Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and forty-three under the sword (8)

The empire has made a move, how will the south of Eero respond, and as the imperial minister Hu Keqili appeared in the north of Eero, and he opened the throne to the king of Eero, the layout of the empire in this war is only a bit In front of all the Obaro monarchs, compared to the Sun Fortress Battle, which has attracted everyone’s attention some time ago, it seems to have lost its proper color.

"Unexpectedly, the real goal of Hukoqili, the minister of imperial affairs, turned out to be the southern part of Hérault, and all of us were blinded by the emperor of the empire!" said King O'Reit, the king of Rila, with a helpless grin. Above the ridge, the Sun Fortress, which was fought by hundreds of thousands of troops in the past, can only see the broken walls

There were no happy faces on Sura’s face, who had played a decisive role in the Sun Fortress battle, standing behind Aoweitai. The voice paused, and he took a deep breath and said, “Although I feel mocked, but In the final negotiation of the empire in the morning, after all, the Sun Fortress was awarded to us. Your majesty did not see the extremely ugly face of the representative of the Kingdom of Beyond, Rebecca, afraid that Beyond would wait for the opportunity and launch the right again. Scramble for Eye Fortress"

The soft wind blows, the garden is full of flowers and trees rustling, the broad pool surface is softly rippled, and there is a huge lake that is lazy in the afternoon and the waves are like a mirror. You can listen to this peaceful world with your eyes closed The most beautiful sound of water waves is because there are too many people dead, and in order to avoid the danger of a plague outbreak, even the Oirat, the king of Rila, had to relocate the base camp of the Rila army to Netari, seventeen miles south of the fortress. Fort

This is a castle on the south side of the Sun Fortress. The terrain is close to the hills. The door decorated with silver and oak and gilt gleams in the sun, making the spires on both sides more and more serious. If it were not for Suraco that it was the secret summer palace of the royal family of Beyond, the battle and development of the area north of the Sun Fortress was mostly determined in this picturesque old castle, even if it was The king of Oirat, Rila, would never have imagined that the military base known as the "Bion's Amount" in several wars was the fortress in front of him.

The chirping of birds in the trees not only does not damage the quiet atmosphere of the castle's isolation, but also doubles its sense of emptiness and sacredness

"Your Majesty, the troops who invaded Hérault have been withdrawn, but the Björn army is still behind, and the generals think that it is better to take a chance to beat the Björn people!"

A general from the Kingdom of Reyra came forward and said that this general was only about thirty years old, with a slender figure and energetic eyes. This battle established the advantage of the Kingdom of Harvey for at least thirty years. Who cares! The Sun Fortress was shot by the Rila army with a sword. What if the Bionians were not convinced? Do you want to fight again? Don’t joke, this time the Beyoncés not only lost the northern barrier of the Sun Fortress, but more than half of the areas were attacked by the Rila army, and tens of thousands of elite soldiers died in the Sun Fortress. , The domestic economy is also hit hard

In the face of the final judgment of the empire, Beyond has been upset in the country, but in front of the Empire Special Envoy Prais, he dare not put a fart on it. For more than a hundred years, the arrogant Beyond finally paid. The price, the Rila who are the victorious side, is actually not entirely uplifting, because the dust of the Sun Fortress is settled, but about who the Sun Fortress ultimately belongs to, it is necessary to obey the ruling of the Empire, which makes all the generals participating in this battle. Both felt dull, and the kingdoms of Rila and Beyond tried their best on the battlefield of the Sun Fortress, each of which had a total of 100,000 casualties. However, when it comes to the ownership of the Taiyan Fortress, it is still an empire. A sentence

If it was absolutely impossible to imagine ten years ago

Even five years ago, when the Rila people were in full swing, who had to see whose face?

