Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and twenty-two Misty Dawn (9)

On the sea fifteen miles away from Kathy Island, Hu Cochli came out of the cabin and his eyes fell on the sea in the southeast direction, where it was the direction of Kathy Island, coming from a distance under the bright sky The sound of the sound is like a thunderous thunder, even the clouds in the sky seem to be shattered into pieces, even if it is so far away, you can feel the sea there seems to be boiling in the air, Hu Ke Kili's eyes were dignified, and he walked through the aisle of the battleship deck to the door of the main cabin of Durstronkai, the imperial admiral, and hesitated, reached out and pushed open the door, and walked in.

"Commander Dustrom Kay, do I need to go to Kathy?"

"Admiral Hu Keqili, if you are going, I will make arrangements for you immediately" Dusterenkai raised his head from the chart on the table and said in a daze. He did not know how Hu Keqili would suddenly be wrong. A little Kathy Island is interested. Although it is the largest gathering place for the Eero pirates, it is an island with a length and width of less than ten kilometers. A squadron is enough to complete the sweeping task. It is really not obvious. What attracts the Army’s first person, or just curious, Dusterenka thought, even if it was Lord Hukochli who had commanded hundreds of thousands of assembly battles, for the navy that could ruin the sea Raytheon volley is also full of curiosity

"I hope that the commander will not misunderstand. I want to go to Kathy because I suddenly realized that the tactics and rhythms of the Imperial Navy and the Army are completely different. I think it is necessary for me to observe the navy’s combat methods on Kathy. I believe this is You and I can carry out your Majesty’s battle plan together. “Hu Koqi nodded to Dusterenkai and stared.” In the Battle of the Great Rivers, if there was a problem with the coordination, not only was it exposed in advance Your Majesty’s combat intentions will also cause Aden’s vigilance, so I would like to first understand the naval warfare method.” The statement made by Hu Keqili has made the Empire State Navy Secretary Dustron Kay’s face change from face to face. He hadn’t thought about this problem yet. Although the Army and the Navy had cooperated before, most of the Navy’s missions were only transportation.

This time, it was completely different. The army and the navy will advance in the direction of the Great River Channel at the same time. The first phase of the Empire’s battle is also a crucial phase. It is under the guise of pursuing the defeated Eero South princes. The real goal In fact, it is to open the Eero River channel and open the road across the sea of ​​fog. This obviously requires the cooperation of the navy and the army, and as Hu Keqili said, the combat method of the imperial navy and the combat method of the army There are considerable differences, one is the close combat of the infantry formation, and the other is the long-range coverage using overwhelming firepower, which involves an issue that has to be considered, that is the rhythm

Whether the Army ran in front of the Navy or the Navy ran in front of the Army, it is possible to cause Aden to be alert. If so, the imperial navy’s exploration efforts in the misty sea for nearly a year will be paid for this carelessness. In the meantime, we must know that the emperor’s decision to strike the Gulf of Aden was premised on the fact that the main force of the Aden navy was contained in the southern waters of Centralbia. Three-quarters of the Adenian army was still fighting in the Central Abia region. I thought that the desert barrier would help you sit back and relax, and the eyes of the kingdom of Aden are now in Central Biya, no one would think that the empire will enter the Gulf of Aden from the direction of the misty sea.

Dustrengka stood up from his seat and said with a condensed voice, "I will go with Master Hukochli". He strode to the door of the cabin and said to an Imperial Navy officer standing guard at the door. "An hour after Kathy Island, the huge hull of the Imperial Navy's flagship appeared on the surface of Kathy Island. The fourth branch of Chekov, which had been notified, had also stopped artillery bombardment, and Huko Kili was standing on the ship's side deck. The location, looking at the location of Kathy Island, I doubt that the imperial navy did not let this island have a living person on the beach head. Even without the help of the lookout mirror in his hand, he can clearly see it.

The southern beach head has been ravaged by shells back and forth five or six times. The silt has been overturned over and over again, and the soft ground behind has been blown up like plowed farmland. There are many herbs there. There are many bushes and wild vines. The plants were also blown away by Thor bombs, revealing vague caves underneath, but some of the bodies of the Eero pirates could be seen in those caves.

