Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and eighty-five The return of the king (23)

The horseshoes were muddy, and a team of Rella patrol cavalry was moving quickly from east to west, following the direction of the border river, patrolling and alerting the river with a surge of water

"If you get to the outpost, you have to pump Karin's **** and whip well. On a rainy day, let the brothers run so far. What's the matter!" A Rila border army looked at the rain screen with a long and decayed glance. Distant under the shroud, people and horses are covered with mud, clothes are full of rain, heavy and wet, although it may be because the river has cut off the road, but this is not the reason why there is no news for two days. The whole area The river doesn’t rise, and it’s not the only one. Others are all coming from the water, and there are also three or four people who were washed away by the torrent.

"Captain, the pontoon in front has collapsed. If we continue to move forward, we will only have to go by force, but under such rain, it is difficult to guarantee that no brother will be injured."

A subordinate was covered with rain and covered his eyes with his hands. After looking around, he whispered uglyly. This torrential rain came so eagerly that it was almost a whole day and night. Daily reports of violations of the direction of the Carlin outpost One time, the eighth regiment of the Rila Frontier, who was stationed here, did not care at first, thinking that it was a delay caused by heavy rain, but two days later, there was still no news in the direction of the Karin outpost, and it had to cause the border troops. With the attention of the Eighth Regiment, this patrol cavalry was immediately dispatched. In such a heavy rain, he was pulled out of the warm camp in the middle of the night, and the storm came directly towards the place. mood,

"The rain is too big. Let's go down the river. The lower part of the river leads directly to the kingdom of Bion. If a brother is washed to the people of Bion, it might be a little troublesome."

The captain of the border army raised his right hand and wiped the rain on his face. He carefully looked at the river channel which was three times wider than usual. The large area in front of him made his eyes hot and hot. , Is what the Rila people call this place, and what it represents, I am afraid that only Rila people can remember it

The river here is vertical and horizontal, and the terrain is flat, even if ordinary people know how fertile this is, but here is the sight of the rich fields, but a large area of ​​grass spreading, because this is the land of the Three Rivers, several times Related to the battlefield of the fate of Central Europe, why the grass here is so dense, because every inch of the land here has been irrigated by human blood

At most, there were three or four hundred thousand troops strangling here. More than a hundred years ago, Hungarians from the East swept Central Obaro, such as a hurricane, and the Bionians, known as the masters of Central Obaro, gathered other people. A total of 350,000 troops in various countries were trampled by the iron cavalry of the Hungarian cavalry who swarmed into it, and even the Central European Baro nations were in danger in front of the Hungarians. Therefore, the position of the Central European Baro was lost, from prosperity to decline, but the real thing that made the Bionians bow their heads in front of the Rila people was that 24 years ago, the Kingdom of Rila and the Biao people snatched this land. , The Rila people took the lead and attacked the elite garrison troops led by the famous Biar general Duarri who was known as the spear of Biang

The battle was fought for four days. It was really like a corpse, and blood was flowing into the river! It is said that the dead bodies of the two sides even blocked the Sanhe River. It was hailed as the most tragic battle in Central Europe Baro. In the end, Rila won the bet, with 110,000 casualties. Yali, the result of more than 90,000 deaths by the Björn army, the head of the Björn who had just risen was pressed again. That battle completely laid the position of the Rila as the head of Central Obaro. The Kingdom of Beyond can’t stand up to the Rila people until now

As long as the Land of the Three Rivers is in the hands of the Rila people one day, it can be strategically suppressed against the Angolans. During the Hunya Rebellion, King Owet of the Rila had to abandon the Land of the Three Rivers to return to the country to shrink his strength and rescue. The Kingdom of Beyond seized the opportunity to occupy the land of the Three Rivers again. Fortunately, the people of Beyond went crazy and set up a rebellious flag against the empire. The Kingdom of Rila seized the land of the Three Rivers again without any effort. Even if the domestic troops were extremely tense, the three regiments still had a total of four. The army of 10,000 people is stationed here. We must know that the entire Kingdom of Rila is now full of people, that is, 100,000 people, or a new army of 30,000 youths has been reorganized to expand its strength to more than 130,000 people.

