Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and fifty-one under the sword (16)

Gulf of Aden

The splendid halls of the Kingdom of Aden are brightly lit, not only here, but the entire King Aden, the curfew has been lifted tonight,

"The Central Beijing New Capital has been conquered by our army, and the 17 provinces and provinces in the southern coastal area of ​​Centralbia have also completed the occupation. This is a crucial and crucial step to ensure that our army no longer suffers from starvation because of the naval incompetence. Hungry, except for the strength of the princes in some places, the great Aden army has no use in front of it."

"In another half a year, I believe that China will completely become the territory of my Kingdom of Aden!"

"All in all, the victory of the expedition is obvious to all. We have gained more wealth from Central Asia for half a year than we had in the past two decades from the western Obaro region." Within the hall, an army general who looked excited The eager-looking Aden nobles showed a very optimistic attitude towards the situation in Central-Abia when they introduced Central-Arabia. They returned from Central-Arabia this time and received a warm welcome from across the Kingdom of Aden like a hero. The Barrow region shivered under the repression of the empire. Compared to the Kingdom of Aden, which occupies the Gulf of Aden, firmly implemented the strategy of abandoning the west and devoting all its power to the competition for the territory of the east, it overwhelmed the national expedition. The battle of China and Syria finally got a generous return,

At present, the Kingdom of Aden has invested 80% of the navy and 60% of the army in the Central Biya area, with a total strength of more than 250,000, while the Empire, which also expands in the Central Biya area, has a total strength of only 10 Wan, in the eyes of generals Aden, the Kingdom of Aden has absolute superiority in Central Biya, only for their respective strategic goals. The army of the Empire and the Kingdom of Aden did not collide on a large scale, but small-scale friction non-stop upgradin,

"Your Majesty arrives"

An inner waitress wearing a golden damask hollow tuxedo, white tights and black soft-toed round toe shoes appeared at the entrance of the hall, holding his head up and announcing loudly like a proud rooster. The nobles of Aden in the Chamber immediately stopped talking and stood up from the chair, looking at the gate respectfully, with powerful footsteps ringing in the corridor

A middle-aged man with a tall and slender figure, dressed in a simple, special-made royal suit, appeared at the door of the meeting hall. He was King Adrien Fatris, the king of the kingdom, who was over 40 years old and found a wide face. His long blond hair looks like a lion, his long narrow eyes are half-closed, and his shining eyes only swept lightly, which made the nobles nearest to the door shudder, even the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

At this moment, the lord of Aden looked around the silent meeting hall, and daylight swept through everyone's face. After properly maintaining this silence and solemnity for a while, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and nodded slightly to the crowd. Stride through the separate passage of the crowd to the seat in front of the meeting hall.

"Long live His Majesty Fatris!

"Long live the Aden Empire"

Fanatic cheers came one after another. Compared with the former King Aden, Fatris’s martial arts martial arts did not stand out, but he was always able to grasp the overall situation at a critical moment. In a melee battle in the Obaro region, he used the Kingdom of Aden. An important position in the center of the East and West Continental Corridor, monopolizing the commercial trade of the East and West Mainland, and the internal strength of the country is flourishing, facing the imperial army, sweeping the northern part of Obaro, he decisively gave up the estuary in the direction of the inland sea, and put the center of gravity on the east. Decision-making, and finally achieved the conquest of the Central Abyssal region, but also sees the remarkable strategic vision of this Lord Aden

For General Aden, His Majesty Fatris is their **** of war, and this meeting in King Aden Hall is definitely not a simple celebration of the victory of the Battle of China and Biya, but the Kingdom of Aden's hegemony over the entire region Claims that the Kingdom of Aden will soon be promoted to the Empire of Aden. At present, the total area of ​​the Kingdom of Aden, centered on the Gulf of Aden, is more than 2,000 miles. If it is a desert sandbar of thousands of miles to the west, it is more than 3,000 miles. It has a population of 60 million, which has already far exceeded the territory that the Gangfei Empire and the Istan Empire had. It is now conquering more than half of the southern central region. The land has once again increased by more than 1,000 miles, and the population is 1,500. ten thousand

It’s just that the kingdom’s crown has been unable to bear such a huge territory and population. It is inevitable that the kingdom of Aden will become the kingdom of Aden.

