Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and two strong winds in early summer (3)

"Dang Dang Dang!"

The bell from outside the window awakened Sieglin. He glanced around the room in confusion. Outside the half-open window, you can see the bell tower with the cross-pointed spire. The hands and minutes coincide. The bright light makes the bell tower extra bright and blue There are only a few silky clouds floating in the sky, and the glorious midday sun makes Sigel's eyes narrow into a thin line.

He lifted his right hand subconsciously to cover it, and immediately came the biting pain, and Si Gelin couldn't help but make a painful sound, only to see his right palm wrapped like a dumpling, Si Gelin was suddenly full of bitterness, summer Represents tyranny, swiftness, and excessive enthusiasm.

The Falcon Emperor is now like the scorching sun of the King's Land. Standing on the back of the window glass with his hands on his back, it is like the scorching sun in the sky, King's Land!

"Your Majesty, that map..." Siegling's hoarse voice wanted to confirm what

"Burn, what you saw" The emperor turned around recklessly, glanced at the corner of his mouth with disdain. "No matter what you think, anyway, I think that kind of thing should not stay in this world. To be honest, you should It is very clear that it is impossible for the empire to really give you the Blue Chamber of Commerce. You should take out the map and you should have made a plan, otherwise you will be too disappointed for me."

"Well, to be honest, the situation of His Royal Highness is now very dangerous. It is not too much to say that it is life and death. I believe that Your Majesty already knows what happened at the Martin Liga Conference. The lords who originally stood on the side of His Royal Highness Now, they are beginning to fluctuate. Due to the tight contract, they dare not express their blatant support for the abolition of His Highness, but maintaining a quiet and neutral attitude is in itself supporting the Sam family and testing the empire’s bottom line."

Siglin glanced at the silent emperor and sighed, "If there is no response from the empire this time, then next time, there will be no possibility of obeying the commands of the empire. If these lords are lost With secret support, Sam Tamara, who is still in the Harvey-occupied area, will be directly eliminated by the forces of the Sam tribe."

"Just for this?" The emperor emperor's black swords frowned slightly.

Martin’s domestic lord’s attitude towards the secret contract is also changing. This is human nature. The previous signing of the secret contract was forced by the situation. On that day, the imperial army was pressing, and the lords had been chaotic one by one for a long time. If you don’t sign, you will be attacked by other lord groups, and will be thrown away by everyone as an abandoned child and swallowed by the empire. Now it’s different. People have safely returned to Martin. Liya, there is no pressure from the imperial army behind, and one by one, holding Martin’s few heavy soldiers in the country, and wanting to rely on a secret contract to let these lords die, how is it possible!

The emperor naturally has other killer skills, but just because of this little thing, it made Si Green feel helpless, then the Si Green in front of him really disappointed the emperor.

"Does His Majesty have other arrangements?

"Looking at the embarrassment of the Emperor's gaze, Si Green suddenly shivered and asked this sentence, and immediately regretted it.

What kind of character the emperor of the emperor swept through the war-torn Nordic Barrow in just a few years, and then included the Central European Barrow and the eastern Istan Empire in the bag. Such a monarch is no longer used. It can be described once in a hundred years. The military’s invincibility has proved that any attempt to compete with the emperor’s military in the military is self-defeating. Scrim once believed that Martin’s sturdy no one can. Block, put Martin into the power of the nation, the southern powerful country Harvey Kingdom lasted only two months, ceded half of the country, and the sect country only resisted for a month, and was beaten to the Holy City.

But in front of the imperial emperor, an unknown stream ended the situation of Martin Liya people, Martin Liya’s most powerful hundreds of thousands of cavalry defeated, and then used the secret contract to pull back all the Martin Liya lords. After boarding the ship of the empire, the outside world is rumored that the empire is going to go south. For such rumors, Si Gelin can only smile bitterly, go south? Need more! The lords, who now control half of Martin’s military power, are already the empire of the Empire. Even his own character, who became famous in the battle of the Holy Land and regarded as a hero in Martin’s country, is also in the hands of the emperor. A piece of chess

The first person in the mainland layout, how could there be no start!

