Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven under the sword (2)

On the northern coast of El Hierro, huge waves hit the solid cliffs with impact. Under the bright moonlight, after a collision with a crazy white long snake, it turned into countless crystal clear stars scattered behind. The waves continue to move forward, and the waves basically exceed two meters, sometimes reaching four meters, and even more than five meters in the worst case. The edge of the reef is directly covered by the waves when the waves break. It feels like the reef suddenly emerged from the water. It seems to be swaying under the impact of the waves. It may be washed away at any time. The huge sound of the impact makes it more shocking.

The wind drove the sea water, forming a turbulent huge wave. The cold sea water hit the deck of the dragon-class battleship. A dark-haired young man stood on the bow of the battleship, gazing at the undulating silhouette of the distant coastline

"Your Majesty, in front is the Hazy Moon Bay that is about to dock"

The former princess Eero came up from the back, wearing a smart and exquisite hunting suit, and the golden sun-like hair was unfettered and slid down, lining the beautiful face of this peerless princess. Her silhouette was originally as clear and sharp as a knife cut, giving a sense of determination and determination. The particularly slender neck showed an indescribable elegance, staring at the gradually changing scene in front, and her eyes were full of memories.

"Hazy Moon Bay? Did you get this name from Mount Etmont?" the dark-haired youth asked curiously.

"The name was created by myself"

Ankolo looked up to the starry sky full of glory, took a few deep breaths, and in the direction of the coast in front, a white half bay appeared in the moonlight, and there was an old lighthouse on the cliff. It was deserted because no one managed it. Only a half-collapsed old tower was standing on the top of the cliff. The moonlight shone on this broken old lighthouse, dragging out a long shadow, because it was located in front of the cliff. Inside the test, most of them are blocked by the cliff wall. If it is not close to a certain distance, or if you know this in advance, almost no one will think of such a calm bay on this stormy coastline.

Ankolo strongly suppressed the inner fluctuations, then lowered his head and said, "This is my hometown. Although I was born in Mount Elimon, it does not mean that I have no parents. My parents are just ordinary fishermen. I became a slave, and I was sold as goods. I was only six years old, and I didn’t know what was happening. It was Elder Terra from Mount Etmont who found me in the slave market and took me. I’ve been to Mount Etmont, otherwise I wouldn’t dare to think about it. Later, I became a princess. I used to come here, hoping to find a trace, and finally found nothing. I call this the Hazy Moon Bay, It’s because this is the place in my childhood memories, like the hazy moon in the sky, appearing in my dream many times.

"I heard that Mount Etmon was looking for people from orphans. It seems that this rumor is true? ‘The dark-haired youth looked at Ankolo’s white and flawless face.

"Not everyone is an orphan"

From the emperor's eyes, Ankolo felt a bit cold, thinking of Mount Etmont's infamous reputation, he quickly explained that "Although Mount Etmont has served the royal family for so many years, he is even responsible for monitoring the movements of the nobles. Duty, but the position of Mount Etmont in Erow is extremely embarrassing. Everyone regards us as a bad dog raised by Eroy’s royal family, but he does not know that our status may not be as good as a dog. The royal family was only willing to give 500,000 yuan a year for all kinds of heavy and dangerous tasks that we called out, and we could only think of other ways to avoid starvation."

"Other way?" The black-haired emperor's eyes flickered.

An Keluo's pretty face turned red unexpectedly, and she smiled bitterly, "It's actually nothing to say. This is well known in the Eero Empire. Since Mount Etmont relies on fame, it only sells fame. Except for some of the most core personnel in Mount Etmont, most of the other personnel are so-called peripheral personnel. However, these personnel are only a title of Mount Etmont, as long as they are provided to Ai If you pay a certain amount of fees to Mount Temun, even if you don’t obey Mount Atman’s orders, Mount Mount will generally not punish them, and Mount Mount’s notoriety is mostly because of these people, these people have ordinary Nobles, soldiers, and even big nobles, but the largest number are slave traders and loan sharks. Although Mount Etmont has a bad reputation, it still has a role in the underground world. At least it is backed by the royal background, which can be easily done Many things, as long as it does not touch the interests of the big nobles, for the practice of Mount Etmont, the Eero Empire also closed its eyes."

The dark-haired youth was a little stunned, and he really didn’t expect Etmont to be so embarrassed

With only half a million dollars in funding a year, the Royal House of Eero is such a trick. The secret agency of a country does not even receive one-tenth of the empire’s intelligence expenditure in one quarter. Please report it is always lagging. It turns out that there is a lack of money and trouble. Intelligence is money. If you want intelligence, you must spend a lot of money. On this, the black-haired emperor has a lot of confidence. In the case of the Holy City War, everyone only saw the miraculous reverse of the empire, and it was invincible. However, few people noticed that in order to obtain information about the Martins and the internal situation of the three major groups, the Imperial Intelligence Department smashed it in one breath. Go in two million gold

The dark-haired youth hesitated and asked, "This also includes the Marquis of Kentham, one of the three Southern Marquises?"

