Whole Nation

: Three thousand seven hundred and fifty three under the sword (18)

In front of you, the rolling hills, dense forests, rivers and crisscrosses, flat-topped two-storey houses, painted in bright tan, large areas of emerald green as the dividing line between the upper and lower Eero area, from here has begun to see the upper and lower Egypt The Luo area has begun to show differences in clothing, customs, and culture. To the north of the King Eero, as a civilization that migrated later, because the influence of Eero in the south has decayed, it has gradually faced the north of the Inland Sea in the following decades. Close to the main civilization of Obaro

In the area north of Eero, the black-haired emperor felt that he had nothing to do with the northern area of ​​Obaro, but the style of the central and southern area of ​​Eero in front of him was completely different, and the large river course in the distance extended sparkling toward the south. There will be large areas of emerald green around the big river, and it looks like you want to go back to the emerald carpet for a period of time

"That is the area of ​​sludge that is revealed after the large river channel retreats every year. The foundation of farming civilization in the Eero area will be established in the red flood zone formed after the large river channel is flooded every year. The humus and fertile soil in the flood will recede as it recedes. It was revealed that the land is fertile, naturally irrigated, and the land is used as well as possible. The wheat production is twice as long as the ordinary dry land, and it is said that the sun in the south of Eero was longer than the north, so it is ripe in the north twice a year. The production of grain can achieve the miracle of three crops in the south. “Angelo, who came from the royal family of Eero, stood next to her. The setting sun in the distance made her look like a completely flawless statue, whose beautiful appearance is only “extraordinary”. Four words can describe, a pair of beautiful eyes focused on the large river channel running south in the distance

"If the southern part of El Hierro can really be cooked three times a year as rumored, then the El Hierro region will no longer suffer from the famine"

The black-haired emperor sighed and said that Anchor was born in Mount Etmont. Mount Etmont had been a vassal of the Eero royal family decades ago, so Anchor should be considered a native of Eero, and Mount Etmont Most of the fresh blood absorbed is orphans in the war and famine. Uncle is an orphan, and he will not know whether it is war or famine. But he definitely left an unforgettable impression on Anklow in his childhood.

"Let’s talk about the situation of the southern princes. I feel that at the beginning, the southern princes seemed to be out of contradictions. It’s a good opportunity. If it’s the war of the Holy City, the princes of the south of Eero made a request to divide and conquer Eero from the empire. Even if it is an empire, it can only be accepted with this tone," the black-haired emperor looked far to the south Ning said

Sure enough, he heard His Majesty the Emperor say, Anchor's body trembled slightly, revealing a silent expression, his eyes gleamed, and an unconscious look on his face said, "The princes of southern Eero are a group of rigid. Old and stubborn, one thing your majesty said is correct. This group of people were reluctant to come to the north, and now it is even more impossible to come to the north. The possibility of being used is extremely high."

"At first, the Eero royal family intended to divide them into two groups. One group was the nobles who chose to stay in the south. For example, Atlantis's Kentham family, this group is self-proclaimed by the Ero people in the south. The royal family is not compatible, but the royal family still respects this part of the princes, because to some extent, this group can be regarded as a conservative. When I started trading in Mount Etmont and the south, the main choices were these people.

The Royal House of Eero also opened his eyes and closed his eyes on this matter because he knew that these people had no ambitions to the north.

Anchor's voice paused, and his pretty face began to dignify. He continued, "The other faction was the convicted aristocrats who were exiled for decades after the Elero royal family moved north. These people are more than the original southerners. Ambitious, not to be seen by the royal family in the north, difficult to integrate into the southerners, and soon split internally, of course, there are also the most forward-looking ambitions inside, who have been waiting for the opportunity to return to the north, and this time attacked King Eero Both are also the most demanding of this faction."

