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: Three thousand seven hundred and eighty early summer strong wind (9)

The cold rain covered the ground, the blood was spread, and the bright red rain flowed down the gap between the mountains and rocks like a stream, completely ignoring the screams coming from the wind and rain, getting weaker and weaker, until the sky and earth again fell into a rain-only rush In the world, the famous Björn Ishakrnan finally withdrew his gaze from the depths of the rain curtain. The fingers holding the whip had been swollen and cold, and it was biting cold. Sure enough, twenty miles around the sun fortress is not a common sense. Environment, the towering mountain blocks the warm wind from the south coastline, and blocks the air flow from the north to return to the three rivers like the wild grass plain.

Intuition tells him that the Rila people will definitely not be as simple as ambushing him here, but what kind of abacus the Rila people are playing, for the entire Bian military, it is like a veil, from the king of Rila The moment Auwit hit the Sun Fortress, all predictions of the Bion military were overturned

"Are the Rila people crazy? They actually attacked the Sun Fortress!"

"Maybe King Rila was really irritated, so angry and angry, it’s hard to say."

"Ten years ago, we did everything we could do to bring the main force of the Rila Army to the Sun Fortress. Now that the Rila people have run into themselves, are you still suspicious here, don't you feel ashamed!" Beyond People are not fools, on the contrary, because of the defeat of the Three Rivers more than a decade ago, the arrogant Biang military also began to reflect on the problem. After two years of determination, dozens of data comparisons of small-scale confrontations on the border were compared. The Angolan military has already recognized the fact that its field operations are not as good as those of the Rila people. The so-called nail plan is also proposed.

Bian has a large solar fortress as a support. Even if it occasionally loses its progress, it can’t shake the fundamentals of the kingdom. It took more than ten years to gradually build 11 similar stronghold-like residential cities outside the solar fortress. Going deep into the land of Sanhe, using the sentinel, city, settlement, and the formation of the propulsion line, although the Rila people occupy the strategic dominance of the land of Sanhe, they cannot really use the land of Sanhe. With the support of the stronghold, the tentacles of the Bianang Border Army finally infiltrated the Land of the Three Rivers, and finally in the Land of the Three Rivers, at the gate of the Kingdom of Rila, ambushed 20,000 Rila Youth Army in one fell swoop and wiped it out!

Although this mission was requested by the empire, the Bian military had been going up and down, and it was not difficult to review the meaning of ten years of hard work in this battle. As a result, a great success, the 80,000 Bian army was at the gate of the Rila people. The 20,000 Rila Youth Army was killed and then evacuated calmly, while the nearest Rila border army camp was only fifteen miles from the incident.

"Rila people must have retaliated!"

"Don’t worry so much. The current Rila is not the Rila Kingdom before. The Rila Kingdom has been seriously injured since the rebellion of the Hungarian tooth. The domestic standing army has been reduced from the most prosperous 350,000 to 200,000. Moreover, 50,000 of them were recruits recruited within a year. The Bian army had promised the empire to ambush the Rila youth army in the Three Rivers, and had predicted the scale of retaliation that the Rila people might retaliate.

Fifty thousand people, no more! The 50,000-strong army battle, the logistics materials that need to be involved behind, are definitely a heavy burden for the current Reyla Kingdom. The loss of the Reyla Kingdom in the Hunya chaos has not been recovered, even In the previous battle of the Suraf Platform, which was fighting for the hegemony of Central Europe, the Kingdom of Rila could only barely support the 30,000 youth army into Suraf, that is, even if it was related to the face of the always proud Rila, the Rila side Can only send 30,000 people, you can guess how difficult the current financial resources of the Kingdom of Rila, and the Lockeburg scandal that broke out some time ago, all exposed the extremely poor foundation of the Kingdom of Rila.

If it weren't for lack of money and madness, how could the Rila people launch a force coup against the Medicis of Lockborough! It is nothing more than the urgent need for financial resources in the country. Ishakurnan took a deep breath. Since the Sanhe ambush, the Bion side has begun to move resources and population outside the sun fortress, and even the troops have been transferred back to two points. First, there were 80,000 Bian army on the border. When the Rila army broke through the border, the number of Bian army was less than 40,000, and the 40,000 troops were originally expected to be in a month. All the inside withdrew the Sun Fortress. If it was not that the Rila people came too quickly, and after breaking through Kaisu, they immediately swept down the road in three ways, leaving the Rila side with empty ruins.

