Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and seventy-nine The return of the king (16)

King Pramcasi, the king of Lobos, has been in power for nineteen years. Even if he eliminated the rebellion of the southern rebellion, he only stood as a commander in front of the military map and planned to watch the Rila people in front of the tide. Pramcassie felt his eyes were bloodshot and his hands were trembling slightly,

"Your Majesty, you don't need to be nervous, everything has been arranged, as long as there is no big fluctuations, we can win," Hattusia whispered.

"Is everything really laid out?"

"Yes, as long as the imperial army does not appear within two hours, others will stand on our side." Hattusia looked up sharply at the sky, took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on the river ahead. On the Rila flag opposite, it was said that the imperial warlord was killing people on the battlefield. It used to be a modifier, but now on the battlefield, I know that killing people can be so easy. Yes, it is more appropriate to slaughter. The slings from the Rila people are like raindrops flying across the sky, whistling wind and thunder, and every time they fall, it seems to explode in the pile of people in the sub-unit. , Although the quasi-head is not very good, but the momentum is really amazing

"Two hours..."

King Pramcasi's face was solemn. For the current passive, he thought that it would take another two hours, and his heart was also a little guilty. He felt that his troops were like toys that were randomly played by people, and wow la la was a splash of human blood. Even when he stretched out, he felt sweat on his forehead and his face was pale. I can imagine how the soldiers in front of him would feel

It is said that the power of the Empire Thor is more lethal and destructive than the slingshots of the Rila people in front of him. If you fight with the Empire, it may be even more unbearable. At first, Feishan’s 300,000 troops were bombarded by the Empire with Thor The whole family crashed, such a scene is hard to imagine

"Hathus Yaqing, defeating the Rila, will the empire retaliate against us?"

Pramsica's fingers held the reins of the warhorse tightly, and his breathing could not help but the rapid rise and fall, his nose sighed out a sigh of breath, in order to eliminate the tension, the king of Lobos had no words to talk,

The prelude to the decisive battle has begun, and he is still hesitant. In fact, he also drummed up to declare war on the Rila people. Behind the Rila people stood a powerful empire. Don’t look at the imperial army has been transferred from Central Europe because of the southern war. Barrow, but this does not mean that the empire has lost its influence on Central Europe Barrow

Coincidentally, the empire won in the Southern War, defeating the 500,000 Martin Forces in one fell swoop, and King Rewit of the Rila immediately established the so-called Hanshan Alliance, attempting to monopolize the Sino-European Baroque trade route. Zhang Hupi was fake, and the Rila people wanted to take advantage of the great victory of the empire to regain the first place in Central Europe.

At this moment, the Kingdom of Lobos stands up and fights against the Rila people. It is slightly extended that the Kingdom of Lobos means that the Empire is fighting against the Empire. This is also the problem that Pramsika is most worried about. If the Empire does not participate in the war , Then the Rila people can still fight, if the empire supports the Rila people, this war will not be fought at all! So everything is expected, but as long as the attitude of the empire is not clear, it always seems to be a scepter with its head hanging over its head. The dominance, no matter who wins in the end, will eventually submit to the empire's business line. If he defeats the Rila people and angers the empire, it seems too worth it!

"Your Majesty, no matter what, we only have to bet now. Otherwise, once the Rila people monopolize the Central European Barro trade road, our Lobos kingdom must be the first target for the Rila people to deal with, and if we evacuate now, we are afraid The soldiers are defeated." The quality of Hatusia as a professional soldier is reflected at this moment, as if he can't see the queue shattered by his own piece, he can't see the wounded soldiers wailing, but his face is cold to his lord Said that once this step has been reached, he can no longer hesitate, and Plumkasi's face is slightly red, feeling ashamed of what he said,

"Okay, Hatusiyaqing, I know you are right, then hit it down, big deal, I will take my face down and go to the emperor to guilt it."

