Whole Nation

: Three thousand nine hundred and nineteen Will and ambition (13)

In the eight years of the empire, around the Gulf of Aden, the situation has evolved like a storm. At this time, there is one day before the limited time

The strong wind blew the straight line of the imperial eagle flag. Under the eagle flag, Ramlak stood upright on a dirt slope, gazing at the sparkling river in the sun and the rocks at the foot of Ramlak. The map of the Selamu Oasis was only drawn in advance by the Empire Business Alliance. The Empire Business Alliance itself has a high-priced acquisition of the map-drawing business.

Cartographers are already a new and highly rewarding industry in the empire. For the maps of unknown regions, the empire is always eager for it. The more detailed maps and detailed reports, the more rewards will be obtained from the business alliance and the empire.

And the high line drawn by the Empire Ombudsman's Slam Mu Oasis, the high line drawn at the time saw Ramlak's dizziness, all explained by the imperial officers next to him, Ramlak could understand the approximate, although Ramlak Has been appointed as the deputy head of the Eastern Army of the Empire, but is a pure Istanian northern highlander. He has followed Hajira from the age of 14 to the south to fight for the North. Although Ramrak is only 36 years old, he is A truly battle-hardened general, otherwise Hajra will not entrust everything to him

And Ramlak did not disappoint Hayla

On August 23, Ramrak personally led the imperial army to raid the Poca Oasis, and tore open the gateway to the desert

On August 24, Ramrak sent elite cavalry to venture around the dense oasis and directly captured the star oasis.

On August 26, Ramrak led the empire's main force to break the garrison of the Oasis of Density, shelled the palace of the king of the oasis of Density, and the garrison of Aden of the Density of Oasis collapsed.

On the 27th of August, Ramlakma kept going straight into the Selamu Oasis, which was sufficient as a support point for the next stage of the attack. The hurricane-like attack broke the Aden outpost camp in the Selamu Oasis and destroyed 1,400. Aden Soldier

But it also heralded that the empire’s raid benefits to the Great Oasis disappeared at this moment

The Selamu Oasis has more than a hundred miles, and it is the largest of the 13 large oasis. It can even be said to be close to the total area of ​​the other 12 large oasis. There is a rumor in the desert that the 13 large oasis once It is not scattered, but a whole. The core of this whole is Slam. The original big desert was not a big desert. It used to be a large wetland with lush grass and plants. It was part of the Gulf of Aden. There were some travelers in the desert. Under the rocks of the tall sand dunes, you can also find some stones like scallops in the sea. A lush forest land irrigated in the desert by the underground river of more than a hundred miles has not only nourished as many as 200,000 desert people, It is also the largest oasis in Aden

When the Eero Empire broke into the Oasis of Slam, he had the largest battle in the desert with the Aden here. The emperor Farouk personally led the 180,000 Eero Empire Army against 167,000 In the Aden army, the fierce fighting time between the two sides was 11 days, and the total number of people lost by the two sides was over 100,000. Finally, the Aden army chose to evacuate the battlefield, but the Aden side has been enough to use this precious 11 days. 300,000 Aden slaves and 110,000 regular troops, finally in the great oasis of Posini, ready to work, defeating the main force of the Eero Empire army that had consumed all the supplies in the oasis of Slam The price of the loss was only awkward to withdraw from the Great Oasis,

"Sir, our army scout outpost has been encountered by the other party and is in a fierce battle"

"Sir, the Adenites gave up the fourth camp and continued to gather towards the southeast. It seemed to mean fighting with our army." Each imperial cavalry flew like a horse and hurriedly returned progress, so important The strategic location is naturally also a key defensive area for the Aden. The Eighth Army of the Kingdom of Aden, the Eighth Army of 26,000 people, occupies one third of the Aden’s troops stationed in the Great Oasis region. In the Oasis of Lamu, in the face of such enemies, Ramrak was unable to launch a raid on them, because the Aden built eight sentry battalions in the Oasis of Slam, and many of them were built to resist the attack of the Eros. , Now it is causing trouble to the imperial army, no matter how the imperial army attacks from that direction, they cannot avoid these outpost camps,

