Whole Nation

: Three hundred and sixty-three spring storm (4)

The sun was dazzling, shining on the skirt of Pudamia from the car window. The female pope held a report just completed. The people outside the car window were woven and the commodities were dazzling. It was a general tide. Although he was mentally prepared, Pudamia was shocked by the power of the imperial merchants

In just over a month, the number of Imperial Chambers of Commerce in the Holy Capital of the Order has reached 167, and the various types of personnel of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce have swelled to more than 50,000 people from the previous three or four thousand, you know. The population of the entire Holy City was only about 200,000 after that war, that is to say, every five people in the Holy City had an employee of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce. Of course, not all of these chambers of commerce were merchants, and there were also chambers of commerce. The various types of staff, the caravans that transport goods, and so on, but what impressed Pudamia most was the merchants from various countries who were attracted by these imperial caravans.

It is important to know that this battle of southern European Baro's hegemony, which has been confronted for four months in the battlefield of the Orthodox Church, has caused the entire southern European Baro commercial road to be cut off. The majestic coastline in the north, the northern land plateau of Faisan in the west, the rolling hills naturally blocked the transportation of Shangluo, and the central part is the coastline of the Order, but because the war was completely stalled, a large number of imperial commodities Hoarded on the coastline, and commodities from various regions in the south can not enter the imperial market from here, and the only port in the north of Eero that is still accessible is because the coalition forces in the south of Eero cut off the transportation in the former king of Eero line,

The end result is that for four full months, the trade in the South European Baro region has been shut down.

For the South European Barlow businessmen who were already vulnerable under the impact of the last financial turmoil, the blow this time was tragic, the corpses were everywhere, and riots of industrialists broke out in many countries. It is conservatively estimated that the number of people involved is as high as seven or eight. Thousands of people, and the cause of the riots, is also said to be speechless, because the merchants who previously hoarded the goods and prepared to ship them to the Barrow region of Northern Europe before the winter made a lot of money, because the goods could not be sold and they went bankrupt, and these merchants went bankrupt. It directly affects the survival of industrial peasants. Industrial peasants are only responsible for production, and sales are always the business of merchants, but now merchants are unable to buy their goods, and these goods can only be processed at low prices because of transportation, or even thrown in large quantities. And then a large number of handicraftsmen are in trouble, but the tax officials from above don't care about these. Not only did they not reduce taxes, but they also increased substantially.

For civilian craftsmen, this extremely cold winter, hungry, they know that the product can not be sold, but only continue to continue production, because stopping production means starving to death, and for the monarchs This southern hegemony war that lasted for several months was a once-in-a-lifetime gamble. The great powers on the north coast have collapsed, and the era of powerful forces such as Fazer, the Order of the Order, the Eero Empire, etc. has mastered the dominance of Baro in southern Europe. Never go back, the original pattern of great powers is broken, and the ensuing group of heroes abound, small forces want to establish a country everywhere, and small and medium-sized countries want to take this opportunity to climb the ladder of great powers and become a new southern Europe. Luo Qiang's ranks are also a substantial expansion of the army, poor soldiers and militarism, and military taxation have shown an explosive increase, and these increased military expenditures ultimately fall on civilians, and unbearable industrial civilians eventually triggered tax officials in the city. riot

Such riots continued until the stalemate in the sacred capital battlefield of the Orthodox Church ended. The Martin forces defeated, and the empire once again proved the transcendental strength of the largest power in the mainland, and the blocked commercial route was opened again. It is crazy to converge towards the Holy City of the Order. In order to rejuvenate the nearly destroyed country as quickly as possible, Pdamia almost copied the imperial business policy. For the caravans of various countries before the goods were sold, The road tax is exempted, and the tax on the domestic pass roads of the sect is cancelled. In fact, even if she does not want to cancel the tax, because under the ravages of the Martini people, the provinces south of the Sanctuary have already been ruined, and many areas It’s all turned into white ground, and the previous roads are covered with wild grass. Even if you want to levy a road tax, it’s unrealistic in itself, it’s better to let it go.