The ambition of the empire is definitely not only as simple as controlling Martin’s domestic situation. The emperor’s grasp of the people’s hearts is really so desperate,

"Not counted as other arrangements, just a guarantee that the contract will not be betrayed"

The emperor grinned a bit, and he seemed unwilling to reveal more. It was impossible to rely on a secret contract to let the lords of Martinia sell their lives for the empire. Entering the empire's big net, the resistance will be much smaller, especially in Martin's home now, the desire for external supplies has reached an explosive level

The evacuation of the Azure Chamber of Commerce has led to the absence of any items from the Martin Lee Kingdom for three months. Even if the Harvey Kingdom and the Orthodox Kingdom have looted mountain-like gold and silver jewelry, various luxury goods, they cannot sell them. It’s not as useful as a bag of food. Why did the Yi people so happily promise the empire’s sky-high ransom? The importance of the crown prince and the major lords is one reason. Another reason is that the Yi people found that the loot from the looting was completely Can't sell it, now the Empire is willing to let the Yi nationality as a ransom, and also agreed that the Yi nationality can buy a large amount of materials from the imperial market in this redemption activity, the Yi nationality is naturally willing

The two great powers in the south have been looted continuously. No matter how good the things are, the greater the quantity, the less valuable. Everyone explodes. As a result, more gold and silver have overflowed. The prices of various materials on the market are ridiculously high. For Martin Liga people living in the prairie, how could they know that there is a kind of inflation in the world, and even more unexpectedly, inflation will find Martin Liya, and the market that originally relied on looting and support collapsed directly.

A large amount of gold is shipped back to the country, everyone has money, even ordinary soldiers are full of money, according to the previous standard, it is enough to eat for two hundred years, of course, if there is something to buy ! The first thing that was discovered in this crisis was the high-ranking nobles with huge gold and silver in their hands. These high-ranking nobles immediately bought all the materials they could buy before the market had come and responded. He found that after the crisis broke out, there was nothing to sell, no money to sell, the entire market was empty, Martin Liya did nothing to produce, and the empire blocked all trading channels now on the market The goods are all the previous inventory, sell a little less, now what is the use of holding gold and silver,

The situation at Martin's domestic conference is the best proof

Those lords who originally supported Sam Tamara, just because the Sam people intended to take out the material sharing of the Blue Chamber of Commerce, regardless of the risk of offending the empire, immediately changed the wind direction, which shows the extent of Martin Liya's domestic material crisis

"Who can get more supplies will get the support of other lords" and the reason why the Martin Liya conference was convened in advance is because Sam Tamara let the empire release the Crown Prince of Il and all Martin Liya Prisoners of war, and according to the previous commitment of the Yi people, the Yi people must give up the royal position in advance,

Si Gelin's voice paused and his mouth smiled bitterly. "It's also ironic to say that the person who accomplished this impossible task was His Highness Sam. At this meeting, the Sam people announced the cancellation of Samta. The identity of His Highness Mara, but he wanted the Yi people to abide by their previous commitments, is brazen to the extreme. His Royal Highness Sam is indeed at the frontline of life and death, without the support of other lords. That day, they will be executed in secret"

Si Gelin had to take the risk to come in person. Originally, he thought that it would be tenable and stable, and the emperor must be interested in the powerful. The emperor would love the holy map, and he could use this in exchange for the blue chamber of commerce from the emperor. The real control of the country, and thus the right to buy materials from the empire, is only enough to change the current disadvantageous situation, but it was unexpected that the emperor disregarded the rumored sacrificial map, and even directly thrown into the fire

Si Gelin believes in his own eyes. The emperor is definitely not pretending to be arrogant, but really has no interest at all. The domestic materials are scarce. He does not believe that the imperial emperor will be invisible, and the hint of news revealed by the emperor just now is even more. The thoughts that made Si Gelin originally want to struggle are gone. The emperor obviously said that in Martin Liya, it is definitely more than the line of Sam Tamara. If Si Gelin thinks that this can threaten the empire, it is to find his own death. !