This Lord of the Lobos Kingdom is not a strong character, but slightly docile, but it is precisely because of this character that the King of Lobos has given the Lobos Kingdom a stable and peaceful for more than ten years. After the accumulation of considerable national strength, it was only after the Hungarian tooth chaos that the Kingdom of Lobos quickly stood out from the Central European Baro countries. "It does not have the ambitions and talents of the heroes, but it is quite self-knowledge, but it just happened. "It's time" King Roberts personally went to the empire to confess his sins. The Emperor of the Empire gave this comment after reading the information of the King Roberts.

"Order the troops in front of you to stay steady, and don't attack when the enemy crosses the river!" Hattusiya even in the case of a great war, in fact, it is to see who can be stabilized, and to see that the troops in front have been disturbed under the blast of stone. There are signs that he turned his head to the cavalry commander behind him and said, "Tell the war team, no matter who it is, it is unauthorized to withdraw the latter and cut!"

"The War Team, Hatusiya Qing, didn't say that the War Team was used at the most critical moment?"

King Pukamkasi heard that he would send a war squad at this time, and his face changed, because he had not fought a big battle for more than ten years. In order to prevent his army from having problems at a critical moment, this time according to Hathus Yam’s proposal, Pram Kathy specially formed the supervising team with his 300 royal family members. These royal family guards are the most elite royal guards, and they are extremely important to the royal family. According to King Pramkasi’s idea, it’s best to use such a dog as a clan. After all, it’s unlucky to kill a soldier who doesn’t obey the command and wields a knife to his own person.

But Hathusiyah demanded and pointed out that although the Rila people were hit hard by the Hunya chaos, but from another aspect, even the Hungarians did not defeat the Rila people. The Kingdom of Lobos has more than a dozen There was no war in 1949, and the soldiers were replaced in two batches. Most of the stubborn veterans who had originally fought have been retired. Such troops want to collide with the Rila people who have experienced the elite Hunya rebellion. If you want to win this war, you must form a supervising team, in order to turn the tide at a critical moment, and avoid the whole family's defeat due to the fleeing of a small number of people.

"Your Majesty, this is the most critical moment. If you can’t carry it in front, no matter how good it is, the short-term fluctuations are not terrible, but if someone starts to escape without stopping, it will soon spread to the entire army." Hattusiya replied in a decisive manner that as the cavalry was ordered to gallop away, the royal family members behind the queue began to move forward. These royal family members clashed with a sharp sword, and three hundred royal family members pulled out behind the army Sword, shouting "Retreat the latter and kill without amnesty!"


At the same time, a royal officer was also very decisively standing in front of the archer queue, drawing his sword and pointing forward

When the bowstring was pulled away, I saw the longbow of the Robes long archer aiming in the direction of the sword. The cold and abnormal triangular arrows were shining, and the troops that had been tumulted in front were suddenly dead. I only heard howling from the height. The sound of the stone bomb hitting the crowd of people is like a huge waterfall slamming on the hard ground, turning up a **** spray,


The first offensive line of Harvey’s army crossing the river was also rushing to the beach at this moment, shouting like a landslide, countless people colliding together, swords and cold lights colliding together, but in a flash, the two sides were hundreds of lives. With the passing away, the infantry of both sides rolled like a torrent of water, tumbling down and pouring down, hitting the enemy in front with just one head, the sound of the armor of the soldiers collided,

"Erector wall"

The heavy shield infantry standing at the forefront have lowered their center of gravity, blocking their shields in front of them with death, as if pulling up a steel wall, and the large and thick giant shields held by the battle infantry are sharp and sharp at the bottom, and can be smashed. The side card that entered the soil, once erected, was an iron wall, and the people behind it stood against it, and suddenly felt that it didn't know how many heavy bodies. Slammed into the giant shield in their hands!

"Long gun stabbing" shouting shrillly, countless long guns were stabbed out from the gap between the giant shields, blood splashed, screamed again and again, the Rila army rushing to the beach desperately squeezed backwards, and the people behind desperately shoved Before squeezing, Hedgehog integrated a large pimple before the Lobos military phalanx, and all kinds of crying and crying sounds became a piece!