Sure enough, the mission group's move to open up business roads was a bomb-like effect for the South European Baro trade that had been suppressed for four months. The merchants in the entire South Baro area at this moment It also exploded. The tide flooded into the sacred capital of the ecclesiastical country. The personnel of the chamber of commerce quickly broke through the original 50,000, 70,000, and 100,000 people. It is related that so many chambers of commerce personnel, a pile of goods and commodities, the daily transaction amount is still rising, so that the Holy City of the Orthodox Church that has just passed through the winter is like entering the maroon of spring overnight.

The weather of the Holy City is almost a day change. Originally, Potamia was still thinking about how much obstacles he would have to face if he wanted to transform a country of decades into a monarchical centralization system. In the hearts of most devout members of the ecclesiastical country, they have always despised businessmen, but now the situation of the ecclesiastical country seems to be overnight. The civilians of the ecclesiastical country have accepted the existence of commerce and are accustomed to the conveniences brought by businessmen. The natural nature is so natural that there is no compulsion at all. It can be seen that the original temple ruling system has been completely abandoned by the public with the destruction of the myth of the temple army, even to the Pope Pdamia himself , Are no longer regarded as representatives of the God above

"Such a huge change is just over a month. I have to know that I had been preparing for it with painstaking efforts. I thought it would take three to five years. How did your majesty do it?" Damia stood in front of the emperor's desk. Her long, cloud-like hair had an exquisite bun on the back of her head. Her straight and long slender nose and bright red plump lips made the outside world known as the Valkyrie. The female pope showed a heroic pavement. Her skin was as pale as the sun, and two sturdy and full, wrapped in a silver-gray silk dress, in sharp contrast with the slender waist, stretched out White hands flipping a report

"In fact, this is not surprising. People have to live first before they have spiritual beliefs. When the public does not care about the existence of the temple, then it is not uncommon for the pope to become queen, so you will have seven temples. The value of the sale is just enough to earn back the original "black-haired emperor standing on the window sill, wearing a black imperial officer uniform, with short black hair showing a little golden yellow in the sun,

"I came here deliberately with His Majesty to discuss a matter that is of great benefit to the empire." Pudamia put down the report, and her mouth was full of charming

"Great advantage?" The black-haired emperor raised his hand in disbelief. "Busy the reconstruction of the 28 provinces in the south of the holy capital, and also discussed one by one with dozens of great chambers of commerce in the empire. I thought you had to wait at least half a month before you remembered the Holy City and me alone? Well, what's the matter, if it involves Martin Captive, it's free."

The black-haired emperor was tempted by the beauty of the Pope, the sugar-coated cannonball, and the emperor would always eat the sugar-coated and throw the cannonball

Pudamia’s body shook slightly, and there was a trance in her pretty eyes, but she was immediately relieved, knowing that she couldn’t hide it, and simply saying, “How does your majesty know that Martin Liya was captured? It’s from the Imperial Intelligence Department. Report it, it really deserves to be Mount Etmund, who has been fighting with Martin Liya for decades, just like in the temple, there are also many secrets in Martin Liya! Yes, it is Martin Li The teeth sent someone to find me and promised that as long as I killed Spike and a dozen lords, they would return half of the property robbed from the confederate country. This is just a handy effort for our confederate country. I really have no reason to refuse. Now, the entire Holy City is an imperial merchant, and the imperial merchant is the eyeliner of the imperial intelligence department. Although the people sent by Martin Liya are secret, it is still a bit difficult to escape the eyes of the imperial intelligence department."

"Kill Spike and return the looted property. Are you not afraid that Martin Liya will not admit it afterwards?" The Emperor of the Black Hair groaned calmly, and Martin Liya would send someone to find Putami Ya, in fact, was the expected thing at all. On his desk, there were the recent movements of the Sam nationality in Martinique, and His Royal Highness Sam Tamara went to the Holy Land The empire discussed the release of the captives, which was supposed to be a very secret matter, but it was revealed by the guard of a Sam patriarch drunk. Although the guard was executed afterwards, the Sam tribe was executed. The fact that His Royal Highness went to the ecclesiastical country has spread to a considerable extent,

When Segelin met the emperor yesterday, he said that there are many people in the Sam clan who don’t want his highness to succeed, and there are many people who want to use the empire’s hand to kill Sam Tamara Now, it’s just that few in the Sam tribe know that Sieglin’s secret contract with the empire, so someone will inevitably make a secret shot.