But in just two years, the empire has completely mastered the Central European Baro. In this confrontation, it seems that there is no performance at all, but the empire's heavyweight, Salon, with 80,000 empire troops is watching at Lockeburg, Lockeburg. In terms of geographical location, it is located exactly between Hérault and southern Bion. It is believed that as long as one party expresses its dissatisfaction with the empire’s ruling, the army of Saron will cross the border and strike back and forth with the other party, completely destroying the disobedient. Off,

Under the sword, the person who does not bow his head is to lose his head

After the shopping of the Sun Fortress, neither the Kingdom of Rila nor the Kingdom of Beyond, it is already impossible to fight against the army of the empire. This point, King Owet of Rila knew before launching, but he still chose to use 20,000 The blood of the youth army exchanged a promise from the imperial emperor, struggling, and finally the Rila people who even pushed up the domestic reserve army achieved the final victory, but it is also equivalent to completely breaking the Harvey Kingdom into Central Europe. The first possibility is that, although Biangong is dissatisfied, but under the imperial sword, what can be more than silence! Is it really waiting for the imperial army and the Harvey Kingdom to destroy the Beyoncé!

"Is Empire's Special Envoy Prais expressing anything else, for example, when will the Empire's forces in Lockeburg be evacuated?" King O'Reiter, the king of Rila, withdrew his eyes from the green lake

"Empire Special Envoy Prais said that the Empire will still station certain troops in Lockborough, but the Rila side does not need to worry." A minister in charge of the negotiations stood up with an ugly face

"Oh, don’t worry about what it means. The imperial emperor used my blind eye method completed by more than 100,000 lives of the Rila and the Bian people. It is absolutely impossible to be as simple as going south, and the feeling of being compared with the neck by the empire with a knife is absolutely uncomfortable. Although the Empire has determined that the Sun Fortress belongs to the Kingdom of Rila, as long as the Imperial Army does not evacuate from Lockborough for one day, the Kingdom of Rila will remain a lamb under the sword of the Empire." Another Rila minister said angrily

The minister in charge of the negotiations was embarrassed, but he couldn't say a word. The blind man could see that the Empire was targeting the heavy troops stationed in Lockborough, the Kingdom of Rila, but the Empire did not withdraw from Lockborough, Kingdom of Rila. What about it? Rock Fort is no longer the former Rock Fort. The cleaning of the Medici family has completely destroyed the situation that Rila has spent decades to arrange. All members of the Medici family of the pro-Rela faction have been killed or imprisoned. And those who secretly communicated with the Reyla Kingdom in secret, were also scared by this overwhelming cleansing. Where else did they dare to have a little relationship with the Reyla Kingdom, which caused Reyla to have no more influence in Lockborough!

"Actually, I think even more, the imperial soldiers staying in Rockburg may not specifically target our Rila. Just from what you said, is the Bionians still gathering forces to fight back?" Orwitt waved his hands to the ministers. Gleaming eyes

"What does your majesty mean?" Hearing Orwitt's words, several generals and ministers of the Reyla Kingdom's faces were tight, aware of the meaning in their mouths, and several ministers and generals' faces changed. The negotiations chaired by the empire have just ended, and Rila will fight again with Bian. Isn't this a naked face of the empire? Isn't the 80,000 empire army vegetarian? How could it be possible to sit and watch this insult to the empire happen?

"What are you afraid of? For example, if the Bian Army pressed our troops back step by step, and our army fully complied with the agreement, if the Bian people could not bear it and started to attack our army first, then our army would also fight back. There is no point to blame. "Aoweit's right hand fell heavily on the stone fence, and the eyes of the slightly inverted triangle flashed a smile.

"And don't forget, who is the person who commands the 80,000 Emperor Team now?"

"What does your majesty mean? Now the commander of the imperial team is naturally the empire's general, Saron." A general, Rila said subconsciously, his eyes lit up as soon as he spoke, and he reacted quickly. Ah, if it is Saron, then this battle is really a fight. At that time, the Beyoncé suddenly raised a flag of rebellion in Central Obaro, and it was the face of Saron, who was known for his irritability and murder. The empire is a great general, how could he willingly swallow this breath, it is estimated that if it is not the imperial emperor's order, this empire general has already started to fight against the Ang people

"I personally think that the imperial emperor’s leaving Saron in Central Europe was intentional in itself, because as far as I know, the imperial emperor is a rather stingy person, and the Bian people raised the flag of rebellion, absolutely not It may be so easy to let go, without the solar fortress as a support, if the Bian people still can’t see the form, then the emperor should not mind that we put the head of the Bian people heavily on the foot and step on the "Su" Lago took a deep breath, and said slowly with a bit of mockery. He played an important role in the battle of the Sun Fortress and proved his loyalty. Now he has been appointed by Orwitt as the deputy director of the military department, and Su Lago’s ability in strategic planning was also affirmed by General Rila,

"Yes, as long as the Beyoncés are actively attacking, everything will be logical. I don’t believe that comparing the imperial general Saron, who hates the Angolans, will help the Beyoncés." Aowei characteristically expressed his recognition of Suraq.