"It's impossible for the empire to give you the right to purchase materials, just like the control of the azure chamber of commerce." The emperor's eyes glanced at Si Gelin's gray face, and his tone was finally relaxed.

"Then His Highness Sam is dead, and the empire has paid so much, which is equivalent to paying for it." Siegrin's face became paler. The emperor's words made him feel desperate, but there was a luck in his heart. He believed in the empire. The emperor should not be willing to suffer

"You have come to Fei Shan for three days. Anyway, it is difficult to come to the north of the Inland Sea. Then take a good walk and take a look. Maybe there is no other way." The emperor raised his hand intently, looking at it On the street outside the window, there were signboards in densely packed shops, and the corner of his mouth laughed and said, "Feishan has also been extremely scarce of materials, but now you can still see a scene of lack of materials. Since Feishan can do it, there is no reason why you can't do it."

Sgrien threw himself up, his head raised sharply, and he seemed to think of something. His face couldn't help but reveal an undisguised surprise. "Your Majesty means that we can come to Fei Shan to smuggle supplies?" Fei Shan is now a smuggler. Paradise, it is said that the governor of the Feishan region was once a great minister of the empire, and the emperor's heart was in his heart. After arriving in Feishan, he opened the door to smuggling and advocated the gambling industry.

In just a few months, a dying Feisan coast was turned into a bustling and overnight place, which can be called a miracle.

Here, the imperial decree is basically invalid, replacing the rules of the underground forces. It seems that the Governor’s Mansion of Feishan is a decoration. However, this decoration has a big scary power. The government and military affairs of the empire are separate unless they have both administrative officials and Only those with military duties can mobilize the army as an administrative officer. In general, the mobilization of more than 500 imperial troops needs to be reported to the military department, but here, at any time, in the name of the regional governor’s office The authority to mobilize more than 20,000 imperial troops, and the Ministry of Military Affairs did not ask, looking at the imperial area, that is, the Governor’s Office of Feishan has such privileges

Now Martin Liya is the most indispensable is money, Sam Tamara is made by smuggling, as long as the empire acquiesced, Sam Tamara can completely transport a large amount of materials back to Martin Li Ya through the Fraser’s smuggling line. go with

"This is the proof. For all your affairs in Feishan, you can directly contact the Governor of Feishan." The emperor took out a long golden round sign from his pocket and placed it on the bedside of Greene. Unwilling to delay, he took the token and went to the Governor's Mansion. He returned to the merchant ship in South Obaro at noon the next day. On the same day, the Medicis of Lockeburg declared that the royal family was unwelcome. Guests, the Kingdom of Bion declared responsibility for the ambush of the Rila Youth Army. Central Barbara was in an uproar. The proud Rila people were almost exploded, which was equivalent to being slapped in the face by the public.

The Medici family itself is nothing, but a small force, not relying on a unique marriage relationship, it has been swallowed by the Rila people.

However, the Imperial Army is now stationed in the Rock Castle of the Medici. The frontal help of the Medici is also the suppression of the Imperial Army. At this moment, the Medici's voice can not be regarded as just the Medici. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the empire behind the Medici family. The Medici family declared the Rila royal family unpopular, which basically represents the dissatisfaction of the empire with the Rila royal family.

Not to mention that the Kingdom of Beyond jumped out at this moment, it was simply a god's sword. The Rila people must be bitten by the Lobos, and they wanted to pull the Lobos into the water. Now the Bionians admit it, the Rila people All the actions in the front are equivalent to giving up all our previous achievements. Not only did the 30,000 youth army die in vain, but also a crime of deliberate planting was carried on the back.

Three Rivers,

"The leader was Ishakrnan, who used as much as 80,000 troops. The opponent cleared the outpost in advance and cut off the road to the border, so that the youth army finally broke through." Looking at the report of the intelligence officer next to him, gazing at the wild grass in front, as the light cavalry of the sentry forward from the two lines toward the front, the horse's breath was white and the breath of war was between the muddy and slippery mountains, To show off in the most ardent posture

. Nine Heavens Emperor

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