Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred sixty-six The return of the king (3)

The sunlight just passed through the clouds, and the milky white mist enveloped the ground. Under the breeze, the mist slowly dissipated, gradually increased from the ground, and finally disappeared. The world suddenly became refreshing and clear. After crossing the barrier mountain in the southern part of the Orthodox Church, the line of sight began to become extremely far away, and almost anywhere could be seen several kilometers away. At the edge of the connection between heaven and earth, you can vaguely see the rolling clouds, which forms a strong contrast with the color of the purple and black southern mountains. The various wildflowers blooming in the spring are even more large and large. Far away from the earth,

The imperial black cavalry officer leading the way strangled the horse, took a secret letter from his clothes, and respectfully handed it to a beautiful young girl wearing soft armor, and then looked at the middle-aged man on the side of the girl, OK After a military salute, Ning Sheng said, "Your Majesty the Emperor asked me to tell the two, the Silver Fox quietly returned to the country, but the area in front of him actually lost the core of his heart. At that time, Martin Liya divided the area of ​​the Kingdom of Harvey. Thirty-two territories have been acquired, of which the Yi people who contributed the most to the battle against the Harvey accounted for 21, the Ansili family was six, the Sam family was five, and the Yi nationality occupied three points. of two"

"This is different from the remnant 200,000 Martin Lya remnant army. Miss Tamara went to the Holy Capital alone to negotiate with the empire and asked the empire to release all prisoners of war. Among them were seven of the 21 Yir lords. The six inside the master, as long as Miss Tamara is a little bit in operation, I believe that it will be of great help for the Miss to return to the country. Oh, yes, Your Majesty has also asked one thing. "After this, this emperor’s official is not far away. Immediately stopped, the imperial cavalry lined up raised their hands, "clamming" a gleaming cold light, two hundred fully armed, the murderous imperial black armored cavalry pulled out the sharp swords,

   "The empire is going to kill me!" Sam Tamara's pretty face suddenly turned pale. She did not expect the purpose of the empire emperor escorting herself here, but to kill herself!

   "Quick, protect Your Highness," the Sam guards were chaotic. They pulled out their swords, their faces were angry, and they clenched their swords. But looking at the two hundred imperial armoured cavalry in armour, with sharp blades, and full of sorrow, the hand holding the knife could not help the nervous pain, many people's eyes were more complicated,

Just two days ago, they had a full hundred people, but as the patriarch gave birth to a son, the news reached everyone’s ears two days ago. Everything changed. Everyone knows what this means, less Although His Highness succeeded in negotiations in the Holy City this time, it was the biggest mistake to leave the Sam nationality at this critical moment

I believe that soon the news of the change of His Royal Highness within the clan will come. Sam Tamara is lost, but after all, it is the daughter of the patriarch, and the contribution to the Sam clan has also been quite large in these years. The patriarch should not hurt the killer yet. At most, it was house arrest or marrying as a bargaining chip for political marriage, but these young men’s guards were miserable. After receiving the news, they still followed Sam Tamara, their biggest original sin, the new young master. To establish, it is inevitable that we must clean up the old party members of the young master’s forces. Those clever ones have already ran away. In these two days, there have been people who have been left behind, and they have gone away within a day. More than 30 people, the next day there were only 19 people left, and now there are only 15 people. Fifteen people face 200 of the elite imperial cavalry who crushed themselves both in equipment and combat power, that is The slaughtered part!

   "Let these guards, just kill me one"

  Sam Tamara shouted anxiously, driving the war horse to rush up, but was grabbed by a strong and powerful hand

   "Your Highness, don't be impulsive, the Imperial Cavalry will not hurt you"

That was Sigrim’s hand, the gloomy Sam leader, said in a whisper that only Sam Tamara could hear. “This is just a strategy, I believe that Your Highness can also guess that our people There is a woman inside that woman, otherwise the news that the Blue Chamber of Commerce was evacuated will not be done without any knowledge of His Highness."

   "But time is running short, we don't have extra time to do this, so we can only... kill it all!"