The walls are so clear that the Rila people can’t even catch a hair

However, the Rila people were dispatched too suddenly, the day before the arrival of the Orewit king of Rila, the Rila army crossed the border the next day, and the troops dispatched far exceeded the expectations of the Bian military, not five. Thousands, but one hundred thousand. In addition to the 50,000 Rila border troops, King Owet of Rila also brought the elite of the fifty thousand kings. These elite soldiers were all veterans who had really experienced the rebellion of the Hungarian tooth. Facing the iron ride of the Hungarians and the unyielding battle, after the destruction of the whole army of the Reyla Kingdom, the strength has been reduced from 200,000 to about 170,000, but this time, it was overwhelmed by 100,000 troops. , Dispatched more than half of the country’s military strength, seemingly like a rainbow, and invincible, almost made Obaro think that the most prosperous period of the Rila Kingdom is back

In fact, the Rila people are now playing with fire every day in the kingdom of Bion. If they are a little careless, they may fall into the quagmire of the national clan annihilation, so the Rila army is marching very fast. On the same day, he captured the important town of Kaisu, forcibly knocked on the door of the kingdom of Bion, and then broke through 11 cities in the next three days, and successively broke more than 30,000 Bianbian defensive troops

If the kingdom of Reira begins to retreat at this moment, then the stunned Bian army will only be staring. The Bian army has suffered heavy losses, and the remaining troops have been withdrawn into the solar fortress. Now the strength of the solar fortress has reached four Ten thousand, plus Ishaklnan evacuated all the surrounding troops, only 40,000 troops, that is, 80,000 people, what can I do in the face of the immense hundred thousand Swiss army?

But the problem is that the Rila people did not evacuate. In all the previous ideas of the Bian military, there was no possibility that the Rila people would attack the solar fortress. The sun fortress is not just a fortress for the kingdom of Bion. It is the kind of place that carries a barrier of life and death for a country. It can’t be opened without more than five times the force, and it can’t be opened for more than 20 days. This kind of common sense is impossible for the generation of the king of Rila I don’t know, even if there are only 40,000 defenders in the Sun Fortress, it is enough to make the more than 200,000 Rila army stunned, but the Rila people just hit it.

In a hurry, Beyond’s military only temporarily thought of deploying reinforcements. Although the Beyond people had mysterious confidence in the Sun Fortress, within three days, before the entire border was completely destroyed, they were completely panicked.

Is the solar fortress of 40,000 people too thin! There are 100,000 troops in the Rila people, and I heard that this time King Rila also brought more than 500 craftsmen, dedicated to making siege equipment day and night. Although the solar fortress is very stable, but I dare not guarantee it. There will be a trace of blunders. Since the Rila Army is all assembled in the direction of the Sun Fortress, then a support army is dispatched, even if it is only to contain the Rila Army.

This is the background of Ishaklnan's mission to rescue. Ishaklnan was originally a general in charge of the border, has a high reputation among the border troops, and is very familiar with the geographical environment outside the solar fortress. This time the border was Another reason for the heavy losses of the frontiers due to the breakthrough of the Rila people is that the Kingdom has suddenly removed Ishkelnan from the post, and the new person in charge has not yet arrived, and suddenly suffered a raid by the 100,000 army of Rila. The Ang Frontier Defence Forces can only fight on their own, not to mention the advance and retreat, and even many troops are hesitant between perseverance and evacuation, so that they are overwhelmed by the Rila army, as well as the civilians in the city of the stronghold.

The Bian military did not expect Ixakhnan to turn the tide, but only hoped that Ixakhnan might contain part of the main force of the Rila army and reduce the pressure on the solar fortress

"Sir, since the former army has been blocked by the Rila army, then it means that the main force of the Rila army must be at the critical moment of storming the sun fortress. Now our army should attack with all our strength. Can force the main force of the Rila Army to transfer some of their power over."

