Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and thirty-five Misty Dawn (22)

The sky was overcast, and it seemed that reaching out would push the air out of the water. After a series of rains passed, the soil in the mountains was full of water, and the stream began to fall down, and a little splash

The **** battle between the Rila and the Beyoncé at the Sun Fortress finally came to an end. The strength of the two kingdoms each reached the highest of the previous wars. Five days and five nights before and after, the most fierce battle between the two sides, the warrior’s The bodies stacked are said to have more than three meters, and finally the Rila people have obtained control of the sun fortress

When the dawn of the sixth day shone from the distant horizon, the Beyond's army had completely disappeared. In addition to leaving behind the corpses of the mountains and the wild, the black smoke billowing up into the sky, almost could not be seen. A few hours ago, this place was still a battlefield where hundreds of thousands of troops fought to death. The atmosphere was still, and only the ruined flag of the Rila people fluttered in the light of the morning light.

The Rila army, which had won the Sun Fortress, began to advance towards the hinterland of the Kingdom of Bion. At the Sanchahe ferry near the wither woods of the Bion Kingdom near the Sun Fortress, the Rila army caught up with a remnant of the Bion. Army, drove more than 3,000 Beyond soldiers into the torrent of the river, and then used part of the carriage to push the river into the fracture, using the convenience of the blocked current, the Rila people crossed the river and then took 500 people per team as a unit , Extending forward step by step, constantly feeding back the previous situation, the Bian army that was hit hard was running away like a swarm of bees, this situation made King Ravi Otwere surprised, he did not expect A few days ago, the Bion army, which had fought against the Sun Fortress so fast, collapsed so fast. For the Rilla army that was preparing for a battle, it was like preparing to break the barrier in front of it with a violent blow, but found that the fundamental Not a barrier, but a piece of thin tissue

"Discover the trail of the 11th Army of the Kingdom of Beyond"

"Master Subillet has overtaken the 18th Bian Army." The Rila army moved forward all the way, like a raging storm. Because of the continuous heavy rain in the past few days, the river flow soared, and many of the retreated Bian army were blocked. After the river channel position, the Bian Army’s full-line retreat is also a must. The morale of the army is completely exhausted at the Sun Fortress. In addition to the regular army’s ability to maintain, other civilian troops drawn from the surrounding provinces have long since dispersed.

Now the Björn people are thinking about how to go back. No one thought that the Rila people would chase them fiercely from behind. When they saw the Rila army coming from the tide, the Bion soldiers blocked in the river channel collapsed directly. Pulling the army like a bruise like a platoon, violent spears piercing blood flowers, and fluffing up in the air, the Bian army was unable to form a team, the fighting power of these civilian troops was normal, and the main enemy was the region. The mountain bandits and thieves were forcibly put on the sun fortress as cannon fodder, and a shock came down almost like a storm, leaving only the corpses in one place.

"Rila people are catching up"

"Escape!" Bion soldiers shouted in horror and were torn apart by shock, panicking like a group of mice, running into the woods in disarray

"Bring all the supplies back." A General Rila stopped the warhorse, his eyes flashed brightly and looked forward, and the queue was crushed in the direction of the river. The entire row of lances flashed cold under the rain. The Angolan army suffered heavy damage, but the basic combat power was still there. I did not expect it to be loose to the point where it was allowed to be driven by itself. It was like no one else. It is countable, and the scale is not large. After interrogating a captured General Björn, Reilla knew that last night, King Lucius III of Björn had secretly ran away, and the regular army also last night. All began to evacuate in an orderly manner. Only these civilian troops that were regarded as cannon fodder discovered that the regular army’s camps were empty in the early morning, and the Guards had long since disappeared. In this case, who still wants to stay and fight

"How many people are there in the regular army of Beyon?" King Ravi Owerte rode on the war horse,

"Don't worry about these miscellaneous troops, go after King Beyond and catch Lucius III alive."

Realizing that he had been deceived, the king of Rila, Owette, was extremely gloomy. He did not expect that King Lucius III of Beyond was so cold. In order to be able to escape the chase, he did not hesitate to arrange tens of thousands of miscellaneous troops in the back. After a long time, the Rila army approached all the way to the capital of Merckar, the capital of the province, and found the whereabouts of the royal guards of the royal family.

"The summoning the troops, immediately gather in Merckal City" Reyl King Auwitt, who received the news, was overjoyed, and immediately issued an order to encircle Merkelt

"Your Majesty, my subordinates believe that it is still the end." Suragg's voice suddenly sounded, "Five days and five nights of war has caused half of the main battle of the Kingdom of Bion, but it also cost us more than 50,000 people. More than 60,000 people were badly injured, that is to say, the area of ​​the Sun Fortress that is less than seven or eight miles wide, the two sides are not injured, only the number of war dead can reach as many as 100,000, saying that every inch of land here has been It is not an exaggeration for human blood to be stained with red. If the Sun Fortress is won, it is equivalent to opening the door of the Kingdom of Beyond. The main force of the Beyond army has been hit hard. At this time, the army continues to move forward, and it is not the case to swallow two Beyond provinces. Can’t do it, but Your Majesty should think about how to hold these occupied areas better.”