The Kingdom of Rila and the Kingdom of Bion have been fighting for so many years. It is absolutely impossible to say that all the anger is out of a war, and the people of Bion have obviously no meaning to implement the armistice agreement. Everywhere is mobilizing. The Ministry of Military Affairs of Ang has been full of nights and nights, and the cavalry with various orders is endless. The kingdom of Bion has been peaceful for many years under the shelter of the sun fortress. In the case of the raid of the Latin American army, it was still able to mobilize more than 200,000 troops to participate in the war, and almost broke our Rila army.

If it was not the head of the Bianang border army, Ishakrnan gave up participating in the war under threat, and if it was not the penetration of the Kingdom of Rila over the years, the anti-counterfeiting strategy of the Björn army was predicted in advance. Impossible, so it can be seen that this more than 100 years of peace has given the Kingdom of Beyond not only a weakened combat power, but also a rather terrible potential for war mobilization,

In order to return to the position of the head of Central Obaro, the Kingdom of Beyond has been preparing for more than a hundred years, and now it is like a beast that has been bitten. How can it be swallowed, the people of Beyond have been proud for more than 100 years , It can’t be changed in a fierce defeat, otherwise it will not be mobilizing troops now to prepare for a counterattack

Before the war, it completely ignored the authority of the empire. After the war, it was even contempt for the empire. If it is another general of the empire or if you still bear it, it is Saron!

In the dry afternoon and evening, even if the decoration of the room looks luxurious, it still gives a sense of incompatibility compared to the yellow outside the window. Poros, who is thin, stands with his hands behind his back and stands against the wall, he Look around with your eyes, and finally put your eyes on the middle-aged ritual who is reviewing a report. The middle-aged ritual has no hair on the top. The skin that exposes the sleeve is light black, and the red line on the cuff is coiled up. A spiral pattern like the eyes is the hallmark of Aden Red Dragon Palace

"So..." Poros, who was standing against the wall, began to speak, his voice was loud and penetrating. "The Sun Fortress finally awarded the Rila people. Although the Bian people couldn't swallow this, they should not Will choose to call back in a short time"

"That's really a pity. I also hope that the Bian people can share a little pressure for us. Eighty thousand empire troops went south, and the leader of the empire was Hu Keqili. The southern princes had not yet fought. It has already begun to shake." The report of the middle-aged sacrificial priest closed up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Standing slightly from the seat with a frowning eyebrow, he is burly and bearish, making people feel energetic and full of energy.

"Will it affect the overall strategy?" In front of this middle-aged sacrifice, Poros, who was extremely tough outside, rarely had a respectful look on his face

"This is not true, as long as the temple records are correct, and what the royal family said is true, the eye of the **** is really given to the empire, then it is considered that all the princes in the southern part of Elero have fallen, and we also Can also impose a punishment on the empire"

The middle-aged priest smiled contemptuously, and his deep eyes seemed to have some kind of luster flashing, and there was a little hope and excitement in his tone. "Even an emperor can be deceitful, he can even deceive everyone, but he is coming. In front of the kingdom of God on the earth, how can even an emperor and god, mortals, how to fight against God!"

"So still according to the original plan?" Poros took a deep breath, squeezed his fingers violently, the empire took the cover of the Sun Fortress as a cover, and quietly reached Hukochili to the north of Erow. The palace has long used the entire princes of the south of Eero as bait. It deliberately lured the empire to the south and attracted the attraction of the empire. The real fatal blow is actually the northern part of the empire! As long as it succeeds, even if the empire will not fall apart, at least it will be like Erow at that time, and it will not be able to get rid of the Yellow Sand invasion for 80 years.

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