"Sir, the situation of the Sun Fortress is already very critical. Once it is really broken by the Rila people, there will be no barriers to the enemy’s invasion from the hundreds of miles of the plains of the kingdom of Bion. "Ishaklnan was crowded with a dozen young military officers in front of them. These young and excited faces were the most magnificent when they wore more elaborate mail armor and staggered swords and shields on their chests. It shows that they are regional defense troops, the staggered guns and swords are the border guards, the royal badge and the two staggered swords are the signs of the royal army of Bion,

"Since it has been encountered, it means that the other party has guessed that our army will come back to rescue, and we will definitely disperse a part of the troops from the main force to deal with us. We are here to support the Sun Fortress." Ishakrnan glanced After a touch of luster, I stared at these garrison officers and said, "I know you are all the proudest soldiers of Bion, but if we all die here in battle, then the Sun Fortress will really be over."

Hearing Ishakrnan’s words, the young officers were silent. Ishakrnan was right. The other party had found reinforcements, for example, they would draw troops from the main force. On the contrary, they would actively attack here. Inadvertently surrounded, the news that 40,000 reinforcements were strangled halfway is absolutely a devastating impact on the Sun Fortress, and in this support army, the regional defense troops, which are less powerful than the general legions, account for more. There are more than half of them. Although the defense forces in these areas have also experienced too much fighting by the Rila army, it is difficult to say how much combat power can be exerted in this tens of thousands of large-scale battles.

Under normal circumstances, King Bion’s army is stationed inside the Sun Fortress, the border troops are stationed outside the Sun Fortress, and the Defense Forces are regional in nature, both inside and outside.

Because of the heavy losses of the border troops, Ishaklnan can only temporarily draw troops from the surrounding area, so together with the transferred troops, not only the border troops that have returned, but also the local defense troops, most of these young defense officers All of them came from noble families and came to serve as garrison officers outside the Sun Fortress. No one can do it in the Kingdom of Bion. Because of the special position of the Sun Fortress, within the Sun Fortress, the regional garrison officers are mainly responsible for Security tasks, occasionally able to fight a dozen robbers, want military service can only be a dream, can only follow the normal procedures to earn qualifications to achieve promotion

It is conservatively estimated that it takes at least 15 years for a regional defense officer to reach the position of an ordinary general, and there must be three years of rotation outside the sun fortress, but if it is stationed outside the sun fortress The garrison officers automatically advance into the ranks of combat corps in terms of identity. Not only do they have great power on weekdays, they have the right to intervene in the affairs of the region, but they are also combat officers in wartime. If they get something, they will be paid and promoted. It is calculated according to military merits. The experience of the fastest regional garrison becoming a general is three years, and the universal time is about eight years. This is mainly because the Kingdom of Bion Lost in the battle of Sanhe, but still maintaining an offensive and oppressive situation against the land of Sanhe. There is no large-scale war, but there are more than a hundred people. Small-scale conflicts around the sentry tower are every day.

The regional defense army is undoubtedly the best match for supporting small-scale operations in the vicinity at any time. Many of these young military officers have been to the battlefield. These young regional defense officers dare to run directly to Ishaknam In front of it, it is also because of this that the relationship between the border guards of Ishaklnan and the regional garrison army was excellent, and the regional garrison officers not only felt unfair for Ishaklnan for the dismissal of the north and south military of Ishakl And, during the dismissal of Ishakrnan, the garrison officers in these areas still often ran to visit him and wrote letters to their families. The Bian military had been unable to arrange a new head of the border guard because it was from these The resistance of the various families behind the young military officers is too great, and even the youngest son of the former Kingdom Minister of Military Affairs is also inside, because the dismissal of Ishakrnan has also led to an outbreak of the Biang Military Department. Small earthquake

Ishakurnan ambushed the Rila army, which was a condition for the empire to accept the secret surrender of the Beyonds. It was King Beyond, the military department that made the plan, and so few people who knew the truth, ambushed the Rila The order of the army was signed by the Minister of Military Affairs. Not only the Minister of Military Affairs, but also the seal of King Beyond. Otherwise, even if Ishakrnan was the person in charge of the frontier army, he would not be able to mobilize a full of eighty thousand frontier troops into Sanhe. The place was set up, because it was already the same as declaring war against the Rila army. Ishaklnan successfully set up a battle, killing 20,000 Rila soldiers in the first battle. After the battle of the Three Rivers, King Bion did not dare to take responsibility, and This battle was characterized as the personal behavior of Ishaklnan, and the dismissal of Ishaklnan was ordered. As a result, the storm caused the dismissal of a total of seventeen people within the military department, almost all of which involved that battle. In the ambush, the personnel of the logistics department and the intelligence department, the military minister who knew what was going on, immediately asked to see the king. As a result, the military minister was oversighted because of his age and the unauthorized movement of the army. , I would like to ask His Majesty the King to resign from the post of Minister of Military Affairs, and King Bion gives permission!

