Whole Nation

: 3704 Summer winds (5)

Compared to the rainy and muddy spring, since the Kingdom of Beyond has entered the summer, the area near the coastline has been drought and rainless, while the north is rainy and summery, and the humidity is very cold and abnormal. Thousand-year-old wooden furniture made in Baro, Southern Europe, elephant leather sofas, and exquisite porcelain from Central Biya, all show the identity and taste of the owner

More than ten young officers wearing the uniforms of the Kingdom of Beyond, sitting or standing, only silently looked at the back of the middle-aged man standing on the window sill. The middle-aged general withdrew his gaze from the front, turned and said, "Rila Army After breaking the border town of Kaisu, after the retaliatory massacre, the battle was pushed forward to the border for eighty miles. Following the town of Kaisu, four more cities were broken by the Rila

And the time for all this to erupt, in just two days, the border guard has collapsed, and I have only more than 20,000 people in my hand for the time being, which is totally insufficient to rescue. From the strategic situation, you are asking me to take the initiative to attack. I can’t agree with Shakernan because His Majesty’s order was to keep the front line on the frontline of the sunset fortress, and I wasted the most important time for some losses on the border.”

"The most important time? Lord Ishakrnan, what is more important now than to resist the revenge of the Rila people." A young officer pushed angrily away from his companion's hand. "The whole border is already a slaughter, at least five 60,000 Beyonds were killed. Isn’t all of this visible from the upper levels of the Kingdom! And going forward, it is the most important sunset fortress in the Kingdom of Beyond. It took me 30 years to cross the Fortress of Beyond. Afterglow, isn't it just so clean?"

"Stupid, as a soldier of the kingdom, do you only have swords in your eyes? Last winter, Wang was attacked twice, starving to death 200,000 people, and one-third of the fields were in a deserted state. Now what we need most is To resume production, otherwise this year will not be as simple as starving to death of 200,000 people."

Hearing Ishakrnan’s words, the youthful officers who were originally angry were abruptly changed. Ishakrnan was right. Last winter, Wang was attacked, and the arrogant Beyond soldiers were in the first place. And now it is the beginning of summer and the last time for crop cultivation this year. If you miss it, there will be no more harvest this year.

"As long as the sunset fortress is still there, what if it is an empire?"

Sunset fortress, the moral of the original construction means that the sun will also be blocked outside, and in terms of geographical location, the sunset fortress is of great significance to the kingdom of Beyond, the area of ​​Beyond extends from the coastline The continental shelf suddenly rises here. After the mountain stretches, it is a land of endless plains. It is like a narrow mouth and a wide belly.

The periphery is enclosed by mountains, the north is a vast flat land, and the south is a low-lying land near the coastline. It can be said that it is a landform of great plains near the mountains and the sea. In the Luo area, when the east and west forces are pulling each other, the Byon people can peel themselves from this war zone as long as they hold their entrance to the gourd. Whether it is the east or the west, Compared with the Hulukou landforms of the Ang people, there is nothing to do. Even if the Hungarian iron riders who poured into the Central European Baro region in the back, there has never been a real invasion of the mainland of the Kingdom of Bion

This is because of the existence of the sunset fortress. The Bian people spent a full thirty years and used a million manpower. The giant fortress built on this gourd mouth is also the strongest to prevent the enemy from launching attacks against the locals. The barrier has a length of fifteen miles, and there are fourteen fortifications along the route. A total of 200,000 troops can be stationed.

This is also the biggest reason why the Kingdom of Beyond dare to raise a rebel flag against the empire

Because the Kingdom of Bion is different from other Central European Baro countries, not only is it still invading more than a hundred years ago, it almost unified the scenery of Central Europe Barrow, but also because the people of Bion never thought that someone could really enter the Kingdom of Bion. As long as the entrance of the gourd is tightened, as long as there is a sunset fortress, the Bian people can not look at anyone's face, but it is very miserable that the Bian people find that they have no effect in front of the powerful navy of the empire. In this winter, the navy let the Bian people vigorously teach a fire in the backyard and what it means to attack the Wangdu. Not only did all the ships of the Bian people sink to the sun, but they also made a surprise attack every third.