Fatris sat down on the high-back wide-sided velvet carved chair in the hall, with a playful smile in the corner of his mouth, leaning his body, leaning his right arm on the armrest, playing with a very watery and transparent Inlaid with gold and jade engravings, Aden’s guilds were seated on the left, looking forward to the Aden lord. The other row sat on the right side were thirty-seven vassal monarchs under the kingdom of Aden, and Aden. Compared to the extreme looks of the nobles, the faces of these vassal monarchs are not very good

They have heard the wind. At this meeting, someone will suggest that His Majesty Fatris should be promoted to Emperor Aden. If this is the case, the Kingdom of Aden will become an empire. As a vassal of the empire, they will lose more. More autonomy, for example, now they are only responsible for paying tribute to the Kingdom of Aden, and occasionally receive orders to send troops to fight, but if the Kingdom of Aden becomes an empire, it will have the power to send the regional governors to these vassal forces, and pay The amount of tribute will also increase

In the terrible silence, people noticed something was wrong

"These poor guys"

Some people looked at each other, while others watched. The atmosphere hangs more dull and strange. And more people turned their attention to the monarchs of these vassal forces who were already apparently restless. Many laughed secretly. The so-called heart is higher than the sky and the life is thinner than the paper. They are all monarchs. The status of the sovereign and the vassal is a world apart, and the power of the kingdom for the vassal is very different from the power of the empire for the vassal. The general empire, the imperial team is stationed directly in the vassal area, and even directly military intervention in the vassal area

Just like the Sun Fortress war that just shook the entire Obaro, the Rila Kingdom and the Bion Kingdom on both sides of the war are vassals of the empire. The blood killed by hundreds of thousands of people has flowed into the river. The bodies are said to have piled up to the height of the Sun Fortress. In the end, because the Empire sentenced the Sun Fortress to the Kingdom of Rila lightly, the Kingdom of Beyond, which had killed more than 100,000 people, could only swallow the Sun Fortress with patience.

If His Majesty Fatris was really promoted to be an emperor, then the Kingdom of Aden would have more than thirty more powerful seats of governor seats, which is a great stimulus for the noble class of the entire Kingdom of Aden, but for For the vassal monarchs, their power will be greatly restricted, and even with the continuation of time, the Kingdom of Aden will gradually annex them

Everyone knows that His Majesty Fatris is waiting for them to speak first. There are only two kinds of things to promote the emperor according to the procedure. One is to seize a certain imperial crown by force. For example, the falcon emperor annexed the Gaul Empire in the north, and later annexed the Gangfei Empire. He also won the Istan Empire. The titles of the three emperor emperors were added to one person. Even if other Obaro countries have always been called barbarians, they have to recognize the other's emperor status.

However, regional kingdoms such as the Kingdom of Aden wanted to advance to an empire and wanted to take the route of annexation by force. Obviously, because of the four emperors of Obaro and three fell on the head of the falcon emperor, there was only one Egyptian left. Emperor Luo's title, as to say that grabbing an emperor's crown from the Falcon Empire, it is even more a joke.

Therefore, if the Kingdom of Aden wants to be promoted to an empire, there is only another way, that is, the joint request of the vassal monarchs in its territory

There was no sound in the meeting hall, and the nobles of Aden waited quietly.

"Dear Majesty Fatris," Suhola, the vassal lord of the strong and handsome body, stood up hard, and beside him, the lord of the load oasis, one of the seven oases with a thin face Wei also slowly stood up. The two bowed to Fatris and bowed their heads together.

"As a vassal of the Kingdom of Aden, I would like to remember His Majesty Fataris' generosity for giving us asylum for many years."

"It is even more sincere admiration for the present invincibility of the Kingdom of Aden. In view of the current prosperity of the Kingdom of Aden, I will take the liberty to request His Majesty Fatris to be promoted to the throne of Emperor Aden. I will remember this glory. We, and ours Children and grandchildren, looking forward to the head of the powerful Adenian empire from generation to generation, but there is a drive, and you will die!"