"Asshole, is it wrong to seize the enemy's land?"

"Are you sympathizing with the Beyoncé?"

His Majesty Owette had not spoken yet, General Rila had scolded them, and all of them looked angry. Everyone was desperately fighting to win the Sun Fortress. What they did was not to take down the Bion Portal and then think about how to bully Anyone can do it. Now the Sun Fortress is in hand. The situation of the Kingdom of Rila has never been so favorable. The Bionians have hurt the main force, so they hurriedly withdrew before dawn. Pulling back against the army, at this time, if you don’t take advantage of the fire, you are really sorry that so many people have been fighting in the Sun Fortress for five days and nights

"We have enough people dead, even if we take one province from the Bianang, what can we do here, but this is within the Sun Fortress, to counterattack the 19 provinces of Angon, unless it is Rila All the troops of the kingdom are filled in, otherwise there will be no way to guard." Risulaag showed no weakness, and his eyes swept through the rabbit-like generals with red eyes, and took a deep breath. "Don’t forget, this time The purpose of the battle is to grab the Sun Fortress and let the Beyoncés be unable to compete with us for the Sun Fortress within 20 years. Now that we have done it, if we continue to fight, for the Beyoncés , It is not a battle, but a genocide war. Do you think that according to the current situation of my Rila, how likely is it to destroy the Beyoncé in one fell swoop?"

"It's still difficult to exterminate Bion," the generals collectively blamed.

"Yeah, everyone's garden should still be visible. Even if the kingdom of Bion lost the sun fortress, the main force was hit hard, the domestic military strength is at least 100,000, and the city is full of forests, even if my Rila put all her military power into it It is also impossible to destroy the Kingdom of Bion in a short time,” Suragg said solemnly. “Don’t be stunned by the favorable situation in front of you, and forget that the north of the Sun Fortress is the hinterland of the Kingdom of Bion. The opportunity of the Kingdom’s main force to hit hard, it is not impossible to forcefully grab the next two provinces, but then it must be faced with the huge counterattack of the 19 provinces of the Kingdom of Ang. It will let the Kingdom of Rila fall deep into this endless war quagmire. According to the current national strength of the Kingdom of Rila, a short period of time will be okay. Once it is really dragged into a long war, it will eventually be destroyed, and From a strategic point of view, winning the Sun Fortress is the best victory. The Kingdom of Rila can finally develop the land of the Three Rivers without interference, and finally forcibly killed a living road from the current dead game. Go and consume national power for one or two provinces!"

"Passing my orders, the army can no longer move forward. Those who violated the orders, and dared not have much merit, all were handled in accordance with the violation of the royal order." His Majesty Auwitt finally said, he grumbled coldly, others The generals opened their mouths, but no one spoke. Obviously they had mastered the absolute initiative, and they stopped like this. It was really unconvincing, but this disgusting Suraq was right, continue to fight. Going on, it is really endless, and eventually only cheaper for others

"Your Majesty, I just received news that the Empire just announced at Lockeburg that it would send a special envoy to mediate the Kingdom of Rila and the Kingdom of Beyond." At this time, a royal servant officer held a report from the back Come over

"Send a special envoy? Isn't the Empire's Secretary of State Hu Cochlich a special envoy? How did it send a special envoy?" King O'Reiter of Reira glanced over the report, his face stunned, and the other generals were in an uproar. Sending troops to the Sun Fortress, the reason why everyone can fight for five days and five nights in a row~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is because everyone believes that it is necessary to lay down the Sun Fortress before the Empire intervenes in mediation, and turns the occupation of the Sun Fortress into iron. In this way, even if the empire wants to favor the side of Bion, it cannot shake the already established situation, but now, the empire has expressed that it will exclude other envoys from intervening in mediation, and the meaning here is very complicated!

"The Empire will not ask us to withdraw from the Sun Fortress?" In the silence, someone whispered in a hesitant tone

"Asshole, if the empire really demands this, I will die in the Sun Fortress even if I die!" Someone said angrily.

"If you want to stain the Sun Fortress, count me as Romandos"

The imperial emperor acquiesced to hand over the sun fortress to the kingdom of Rila, can't he regret it! The Minister of Military Affairs of the Empire, Huko Kili, went south and showed up after Lockeburg. Didn’t he just show the attitude of the empire? The entire Obaro also believed that Hukoki was the special envoy of the mediation. What happened to the end , Even a special envoy appeared, what exactly does the empire mean?

His Majesty Auwitt was also inaccurate, and his heart was chaotic. He pinched the report in his hand and snorted heavily in the nose. "Send someone to Rockborough immediately, we must find a way to find out who the empires are. !"

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