And those who know the secret contract are also the Sam lords who signed the surrender together on that day. Naturally, they will definitely not betray Si Gelin, because to some extent, Si Gelin occupies the absolute importance in the Mitre If Sieglin had an accident, the empire was likely to immediately announce the secret contract to the entire continent, then the entire Martin Liya Kingdom would be turned upside down and caught in the flames of civil war.

"Do not admit it? Haha, of course I have my own way to make Martin Liya people dare not repent. Although the Imperial Intelligence Department is very powerful, I believe that His Majesty should not think that His Majesty the Sam, one of the three major groups of Martin Liya, It’s also my holy capital at the moment. If Martin Liya doesn’t admit it, I’ll send the head of this Highness of the Sam Family back to Martin Liya”

Pudamia's mouth was smug, and she even thought that the Southern Intelligence Department of the Empire was powerful, but her own intelligence network was not vegetarian. She believed that this high-priced shock information, even the Emperor of the Empire, might not know it. Otherwise, I am afraid that I have already detained this Sam's young master, where will the other party be allowed to play the sign of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce and stay in the Holy Capital! Ha ha, even if it is an empire, it hasn't been noticed that a Sam woman has been infiltrating the empire for so long, and even a top empire chamber of commerce has been established. This kind of thing can never happen if it is in the sect country!

Looking at Pudamia's proud face, the corners of the fat man's mouth slightly flicked away, and they might be waiting for you to send Sam Tamara's head

In the end, Pudamia did not get the captive Martin Martin from the emperor, and left angrily,

"Let the head of the intelligence department come"

The black-haired emperor walked to the door of the office and ordered to the guard on duty at the door, and soon the head of the Southern Intelligence Department in the Sandu area appeared in front of the emperor.

"What's your name?" The emperor blinked curiously. This man is so unique. This is a strong man like a granite, which made the emperor slightly curious 1. Yes, this branch of the Southern Intelligence Department The person in charge, at first glance, is a macho, with a masculine momentum all over his body, which is completely inconsistent with the traditional Aitmon label of the Assassin.

"Your Majesty, the subordinate is the Minister of the Southern Capital of the Imperial Southern Information Department, Roy Wu Yade." The strong man looked respectfully. When he saw the emperor's weird look, his scalp was tingling. Although Mount Etmont was strong, but it was only It’s just the hound that the emperor raised. He quickly explained: “In fact, your majesty looks like an intelligence officer. It’s because this is the Holy City, the dark temple of Mount Etmund and our Holy City. After decades of confrontation, both sides did not know how many people were dead in each other’s hands. Although the Order and Empire had united, it did not mean that they were in harmony. Although they did not dare to secretly die, they were fighting every three times. It is often the case that the former Minister of the Holy Capital was blatantly beaten and vomited blood by the other party for physical reasons. Eventually, the Intelligence Department decided to send it down. Even if the dark part of the temple picked up something, the subordinates can hit them all! "

"There is still such a thing"

The black-haired emperor was surprised, but think that this was once the stronghold of the Templars. The Templars were extremely hostile to the empire, and even more impolite to the Southern Intelligence Department of the empire, they wanted to be expelled. It is because of the mass fighting between the Imperial officers and the temple officers. This is not difficult to understand. If the Southern Intelligence Department does not have a high-power head of the Intelligence Department, I am afraid it is really difficult to gain a foothold in the Holy City.

The emperor sat down in the seat, and Royu Yade seemed to feel that his head was a little bit pressed to the emperor, and shrank his neck, which made the emperor's mouth smile a little, and asked him, "Sam people Approximately how many people have dived into the Holy City?"

Luwuyad’s eyes flashed, and Ning Sheng replied, “According to the statistics of the Ministry of Intelligence, there are a total of six batches of Martini Samu people who have entered the Holy City in the past few days, and the number is as many as more than 200 people, including three horses. More than a hundred horses, although they claim to come to the Santo Market to auction horses, the subordinates have personally watched the horses. They are all trained and excellent war horses, and they are not the captured wild horses mentioned by the other party."

