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: Three thousand seven hundred and sixty-three Land-based kingdom of God (4)

Quan Guo 3763 Land God Kingdom (4) Audio Novel Online Listening

The direction of the wind is from the south

The black-haired emperor stood on a mound with complex eyes and looked at the earth in the south. Pudamia had been away for ten days. From the distance, it should have entered the yellow sand that covered Erow for decades. It is still unknown whether the scepter of the Holy City can be found. Although the female pope left without complaining, the black-haired emperor still knew that after the empire completely shattered the prestige of Pudamia in the Holy City, Pudamia I have already admitted the fact that the name of the ecclesiastical country is still alive, otherwise I will not make the final determination, completely abandon the ecclesiastical country that has been operating for many years, and ran to the south of Erow to find the scepter of the holy city

It can be said that it was the emperor of the empire, which contributed to Pudamia’s final determination, otherwise the female pope would become the first queen of the Order in the Holy City!

"Your Majesty doesn't need to blame herself too much. Your Majesty has forced the 30,000 troops of the Red Dragon Palace in Aden into a dead end. You have already repaid everything you owed. Without the 30,000 troops of the Red Dragon Palace, I believe Putami The possibility that His Highness found the scepter of the Holy City is more than doubled, otherwise the 30,000 Red Dragon Palace army will enter the southern part of Eero, and Pudamia is in an inaccessible position. As for the empire’s suppression of the Order, this It’s a country-to-country strategy that has nothing to do with His Majesty’s personal feelings. I believe that His Highness Pudamia has been the Pope of a country for so many years and will not fail to understand this.”

A crisp and enchanting voice, Anke Luo, head of the Imperial Southern Intelligence Department, came up from behind. The colorful samurai costume wrapped the graceful figure, and her hair was ponytailed to the waist, looking at the emperor’s The back, the beautiful eyes are covered with a miserable look and the soft wind is blowing, the woods rustle in the wind, and the vast earth surface is like a soft ripple,

"Did the latest news from Pudamia come?" the black-haired emperor asked

"No, since His Royal Highness Pudamia entered the Gangzan area on the edge of the yellow sand three days ago, our people began to fall ill with severe coughing and other symptoms, so we can only give up and continue to follow."

Anchor sighed. In this troubled world, only the most ruthless and ruthless monarch is the most powerful. This is already the consensus of the entire Obaro. Just like King Rila, for the benefit of the Kingdom of Rila, you can Sacrificing his own daughter, like Pudamia, can sacrifice his sister for the Order, and this is more often seen by Farouk, the former emperor of Eero

If it weren’t for my own eyes, who can believe that the emperor who swept the entire Nordic Barrow and was hailed as the most powerful monarch under this sky is actually a passionate lover

Pdamia, selfish, cruel, and greedy for money, almost obsessed with power, almost occupied, and the imperial emperor still did not take all

If you switch to other monarchs and treat the ecclesiastical countries that are already under the full control of the empire, you will never allow the puppet pope of Damia to move freely, even if you are not imprisoned to death, you will be forced to irrespective of your status. Still beautiful women with extraordinary appearances become their favorite concubines, so that they can firmly hold the sect of the church in their own hands.

Where would it be like the emperor, clearly knowing that the other party wanted to break free of the empire's control, and would let the other party go south of Eero!

According to Anchor, this is indecision, the kindness of women, and the bigger mistake after the mistake!

But I don’t know why, such an emperor has made Anchor feel a more complicated and incomprehensible feeling. As the shadow of the former Emperor Eero, she spent the first ten years in the intrigue, and she can’t remember it. How many people's blood was stained on the hand, once thought that the monarch should be like Farouk to be a qualified monarch, even if he is only a chess piece, there is no complaint or regret

But unexpectedly, after leaving the royal family, he accidentally saw another side of a powerful monarch,

No one knows more about what the emperor has done recently. Just from the analysis of the southern princes from his own side, the emperor saw at a glance the biggest weakness in the southern princes. A central part was newly divided and the original southern part There was a huge earthquake inside the princes, the old princes of the south insisted on going south, and the noble factions of the south wanted to stay in the middle. The two hundred thousand coalition forces of the southern princes had in fact collapsed, and from this moment, southern Eero From the hearts of the people and military strength, they have completely lost the strength to confront the empire, and the empire won without fighting! With this method, even Anchor is dumbfounded,

The tenderness of the king is more shocking!

"Your Majesty, Atelis is here" Anchor suppressed the impulse in his heart, and his pitiful white face passed a hint of blush and bowed his head.

"Is she alone?"

The black-haired emperor turned to look at Anchor, seemingly expecting that Alice would come

The internal coalition of the southern princes was divided. This is the emperor’s killer against the southern coalition. Everyone thinks that the 80,000 army of the empire will go south of Eero, and it will be a fierce battle, but who can think of it, the empire just touched the Adenites After a short period of four days, the menacing southern princes did not fight in a battle, and the emperor used all kinds of incredible means to fight it!

