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: Three thousand seven hundred and sixty-one land gods (2)

Quan Guo 3761 Lu Shang Shen Guo (2) Audio Novel Online Listening

In the morning breeze, the black-haired emperor folded his hands on his back and watched the two Imperial Navy Longya warships in the distance leave the river dock and follow the big river channel with the sky soaring toward the south.

"Your Majesty, the princes in the south of Eero have never taken the head of Aden Commander Poros. I really did not expect that the princes in the south of Eero had not survived even one night. They thought they would have been delayed two days." Secretary of State Hu Keqili came over to report with excitement, and even he did not expect this battle in Southeros to change so much

The fact that the princes of the south of Eero had drawn a knife against the Adenites basically indicated that the princes of the south had a sense of surrender to the empire. This is definitely a leap forward in the battle plan for the empire to cross the river channel of Eero in the south. If Hukochili had previously worried that the imperial navy would cross the Elero River, the most difficult thing to hide was the princes of southern Elero. As the lords of southern Elero, most of the people’s domains were on both sides of the large river. The Imperial Navy Unless the warship would be invisible, there would be no way to avoid their eyes, but now, if the princes of southern Eero surrender to the empire, the biggest problem is not a problem

Or from the beginning, the emperor planned this way! Hu Keqili's admiring eyes fell on the back of the emperor in front of him. In the distance, the large river channel turned like a curved waterway. A huge dock was striking in his eyes. This dock was almost like the size of a small city. Taking full advantage of the natural bend of the river channel, the nearby land is flattened at a slower water flow, like a huge crescent, this inland wharf representing the highest level of the imperial architect, like a gate standing on the north bank of the Eero river channel , Symbolizing that the tentacles of the empire began to spread across the entire area of ​​Eero

"How is the loss of our army?" The black-haired emperor asked calmly.

When he asked Atelier to send the letter to the southern princes, he was destined for the southern princes to take action on the Adenites who ran back, and the Allied forces in the south of Eero cut off the head of the Aden commander Poros. For the emperor, this is indirectly a big help for Pope Pudamia who has quietly traveled to the south

The Red Dragon Palace of Aden has spent countless efforts and financial resources to cultivate more than 20,000 professional fighters, including the well-known Aden Red Dragon Knights of 4,000. This is definitely the Red Dragon Palace's battle for the ace power of the south, and now The whole army of the Red Dragon Palace was destroyed by accident. The Red Dragon Palace has already begun to fight for the south, and it has already been seriously injured!

"Our army lost less than 3,000, and the famous Aden Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment seems to be just a nameless person!"

Hu Keqi took a deep breath, and the tone of the words was very disdainful. The Aden Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment, a big name, did not expect to just fight a little and shot it to death. The loss of less than 3,000 people wiped out more than 20,000 troops in the Red Dragon Palace of Aden. This is indeed a result that Hu Keqili did not expect. It was originally thought that it might cost at least seven or eight thousand people. Who knows not even half In the end, it was all based on the results of His Majesty’s strategy. The Adenites would never think of killing them. They simply forced to run on purpose."

"I heard that although Aden’s Red Dragon Palace is superb, even in the kingdom of Aden, even the royal family of Aden will be suppressed. I don’t know if this is true?" Hu Keqili paused and hesitated before saying. The so-called famous It’s better to meet, the subordinates did not expect the Aden Red Dragon Cavalry to be so vulnerable, and so on, the combat power of the Aden army can be imagined."

"The combat power of the Aden Army is not as uncomfortable as you think"

The black-haired emperor withdrew his sharp, eagle-like gaze from a distance, and turned around, condensed and said, "Only the Red Dragon Hall is an exception. As a proof of non-interference in the secular monarchy, the Red Dragon Hall of Aden has armed guards, but The total number cannot exceed 50,000, and it must be dispersed to all regions. In addition to the Aden Red Dragon Temple headquarters, it can have a maximum of 2,000 people, and the other regional branches can only have a maximum of 500 people. This is why Aden Red Dragon Warriors and The knights are all training personal martial arts because they don’t have the chance to fight with the large army. This is why I am sure that the other party will choose to abandon the southern princes in the case of a large number of scouts."

"Because they did not trust the southern princes at all. Their trust in their martial arts was far greater than that in the southern princes. When they sensed danger, they would rather believe in themselves." "And this time the Aden Red Dragon Hall mobilized 30,000 Red Dragon Cavalry Regiments to enter the southern part of Erow, and would have rushed to the south. How could it be possible to live and die with the southern princes"

"So they will definitely run, but the Red Dragon Cavalry's experience in the war is completely inadequate. If they suddenly find themselves surrounded, they will inevitably be in chaos. Commander Aden will be normal to discard all infantry, but They betrayed the southern princes, how could the southern princes still trust them! With a little push, the southern princes will do it themselves"

"Your Majesty is really killing every step of the way!"

