Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and seventy-six The return of the king (13)

Under the blue sky like the clear water, the bird flies through the vast wilderness and the rolling mountains and hills, and the big river that winds like a long snake rushes to the far side, and the Central Europe is known as the eight mountains and ten rivers. The Luo Corridor mainly covers the Central European Baro region, the Fissan region, and the western corner of the Istan Empire. Although this land is not fertile, 80% of the land is mountain hills, and only the side near the coastline is flat. But it is also extremely limited, so although there has been a continuous rise of ethnicity in this land, it has never been born a truly unified monarchy. Since the Fiya dynasty lasted thousands of years ago, this hill has reached 1,300 miles in length. The ups and downs has always been the dividing line between the east and the west, and it has also created a mixed situation of many ambitions in this corridor.

Two years ago, the empire took advantage of the opportunity to wipe out the chaos of the Hungarian tooth, and the army entered the Central European Baro, forcibly included the entire Central European Baro under the protection of the empire, and then the Empire once again beheaded the Feishan Kingdom Army on the Bavarian platform. Hundreds of thousands, extinguished the famously tenacious Fissan, deterred the entire Central European Baro, and completely opened up this important corridor connecting the eastern and western ends of the Nordic Baro, for the Empire to quickly gather troops to fight the Southern Alliance in the North-South War, and achieved Strategic victory laid the foundation

But from that moment on, the open conflict between the Central European Baro region and the empire has never stopped. Last year, at the annual meeting of the Empire, the Central European Baro countries jointly requested that the empire be returned to the coastal ports. The coast of Ronaldo became a fuse for the kingdom of Bion to raise its flag against the empire

The emperor did not see the hidden dangers of the Central Europe Baro region, and even once shot the Central European Baro countries hard, making the Central Europe Baro region a little quiet, but with Martin's 500,000 iron ride north Invading the Order State and kicking off the prelude to the Second North-South War, the empire successively fought against the Central Order Church in the Central Obaro and Fissan areas, unable to continue to suppress Central Europe Baro, without military suppression, Central Europe The hidden dangers of the Luo region that have not experienced the conquest of the imperial force also quickly emerged

Between the old forces that were hit hard by the Hungarian tooth chaos and the new factions that were not damaged much during the Hungarian tooth chaos, the call for re-establishing the order is becoming more and more concentrated

The Kingdom of Rila, as the former head of Central Europe, was the main battlefield in the loss of the Hungarian tooth rebellion. More than half of the nation’s male deaths were destroyed, and the entire south was destroyed. Even the king was broken by the Hungarian bow. The loss, to obtain the maximum amount of funds, the always shameless King of Rila, Orwitt, naturally played the idea of ​​using the Rila Kingdom as a special location at the entrance to the west end of the corridor. The Rila Kingdom happens to be the west gate of Central Obaro. , The only way from the empire to Central Europe Baro, this point alone represents what a strong business opportunity, the Kingdom of Oirat in the New Cold Valley convened some countries in the New Cold Valley to form the Hanshan Union

The so-called Han Mountain is one of the eight large mountain ranges in Central Europe and Baro. The areas along the mountain range are exactly the imperative places for the imperial trade road. The realization of this alliance is actually to let the Kingdom of Rila completely monopolize the empire. Access to all trade routes in Central Europe

The biggest opponent of the Kingdom of Rila is the new faction headed by the Kingdom of Lobos. At the beginning, because the geographical location was not the core position, it suffered little loss in the Hungarian rebellion. If it is only based on strength, Rob The Kingdom of Sri Lanka has already surpassed the current Kingdom of Rila, and it is now even more impossible to sit and watch the King of Rila, for the country of Rila, to transform the empire in the Central European Baro region into a golden merchant road to the Rila Kingdom. After learning that King Rila formed the Hanshan Union and wanted to firmly grasp the Shangluo Corridor, King Robes also quickly attracted four countries including the Sith Kingdom and formed a Shade Union like the Kingdom of Rila.

The two alliances simultaneously complained to the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the other party had destroyed the corridor business road and occupied their own control area

The focus of the dispute between the two alliances is the Suraf Platform, twenty miles northwest of the Kingdom of Bion. The Suraf Platform is the outer periphery of the Grand Duke of Suraf in the Central European Baro forces. Because it is a mountainous hill, and it has always been compared. Ang Kingdom’s harassment, so even the Duke Suraf himself did not take this enclave too seriously

"The place within 30 miles is like a cheek stuck between several areas in the Kingdom of Bion, just like a biscuit held by the hands of the Bian people, they can be swallowed by opening their mouths. The soldiers are all wasted." The master Duke Suraf did not expect it. In a blink of an eye, the Suraf platform as a wasteland has become the red man in the eyes of the countries. The main reason is that the Beyoncé raised the flag against the empire. The merchant route originally passed from the Kingdom of Beyond had to change the way. Most of the caravans chose to pass through the Suraf platform. In this case, it is difficult for the Sulaf platform to be lively, and King Oirat of Rila is personally After four consultations with the Duke of Suraf, the Duke of Suraf finally agreed that the Duke of Suraf agreed to block the south of the Suraf platform at the rental price of 100,000 imperial gold per year to the Hanshan Union, which indicates that the Kingdom of Rila Control has been achieved, and since then, it has become inevitable that the Hanshan Alliance will become the dominant player in the Central European Baro region

What angered King Oirat of Rila was that the Duke of Suraf leased a part of the east of the platform to the Shade Union of the Lobos Kingdom in private while leasing the Suraf platform to the Hanshan Alliance. As a result, it appeared on a platform with a width of thirty miles, but the situation was controlled by two alliances at the same time. Chaos was brewing. The era gradually showed its magnificent side. While making some people passionate, it also made others. People feel anxious and anxious, and they move forward in a hurry in places where people have not paid attention. The chaos of the Holy City, everyone believes that the empire must be in a hurry for a while

In such a situation, after all, the battle for control of Central Obaro came as scheduled.