"Then I know roughly what is going on"

There was a smile on the corner of the black-haired emperor's mouth. "South of Eero is about to be revealed. The royal family of Eero certainly knows, but the natives of Eero's south are afraid that they don't know, otherwise they will definitely not go north. I can feel that Eero The royal family deliberately encouraged the southern princes to go north. It may not be that they wanted to use the knife of the empire to eliminate all the natives in the south. At that time, the royal family of Eero could easily unite with another faction to gain control of the south. For those who were originally For the exiled Eero nobles, even if they can’t return to the north, they can be recognized by the Eero royal family, and they can seize control of the entire south from the local factions, which is not much worse than returning to the north."

"Should I immediately send someone to tell the princes of the southern indigenous faction that they were sold by the Royal Erow!"

Anchor Qiao's face was unbearable, and when he talked about the inside of Ello, he seemed to have returned to his original identity as a princess. She was graceful and graceful, and her temperament was intimidating. The dominance of the charm, except for the emperor of the black-haired emperor, sometimes reveals the attitude of the younger daughter, and has a serious and gorgeous style to other people.

"For the time being, I ordered the scourge of the coalition forces of the southern princes with all my strength, just to create a situation in which the southern princes are in danger of themselves. Now telling the local factions that they were sold by the royal family and the Adenites, it is totally meaningless for these local factions. Because under the pressure of the imperial army, the only way they can take is to survive in groups. At this time, it is useless to say anything."

"Yes, I see." Anclo nodded.

The strangling battle launched by the empire against the coalition forces of the southern princes has been seen along the way. The corpses of the coalition scouts of the southern Eeros can be seen almost every interval. The appearance of the southern people of the Eeros is very different from that of the northern peoples. , I don’t know if the environment is too bad. The southern people’s skin is darker and rougher, so the beauty of southern Eero has the name of black pearls, like Atris, it is obviously half south and half north. Otherwise, it will not be sent to the north by the Kentham family as the head of the chamber of commerce, otherwise, because of the unique black color, it is enough to let everyone know that this is a southern beauty

"Relax, the empire will not be cruel and easy to kill, and the empire does not have much ambition for southern Erow, otherwise it will now be fully pressed, instead of adopting such a slow strategy." The eyes of the black-haired emperor rise and fall from the distant hills The outline of the figure was retracted, others said this a bit arrogant. Although the errant princes in the south of the south were scolded and the logistics arms accounted for half, but the main force is still as much as 100,000, and there are nearly 30,000 professional red dragons. The Cavalry Regiment responds on the side. Anyone who wants to pounce on one must consider the danger of being attacked by the Red Dragon Cavalry after a long attack, but if the emperor is the black-haired emperor, it is another. It's all about

Because he is the emperor of the falcon empire, the warlord who has never been defeated on the battlefield is the first in the strategic layout of the mainland

And Anchor knew that it was the black-haired emperor who entered the Rutiya Zibao with 20,000 imperial cavalry, and on the battlefield of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, beheaded the emperor Farouk, let The Eero Empire, which is in full swing, turned from prosperity to decline in just one year, and directly withdrew from the array of powerful countries in Southern Europe.

"And I also let the Atelier ribbon give the southern princes a message that the goal of the empire going south is not them, but the Eero royal family and the Adenites, as long as the southern princes surrendered the Eero royal family and were outside the Eero royal capital that night The Aden Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment ambushing the Imperial Army, the Empire can let them go back safely to the South"

Anchor’s beautiful eyes widened sharply and his breath twitched slightly. The emperor really deserved to be the first in the layout of the mainland. Before he had actually engaged in war, he had smashed a stone into the pool of the coalition forces of the southern princes. If the imperial army was under pressure Force the southern princes to have to hold a group to warm up, otherwise they will be crushed by the imperial army one by one, then the condition that the emperor let Atelier go back, it will be a heavy blow on the southern princes who have just united. The hammer, betrayed the Royal Ero and the Adenites, although it is still difficult for the southern princes to make a choice

But as the imperial army stepped forward, who knew that the southern princes would not choose to throw the Eero royal family and the Adenites!