And here, Ao Witt has depressed a third of the kingdom’s strength

Not only because of the importance of the Three Rivers, but also because this is the pride of the Rila people

Now that the Kingdom of Rila wants to become the head of Central Europe Baro again, it must show enough strength. If it can't even control the Three Rivers, it still has to talk about what it means to be the head of Central Europe Baro! And the Rila people also have another plan. As long as the empire starts to fight against the Kingdom of Ang, they can take advantage of the river channel of the Three Rivers and go down the river to seize the large land of the West of the Three Rivers. In order to seize the opportunity, the Rila Army even repaired the outpost to Genoa, five miles from the Kingdom of Bion, which is the location of the Kalin outpost, the final target of the Rila patrol cavalry.

Such a sensitive position broke the news for two days, and had to let the patrol captain raise his mind. It stands to reason that the Bian people should not dare to show their heads now, since the empire obtained the south in the holy capital of the Southern European Barrow Order. In the victory of the hegemony battle, the Beyond people occasionally showed their faces before, but now they can’t even see the figure. Although the Kalin outpost is in front, it is the elite of nearly a hundred people, and it is far from Karin. There are also two outposts within ten miles of the outpost. The total strength of the three outposts is a total of 500 people. It is not so easy for the Bian people to eat these three nails quietly, but Now, there is no news at the three outposts. If it is just because of the rainstorm and flooding, it is too self-deceiving. They are all soldiers coming out of the wind and rain, not so precious!

Going down the river, it is natural to find the narrowest place to cross. This was originally a too cold and cold summer, and the crossing is even colder, as if it were like an ice cellar, the soaked body of the cavalry captain first stepped into the river. In the eyes, I couldn't help but tremble, my pale face was even whiter. In the handful of grass rushed by the rapids in front of the river, there were several corpses floating, soaked and swollen, like It is a white square float where the grass is generally entangled with water plants. It is constantly loaded on the river beach by the current. With the vortex, the familiar armor is only the first sight. The patrol cavalry captain can already be sure that this is Rila soldier

"Is it someone from Carlin Squadron?"

"I don't know, but it's definitely our Rila"

The eyes of the cavalry behind were all red, and the handle of the knife was unconsciously held by the hand. There was a bit of curse at the moment. At the moment, they held their breath at once. If the bodies of the Kalin sentry tower were exposed to rain The torrent has rushed here, I am afraid that the Kalin sentry tower is fierce, and you have to know that this rain only fell yesterday, but the Kalin sentry tower has no news from the day before yesterday, everyone’s heart is An ominous feeling

"Maybe it's a herald!" The patrol cavalry captain looked back ugly from the vortex torrent next to the corpse, muttered in a low voice, and his face was even ugly to the extreme. If it was the Rila herald cavalry who was intercepted in the river No wonder there is no news back in two days, because the cavalry was ordered to be halfway dead. At this time, it is unwise to salvage the corpse. The man is already dead, and he is still doing what he has done, and under such torrents, the water They are flooded to the height of the war horse's belly, and if they are careless, they will be washed to nowhere. Moreover, the corpses soaked in corruption are the most likely to cause plague. The water of this river may not be drunk anymore.

The cavalry captain glanced around, and the swaying grass blocked everything in the distance. The cavalry captain's heart could not help but the other party intercepted the cavalry's sole purpose, which was to prevent the news of Carlin Squadron from passing back, or to say, card It’s hard to say that the Lin Squadron has been destroyed. This idea makes the cavalry captain feel cold. The 500-member Carlin Squadron, and there are solid sentry tower barriers, can’t be destroyed without more than 3,000 troops. Yes, looking around, who can put such a force on this wilderness at once, there is only one, Beyoncé! The Beyoncé sent troops to the Three Rivers again! This is absolutely amazing!

"Sura, you immediately report the situation here to the camp, the others follow me forward"

The captain of the patrol cavalry has a firm face and maintains a calm mind at a critical moment. It is worthy of the elite of Rila who has experienced several wars. Even if he knows that the Bian army may have entered the land of the Three Rivers, he may continue to encounter any time before. , But in order to understand the situation of the Carlin Squadron, he still chose to move forward. Although Genoa is the land of the Beyond, there is nothing terrible. The old men are cavalry. If they really encounter the Beyond, they will spread Just run the horseshoe and run! Even if there are more people than the Ang army, how can we take us! , The cavalry captain cheered up his subordinates, and after an hour, the cautious patrol cavalry finally entered Genoa

The rain in front of me washed away the dust on the leaves, and it made the vast wild grass in front of me look green and dripping. The horseshoe stepped into the mud on the ground and splashed water. Although it was moving in the rain screen, it was fast, but the sound of the horseshoe was very loud. Light, the patrol cavalry all fell on their horsebacks. No one spoke, only the faint sound of the warhorse's hissing,

"In front is the Carlin Outpost, the others are scattered around." The captain of the patrol cavalry straightened up and issued an order after confirming the safety of the surroundings. "The heavy rain destroyed everything. We can’t know if there is a Bian army near here. If it’s true, Was stared at, immediately turned and ran to know?"

