Whole Nation

: 3658 The Storm in Spring (9)

Kapu City, the spring sunshine of the Sandu area is like a golden light spreading on the Sula River flowing from outside the Kapu City. The water is sparkling, like a pale golden yellow with a warm and warm feeling. As one of the three northern acropolis facing north on the outskirts of the Holy City, the city of Kabu is not large.

But unlike other Acropolis, the central clock tower of Cabo City looks particularly tall, with a very spacious space inside, enough to accommodate hundreds of people, and it is also a landmark building for guiding boats on the river. One of the water flowing from the north coastline is from the direction of Cabo City into the Sandu Wetland, and it descends from the bell tower. You can see the whole picture of the entire Kapu city. Since the Battle of the Holy City, Cabo City has never been deserted

Even in the middle of the night, Cabo City is equally busy. For more than a month, more than half of the materials that entered the Holy City from the north along the river transportation line were all ashore in Cabo City, and then entered by land transportation. Shengdu, in order to be able to adapt to the mass flow of materials, Cabo City has expanded more than three times to the outside world. In the past, Cabo City was only three to four miles in length and width, but now the extension of Cabo City has reached ten. Five miles

A large number of temporarily built wooden houses extended outwards from the old city of Kabuk, and the end of the dense one could not be seen at a glance. On the pier outside Kabuk, the densely transported ships began to dock, like ants. Dock workers pushed large and small cars, unloaded the cargo from the transport ship, and then moved another cargo from the dock warehouse to the cargo ship

In order to meet the needs of docking ships, the original pier of Cabo City has been demolished long ago, and replaced by a huge artificial lake that is more than 800 meters long and nearly 100 meters wide from the middle of the original river channel. The masterpiece of more than 40,000 Martin Liya prisoners of war captured by the Battle of the Holy Capital, with such a huge artificial inner lake, the status of Cabo City has changed from being just a small port on the north of the Holy Capital to a gathering of Holy Capital The river hub of about 60% of the merchant ships in the region, especially at the four dock berths on the northernmost side of the artificial lake, is not a normal transport ship, but a transport ship marked by the Imperial Navy

At this time a large number of imperial soldiers wearing black military uniforms. Armed forces continued to descend from the transport ships and lined up on the open areas on the shores of population lakes, as more and more transport ships docked. The number of emperors and soldiers disembarking from the ship is also increasing. There are murderous imperial soldiers everywhere on the dock. Very rigorously standing in line, waiting quietly for orders. The only thing that is a little bit noisy is the murmuring of the mule horses. Many mule horses are pulling the heavy imperial thunder cannon from the transport ship. This is a very technical work, even with the help of hanging wheels The operators all seemed a little nervous, screaming and gesturing. To avoid accidents.

"Sir, the head of the regiment, the leader of the fourth flag, Si Geza, was ordered to report." A captain of the Empire flag in the uniform of the black empire stopped in front of Salton, his body stretched straight,

Thornton's eyes crossed over Siegsa's shoulders and landed coldly on the imperial eagle flag flying above the line of soldiers, his eyebrows frowning and asked, "My order is that all the Fourth Banner Regiment will catch up within a day. To Kabuk, joint defense with Kabuk’s Fifth Banner Regiment. Judging from the number in front of us, this is far from the size of the Fourth Banner Regiment. The Fourth Banner Regiment has a total of 11,000 people. Even if the soldiers in front of you are about to reach the top of eight thousand, do you think Gesar is dissatisfied with my orders, or do you think my eyes are blind?" Thornton's voice was chilling, but he was appointed as an empire The first command of the Southern Army to mobilize the army, and the perfunctory attitude of the other party undoubtedly angered this famous Nord soldier. You should know that the newly integrated Southern Army includes the original two large military clusters on the West Coast and the Diocese. The total strength is more than 200,000. His foundation of Salton is on the west coast. If the generals of the Imperial Regiment are not convinced by him, his head of the Southern Army of the Empire is equivalent to more than half of the empty shell.

"I'm sorry adults, please don't get me wrong. Because of the temporary order, our army can only recruit such a large number of transport ships, so it is difficult to transport all 11,000 people to Kabu in one breath, but please be assured, subordinates It can be guaranteed that within four hours, all officers and men of my Fourth Banner Regiment will definitely arrive in Kabu!"