Hearing the emperor's talk, Hu Keqili was also touched. Although he hadn't officially fought it, but the name of Aden's commander Poros, Hu Keqili was still on the way through the information provided by the Imperial Intelligence Department. After understanding the generals of the Kingdom of Aden, this Poros is not an ordinary person. He has the title of the first brave in Aden,

Five years ago, in the rebellious war against Luo Hill, one of the great oasis, the Poros broke the 14,000 rebels with three thousand red dragon knights, and he alone killed the rebels. Eight generals shocked Aden. Although Poros did not enter the ranks of Obaro after the war, it was also because the Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment was a religious arm, not an official soldier of the Kingdom of Aden.

But Hu Keqili did not expect that this commander, who was famous for his bravery, would be cut off his head by the princes of the south of Eero.

Hu Keqili, as the minister of imperial affairs, the highest commander in the name of the southward battle, is necessary to evaluate the combat effectiveness of the Aden army. The empire swept the Nordic Barrow, and he fought too many opponents, but with the Aden In the true sense of the war, except for the one-on-one battle between the North and the South, it was basically untouched. The Kingdom of Aden then gave up the west, and retracted its tentacles to the Gulf of Aden thousands of miles away. The empire knew about this new enemy. Even less, this battle with the Aden Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment was regarded by Hu Keqili as an important opportunity to evaluate the combat strength of the Aden Army, but I did not expect it to be such a result!

"Okay, the Adenites can be put aside for a while. The eyes of the Aden royal family are now in East Asia. Hundreds of thousands of the kingdom’s main force has come out. The army and navy are all pressed into the Central Abyss area. The domestic force is only There are less than 50,000 garrison troops left. If anyone is more worried about the Red Dragon Palace, I believe that the royal family of Aden is more tense than us. Otherwise, how could it be possible to allow the Red Dragon Palace to invest 30,000 troops into the south of Eero!"

The black-haired emperor looked up at the clouds floating on the blue sky, and said with emotion

"It is not the first time that the Aden royal family has used the sword to kill people. For the fighting power of the emperor team, the Aden Red Dragon Palace does not know how the Aden royal family will be unclear. The battle between the North and South battles, the Holy City battles again, how about the Aden military I don’t know. Personal bravery is of little use in the battle of the real army. The two armies are against each other. Who will be stupid enough to single out, what can Poros brave invincible. Poros, who has no commanding experience in the People’s Congress, is simply a baby just born! The Aden military should have deliberately concealed, and even deliberately degraded the combat effectiveness of the Imperial team!

"Aden military, this should not be the case!"

Hu Keqili heard his body trembling slightly, and looked at the emperor with horrified eyes. The emperor's statement was simply unacceptable to him. Could it be that as a result of the **** fighting of the soldiers, the Aden military would also be involved Care? This is not a joke, the Aden military is an enemy, how can you thank the enemy?

However, judging from the battle report, Hu Keqili had to admit that only the emperor's statement can explain

Because Poros’ performance in the battle was too abnormal, he was still playing steadily at the beginning, and found that the southbound road was blocked by the fourth flag of the Central Army. Immediately, he chose to go around and then was hit by the ninth flag, but the Adenites The performance is not too bad, and it’s still pretty impressive, but when I find myself surrounded, I immediately go from the beginning of the menacing, to the rapid collapse of a thousand miles, even the infantry is gone, just run away, this is definitely not a The performance of a qualified commander,

Or because Poros lacked the experience of the war, Hu Keqili thought so, but when the emperor woke up, he immediately realized that it was not the case! Poros or lack of experience in the war, but definitely not a coward to escape, Poros chose to give up the infantry, and why only take the Red Dragon Knight to escape?

"Look at this. I was sent by the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs this morning. If it wasn't for this, I actually didn't expect it to be like this!" The black-haired emperor grinned and put his right hand into the pocket of his clothes. The report was handed to Hu Cochilli

"Yes!" Hu Keqili took the report, opened his hands and glanced, suddenly the whole person was stunned.

"King Aden is going to be called the emperor?" Hu Keqi took a breath of air, holding the report hand tightly, feeling that the back was cold.