After continuous practical training, the naval artillery skills have also become higher and higher. They cooperate with each other and complement each other. They all seem very skilled. Even though Chekov’s fourth squadron is only a squadron, it is obvious It can be seen that the artillery fire extends layer by layer. In order to entice the hiding Eero pirates to jump out and run by themselves, the artillery fire was paused twice in the middle, deliberately making the Eero pirates think that the bombardment of the imperial navy stopped, and eagerly ran out of the hiding position, trying to prevent the imperial navy from landing When the troops landed, they were hit by the devastating artillery fire. After the intensive shells exploded, they could no longer see them.

"It has reached the point where it can be propelled in an array. Compared with it, the Army Thor Gunner still stays at a fixed point of bombardment. This is really...

Hu Keqili greeted the smoke that had not completely dissipated, and his eyes were complicated and murmured. He made a comparison in his heart and had to admit that in the face of the precise bombardment of the Thor, the level of the Raytheon shooter of the Imperial Navy should generally be thrown off. The Empire Army’s Raytheon artillery has several streets. The gap is as big as a strong man and a toddler who has just walked. If it is under the same conditions, a naval artillery team determines the target distance in less than ten seconds. However, the Army needs a minute and a half. Hu Cochli is very certain that while the Army Thunder God's artillery is still observing to determine the firing distance, the Navy Artillery's Thor has been smashed down like rain and hail.

"And in the sense of combat, it is far more than the fixed-shooting Army Thor Thunder artillery." Hu Keqili's face is ugly and gloomy

Dustrengka didn't care about Hu Keqili's shocking face. The bombardment was the navy's housekeeping skill. If even this can't be compared to the Army, it would be a real shame. "Adult Hu Keqili shouldn't be too surprised. The naval combat method is artillery. On the one hand, it is necessary to adjust its own swing and aim at high-speed enemies. After a long time, the level of artillery will naturally rise."

After listening to Dustromkay’s words, Hu Keqili’s face is also more beautiful. In terms of land warfare, Hu Keqili does not think that the navy has the capital to compete with the army. In the eyes of Hu Keqili, the afternoon At 11.11, the naval transport ship began a landing operation on Kathy Island. The full-scale six-search large-scale transport ship stopped at a distance of 100 meters from the beach. A series of small boats were quickly put into the water from the side of the transport ship. The boat carried about ten people, and about twenty of them moved forward in the surging waves and paddled towards the beach ahead. The surging sea water was beating on the bow of these boats

"How many such boats are on a transport ship?’

Hu Keqili put down the look glass in his hand and asked Dusterenkai seriously. The performance of these boats made people have to worry. If the heavy armored imperial infantry infantry were allowed to ride such a boat, they would not There will be a problem of ship overturning directly. Just when his voice fell, there was a big wave, and the cries of the sailors came next to him. A surf boat in the distance was overturned, and all the ten soldiers on the boat fell into the water. Immediately, other boats hurried over to rescue the fallen,

"Generally, there are 16 ships on a transport ship, which can transport 160 soldiers at once"

Dusterenka's expression calmly replied, "It's not uncommon for a boat to be overturned. After all, it's the sea. Even if it's less than 100 meters from the beach, the blue water hits the side of the boat. The waves of nearly one meter were turned over. Although these boats are improved special wave-breaking boats, the armor is also installed in front of the bow, which can more effectively resist the impact force, and it plays a very good role in protecting the safety of landing personnel.

However, in this way, the weight of the boat is also increased, so it seems that the speed has slowed down, and it is quite difficult to move forward quickly, and Kathy Island is located at the estuary of the Eero River Channel, the surface of the sea. It is already very unsteady, and the waves here are even more amazing. Even in the most gentle conditions, the average wave is 30 centimeters. . . . . "

Just when Dustrengkai explained Hukoqi, his lieutenant came hurriedly from behind and whispered next to Dustrengkai, "Master, the fish has gone out of the hole!"