An officer from the Kingdom of Lobos, wearing a uniform of Beyoncé, rode a warhorse to the top of the hill, gazing across the fields below, and several pro-cavalry walked down the green hillside. In this process, he kept his eyes on the distant village for a while, as it should have been a misty scenery, but it was a rare calm at the moment, and the fields in the distance were also covered with wild grass

Beside a large rock on the edge of the hillside, the cavalry officer raised his hand. "Everyone lifted their spirits to see if there was anyone in the village."

"Captain, I have checked. There is no one in the village. The latest mark of the intersection is a few days ago. It seems that the news that the Rila people are about to attack may be true."

Hearing the news brought back in front of him, the young military officer's eyes flashed a little brightly, his tongue protruding from the corner of his mouth, and licked the following chapped lips. Behind him, several entourage cavalry were also eager to try. There is no fear of being about to face the massive attack of the old-school power of the Rila Army. From the moment when both sides sent troops to the Suraf platform, the soldiers of both sides knew very well that this is a war that must be fought. The winner will You will get a business profit for at least ten years, and the loser will lose control of the business road in the next ten years. Not only will you have to provide high tolls to the other party, but you will even lose ten years and then communicate with the other party again. The possibility of a contest, and with the passage of time, the stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker, may not need fifty years, the winner can force the loser to submit!

"I hope the Rila people will not let us down, otherwise it will be too boring"

The young cavalry officer stood tall and looked at the vast ground ahead, muttering in a low voice

His decent appearance, serious and stereotyped character does not give people too much intimacy, and there is an undisguised sharpness all over his body. This kind of breath is quite common among the young Robes, young people The person who is always the easiest to rush to punch, it is natural to think which one should break the old order and let yourself show your fists.

At the beginning of the chaos of the Hungarian teeth, I don’t know how many people will fall, how many kingdoms have been broken, the old order of Central Europe has disappeared, and the ridiculous flow of the Kingdom of Rila is not willing to retreat from its previous position. The means to maintain it is really ridiculous, and has been unable to resist the erosion of the empire, and is reluctant to give up its position, then it is really a good fight. Without the empire intervening, the Kingdom of Rila and the Kingdom of Lobos Have a good fight, and then decide who is eligible to be the owner of this corridor

With its strong financial resources, the Lobos Kingdom has expanded the domestic standing army from the original 70,000 to 150,000 in this year, and it is recruiting young soldiers. When the Lobos Kingdom was suppressed by the imperial army, the king had to go in person. The empire was guilty of condemnation and has always been regarded as a disgrace by the soldiers of the kingdom of Lobos

Then the Kingdom of Lobos, on the grounds that the current military power was unable to protect the security of the Kingdom of Lobos, Princess Lobos proposed to form a youth army, and this Princess Lobos personally called out and paid two ordinary soldiers. In just two months, 26,000 people were recruited, all of whom were young men under the age of 30, with a flesh and blood, receiving almost the best treatment and the harshest of the same army in Central Europe and Baro. Training, and as a young army, these young people of the Lobos Kingdom are in the golden stage of life, full of desire to show their strength from the body to the heart,

In the eyes of these young Robes officers, the platform in front of them is undoubtedly too small, giving them a feeling of being unable to let go of their hands and feet. Look at the battle of the empire in the Holy Capital region of the Southern Order, over a hundred miles. Hundreds of thousands of armies are fighting each other, the decision is the direction of the entire South European Barrow in the next ten years. That is where the men should fight. Compared with the wars that broke out in the south, the current Suraf platform can only be regarded as one. Small scene

But even in a small field, the battle is also brutal and bleeding,

It was already dark, although I was prepared~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Rila attack was still proud, and the Robes officers who thought they were the sons of the plane were dumbfounded, this time as a flanking attack It is the second new corps of the Royal Army of Rila, the commander of the army, Ansug, is a veteran of Rila after the battle with the empire and the Hungarian tooth rebellion. It is definitely a figure truly forged from iron and fire. After the army’s defensive strength, it looked carefully and ordered the entire line of attack,

The huge rock-throwing machine roared, and the long-armed rock-throwing machine continued to throw out large chunks of stone, and the large chunks fell towards the city head, because it was night, and the Robes garrison on the wall was seriously injured. , The breathless manipulator, his upper body was naked, but it was steaming, and more than one hundred thousand ants swarmed to the defense line of the Rila Army. The sound of shouting, the blood of fighting covered everything. The most central part of the battle, once Twice was broken and changed hands, the soldiers in front fought desperately, and the battle was not retreating. A little further behind was the war squad with long swords. In the faint light of the flames, the Reyla Kingdom shooter shouted "One and two" , Three, shoot," the bows and arrows shot from various distances form a metal waterfall-like scene, while the bows and arrows raise the bow, and the stones thrown out at night are like giant beats. When the beats fall, the place is like the autumn wind. The fallen leaves rolled up in the faint light. Ping-a loud bang, amazing gravel chips splashed out

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