Sissar quickly explained that he used to be a general of the Istan regional army under the Wallisian. In the battle of the Holy City, the battle of the main battlefield of the Order of the Order undertaken by Wallisian and Saron ended the battle of the Holy Capital. Later, the empire formed the New Southern Legion, and they transferred two main flag regiments from Varisian and Saron into the New Southern Legion, and the fourth flag regiment of Siegsa was one of them, although Varisi Eun and Saron both had opinions on this, but the emperor handed over the northern part of Eero to the two people, which was considered to make up for their losses, and the imperial generals who remained in the area of ​​the Order of the Order of the Order of the Southern Army Still very stable

The trend of the empire going south is already obvious, and if the empire is going south, it must go through the corridor of the sect group, so the formation of the emperor’s new southern army is actually paving the way for the use of troops in the south. This means that who can transfer to the new In the formation of the Southern Army, it may become the starting lineup of the emperor south. In this case, the generals who were included in the Southern Army will naturally not object, and they are still safe.

The empire is rewarded and punished by military merits. If there is no battle, it means that there is no way to get rewards and promotion. It means that the living standards of the troops under the army have been greatly reduced. Returned to the Ministry of Imperial Affairs to report at the beginning of this year. The leader of the banner came out one after another, and all of them earned a lot of money, so that I don’t know how many imperial generals were blushing. Everyone can only stare at the Gangfei North Army, which was originally only a second-line army, in China and Belgium. The boom in the Asian region has not only firmly controlled the golden business road of Centralbia, and obtained huge benefits from it, but also expanded the sphere of influence of more than ten provinces in the Centralbia region, which has become When the empire took control of the situation in Central Asia, when it returned to the country at the beginning of this year to participate in the annual meeting of the military ministry, all of them looked like proud cocks, and the status of the legion was already turned upside down, from the second-class position that no one ever saw. Leaping into a position alongside the five major legions of the Empire,

Everyone sees it in their eyes, and it’s in their hearts,

The Empire has wiped out its opponents in Barrow, Northern Europe, and large-scale wars have hardly erupted. Since the last North-South War, the empire has basically entered a rest and recuperation, and the empire’s focus of war has clearly deviated from the Barrow of Northern Europe. Either Southern Europe Baro or Centralbia, this is the area where the imperial generals have requested to transfer, now there is a chance to transfer to the new southern army that will inevitably become the core of the war. Lord Dalton's stinky foot kiss, where did he dare to slack off, it was so sudden that the order came, and the fourth flag group of Siegsa was originally stationed in Gutburg, forty miles away.

The 4th Banner Regiment is composed of 11,000 people. It is also a full-line configuration in the empire, plus cavalry horses, thunder cannons, and some armament arrow clusters. It really takes all of the breath to be transported from the river and waterway. There is no eighty. It is difficult to achieve more than one transport ship. It is the limit of considerable efforts to reach 8,000 people first. It is conceivable that materials such as armaments and arrow clusters are transported behind, and all transported in front are people, And most of them are light and simple,

"At three o'clock in the afternoon, His Majesty the Emperor will be in Kabuk, and will personally review the Fourth Banner Group and the fifth Banner Group. I hope you will not let me down"

After listening to Siegsa's explanation, Salton nodded coldly, and accepted it. In fact, as a general of the army, Salton knew that the Fourth Banner Regiment would be **** if he could arrive in one breath. To give Si Geza a cold face, I want to take a look at this pioneer-like figure who has the name of a black spear under the Wallisian. The troops under the Wallisian are all the meritorious troops that have experienced the North-South War. , A real arrogant, if you don’t suppress it, it will be more difficult to let it completely obey your own orders, but now it seems that this Gesar is a smart person

"Adult is saying, Your Majesty the Emperor wants to review us!" Si Gesa's expression with an unbelievable look, he felt like he was hit by a pie falling from the sky, and it was still that big and endless pie, The emperor independently reviewed a certain unit, which has not been in the history of the empire. In the past, it was in the area where the major legions were located. It was only possible for large troops with a size of more than 100,000.