"The fish has come out of the hole?" What does that mean, Hu Keqili's eyes flickered, and he felt something wrong from the moment just now, but he didn't know the navy's layout at all, so he didn't know what was wrong. , Entirely by instinctive response,

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just some dying struggles at the end of the road." Dusterenkai smiled, waved to the adjutant, and asked him to follow the plan, and then turned to Hu Keqi Li, who was confused. Explained: "The bombardment of the Fourth Squadron was actually forcing the pirates on Kashi Island to run out of their own, otherwise it would be quite a nuisance to search the cave from cave to cave on the island, so under normal circumstances, the Navy Two fleets will be prepared, one will launch heavy soldiers in one direction, and assume the posture of landing on the island. The pirates are originally scattered. There is no external pressure. Once faced with absolute repressive forces, the pirates will definitely choose to drive away immediately. It just fell into the pocket of another fleet"

Boom Boom...

From the west of the island, a series of sounds came from the faintly visible white smoke, and another imperial navy squadron emerged from the shadow of the island. The number was not much, only ten dragon-tooth battleships. , But in the face of dozens of pirate ships that had just left the hidden pier and fled to the sea, it was completely like a hungry wolf entering the flock. The Longya battleship fired laterally, especially when exploding. The string of shells flew through the sky like a pearl chain, and fell into the panic-turning Eero spinnaker-type fast ship. The water column caused by the explosion was almost higher than the side of these dinghys. The continuous drop of shells stimulated the waves more violently,

In the violently rolled water splashes and explosions, pirate ships continued to disappear in a dazzling flame, and some spinnaker-type fast ships were hit by near missed bombs, and the ships sank into the water. Still struggling outwards with the power of sails, to be fair, the standards of these Eero sailors are good, and the pirates’ sailing body is indeed too flexible.

Therefore, many of the Thor shells from the Imperial Dragon Tooth battleship were roared and rubbed from the side, which really caused serious damage to these dinghys. In fact, they were colliding with each other. It is completely like an arrow off the string. Under a sudden blow, a scattered pirate turned wildly and wanted to rush out of the plight in front of him. These pirate ships were specially modified, fast, maneuverable and sharp. Angle of impact. Best for bumping. Ordinary wooden sailboats can only withstand two or three impacts, and even a fatal impact can bury a huge transport merchant ship,

And now, these sail clippers are suffering from their own sufferings. In the violent burst of fire, three sail clippers collided with each other. One clipper was even directly hit by two other clippers. The hull was fierce. In the case of flooding, the bow and stern were raised upright, and the other pirate sail clippers around them all bypassed to the sides. It looked like they were being manipulated by a pair of invisible big hands. One of the most violent firepower points ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ bursts of flames erupted, the shells continued to fly, aroused countless splashes. But relatively speaking, the effect obtained by Thor is a bit unsatisfactory. During the confrontation, Thor is indeed powerful. It can easily set up the large hull of the other party, but now it is facing these small and fast sails. Ship, there is a feeling that a cannon flies

"Scatter cannon, shoot!"

Relatively speaking, the small tube shotgun Thor in the rear of the Longya battleship is very effective. These shotguns used to attack the opposing ship’s infantry can reach a range of 80 meters, and the dense iron beads are fired. The hull is useless, only used to deal with the other side's small weapons, but at the moment it has become the nightmare of these Eero pirates. The dragon-tooth battleship enters the pirate wind sailing group like a razor. These scattered artillery Thor at the end, Every time the hair was blown out, hundreds of small iron bombs hit like a windsurfer. The body of the sailing ship was like an explosion. The Eero pirate sailor who was hit in the position fell down in pieces, as long as he had experienced its shooting. Location, large wailing wounded lying on the deck

"This is a good thing!" Hu Keqili's bright eyes were terrifying, and he saw the extraordinary deterrent force of this small weapon when facing a group of enemies, and decided to apply to His Majesty the Emperor afterwards to equip this small scattering Thor equipment Army troops. This thing can fight infantry and cavalry, and the weight is also affordable. Four or five soldiers can pull it away. It is a weapon for melee!

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