"It is true that at the high-level meeting of Aden, the king of Aden held the prestige of the victory of China and forced the vassals to propose the promotion of the kingdom of Aden to the empire of Aden. Some of the vassal kingdoms were dissatisfied and deliberately disclosed this news. It was given to the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs, because the intelligence was too urgent, and it needed to pass through hundreds of miles of desert oasis, so the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs also paid three lives!" The black-haired emperor glanced over a ship on the river channel that was docking into the pier A large transport ship, Shen Sheng said, "The royal family of Aden has been reluctant to continue to contain each other with the red dragon palace of Aden. How can the royal family of Aden share power with the red dragon palace!"

Hu Keqili sighed and closed the information in his hand. He knew why Poros was abnormal. Because Poros obviously noticed, the royal family of Aden deliberately concealed the intention of the imperial team's combat power. Obviously, he wanted to use the hand of the Empire , Some power to cut off two-thirds of the Red Dragon Hall of Aden,

This seems to be a very unlikely thing. The Red Dragon Palace of Aden is also one of the powers of the kingdom of Aden. There is no reason for such a hand under the royal family of Aden.

But seeing this report, it is enough to understand that the royal family of Aden has sufficient reasons for the Red Dragon Palace. The greatest obstacle to the promotion of the Emperor is the Red Dragon Palace. If the Red Dragon Palace guards are armed, the Royal Family of Aden will not dare. There was a slight change, but this time the Red Dragon Palace of Aden proposed to send the Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment to the south of Erow, just in the heart of the royal family of Aden! Not only sent the navy to help transport, but even sent a prince to accompany,

The attention of Aden’s Red Dragon Palace is all on the part of the upcoming Eronan. Where will he notice the small movements of the Aden royal family, and the Aden royal family instructed the Aden military to give Poros, the imperial combat power and the wrong way of fighting. There was no mention of the strong bow and crossbow of the imperial team, plus the success of ambushing the imperial cavalry outside the capital of King Eero, and then it was an attempt to attack the Pope Pudamia in the Empire-controlled King Eero. The Aden Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment finally fell into the trap of the Aden royal family, which completely angered the emperor, returning blood to blood, and teeth to teeth. The Red Dragon Palace did not know the strong revenge style of the empire, but the Aden military knew

The consequence of completely angering the empire is that the emperor team is going to be bitten to death. They deliberately made the Aden Red Dragon Knights to anger the emperor team, just to make the Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment finally bitten by the emperor team. More than 20,000 infantry In the battle, four thousand Red Dragon Knights died in battle. Commander Poros's head was cut off by the princes of southern Erow and sent to the emperor.

It is a perfect arrangement. The Aden military has not even seen a shadow inside. From the surface, this is a battle between the Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment and the Imperial Team. The Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment of 30,000 people only lost 3,000 people to the imperial team, and it also became the main cause of the rebellion between Aden and the princes alliance in the south of Eero

If it wasn't this secret information from the Ministry of Information, who would have thought that there is a big pusher of the royal family of Aden here!

The loss of Aden Red Dragon Palace is so heavy, if you want to restore your vitality, you may not be able to do it within a few years, and the most important loss of the 4,000 Aden Red Dragon Knights~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Deadly, these Red Dragon Knights are professional warriors selected and trained from a young age. They are the most feared power of the Red Dragon Hall to the Aden royal family. Even the Red Dragon Hall headquarters has two thousand Red Dragon Knights, and this time, four thousand The Red Dragon Knights died in battle, and the Red Dragon Hall's strength fell directly, because the Red Dragon Hall of Aden had a total of five thousand Red Dragon Knights, leaving only one thousand Red Dragon Knight's Red Dragon Hall. Aden's royal family in the Asian region

The trade-offs are long, one side wins and the other fiasco. In the past, the face of the Red Dragon Palace, which was high above, lost its face. I am afraid that the wind direction of the entire Aden country will fall to the Aden royal family. The Aden royal family wants to be called the emperor. To a certain extent, it is true that the Aden Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment died in the hands of the Aden royal family, but who would believe that?

"Tell the princes in the south of Eero that they are free to return to the south as promised. The empire will announce the division of the central area of ​​Eero in three days, and if they are interested, they can stay."

There was a smile of self-deprecation in the corner of the mouth of the black-haired emperor. Although it was a victory, it was used by the royal family of Aden. This kind of loss cannot be eaten in vain. The four provinces in the central area of ​​Eero have long been lost after this turmoil. Control, and now the imperial army is pushed in, almost taking over control without blocking,

"Yes, I see." Hu Keqili nodded and he knew that the emperor began to shoot the southern princes.

It is absolutely false to say that the southern princes are not coveting the central region, especially those nobles who have been deported to the south. They dream that they want to leave the harsh climate of the south and return to the north, and they can help them do this. At one point, there is no doubt that there is only an empire, what the empire wants is their allegiance, not unity with the outside world! 2k reading network

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