Since it is impossible to raid, there is only frontal combat,

Ramrak’s 20,000 main force of the Imperial Army began to stop after capturing the first outpost camp, and the Aden Eighth Army also realized the seriousness. The Imperial Army suddenly appeared in the large oasis of Slam, which is enough to show that the front The three big oasis has fallen, and some of the Aden officers who have collapsed from the previous big oasis have also confirmed this fact. The eighth army of Aden clearly knows that the imperial army’s combat effectiveness is amazing, and it also carries a large number of heavy weapons. , So there was no fight with the Imperial Army on the outpost camp from the beginning, with little contact, or with little resistance, they retreated and fled,

If Slam Green is just an oasis of twenty to thirty miles, this situation is not terrible, the area is so large, you can’t hide where you want to hide

But the Oasis in Slam was not painful. There were more than a hundred miles. The Adens avoided the sharp edges and contracted their forces. It was far more terrible than fighting against themselves. When the blade was the most threatening, it was not after the sheath, but still. When there is no sheath, although there is a map, the map is dead. Ramlak almost opened his eyes to the situation of the big oasis in front of him. Ramlak even looked at the map of the big oasis in Slam For a long time, it was impossible to tell where Aden’s army was hiding,

The birdsong between the forests echoed in the woodland, and the cavalry returned in return. Everyone’s mind is not very high, anyway, the situation is very clear, the Aden people are either waiting for themselves somewhere, or they are waiting for work, this is a very cunning guy, Ramlak couldn’t help but flash this The intelligence of the garrison, the 8th Corps of the Kingdom of Aden, the 8th Corps of 26,000 people, occupies one-third of the Aden’s strength in the Great Oasis area, and the head of the regiment, Taros, is also known as For the desert

Ramrak asked in a low voice: "What day is it today?"

An army officer replied loudly: "Sir, twenty-seven days!".

Ramrak gritted his teeth and condensed his voice to order "divide the troops into three teams and continue searching"

An Imperial officer also said to Amraq: "Adult, if you divide the team into three teams and search, if you suddenly encounter the main force of the Aden Army, our army will be quite passive, and the subordinates believe that this or itself is the Aden want to do Yes, the troops on this side should not be dispersed."

"Okay, for now" Ramlak nodded.

Except for the initial raid on the Poka Oasis, which was a close combat fight, the following three battles were directly bombarded with the Empire Thor. The terrain of the Grand Oasis was originally flat. The bombardment of the Empire Thor was completely unstoppable. With 28,000 troops, the army defeated Aden’s garrison of nearly 40,000 in one fell swoop. In addition to the surprise, the imperial army was well prepared. The emperor gave almost all the combat supplies of the entire Istan region to Hajira. The 28,000 Imperial Army was equipped with 66,000 transportation camels, 14,000 war horses, and more than 7,000 stallions for transportation. It gathered 240 imperial Thors, and accumulated thick and thin hair for Hajera. The plan provides sufficient protection

The first three battles were smooth and smooth. In the fourth battle, the Great Oasis of Slam, the Imperial Army finally met its opponent, the Eighth Army of Aden.

There is a wooden bridge in the southwest of the Oasis in Slam, where dozens of camels are flying. Immediately dozens of knights, all sweaty coats, covered with dust. Seeing the road ahead is a bifurcation, all the way to the east, all the way to the north. The camel cavalry stopped, and their gazes turned to a middle-aged man with a grim look

"Let's take a break." Then the middle-aged man raised his hand. When he first jumped off the horse, the camel was panting, his abdomen undulated violently, his sweat was enough, and the wool was soaked.

"Adult, is it north or east?" a subordinate asked

The middle-aged man's gaze looked east, and at last he just slowly shook his head and whispered, "Have a rest, let's go north!"

"Sir, don't you go to the 8th Army of Diardin?"