"If they do it, can you stop it?" the black-haired emperor said dismissively

"The subordinates have arranged manpower to monitor them comprehensively. As long as there is an abnormality, within half an hour, the subordinates are sure to kill all the Martini teeth." Lu Wuyad exposed a white Sensen's teeth, coupled with his two meters tall stout The figure makes people feel awful

"Then prepare, it should be these few days"

"Yes, my subordinates understand." Royouad turned and left after saluting. There was only one emperor left in the room. The emperor took a report from the pile of papers on the table and opened it with his right hand. He did not change Sam Tamara. The inner voice of the Empire spokesperson told Luwuyad that these Sam people are not good at coming, they quietly sneaked in. They made it clear that they wanted to borrow a knife to kill people. I am afraid that the other party will not kill him. Sam Tamara has been recommended by Si Green Empire

Yesterday Si Gelin also said a series of good words by Sam Tamara in front of the imperial emperor, but the emperor was not very satisfied with this high girl of the Sam tribe. As he ventured to Sandu to negotiate, it can be seen , This young prince of the Sam nationality is indeed a little too impulsive and too idealistic. Relatively speaking, His Royal Highness Spike of the Yi nationality shows the atmosphere, enough forbearance, the judgment of the situation, the courage and bravery, it is really more than this Sam. His Royal Highness is not a little bit, but one thing that Si Gelin said was that it touched the emperor, that is Sam Tamara’s shortcomings, precisely the advantages

"His Royal Highness is indeed lacking in ambition for power and is not suitable as a power holder, but it is one of Martin's top nobles who rarely has a good opinion of business, and he also built his own Empire Chamber of Commerce. As for strength, the Empire has The surrender book is in hand, there is no shortage of power to control the entire Martin force, one more point or one less point, it makes no difference. On the contrary, if the person who pushes up is an ambitious ambitionist, I believe it will be even more unfavorable to the empire! "Sigeling's eyes flickered, and he said that he was decisive, but in fact, negotiations with the empire was that Sigeling was in a position to recommend Sam Tamara to the Emperor, but Sam Tamara did not know this.

"Although you are right, how can I guarantee that the support of the empire will not float in the middle? To the impulsive and reckless spokesperson, to be honest, I really doubt how long she can live?" The emperor extended his hand Touched chin, took a deep breath

"That’s why your majesty should give her an ambitious relationship, such as helping to release the Martin Captive this time, so that all three groups will owe her a favor. Anyone who wants to be disadvantaged must consider "Revenge from the three major tribes" Si Gelin had already made a full draft when he came, and what he said at the moment was also irrefutable.

"Sigelin, in fact, I was going to push you up at first. With 200,000 troops in hand, if you want to become the king of Martin Liya, who can stop it!" In the silence, the emperor sighed. , Eyes staring at him, powerful, sharp, as if to burn two holes in his face.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I think Green is old and can't stand this crime. I have no courage to raise a butcher's knife to my fellow race, nor the courage to kill the other two races. Thank you Emperor His Majesty for your kind love." Facing the emperor's gaze, his eyes were sincere. There was no sound from both of them, and there was silence in the room, and you could hear the footsteps of the guard walking back and forth at the door~www.wuxiaspot.com~The air was filled with silent killing opportunities.

"There are not many people in the world who can hold the sword of power and release it indifferently."

The emperor suddenly smiled indifferently and said, "You are the person who lies and speaks the most calmly in front of me. It's just that no matter how clever you are, there is something you can't pretend to be. Just now your pupils have suddenly shrunk, which shows that you have My heart has moved, although I don’t know how you noticed it, I still want to say "Imperial Emperor's voice paused, shook his head and sighed: For your sake Green's sake, I believe once, as long as Martin's teeth cut off from the east The four provinces in front of me, the empire released the captured Martins, including Crown Prince Spike. In fact, I am not interested in the land of Martins, and the development level is too low. The reason for giving such conditions is completely It is to help you think Green push Sam Tamara, and before leaving the Holy Capital, I think it is necessary to give this young master your lesson. The traitors are often people who are familiar with her! , Otherwise I am really worried that my investment will die halfway."

"I understand, Your Majesty." Greene lowered his right hand and bowed to bow.

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