Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and seventy-one The return of the king (8)

Northern Fort Harvey, White Fort Royalis

The whole city is named for its white stone buildings. It used to be the acropolis of the former king of King Harvey. The white fortress stood high on the mountainside, with dense stone windows and a fortress extending along the mountain. The city walls, the archery holes on the four sides of the bunker, and more than 95% of the buildings are directly stacked with the strongest granite and can withstand the bombardment of tens of tons of trebuchets.

In the past wars, the White Fort has been scarred, but it has always stood upright. The refuted wall also reveals a dim blood red. It often exudes a slight **** smell under the violent shining of the sun, **** smells accumulated from the ancient history deep in the city walls, and will be repaired the fastest after the war, because no matter which side occupied the castle The first reaction was to make it more solid. Its unique meaning was even branded on its own coins by the Harvey people. Therefore, the gold coins issued by the Harvey Kingdom are also called Baibao gold coins. During a period of time, the White Fort gold coins of the Harvey Kingdom were all a type of currency that circulated in the surrounding countries.

Martin's crazy attack on the Harvey Kingdom, the most stop position is the White Fort

At that time, King Harvey was sitting in the White Fort. He personally commanded the 200,000 troops finally mobilized by the Harvey Kingdom in the White Fort. In the dawn, the dim sword and armor, and the hunting Harvey King Banner in the morning wind, Opposite the Harvey Army, there is the most elite attack line pulled by the 150,000 Martin force,

"Forward!" Hundreds of teams criss-cross, move forward and backward, ramming diagonally, Martin's strongest fighting forces are the Second, Fourth, Fifth, Twelfth and Thirteenth The army and other legions swooped in like a tide, and the White Portal and King Harvey were the last gateways. Spike, the crown prince of the Yi people, transferred all the most elite combat troops in an attempt to rely on the strength of the force to break the white. Fort,

"Woo, woo! Take down the capital of King Harvey" Martin warrior roared at the same time, the teams of all walks followed, the men and women were like black clouds of dust, rolling towards the roll, countless feet fell heavily, covering The green ground is like mocking the water and flooding the beach

"The Fourth Army has already been dispatched, and our Fifth Army cannot be outdone!" Spike rode on the war horse and raised his sword in his hand. As the army of Crown Prince Spike, the famous trump card of the Yi people, The military prowess of the fifth county was even more shocking. Dozens of cavalry teams were lined up, and the horseshoes marched forward. The square array was as tidy as a ruler.

Above each queue of cavalry, their respective team flags are flying. "Prepare to shock!" With the command of the cavalry commander, the Martin Liya light cavalry in the front row lifted up the wooden cavalry shield, and the other hand clenched the three-meter cavalry bayonet, accompanied by shouting The sound of each cavalry queue was neat as a person. The movement of the horseshoes, the dull horseshoes, the lifting and falling, the shaking ground was shaking, the queues were advancing like mountains, like a mountain after another. As he approached, the view of the White Castle was everywhere, and there was a slow and tidal Martin force. There are also catapults, moving arrows towers, crowds of people like mountains and seas in the middle of the infantry phalanx, the sound of cars, and the iron clang

In respect of the Harvey Kingdom, although more than half of the troops are temporary forces, the country’s powerful spirit of martial arts has been exerted on them. The king is behind him, the heart of the entire kingdom, Harvey soldiers The tragic and moving sight of death is as long as possible, and the dense spears fall in pieces, no mobilization is needed, half of the kingdom falls, tens of millions of compatriots fall into adversaries, cities that cry after being slaughtered, everyone knows this fact, Martin When the Liya people broke through the White Fort, the Harvey Kingdom was completely finished. The two sides added up to a total of more than 300,000 people in the assembly battle, which was concentrated in the narrow area of ​​the White Fort, which is only three or four miles wide.

The Harveys regarded death as their home, and went forward and succeeded. They did not give way. In the face of the impact of the Martin Cavalry Cavalry, as long as they were still there, they would not stop fighting. The horse missed the front foot, and the Martin Cavalry cavalry above fell down, and the people behind it hacked. In the face of the thunder and the cavalry charge, the pass below the White Fort has become a threshold for devouring flesh and blood. The light infantry of the Harvey were washed down, the heavy infantry came up, the heavy infantry was hit by a crash, and the guards and cavalry of the royal guards and Wangdu nobles were all filled in.