"Archer, shoot!" Robus bow archers raised the bow a little bit, and heard a trembling of the bow string, a wave of arrow rain, and splashed towards the Rila who were desperately rushing up the river beach. After a wave of arrow rain, the first stack of archers quickly turned away, and the second stack of arrow arrays turned up a row of arrow clusters, a little pause, and a buzzing bow string trembling sound, then spilled a round Arrow Rain! In an instant there were two rounds of arrow rain, and the Rila people saw a light shining overhead. But it was the reflection of the sunlight on the sharp iron arrow. I heard countless small, dense and sharp air whistling sounds in the air. It was the sound of arrows and tail feathers flying at high speed in the air!

"Attention, arrow attack" an Rila officer opened his mouth and shouted in horror. A feather arrow had fallen from the air and was about to be inserted into the mouth. The arrow came out of his head with blood flowers! Countless feather arrows whizzed and fell like locusts at the same time, and in the smoke, a voice of people shouted. I didn’t know for a while how many Rila soldiers who were still struggling forward in the river were shooting arrows. They were originally in a crowded queue in the river. They suddenly shot this round and round of arrow rain. Dorella soldiers rushed out of the river channel, although the speed was slightly slower, but the intention to move forward was more determined. They are the youngest soldiers with the most blood. Although the battle array is lacking in experience, it is not disregarded by a **** bravery. Moving forward, relying on the pride of the Rila nation, the sense of glory inspired by the officers all the way, relying on the man and horse far more than the Robes army opposite. Under the arrow rain, pushing the companion's body forward!

"These Rila are crazy!"

When did the Lobos see such a life-threatening enemy, it was like a locust swarm, a crowd of people came up, they even used their corpse as a shield, and the people behind slashed down with their swords, and then screamed. , The arrows were sprinkled like raindrops, and the Rila army began to throw arrows at the opposite side of the channel.

With a strong number advantage, the Lobos army really could not withstand it, and slowly gathered the queue. Although it still maintained a square array like a wall, it had been pushed out of the tidal flat area, and the Rila army had controlled the tidal flat. , And the Lobos army was forced to retreat a full two hundred meters to regain their feet

"I thought that the Lobos would be different. It was still so uncomfortable." Ruth, the commander of the Rila army, drove the war horse to cross the river. There was a smug smile on the corner of the mouth. There were still a large number of Rila soldiers floating in the river. The corpse, Ruth believes that the Lobos have no river barriers and are completely incapable of fighting against him, but he overlooked another point, that is, this over an hour of attack, in fact, the Rila people even picked up a little bit cheap The opportunity was not found, more than 4,000 people were killed and injured, and the loss of the Lobos army was not as great as he thought. Even the orderly retreat was set.

"The Empire shouldn't come"

"It seems that the Empire will not interfere in this war"

"Oh, the pride and arrogance of the Rila people, it turned out that even the empire began to despise it." When Lu Si led the Rila army across the river, the 20,000 other countries' troops in charge of the flanks did not mean to move at all. The generals of the famous leaders glanced at each other~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although their kingdom is also a member of the Hanshan Alliance dominated by Rila, the Rila people completely occupy themselves as masters in the alliance. With a finger-pointing attitude, when dividing the profits of the trade routes, they took away 70% in one go, and the total left to them was only 30%. The Kingdom of Rila has empire support, and the countries are naturally Dare to speak out, but if the empire gives up supporting Rila, then the situation is completely different.

The Lobos Kingdom originally intended to give an 80% share!

"Sir, the side troops don't seem to follow us." A general Rila came to Lusi with a solemn look

"Don't care about them, with or without them, how big the difference can be, maybe I'm afraid to be moved by the bravery of my Rila youth army." With an obvious disdainful look, the empire won in the war of the holy capital of the Order. Under such momentum, the Central European Baro who dare to provoke Rila, that is, the Kingdom of Lobos does not know the heights and breadth of the world, even wants to compete with The Kingdom of Rila is competing, and this time His Majesty Auwit let himself defeat the Lobos army and kill the chicken and monkey!

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