Army are all known for their bravery, and are the soul of the entire Martin Force Army

"The Eighth Squadron keeps up with me"

"Left, rush away with me to the left"

These middle- and low-level officers are first-in-class soldiers, not afraid of death, but also a veteran of a long battle. In the face of these temple army recruits, they are simply crushed and rushed into the temple army soldiers agile body, It’s like a red knife cutting a smooth and creamy cake. In a flash of flesh and blood, splitting the Templar’s ​​block with a single person, a team of Templars who want to come and block, has not yet As soon as he stood firm, he was shot by arrows and shot over dozens of people in a short while, and then saw Martin Liga who rushed into the crowd like tigers and flocks, and the others no matter how loudly the temple officers shouted, Suddenly fled like a frightened wild duck

"No, it can't be stopped"

"Mother, I have to go back. I want to go back to the Holy City. The regular army of the Templar Army abandoned us." On the front line of the river channel, Jail found that the Templar Army in front of him was even worse than expected. The beaten Martin Liya remnant army suddenly burst into the sky, a Martin Liya captain withdrawn his eyes from the corpse under his feet, and looked back at the several temples that were frightened. Army soldiers, with a cruel smile on their lips, this is the temple army. Such soldiers are also worthy of being called the temple army. I don’t know those temple knights who are shouting the temple glory in their death. Climbing out of the soil angrily

The gap between professional soldiers and civilians, even if there is still a certain gap between Martin Liya and the elite, but for the temple army in front of it, it has been an absolute overall suppression, and the strong impact has made the fighting in the entire camp a curved one. Arc-shaped. ?????w?w?w?. ranwana`comm was beaten back step by step, untenable. On the other side, there is a war of intent, which seems to be to release the fears and despairs that have been suffered in the past ten days. Even if I can’t win the imperial team that swept the Nordic Barrow, it is not like the Temple Army. Kittens and puppies can bully,

"It's over, it's all broken down. Where did so many Martinez people come from!"

A Templar general had cold hands and feet, and his eyes were horrified at the battlefield that was full of fire in front of him. It was originally thought that it was only the raid of the small force of Martin's force. It really did not expect that in the blink of an eye, it became such a picture. Both sides The total number of people reached nearly 400,000, far exceeding the scale of other battles since the battlefield of the Holy City. 400,000 people were crowded within these five or six miles. Overlooking, it was almost a crowd of people. It seems like a real ocean, the defeated Templar soldiers, the people running towards the back, gradually, more and more,

"Cross Camp, the battle is not going back!"

Among the crowds, the roar of excitement, Ostham, holding two swords and standing on a corpse, was like a demon. Around him, the cross camp of thousands of people was attracted like a huge vortex. At least 30,000 to 40,000 Martins have the strength of the men, so that the defeated Temple Army has not collapsed across the board.

The ground began to make rolling sounds, a black line directly tore the iron wall of the cross camp, the horses madly flew people out, the cavalry of the high-speed charge hit the cross shield, the sound of all things cracking was horrible and strange, the power of the war horse cluster is strong The impact, like a huge hill collapsed, kept hitting people.


The cry of the individual came to an abrupt end in the boiling waves, and then formed an amazing impulse and crushing. The bones of the war horse burst in the collision. The human body flew in the air. The shield twisted and cracked. The array of thousands of people and the four thousand The collision of the cavalry of the Sam group of the army, at this moment, was like a shocking and terrifying scene of a storm. The horses in the front row crashed to death, and the back row was still rushing up, striking with an aggressive attitude. Down, it is like a heavy hammer hitting the only cross-battalion defense line that can still be regarded as combat power, even if it is two meters tall Ostham, then under the impact of such a strong cavalry cluster, it squeezes left and right under the pressure of the left and right, running and running The cavalry of the Sam national army continued to use his knife to cut blood from his body.

Even if it is an elite cross-battalion, in the face of the sudden cavalry strike, it was a time for people to turn their horses. The soldiers in the front of the cross-battalion knew that they were dying, and they could only stab their weapons with vigorous force, and then they seemed to be hit by Huge meat grinders swept through and were squeezed into powder and blood plasma by hordes of Martin Liya horses. Deterred by this power, the Temple Army suddenly burst into noise, "Give up! Give up! I was sold by you. Who said Martin Lille was starving to death? What is this in front of me? The cavalry is here! But the "vocal" vocals spread out in a fierce collision, agitating all around

In a woodland more than two miles away from the battlefield, the black-haired emperor stood at a high place~www.wuxiaspot.com~ put down the sight in his hand, slightly scorned his lips, and said to Salton behind him " This is not the kind of silly man, otherwise I really have to worry about the value of the empire’s investment in him. Fortunately, it is barely qualified. I know why I suddenly wanted to use the 100,000 temple army. Would you like to change one hundred thousand Martins?"

"Don't you want both of them to wear out?"

Hearing the emperor’s words, Salton hesitated. He wanted to say that the battle could be used to strike the Templars heavily, but it felt vaguely not so simple.

"It's not as complicated as you think. In fact, the reason is very simple. I just want to let the entire continent know who dares to move the empire's materials. This is the end. Some things, life, life, and enjoyment." The emperor's mouth laughed, Husa In order to collect materials from the south, the empire's materials in the Holy Capital were requisitioned, and Stohan was also taken hostage, so the emperor did not start in the Holy Capital. What is Luowang! If you don’t need this knife with Martin Liya, it’s not the emperor who has always been dead and does not lose money!

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