"Yes, Captain." The other cavalry nodded like a huge fan. When the patrol cavalry captain came to the outpost, all he saw was only the corpses piled up in front of the outpost. These corpses were deliberately placed at the gate of the outpost. A piece of white flower that was stripped of armor was entangled, and in front of this pile of bodies, a middle-aged man wearing Rila army armor was tied to a wooden pile, and the body did not know how many arrows were hit. Shooting sparsely is not like a man. He still holds a sword in his hand, and the flag of the Rila Squadron, which has been invaded by human blood, hangs diagonally on the wooden railing. The rain has washed away the blood, but The scene was suffocating and everyone was breathless.

"It's Captain Carlin! The surrounding Rila cavalry uttered a cry of sorrow, and everyone's mind was that Carlin Squadron was over!

"Everyone checked around and buried them," the cavalry captain said with a red shudder, and the cavalry quickly checked the outpost. An inexplicable situation was found in the stable of the outpost. The bodies of five horses were taken, and the entire Carlin Squadron was equipped with five fast horses. That is to say, it was not the cavalry cavalry who died in the river.

This discovery made everyone’s heads dumbfounded, and everyone’s eyes were on the captain of the cavalry. There was sweat coming out of the captain’s forehead.

"Not the cavalry of the Carlin Squadron, are you sure?"

"It’s not wrong. We counted the war horses. The five horses were all there. The other party cut the horse’s neck directly. It should be to prevent someone from escaping. While burying the body, the body of the herald was found, that is to say, it was attacked by the enemy, surrounded and then destroyed, so that the herald cavalry did not come and ran to the stable."

"Are you saying that the Beyoncé really used the army, just to deal with a squadron?

""Or any other goal is hard to tell." The voice of the subordinate who came to the report made the captain of the cavalry really want to kick this bastard. Do you know how bad it is to throw this serious matter to the chief. Polite behavior

"Captain, we found traces of the army’s actions on the east side of the outpost. It should be the enemy who attacked the Kalin outpost, but I don’t know why. After the raid on the Kalin outpost, the other party seemed to rush straight into the east. , The number of traces is amazing!"

A patrol cavalry ran breathlessly, the traces of rain that could not be concealed day and night, this is at least possible by the army of tens of thousands, tens of thousands. . . . . A squadron of Carlin was destroyed, the captain of the cavalry was pale and fearful, and the situation was so strange that his head was numb. The Bionians used a large army to destroy the Carlin outpost, and then turned sharply to the east. The real goal is east, but what is east

"Everyone gathers, let's go to the east." The captain of the cavalry ran towards his horse and hurried towards the east. There was a large black cloud on the east. This is what made the captain of the cavalry numb. Based on experience, the captain of the cavalry knows that it’s not a black cloud, it’s a vulture. Such a large number of vultures is enough to explain the problem.

Vultures are scavengers, so many people have died at the Carlin Watch Tower, and no vultures have come to see it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is enough to show that the feast there is better than here

Weeds that had been flooded by the rain were obviously trampled, most of them were drooping in the mud, and after running for more than half an hour along the trail, a wilderness soaked in blood appeared in front of the eyes. Countless streams, all red

"My God!" The captain of the cavalry yanked the horse, the boss with his pupils open, and the cavalry behind him was even more chaotic. Some of them even fell down from the horse and rolled in the mud because of too much force. There was no pain at all, everyone was shocked, right in front, under the sight of the wild grass, there were corpses covered in broken armor, spread out in a line, hundreds of meters apart, came from the air The strong smell of carrion is unbearable. The dense spears of broken guns are covered with the edge of the earth. A distant flag in the distance stands obliquely in the rain. The bunting has already been soaked and rolled. On the flagpole, it is even more sad and broken, and the words above are faintly visible. The flag is still here. Under the flag is a pile of corpses. Large groups of corpse-eating vultures are still in the rain in China, and they are still in the sky. The strange groaning is like celebrating their good luck.

"It seems to be the flag of the youth army!"

"Why did the youth army die here? This is a youth army of 30,000 people!" The voice of the cavalry captain is almost hysterical, resounding in the wilderness.

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