"Be prepared. The chaos of the empire broke out in the Holy City. Although the Emperor His Majesty did not agree to send troops, but also to tell the Holy City, my empire will not endure forever. As the sharpest sword in the hands of His Majesty the Emperor, you 'S performance will represent the attitude of the empire, and may even be infected with blood if necessary"

Salton reached out and patted Siegsa on the shoulder, the emperor withdrew all the chambers of commerce to Kabu, and the mountainous materials were also transported to Kabu. It is conceivable that when the members of the sect in the Holy City began to find themselves In a situation of starvation, watching a large number of materials are located in Kabu City, the possibility of taking a risk is 100%

"Oh, lord, rest assured, we are soldiers, don't soldiers do this, in fact, according to the views of their subordinates, the gangster grandsons of the Holy City are ungrateful villains. Without an empire, they would have been killed by the Martins. There are no more left, and now they are given a little good face, but even turning their face, they don’t recognize people.” Siegsa's mouth was stern and cold, thinking that he would get the emperor's personal review, and his eyes were bright and scary.

Two main empire regiments, nearly 30,000 combat troops, and other troops in the north of the Santos, ordered to gather towards the Kabuk Empire. In the face of such a huge force, if the Santos really dare to cross the Leichi , The empire had a well-known reason to go hand in hand. You should know that the temple army was extinguished by the empire, the great knight Husa died unexpectedly, and the entire Obaro was in an uproar. Aden and other countries jumped out and accused the empire of invasion, demanding the south All forces boycotted the empire, but in the face of the strong evidence that the Templar army forcibly conquered the empire in the capital of the Holy City, all voices were dumb.

The forces of the South, which had been preparing to issue a statement to boycott the empire, were also dumbfounded in front of the evidence provided by the empire. Husa was looking for his own death, even if he seized the empire's materials, even a lot of so-called Receipts, this is the Temple Army Husa originally in order to show that he was not occupying, but requisitioned in advance, to be compensated afterwards, so he signed a lot of written documents, Husa originally held the South and would not return After calculating, it is natural to sign these documents without any burden. Anyway, the Temple Army has already included the south-central state of the Order in the bag. Even if the empire took these so-called documents to come to the door, Husa could completely deny that it was not his own. Signed, to evict these so-called mortgage documents

But Husa didn't expect that he had just left the Holy Capital, and he was knocked on by the Martini people. Not only did he destroy more than 100,000 troops, he also intercepted all the supplies, and wanted to return to the Holy Capital. Blocked at the bridge, I had to promise to give compensation to the empire, and finally did not return to the Holy City, and was intercepted halfway by the people arranged by Pudamia. The last thing I could see was a silhouette of the wall of the Holy City, Now that these solid evidences are presented, the accusations of Aden and other countries have become their own face. Instead, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire seized this opportunity and vigorously promoted the leniency of the Empire in treating allies. , In violation of the agreement of the Allied Powers, to seize the Alliance to prepare materials, according to the emperor’s innate character, it is considered restraint not to slaughter the Holy Capital, and now also a large number of imperial resources are transferred to the Holy Capital to help the Order to restore the prosperity of the Holy Capital. His majesty’s broad mind is wider than the ocean, and the imperial emperor’s sincerity in treating his allies is enough to dwarf any leapfrog clown.

As a result, after some publicity, several forces in the southern forces that originally had a neutral attitude towards the empire jointly voiced for the first time that the empire’s tolerance of the Temple Army incident was admirable. If possible, the original intention was to expand with the empire. Cooperation, this is the first time that the southern forces have expressed their willingness to cooperate with the empire. Before that, even the eight central countries that are known as the imperial empire, they dare not openly lean on the empire side externally, because the North-South War is really Too tragic, the 700,000 coalition forces in the South died, and several major powers were in turmoil. In the face of the monstrous empire, the entire South was trembling. At this moment, whoever dares to stand up and speak for the Empire will be directly punished. Surrounding forces regarded as traitors

In the afternoon, the sunlight came in from the windowsill, and the spots were scattered on the ground, pressing a secret report from the Holy City on the table~www.wuxiaspot.com~The imperial black emperor stretched a lazy waist on the bench, watching To Salton who stood respectfully, Ning asked, "Are you ready?"

"The new fourth and fifth flag regiments of the Southern Army, with a total of 23,400 officers and soldiers, welcome your majesty for review," Salton bent down and said in a deep voice

"Let's go, let's go!" The black-haired emperor stood up and walked to the door of the office. He stopped at the door and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. "Salton, the emperor of the empire assembled in Kabu and reviewed the troops in person. , What kind of waves will you say when this news spreads to the Holy City?"

"I'm afraid the whole Saint will boil." Salton seemed to think of something, and there was a smile in the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, I think so too. The plan proposed by the Ministry of Information is very good. I also want to see how Santo killed himself!" The black-haired emperor laughed out loud and stepped out of the office door.


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