In three full hours, Martin Liya Cavalry charged more than 20 times, and still did not break through the defense line of White Fort, while the White Fort in the high place was constantly bombarding Martin Liya with dense scattered stones The cavalry, the Harvey army had hundreds of trebuchets conquered from the top of the White Fort towards the Martini people below. It is said that almost all the gravel on the hill where the White Fort was located was thrown away, giving Martin Liya The cavalry is quite troubled. When charging, I have to always pay attention to the dense stones that fall from the height. If they are hit, they will not be blocked even if they are wearing armor. The broken finger sometimes is directly blown up. open

Such a tenacious resistance, so fierce and not afraid of death, so barbaric, so cruel, the Harveys behave more like barbarians than Martin Liya, such a cruel and barbaric play, even if it is the ruthless Prince of the Yi people Pike also had to be moved. When the Harveys were alive and dead, it was like the wolf was forced into a dead end, and roared. The battle continued from the morning to the afternoon. The corpses ran across the field under the White Fort, and the corpses were stacked. The Uighurs died in battle for more than 50,000, and the injuries were beyond calculation. Martin Liya also had more than 10,000 elite cavalry who died in battle, and more than 20,000 were injured. Spike has replaced the attacking forces four times in a row, still Failed to win the pass to enter the capital under the White Fort

Through the narrow pass where the corpse ran across the field, Spike squeaked the whip in his hand and his eyes were even more red. He could already see the huge outline of Harvey King Duna from afar, but he couldn’t afford it. 100m entrance

"Assemble all the troops, I don't believe that the Harveys are made of iron. Even if it is really made of iron, I will crush him with a horseshoe." Spike's angry roar, he personally urged him to prepare for a general attack, from Then came the news "His Highness Silver Fox from the Ansili family mediated from the middle, the Kingdom of Harvey promised to give up all the areas west of the king capital, and was willing to compensate Martin Lijah with 15 million Harvey White Fort gold compensation"

"What, is this true?" The lords of Martini, who were shouting slogans, had a voice.

"The Harvey people originally intended to cede all the land west of the king, that is half the territory of the entire Harvey Kingdom."

"Your Highness Silver Fox is so powerful, it doesn't take a soldier and a soldier to let the Harveys voluntarily bring out so many benefits, which is much better than the foolish rushing here and there." The news came and was preparing The attacking Martin Liya army suddenly lost the motivation to attack, and they spent so much force to attack here, just to want to lay down the capital of King Harvey, but King Harvey is a famous rolling hill in the entire south. It is the mountain people, and several generations of the monarchs of the Harvey royal family are hard and simple. They have been fighting hard for decades, turning most of their wealth into military expenses. The royal family is a famous and poor jingle. Wangdu is not big. The total population is about 400,000. It is placed in the ranks of Barrow in Northern Europe, which is an ordinary big city. It can’t match the name of Wangdu.

"His Royal Highness, since the Harveys originally intended to pay 15 million White Fort Gold, we don’t have to attack them."

"Yes, Your Highness, even if King Harvey was made of gold, I searched it all. I am afraid that it is only about ten million imperial gold. One thousand imperial gold is worth 12 million Harvey White Castle. Gold, and now the Harvey people originally intended to give out 15 million Harvey Baibao gold, how can you see that they have earned 3 million more Harvey Baibao gold, everyone is still here to die with the Harvey people! Even though Spike was annoyed at the sudden news, he still had to admit that the silver fox was beautiful, and he was a strategist. Even if he paid a heavy price to beat the king of Harvey, he was afraid that there was no silver fox in the negotiation. The lips on the table touched a lot,

In the end, the Martin Force stopped at White Fort, only eight miles away from the former king of Harvey. White Fort also naturally became the dividing line between the Harvey Kingdom and the Martin Force. According to the agreement between the two parties, White Fort is still drawn at One side of the Harvey Kingdom, but the Harvey Kingdom cannot enter any army inside,

At this moment on the once tragic battlefield road, a dozen Harvey Kingdom cavalry escorted a horse-drawn carriage across the White Fort sideline, and inside was the news of the return of the Harvey Kingdom Special Envoy Duke Slare, Sam Tamara. Naturally, it also spread to the Harvey Kingdom. The Harvey people who had been burned because of the Icarians’ betrayal were immediately sensitively aware that this was an excellent opportunity. The tension in the Harvey Kingdom was not only due to the Ikar’s attack, but also The frequent mobilization of the Martins on the border over the past month has caused the Harvey Kingdom to have to divide its limited strength into two, resulting in no matter which side is weak, and now the Harvey Kingdom urgently needs to touch It’s clear that Martin’s attack is progressing on this side. If necessary, it is okay to cede part of the interests. Only if he can stabilize Martin’s side, can he deploy his troops to fight back against the Icar invasion.