It was the royal family who raised the rebellious flag against the empire. Now it is up to the royal family to admit that everything is their own fault. How is it possible?

The royal family of Bion has never had a record of admitting mistakes. The arrogance of the people of Bion is more vividly reflected in the royal family. Even if more than 200,000 people were starved to death last winter, unrest occurred in 14 places, known as arrogance. The royal family also announced to the outside world that “Bion’s domestic materials are well prepared and the people live and work happily. The nobles are toasting against the courage of the empire. The soldiers are ready to attack the hinterland of the empire. How can there be the phenomenon of starving to death? As for that More than a dozen turbulences were caused by the inferior imperial intelligence department. In front of the glorious light of the royal family of justice Beyond, it was just a clown!

Ishakrnan, who is well aware of the royal family’s nature, had to pay attention to the rescue of the Sun Fortress this time. Although the order to mobilize the army was sent to him, there was also a royal army with a full squadron. The officer is the former army commander Su Tide. Su Tide spent three years in the border army seven years ago, and was later transferred back to the royal army because of the three-year resume of the border army. Su Tide As a middle-ranking officer, he rose steadily in the next three years, and eventually became the commander of the 5th Corps of the Royal Army. Others do not necessarily know the reason, but Ishakrnan, the main general of the border army, is very clear. , Su Tide's resume before the transfer to the border was filled with royal servants, that is to say, Su Tide was a royal, and transferred to the border, it should be to mix the resume, but I don't know which is the royal A confidant around him, judging from Su Tide's grades, Ishakrnan felt close to Prince Wang'

The current King Beyond is not old. He is only fifty-three years old. He has three sons and four daughters. The eldest son, the crown prince, is thirty-two years old and is much older than the second son. Eleven years old, and seven years ago, Prince Wang should be twenty-five years old, similar to Su Tide's grade, sending himself as a confidante to the frontier resume, and then transferred back to serve as a military officer. This is completely Echoing the prince’s routine of great joy, he suggested that it was the prince who took advantage of the turmoil during the southern war of the empire, and it was the prince who eventually won the empire in the south, and the royal family of Bion had to bow their heads and soften their lives.

100% affirmed by Ishaklnan, this time the Ministry of Military Affairs asked himself to rescue the Sun Fortress, 100% is what the Crown Prince meant

At the cost of yourself and the 40,000 unimportant garrison army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is a cost-effective way to draw the main force of the Rila Army from the Sun Fortress! The royal family is not good at killing themselves, so they use the Rila's sword to kill themselves! So I can’t blame myself for having no guilt for the extermination of the former army. Whoever called Su Tide to grasp the elite that can really fight, has all his brain caught in his own hands, fearing that he will not die, and directly ordering the soldiers to take their own flags and walk at the most Open ahead

The person who killed the 20,000 Rila youth army in the Three Rivers is himself. Rila wants to peel and cramp to comfort the 20,000 Rila people who died in battle. The name Ishakrnan has been red eyed. For the Rila people, it is a bone in front of the mouth of the crazy dog. Once they know that they are ambushing in the Sun Fortress, the 100,000 Rila army will inevitably give up the Sun Fortress and kill them directly, but the royal family will rescue the Sun Fortress. The task of entrusting yourself is to adjust the surrounding troops to only 40,000, and the regional defense army accounts for half of it. This shows that the strategy of throwing yourself out of the meat buns and pulling the hungry wolf from the sun fortress.

I am still alive, not because of the royal family’s softened heart, but because of the desperation of the former military secretary, and the other dozen or so officers are not as lucky as myself. They have all been secretly executed, and the royal family is iron In order to cover this matter, this involves the face of the great royal family of Beyond. The people of Beyond have never bowed their heads. How can they succumb to the imperial power of the empire, and the kingdom of Beyond can secretly surrender to the empire, but Beyond The royal family will never admit

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