The Kingdom of Beyond has a coastline of nearly sixty miles, but the navy of the Kingdom of Beyond has long since disappeared. The entire coastline is under the responsibility of the Army. With the main force transferred to the north, only five army troops stayed in the coastline to ambush. Wan, this is still in response to the landing operation that the empire may launch on the coastline,

Facing the coastline of sixty miles, Bion’s 50,000 army on the coastline ran to death and could not run

As for the Imperial Navy, three of the ten Imperial Naval Fleets were placed in the waters of Beyond. These Imperial Naval Fleets received supplies directly from Faisan. It only took one day to see the crooked continent of the Kingdom of Beyond. On the brink, the Bion Army received the news of the landing of the imperial army on this side, but it has not ran to the side yet. More than 20 miles away, there was another urgent request for the landing of the imperial army, waiting for them to run out of breath, and even the imperial navy. No one saw the shadow of the battleship. The three Imperial Navy squadrons were like a mouse, and the Bion Army revolved, and

The city of Bion, which was attacked and suffered heavy losses, was extremely dissatisfied with the Army’s belated arrival, believing that the army was a group of fools in command, and the Bion had to order the inhabitants of the coastline to move inward, but it was very So soon the Bian people discovered that this was useless,

The imperial navy dragon-tooth battleship entered the inland river along the estuary, and the city of the Beyond was built near the river channel, so that the imperial navy visited King Beyond twice throughout the winter, the first time was two ships The Longya warship sneaked into the vicinity of the Bianwangdu, because at night, unable to distinguish the effective target, the Imperial Longya warship blew up against the most brightly lit area in the Wangdu. It was only known afterwards that the lobby of the Royal Palace of Beyond It was destroyed by a third. Fortunately, it was night. Otherwise, it might have been stricken by this thunder god, and the high-rise of Beyond was taken away. As the captain of the two Dragon-tooth battleships, he was very annoyed.

The Imperial Navy did not know what this attack meant for the Beyond

Doesn’t it mean that you can sit back and relax as long as you tighten the gourd mouth, and now you find that this has no effect on the rogue tactics of the imperial navy. The imperial navy does not go to the gourd mouth, but enters the sea mouth, after the first tentative attack The scale of the second attack by the imperial navy was undoubtedly much larger. The eight imperial dragon-tooth warships drove into the Bian Inner Sea in the Great White Sun Hall, causing vibration along the river channel, panic, large numbers of large-scale escapes, deserted fields all over, Is overgrown with wild grasses, and it is inevitable that the grain production will be reduced, and the embargo on trade in the Bian region makes it impossible for the kingdom to buy food even if it is willing to spend more money.

The Bian waters have been classified as a restricted area, but smugglers have always regarded the restricted area as their own playground,

After the imperial navy set a brutal record of sinking 67 smuggling ships and hanging 367 smugglers in the next month, even the most profiteering smugglers will be honest when passing by the waters of Bion Fifty miles from the coastline of Beyond, passing by the nearby twisted island, the sticks of upright sticks, lined with rows of smugglers’ bodies, will be cold from the heart, smuggling is to make more money, otherwise who Came to smuggle, but this time, the imperial navy found out that the imperial navy was real, and that no matter how much money it earns, it will take life.

It is not a joke for the Empire to turn the Bian waters into a restricted area. This is a wartime closed area. Under the ban, there is no possibility of soft hand. As long as it is not a ship approved by the Empire Navy, even if it is a ship of the Empire Chamber of Commerce, the Empire Navy will After seeing it, he ordered to sink it without hesitation, and then picked up the person from the water to interrogate the other party's way. The extreme cold last winter can be said to be a one-hundred-year encounter in the entire history of Central Europe Baro. The reduction of production and the large number of refugees who have fled to death are starved to death. Even the royal family of Bion who has never bowed their heads in a century has to bow their heads, otherwise they will miss the farming time of this year. In this winter, it is not just starving. One hundred thousand people is so simple!

"The reason why the Rila people chose to carry out large-scale revenge against the Kingdom of Ang at this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The real purpose is to let the Kingdom of Ang miss the last time to cultivate the crops. If we mobilize all forces to fight, it is equal to I jumped into the trap of the Rila people, and in winter, more than the people of Ang will die. "Ishaklnan took a deep breath. As the upper class of the kingdom, he saw nature far more than these young officers. When it was decided to follow the empire's order to intercept the Rila youth army halfway, King Bion and Ishakhnan had already foreseen that the Rila people would wage a vengeance battle this year. Cost-effective. . . . . . . "

"Sir, the order just sent, Sula City was breached two hours ago. Your majesty ordered you to be the general responsible person of the Sun Fortress." At this time, the adjutant of Ishakrnan walked in solemnly, He whispered next to Ishakrnan, Ishakrnan took a deep breath, took the order book and looked at it, his eyes were complicated and difficult to understand, it was he who commanded the ambush against the Rila youth army, and The attack on the Rila youth army was characterized as his private behavior by Ishakurnan, but now it is him who is responsible for guarding the sun fortress. Once this news reaches the Rila army, it will inevitably attract all Rila army to the sun. Fortress

. Nine Heavens Emperor

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