The emperor’s statement obviously not only told the southern princes, but also the royal family and the Adenites. In the final analysis, the relationship between the royal family and the southern princes was very bad. The extreme suppression of the princes almost rebelled the southern princes. Now it is only because of the interests that they are connected. Who really takes an exile royal family in their eyes,

The Adenites are even more unreliable. The war between the Eero region and the Adenians has a history of decades. The two sides died in the other’s hands. More than one million soldiers died in the other’s hands. Fighting, I am afraid that the southern princes themselves do not believe that the Adens are here to help themselves. If it is not the Adens who brought the powerful Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment, the southern princes would immediately turn around and put them into Eero Southern Aden killed

This iron triangle is not strong enough, and the emperor's step in this case, no matter whether the southern princes are tempted, can never return to the original situation of holding the group.

In a word, the opposite three-point alliance became alive. The mountain breeze blew, and Anchor sighed in his heart, only to realize that his back was already cool, the emperor had left, and the sunset poured into the forest, causing an illusion An unreal and beautiful world, under the hills, tens of thousands of imperial cavalry are flying forward from under the hills like a long dragon

The seven or eight hills are covered with imperial eagle flags, and the imperial army is illuminated from light to dark, and the offensive line is straight up to several miles. The bright armor flows in the deep mist, and it seems to be added to the earth. A glowing river

The 80,000 army of the empire opened the king of Eero. The original Eero battle situation suddenly changed. The 200,000 coalition forces of the southern eros of the eros showed that they wanted to run before the battle. The scouts started strangling, so that the southern army of Eero lost the right to know the entire battlefield because of the scouts' losses.

This is the empire that swept the entire Nordic Barrow! In contrast, the so-called coalition forces of the southern princes are more like clowns

"Your Majesty, we bite the target in Gutian Lin!"

Hu Keqili looked excitedly riding from a distance and hurriedly halted the horse in front of the emperor. With a look of admiration and excitement, "After we have continuously strangled the scouts of the coalition forces of the southern princes, we will show that the army is about to unfold After the illusion of attack, the Adenites really could not sit still. They quietly gave up the side of the coalition forces in the south of Eero, and chose to evacuate to the southeast. Although the opposing cavalry ran fast, the infantry remained behind. It happened to meet the fourth flag of the Central Army of China. The fourth flag has been bitten up."

"Gutian Lin? The emperor of the black hair has a slight corner of his mouth, a small sample, and he wants to pull it out of his palm. After biting us, I want to run. How can there be such a good thing?"

"What should I do now?" Hu Ke asked with strange eyes, how could he not know the main reason why the emperor launched the scout war, on the one hand, it certainly caused great pressure on the southern princes, on the other hand, it was to make these two A cavalry cluster enters without knowing it~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Adenites are unlikely to stay and carry the empire together with the southern princes. This is something that can be expected long ago, but how do you know the Adenites What about the time of evacuation? The emperor's approach has always been simple and violent. Since he did not know the time when the Aden evacuated, he directly forced the Aden to evacuate and turned passive into active!

Sure enough, the Adenites were overwhelmed and fooled. If the Adenites and the southern coalition were close together, after all, it was more than 100,000 combat powers. The empire would want to attack directly with 80,000 troops. Choose to abandon the southern coalition, then the Aden are 30,000 troops, and the imperial army has an absolute advantage

The blood of thousands of empire soldiers, the attack of the temple division of King Eero, blood for blood, and teeth for teeth! The empire chased all the way from the capital of King Eero. How could he forget the fierce ambush outside King Eero!

"Let the Central Army’s sixth flag and the ninth flag move closer to the fourth flag, telling Tuculit and Vegetaly that the Aden’s cavalry can’t stay, even if the infantry can’t stay, let them Self-discipline. The black-haired emperor snorted coldly. The sixth flag and the ninth flag are the cavalry squadrons of the Central Army, with a total combat strength of 13,000 imperial cavalry. Such a high mobile force, for the three The Aden army of 10,000 people is definitely an advantage, and as long as it is bitten, the subsequent imperial troops will continue to enter, until the Aden people are all crushed!

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