"What are you going to do? The Imperial Army is under pressure. The Eighth Army is all the way. It is clear that it wants to push us out first. Once the Imperial Army conflicts with the various ethnic groups in the desert, the Eighth Army of Aden will be tens of thousands more. Reinforcement, in this case, we went to the Eighth Army is from the nets," the middle-aged man said indignantly, "I really thought I did not know anything about the desert people, this time the Kingdom of Aden is going to completely The oasis has been wiped out. Since the Adenites do not want to give us a way of life, we desert people have no responsibility to keep secrets for the Adenites. If the empire is willing to pay a high price, we might as well make a small fortune, which is always watching The Imperial Army and the Aden Army tore up the Selamu Oasis."

The sun was scorching, and the wind blew through the woodland in front of me. Pieces of grass fluttered with the wind like a giant pair of invisible palms pressed against it, and dialed over, and then dialed over, this piece of woodland is now occupied by dense soldiers The voice whimpered, and a tall trumpeter was standing at the highest position, and was using all his strength to whine lowly, the trumpet came into the ear, and the stimulating person was boiling blood,

The main camp of the Eighth Army of Aden was stationed on the **** beside the largest river nearby. The strength of 28,000 people was spread out. The camp was two kilometers long. Because it was stationed in the field, there were still not completely extinguished between the camps. The campfire was smoking black smoke, and there were also patrol cavalry outside the camp. The front is busy, piles of earth and rocks, boiling water, the smoke of hot oil is filled into the air, the rows of flashing soldier blades are cold, and within the line of sight, they are rolling white smoke and dust

"Come on, open the gate of the camp!" After a quick shout, I saw the gate of the camp pulling open from the inside out. The Aden soldiers on the wooden wall of the camp gave a quick bell ringing. The wooden gate of the camp was opened. The dusty Aden scout rushed into the camp gate like a cluster of arrows, and then pulled the war horse violently. The horse screamed violently and directly threw the scout above into the muddy water opposite, scouting in the muddy water. It rolled out a distance of three or four meters, and the people around hurriedly ran to pull the scout up

"How is it, the imperial army has arrived at the first few camps!" someone asked anxiously

"It's almost approaching the fifth camp!"

"How is the fighting power of the imperial army?"

"Beheaded twenty-six, I personally cut two of them. What can I do? Not so. In this big desert, the imperial cavalry itself is a disadvantage." The scout patted the dust on his body, no I glanced at my mouth deliberately and took my camel away. In the desert, the camel is not only thirsty, but also half a head taller than other horses. Most of the camels used by the army are strong and have excellent endurance. , The performance in the desert far exceeds that of war horses, so the scouts of the Aden Army are all using camels, and this also makes the imperial cavalry feel uncomfortable. The taller camels not only have thick skin and thick meat, but also bite the war horse. The imperial cavalry warhorse smells the camel 1 breath, and may even become turbulent, which has caused many imperial scouts who first fought with the camel cavalry to suffer.

"Royzaar, what are you still doing here, lord is waiting for you"

An Aden officer appeared at the gate of the high military account with great vigor and shouted to the scout cavalry. The captain of the scout hurried to the center of camp 1 to uncover the military account. A slightly older middle-aged man The soldier was looking at the map on the table and saw that it was the captain who came in ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The middle-aged man put down the map and asked, "Have you figured out the strength of the empire?"

"At present, it is known that there are 20,000 people, but there are no reinforcements in the future, and there are no new discoveries for the time being," the captain of the scout said quickly.

"That is to say, the 20,000-strong imperial army, in just a few days, defeated the garrison of Aden in the three major oasis with a total number of 30,000, and then non-stop to kill me. Great Oasis, this absurd thing, are you joking?" The middle-aged general looked dignified, as if he could drip water, and he chuckled with laughter in his mouth. The Eighth Legion contracted with all strength, not just to delay time To find out the information of the attacking enemy, another reason is that he is waiting,

The conflict between the imperial army and the desert people broke out in other places. He did not believe how much material the imperial army could carry with it. As long as the imperial army began to **** the material of the desert people, do not want to go out of the Oasis of Slam

Nine Heavens Emperor

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