"Why kill everything, how can you do this!" Sam Tamara's face was angry and wanted to get rid of Sigrim's hand, that is, in this short period of time, the battle had exploded and ended quickly, two hundred empire The sprint of Jiaqi at close range, the war horse was like a hurricane sweeping through, the sharp imperial war knife cut the thin armor on the Sam guards like a piece of paper, and in a flash, fifteen Sam Under the absolute advantage of the imperial cavalry, the guards were as if the wild grass swept by the wind, and the corpses lying in the pool of blood looked so shocking.

   "Check carefully, can't leave a live mouth"

The emperor shouted to the imperial cavalry, he jumped off the warhorse, cut a corpse under his throat, and then jumped back to the warhorse. After a military salute to Si Green immediately, he took the imperial cavalry and galloped away. This sudden eruption caused Sam Tamara to stay completely out of it. The eruption was so fast that it made people completely unresponsive. What shocked her most was that it seemed that the emperor of the empire and Si Gelin worked together. Why, why kill these loyal men who dare not give up to themselves at the last minute, and the eyes of the dead guard cavalry opened in anger, like a silent question, why, why did you kill me!

   "I need an explanation, otherwise I refuse to return to Martin Liya!"

Sam Tamara suddenly looked up at Si Green, his eyes full of blood, and said angrily, "I don't believe that these guards were bought by that woman, and several of them have been my guards for many years, and they are very loyal to me. , Others may betray, but they are absolutely impossible to betray!"

"Your Highness, you are still so naive, it is no wonder that the Emperor of the Empire will choose to start here. In fact, according to my suggestion, two days ago, when the news came, you should do it. Having been kind and lacking understanding of the evil of the human heart, just like before the Shalin betrayal of the Blue Chamber of Commerce, did His Royal Highness think that Shalin would betray?" Si Gelin looked calm and looked at each of them on the ground. The corpse seemed to be looking for something, and finally gave up something, sighed, "If I say, out of these fifteen people, there are twelve people who will take the life of His Royal Highness. I don't know if His Highness will believe it."

   "Sharin is just an accident"

Sam Tamara heard Sha Lin's word, her body shivered suddenly, and her face was ugly to the extreme. The courseware Sha Lin's blow to Sam Tamara was so great that it could never be said that Sha Lin was still her. I bought it back from a slave shop, she helped it become the president of the Blue Chamber of Commerce, and became an existence that even the ordinary Martin Liya nobles need to look up to. Her own secret affairs are all handled by this woman, and They were all very satisfied, but this man who convinced me undoubtedly destroyed all the hard work he had invested in the empire in the past two years, and almost died in the turmoil of the Holy City, and sent the entire blue chamber of commerce to that one. In the hands of women!

   "Twelve people, what do you mean?" Sam Tamara frowned.

"The shortest answer means that the woman did not want His Highness to return to China. The best way is to kill His Highness halfway and then plant the empire, but these people did not expect the Empire to send 200 cavalry, so it was late "Don't dare to do it," Si Gelin grinned and looked flat in the distance, condensed and said, "These people must say that they were sent by that woman, they must have been wronged, but to say more than half of them, there are definitely leaks. Because of the news I got, the woman sent at least ten people and bought two of your personal guards. That is to say, at least twelve people want to kill you, and fifteen people have twelve people. Set Your Royal Highness and Death, as long as Your Royal Highness crossed the border, they will not hesitate to do anything, it is related to the future of the entire Martin Liya, and it is related to the life and death of the thirty-seven Martin Lords who signed the secret contract, although there was a murder 'S bad name, I think Green has no fear or regret'

Sam Tamara heard that twelve of the fifteen people had betrayed herself, and couldn't help but take a deep breath. When she thought of Charlene, it was cold all over the place. This matter didn't happen to him. Tell her that until now, she didn’t know that she had been lingering under the woman’s knife,

Si Gelin's sophisticated appeasement of Sam Tamara's emotions, Shen Sheng said, "If your younger lord really feels guilty for them, you can go back and give them a generous reward. As a Martini boy, I died in a confrontation. It’s not a shame."