Switching to the Samata Mara side, it must be the same idea. No one is willing to consider whether their backs are in danger when they need to face the enemy with all their strength. Samata Mara and Harvey Kingdom each give up One step is a win-win result! The carriage of Duke Slare, the special envoy of the Kingdom of Harvey, was discovered by Martin Liya Whistle just after crossing the border. After explaining that he wanted to see His Highness Sam Tamara, Martin Liya Whistle took Duke Slair To Kusho city where Sam Tamara is located

The Kusho city is not a big city, and the lord is still in the Ansili family. The sand city was partly collapsed by the empire Thor, and is being repaired. I don’t know why, Samta Mara chose to go to the Kusho City, if it is not because the city of Kusho is the closest city to the border, I am afraid that no one will believe that Sam Tamara will think that Kusho is safe.

"You want to see His Royal Highness Sam? It's not a coincidence that, when the Royal Highness Sam went down to Sussos City, he stayed here first, and when His Royal Highness came back, I would personally report it and come. I will arrange this one immediately. The special envoy goes down to rest"

The lord of the Ansili family in charge of the city of Treasury saw the special envoy of Harvey requesting to see Sam Tamara, naturally it was impossible to agree, but considering the example of the city of Shatai, the lord of the Ansili family did not dare to kill quietly When Slaer was dropped, he was put under house arrest. For three days, no one had any contact with the Duke of Slaer. Even the servants who brought the meal had a deep vigilance, but Slaer No worries, in fact, he had expected this situation long ago, so on the day he arrived in the city of Kosovo, the news that the special envoy of the Kingdom of Harvey arrived in the city of Kosovo was disseminated, if Sam Tamara really had a heart If you come, you will naturally come to see you

The servant brought lunch and took a few bites, and it was okay. Was put under house arrest. Of course, there was no appetite, and the servants around him all had silent faces. Suddenly, he heard violent footsteps, and then saw dozens of Martin Lifang officers rushed in, the guards at the door. I wanted to stop it, but I was beaten fiercely by the other party. The others were busy and let go. It seemed that I did not know the other party. Soon, under the leadership of a fierce young Martin Liya young man The man came to the Duke of Slare. The strong intention of killing them

"What do you want to do!"

"We are here to send you on the road, don't think that you can do whatever you want by leaning on His Royal Highness Sam. Be clear, this is the Ansili family, not the Sam tribe." The young military officer said fiercely, looking coldly. Slair, with his eyes like a sharp blade, seemed to cut him apart, and said blankly, "Capture him." Several sturdy Martin Lee officers immediately **** Slair, skilled from them. With strong force, you can perceive that they are all soldiers who have experienced battle. The soldiers slapped Slyer to the ground, and Slylton was almost comatose. He only felt that his bones were all scattered. , There was blood flowing from the corner of the mouth

"Speak, what the **** are you doing here, why do you want to see His Royal Highness Sam?" The officer Martin Force walked back and forth a few steps, and Slyer's eyes were cold, ignoring how the officer was roaring. He never responded, pulling his head. Say nothing, this matter is related to the life and death of the Harvey Kingdom. How can you say ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if you are dead, you must not disclose it, otherwise, even if Sam Tamara agreed to reach an agreement, Also had to choose to refuse because of the passiveness of the news leak

"It seems that he refused to speak and took him away," the officer said with an angry look, raising his hand, and a stinky sock was stuffed into Slyer's mouth. Several guards lifted Slater and left. . The people nearby did not dare to stop. Obediently hid beside him and watched that Slair was forcibly taken away, Slayer was stuffed into a carriage

Slair lay on the bench of the carriage, and looked at a Martin Noble aristocrat sitting opposite, with one hand stretched out to pull out the smelly socks in his mouth.

"Sir Duke Slare, don't come unharmed"

"Sire Green, you..." Slair sat up, swinging,

"No way, there are many people with different eyes. In order to avoid trouble, Your Highness can only take this method to meet your Excellency."

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