"Yes, the Kentham family once made several transactions with us at Mount Etmont, mainly to buy iron ore from the north." Ankolo looked at the emperor looking at the distant bay and said carefully. "Although Eero's southern princes nominally belong to Eero's royal family, but in fact, Eero's royal family has always adopted high-pressure rule over southern princes, and it is completely prohibited to sell weapons and iron ore resources to the south. If the other party wants to be secret Send someone to the north to buy these sensitive materials, and then ship them back secretly. Without my acquiescence from Mount Etmont, the other party can't do it anyway. This is also one of the important sources of money in Mount Etmon. This time the other party contacted again We hope that Mount Etmont will, as before, open our eyes to their actions in the north of El Hiro"

"The other party is so confident?" The black-haired emperor turned around and asked with great interest. He had probably heard about the suppression of the southern princes by the former Eero royal family. The descendants of the criminal ministers sent by the royal family, for decades, the royal family of Eero has been wary of the south, even

"The other party provided an important piece of information in exchange for the qualification for full-scale trade in the north, and the other party thought that after reading the information, they would agree to continue to cooperate with the Kentham family." What Ankolo seemed to think, the other party's words There is obviously a threat in here, but after reading the information, even her head of the southern intelligence department of the empire felt the seriousness of the situation and had to report the matter to the emperor to let the emperor Come to decide,

"That's the intelligence?" The emergency report sent at noon flashed in the head of the black-haired emperor

"Yes, that was sent by the Kentham family to the Southern Intelligence Section of Cairo Port."

Ankolo gritted his teeth, and his ruddy lips were slightly annoyed and said, "The other party's move is obviously a provocation to the Southern Intelligence Department of my empire. The name of the Chamber of Commerce of the Kentham family is the Cabrus Chamber of Commerce, and the person they sent is Kenta. My second daughter, Atelis, as soon as your majesty nodded, I could immediately grab this woman and completely wipe out everything from the Kentham family to the north."

The black-haired emperor waved his hand and smiled slightly at the corner of Ankolo’s mouth. “The information sent was not as important as the Kenthams thought. The Adens joined forces with the southern princes of Eero. The Navy I have already confronted the Adenites, but I still don’t know who the Adenites sent this time and how many people have come. What confidence do they have, so that the southern princes of Eero think that joining the Adenites can stop the empire going south? Since it proves Please report it is true, then the Kentham family may not be able to use it"

"Your Majesty means..."

Ankolo's pretty face flashed with a strange color, and the long blond hair blowing in the sea breeze fluttered with the wind. Compared with her, she was majestic, heroic, and another intoxicating style.

"Accepted the request of the Kentham family, but asked them to send a message to the south as well." The black-haired emperor's eyes fell on the distant crushed bones on the cliff, and the black pupil was as bright as the stars under the night.

"Your Majesty means that you send a false message to the South? Your Majesty is indeed wise" An Keluo's pretty face reveals a sudden enlightenment. After all, the Kentham family is the three major Marquis families in the South, and is also the head of the coalition forces of the Southern princes. One, this time the imperial army assembled in the north of Eero, it is impossible for the southern princes of Eero to not get the news. A piece of false information is enough for the southern princes to make a wrong judgment. When the response comes, it is already the empire army going south Swept through ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the information provided by others is not necessarily accepted by the southern princes, but if it is taken by Kentham, one of the three major marquises, it is difficult to say

"The information is true, tell the people of the Kentham family that the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Justice Hu Keqili has secretly arrived at the port of Cairo." The black-haired emperor shrugged helplessly.

"Your Majesty this is" Ankolo's body trembles, is the emperor crazy?

"Don’t be nervous, I just want to know what the southern princes of Eero want to do. The battle of the Sun Fortress has ended, and the embassy of the empire has been changed to Prais. It is impossible to conceal, and now the entire continent is speculating where Hukoqili has gone. If the princes of the south of Eero suddenly get this news, what do you think they will do?"

The black-haired emperor seemed to understate a sentence, which made Ankolo secretly say a wise sentence. Without a doubt, if the princes of the south of Eero were not stupid, the first time they got the news, they must immediately give up on Eero. The siege of the king capital, before the arrival of the imperial army, first withdrew to the south, of course, there is another possibility, that is, the princes of the south risked being crushed by the imperial army, and they were stuck outside the king Eero and refused to retreat. Only one problem can be explained. The goal of the southern princes to besiege the King Eero was not to win the King Eero at all, but to attract the imperial army to go south!

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