The original war can still be played like this, even Anchor is also eye-opening for the layout of this time. In the eyes of the emperor, the original earth can really be seen at a glance, the strategic layout is incredible, and it has already exceeded the human ability. The limit of imagination! Anchor returned his fiery eyes and showed his unreserved feelings under his eyes with a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth.

"There are three followers, although there is a certain distance, and they are still masked, but the subordinates can be sure that there must be a Marquis of Kentham himself." Anchor raised his head, which made him unable to move his purpose. Proud to show his full body, Anchor, who came from Mount Etmont, was tall and long legs, not only the best female guard in Mount Etmont, but also a stunning stunner who is proficient in various women's styles, more intelligently It is with unique insights, otherwise it is impossible to break the restriction of the woman in Mount Etmont, unable to obtain identity in the Haro of Eero, and let the always ruthless Emperor Faruk give the name of the princess,

"If the Marquis of Kentham still dare not come to see me in person now, it would really disappoint me." The emperor grinned, and waved his hand. "Let them go back, I I won't see them!"

"Your Majesty said you can't see them?"

Anchor looked stunned, and almost thought he had heard it wrong. He couldn't help confirming again, "Your Majesty said to let them go back?"

She knew the emperor’s thoughts and knew that the emperor was already supporting the Kentham’s house, otherwise she would not let the empire promise to sell King Eero to the Kentham’s house to build momentum for the Kentham’s house. The intention of making the southward power of the imperial army to destroy the city is to let the Kentham family get more support from the southern nobility, and then let the southern coalition fall apart automatically. Now that everything has been done, the Kentham family is also because The emperor refused to be interviewed when the prestige of the southern nobility faction soared, which really made Anchor unable to understand!

"At this time I met the Kentham family and agreed to their request. Do you think the southern noble faction would be grateful to the empire or the Kentham family?" The black-haired emperor smiled slightly and shrugged.

"I think the noble factions in the south should thank the Kentham family." Anchor's charming eyes flashed, and there was a sudden smile on the corner of his mouth. The emperor was right, if the empire agreed to the Kentham family , The noble faction in the south is naturally grateful to the Kentham family, and the empire is still a symbol of evil and brutality. All the benefits are taken by the Kentham family, and the empire spent so much effort!

This kind of thing, the empire is too bad!

"Of course, the empire is to support the Kentham family, but it does not mean that the empire is paid in vain." The black-haired emperor's eyes flashed with a certain luster, and his mouth sneered. "And too easily agreed to the request of the Kentham family. It will make the Kentham family think that the Empire will absolutely support them, and then take the empire's support for the Kentham family as a matter of course. What is too easy to get, no one will cherish it, and count on the Kentham family to be grateful for the empire. It is impossible to talk about it. Even if the Kentham family becomes the royal family of Erow, it is also an extremely dangerous hidden danger for the empire!"

"What does your majesty mean?"

"You tell them that the empire's decision to divide the central part has been reported to the emperor. This is what the emperor meant. They don't need to meet again before they are qualified enough!" The black-haired emperor's voice looked cold, he believed that the Kenthams still I don’t know. In fact, it was the emperor himself who met with Atelier. “The empire will announce the announcement of the new division of southern Eero in two days, leaving them little time!”

"Two days?" Anchor's delicate body shook slightly, and her charming red lips couldn't help but whisper. The emperor refused to face the Kentham house, which surprised her, but really made her It was shocking that the emperor's remarks, with the emperor's reply, Anclo met the Atelier who was waiting to meet

Sure enough, as the emperor expected, Atelier changed her cautious attitude when she met before, but the tone showed a bit of contempt. "I brought good news enough to shake the empire. I believe this It is of great benefit to both of you and me. I request an opportunity to meet immediately, and it is best to reply to us within a day. The time is not waiting for anyone, you know."

Anchor's eyebrows are slightly clustered, and she looks at Atris who has shown a little arrogance. She knows that the other party thinks that she has the support of the southern noble faction and has the qualification to bargain with the empire, so the tone is arrogant. , Could not help feeling with heart, on the control of the human heart, the emperor really is like a torch

He hasn’t become the new royal family of Eeroe, but he got the trust of the nobility in the south, and the tail of the Kentham family began to lift up. If the Kentham family is really easy to ascend to the royal throne, the Kentham family will listen. If the empire is a bit, there is no way to guess

"What's wrong, does Her Royal Highness still have a little affection for the royal family?" Atelier glanced across Anchor's face

"Stupid!" Anclo groaned inwardly before saying, "I'm here to talk, don't meet again in the future, the division plan has been reported to the emperor, and the division of the central Eero region will be announced two days later, if only A Kentham family cannot discuss this matter with the Empire."