In the Kingdom Hall, the voices of the two vassal monarchs were very loud, and the corner of Fatris smiled lightly, waiting quietly for the two to finish their words, and a flash of light flashed on the other unresponsive vassal monarchs. Cold light, getting colder, really shameless to the face! Isn't it just to ask you to take some more money out, Big Oasis, if not supported by the Gulf of Aden, can you be so happy in the desert! After more than ten seconds, Fatris said lightly, "I have understood the enthusiasm of the two, and I will consider the promotion of the emperor!"

Everyone on the scene raised their eyebrows and rolled around in the conspiracy all the year round. Seeing that His Majesty Fatris had no meaning of refusal, for a time, everyone spoke

"With the strength of my kingdom of Aden, I should have advanced to the empire"

"Now the entire Obaro is trembling under the ravages of the Falcon Empire, which is when my Aden Empire rescued Obaro."

"Long live His Majesty Emperor Fatris!"

"Long live the emperor!" The nobles of Aden held up the wine glasses in their hands. Their fanatical faces were all red, and they laughed heartily and lively.

At this moment, everyone seems to have completely forgotten. Among the more than thirty vassal monarchs in the Kingdom of Aden, only two monarchs stood out. The other vassal monarchs were all pale, and even an older elder was slightly weak. Shivering, the Adenites are really too much. Is this going to violate the agreement signed at the time, because the fear of the expansion of the Falcon Empire has already abandoned the oasis lords in the desert area, and gave up the entrance to the east of the inland sea? Has already lost the largest source of wealth for these oasis, which is supported by trade across the sand and sea, and now can only rely on some smuggling to barely maintain

Now that the Kingdom of Aden is going to be promoted to an empire, the already heavy tribute will inevitably increase substantially. They have little output in these oasis, and trade tax accounts for 80% of their income source. This time they came to participate The celebration meeting itself also hopes that the Adenites can give some help to temporarily overcome the current difficulties. Who knows that they have to help and increase the tribute, is it not their life!

And from the noise, they also saw that the Adenites did not care about them at all. In fact, at the moment when the Kingdom of Aden made the strategy of abandoning Obaro and fully expanding the east strategy, these were the former Adenites. The vassal monarchs who are eagerly called the lords of the oasis have been treated in a disappointment. The opening of the Falcon Empire’s business line in the Central Biyari region has also hit the oasis that can eat solitary food. Because of the war relationship between Aden and the empire, the east-west trade line that originally traversed the desert was being replaced by a trade line that traversed the wilderness in the north-central part of the empire and entered the Centralbia region. Empire controlled wilderness

The Adens have a huge harvest in Central Biya, but there is no advantage in the oasis

Hundreds of thousands of military expeditions~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even the affluent Gulf of Aden can't afford it. The war of conquest launched by the whole country, if the kingdom of Aden is now a strong outer space, it is also credible. It was heard that the royal family even paid attention to the funds allocated to the Red Dragon Palace in order to collect military expenses, which caused extreme dissatisfaction in the Red Dragon Palace. It is said that in the end, His Majesty Fatris went to the Red Dragon Palace to explain this. In fact, everyone didn’t believe this, but now it seems that it may not be true. The Kingdom of Aden needs huge funds to maintain the conquest of the East, and the most direct way is to increase the tributary’s tribute.

Unauthorized raising of the tribute will inevitably arouse strong opposition from the vassals, but if the Kingdom of Aden advances to the empire, it will be different. The decline of commerce has made these big oasis miserable. Now the promotion of the Kingdom of Aden to the empire is even worse for them. , But if they were asked not to let the kingdom of Aden advance to the empire, I am afraid that they would have no life to go back alive, but let them jointly demand that the kingdom of Aden be promoted to the empire. I believe that the kingdom of Aden will publish the list of governors of each vassal region tomorrow. These governors will arrive before them, and then take all the powers that can be supervised. There is no doubt that this so-called celebration feast is also a slaughter feast for them.

"The original agreement was not written like this, it was betrayal." A vassal monarch angrily stood up from his seat. The Adenites were already shameless, what more face did they want!

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