"Okay, even if what you said is correct, but what shall we do now, will we both go back?" Sam Tamara's eyes flickered, and his emotions seemed to have calmed down a lot. Thinking of the woman's venom, even if it was Sam Tamara, who is not interested in the position of His Highness, the Sam Family, couldn't help but rise up with an irritation. I just refuse to give you what you want! There are also loyal ministers who have died injustice. Only by grasping the power of His Royal Highness can they give them enough compensation. At this moment, Samata Mara has the idea of ​​grasping power for the first time.

  Thinking Green smiled slightly,

"Your Highness, don’t worry, I have already sent the news about the return of your Highness to the thirty-seven lords, including the deer blood family, the Kobeha family, and the Sterling family. They have given orders to their vassals, asking them to come immediately to protect His Highness, and they will also come over themselves, and other families have already begun to move. His Royal Highness has been designated as the spokesperson of the Imperial Emperor this time. Seventeen Lords will also fully support His Royal Highness"

Sam Tamara was at a loss as to what she meant by "support me!" He just returned to his country. In front of him, he killed all the accompanying guards and cavalry, and now he has gathered several powerful lords, Even the thirty-seventh of the Mitos are in full operation. What is this concept? To know that the thirty-sevens of the Mitos have the largest military power in the Martin Kingdom, with a total of 200,000 troops withdrawn from the Holy War,

Although Sam Tamara is not flexible enough, she is the founder of the Blue Chamber of Commerce. She has a natural perception of various sensitive information. She has already felt that Si Gelin is going to show off with the Sam tribe, Sam The clan wants to cancel the position of His Royal Highness, and may also put himself under house arrest or marry other clan as a marriage tool. At this moment, Si Gelin has no desire to continue to cover up with the Sam clan.

   The power of about thirty-seven families in Martin, at present, is definitely enough to set off a decisive blow in the changing situation, and if the support of the Yi people is added. . . . . . Even his own father is not enough to see, Sam Tamara no longer knows how to express the emotion of Bombay at this moment, just hold his fingers tightly, this is the feeling of holding power, it really makes people want to stop Refreshing

In the distance, several black lines were approaching quickly towards this side. As far as the eye could see, a banner of the lord was fluttering in the wind. Soon, several lords guarding the territory were surrounded by a large group of cavalry to Samata Mara. In front of him, one of the middle-aged nobles jumped off Lee from the war horse, almost trotting all the way to Sam Tamara, kneeling on one knee and saying very respectfully

   "Deer Blood Family Si'an meets His Highness Sam! My host specially asked me to come to coach His Highness first, and has arrived in the Blue City waiting for His Royal Highness"

   "No~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No, Your Highness Sam is going to the Xuefeng Mountain City in my Kobeha house, Xuefeng Mountain Baili Xuefeng, which is unchanging all year round, is the most beautiful time of the year"

"Joke, the places like Xuefeng Mountain who can kill people are afraid to say it. When it comes to scenery, who can compare with the Rowling City of my Sterling family, Rowling Grand Hot Springs, who doesn't know, but is famous throughout South Obaro, less Your Highness returned to the country thousands of miles away and was in need of a place to wash away the dust.” The vassals of the other lords stopped saying that their place was good. They all received orders from their princes and asked them to take care of Samtama. His Royal Highness La Shao, and these monarchs are now coming here, so who can receive Samata Mara among many people is definitely an extremely uplifting thing,

   "There is no need to fight anymore. Your Highness has already made arrangements and will go to Shatai City to tell your lord, Your Royal Highness will wait for them outside Shatai City." Si Gelin stood out from behind Sam Tamara with a serious face.

   "Shatai City!"

When I heard that Samata Mara would go to Satay City, the vassals of the lords suddenly had strange faces and even flashed their eyes. I went. This time I came to Zhenla. No one continued to quarrel, but some people underestimated Samta. Mara is going to take Sha Taicheng for surgery. Sure enough, she is the creator of the behemoth such as the Blue Chamber of Commerce, and she chose to go to Sha Taicheng directly. The name of Shatai City is enough to show how bad the environment is, and the reason that really shakes everyone is that Shatai City is the territory of the Sam tribe, and regarding the fluctuations within the Sam tribe, the lord vassals Naturally, I have heard about it, and the sam lord in the city of Shatai was one of the most fierce women who opposed the sam young master.

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