"What, refuse to meet? Do you know what this represents!" Atelis' face changed sharply and her tone was a little eager. The empire was obviously pushing the situation to put the Kenthams in position, which shows that the empire was facing Kentham. The family will continue to support it, but unexpectedly, it was rejected directly! This contrast made her feel that she fell from the sky to the ground! At this moment she discovered that without the support of the empire, the Kentham family would not only be beaten back, but also worse, if the empire did not support the Kentham family. . . . . Dare to imagine the consequences! At this time, Atelis realized that it seemed that the empire did not necessarily have to support the Kenthams. This kind of empty feeling was like thinking that there was a solid road underfoot. abyss

The empire suddenly turned its face, leaving Atris completely confused.

"Two days, neither long nor short, I hope that the Kentham family will not waste it in vain," Anclo took a deep breath, pretentiously looking at the one behind Alice. As for the elder attendants, the Kentham family, as the four largest marquis in the south, sent people to visit the emperor every five years in the north, but the marquis of Kentham had never been there once, so she was not sure. The old man is the rumored Marquis of Kentham himself

The elderly attendant knew that he could no longer hide it, and came out with a wry smile. “Although I have done a few transactions with my Royal Highness Princess Kentham, it’s the first time I really saw His Royal Highness. I deliberately concealed It’s so rude, please ask Her Royal Highness the Princess to say a few more words for my Kentham’s family.

The old man is the Marquis of Kentham himself. "My relationship between the Kentham family and Mount Etmund, please also be able to tell the reason for rejection." The old man paused and said with a wry smile. "I thought the empire promised to change the central division. The possibility is very high, but I did not expect such a result. If I go back with this result, the southern nobles who have high hopes for the Kentham family will definitely go to the royal family immediately, and for those who have begun to endanger In his Kentham family, the royal family will never let go of any opportunity, and I believe that Her Royal Highness is absolutely unwilling to see such a situation."

Marquis Kentham had also heard of Princess Anchor’s encounter with the exclusion of the old royal family, and Mount Etmont and the old royal family had completely turned their faces, so Ankereau would never want to see the old royal family resurrect.

Anchor's pretty face is silent

"Please also princess Her Royal Highness mercy, my Kentham's family has not retreated! The old man sighed and shook his head with a miserable smile.

Anchor's pretty face was as cold as frost, and gentleness was only for the emperor. In the face of others, Anchor had always been such a cold face. She looked at the Marquis of Kentham and deliberately hesitated before whispering. Say "The reason for not meeting is very simple, that's because your qualifications are not enough! Can you tell me, what kind of qualifications are there for a Kentham family to get a meeting with the high empire! Just because the empire has helped you? Don’t forget that the empire can choose to support any family to become the royal family of Eero, instead of only the Kentham family. You are too self-righteous, and really take the help of the empire as a matter of course, then it is inevitable to be abandoned by the empire! "

"Well, the old face of Marquis of Kentham was awkward. He really had the idea that the empire would definitely support himself. Now he was awakened by the cold water of Anchor. Why did the empire support the Kentham family? There are so many families in the south, who can’t support the empire? In the new royal family of Erow, the empire has the absolute right to speak

Because King Eero is in the hands of the empire, the division of Eero in the south is also under the great pressure of the empire

If the empire says who is the new royal family of Erow, and who dares to stand up and say nothing, the princes in the south of Erow will not, even the noble factions who want to stay in the middle will not, the only one who will protest, will The old royal family, but in the face of absolute power difference, the voice of the old royal family will be ignored directly

What a qualification for a fallen royal family!

I understand ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is that we are too self-controllable. . . . . How experienced the Marquis of Kentham is, he knows that Anchor is right. The Kentham family is just a prince in the south of Eero. Even if he wants to ask to see the top of Eero, he may not be able to see it, let alone The high level of the empire that is sufficient to affect the entire Elo decision, the two sides are not at the same level,

"I still don't understand, just a Kentham family is not qualified to negotiate with the Empire."

Anchor's voice paused, and he emphasized, "Unless the Kentham family becomes the status of the Eroy royal family, or they are eligible to negotiate with the empire, although the Kentham family, which has been supported by the central nobility, looks like It is close to the Royal House of Eero, but even at that distance, the Kentham family is still not the Royal House of Eero

In my words, the Lord Marquis should be able to understand it! "

"Do you mean the royal family..."

Marquis Kentham's eyes widened sharply, and he could not help but take a breath. He was not a young bird like Atelier. What he had seen and heard for so many years, he naturally had another understanding of Anchor's reminder. If it is not the royal family, it is not qualified to negotiate with the empire! This is barely telling himself that there can be no two royal families in an Erow!

If the Kentham family wants to become the new royal family of Erow, it is natural that they must eliminate the old royal family, otherwise they will not be qualified to negotiate the division of the central part of the empire. The time limit set by the other party is two days, which is fundamental There is no room for consideration!

After killing the Adenites, continue to kill the royal family!

"Your Excellency can think about it carefully, but time is really running out" Anchor smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and walked out of the tent with his fabulous figure, leaving only the face of Marquis Kentham who wanted to cry.

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