Whole Nation

: Three thousand eight hundred and twenty-three will and ambition (18)

The night is bloody, the war is spreading, countless red dots rise and fall in the distance, even if the fire is bursting and the light is exploding even if it is a few miles away, it still gives people an illusion like a realm, imaginable The scene at the location of the explosion was even more tragic. Khufu, the elder of the desert clan, stood alone, with wrinkled eyes, bright eyes, and fearful people. The night wind blew Khufu’s white hair.

"The emperor team started to attack the front camp of the Aden Army!"

"The imperial team broke the Aden's front battalion, and the Aden's army collapsed in countless times"

"The emperor team encountered the main force of the Aden Army,

Regarding the battle situation between the imperial team and the Aden army in the past, fast horses ran to report from time to time, and the patriarchs of the desert tribes stretched their necks one by one and breathed carefully. Behind them, more than 80,000 desert tribe warriors Silent, only with a more or less horrified look on his face, originally thought that it was a close battle, but did not expect to be one-sided

The attack of the emperor is really too sharp. The desert tribes were eye-opening this time, claiming to be the strongest emperor team in the Obaro continent. It was normal for the Aden army to overlord the Gulf of Aden to break the front battalion in two hours of fighting, but the emperor team was one hour, one hour. Ah, the meaning of the side here has to make the desert people feel a cold rush from the tail bone to the top of the head. Is this the gap? What will happen if the former battalion of the Aden army with more than 10,000 troops is destroyed by the imperial team like tide water? Everyone can't help but ask themselves,

It takes an hour from launching the attack to breaking the camp

If someone said this before, everyone would call him a fantasy, but now, it is showing in front of them. They are not familiar with the imperial team, but they are eighth to Aden, which is specially sent by the Kingdom of Aden to guard the Selamu Oasis. The army is strong, but the desert tribes know it. The Eighth Army of Aden, the Aden Rongguang Army who was once personally awarded by the King of Aden, is not only well equipped, but also the soldiers have a strong combat effectiveness. The war between Aden and the Eros was absolutely In the top three of the Aden Million Army, under the same number, the Aden Eighth Army once fought against the Eero army three times. This combat power alone is not enough to lose to any powerhouse in this continent!

Not to mention, the imperial team wants to eat the 8th Army of Aden in one go

At least two times more troops are needed, and a minimum cost of 30,000 people is required, or it is possible! This is what the elder Khufu said. The total strength of the empire in this attack is more than 20,000 people. They want to defeat the Eighth Army completely, let alone swallow the Eighth Army, so that no one can beat the best. Well, when the imperial team and the Aden army are exhausted, the decision-making power of this large oasis in Slam is not the desert race!

This was scheduled, but now it is broken, the Imperial team is too fierce, and directly hit the Aden’s front battalion. Although the Aden army desperately resisted, the Imperial team pushed Thor to the attack line, covering with the flame of the explosion of the Thor bomb. In the past, the Aden Army was quickly beaten and collapsed. The imperial team rushed in all the way. Immediately after the defeat, they attacked the Aden main camp in the middle with one breath.

"In an hour, you are sure that there is nothing wrong!"

"An hour passed through the Aden's front battalion, but there were more than ten thousand defenders!" When he heard the news, the desert patriarchs were all ignorant.

"It's unimaginable!" Even the calmly elder Khufu couldn't help but whispered,

The Desert Clan can survive in this desert Jedi, which is famous for its patience, and the second is tough. The Desert Clan has always been proud of its bravery, so for all desert desert warriors With a sense of superiority, the most sturdy warriors must come from the desert! However, as the Adenites entered the Great Oasis, the excellent armor and weapons, and the brutal suppression of the massacre, the suppressed desert tribes could not lift their heads, and the desert tribe realized that there was a gap between them and a truly powerful kingdom. How big, the desert tribe thinks that the gap between them and the Aden is a bit big, but now, the desert tribe feels that the gap between the Aden and the Empire seems to be bigger than the gap between themselves and the Aden.

The Aden army, which has been known as undefeated for decades, has defeated the overpowering power of the entire Gulf of Aden, and even suppressed the expansion of the Aden kingdom in the south by its own forces. In this way, in front of the imperial team sweeping Obaro, the fragile is like a Like a piece of paper, the front battalion was lost in an hour, with nearly 10,000 casualties. If the party to this battle is a desert clan. . . . . . The patriarchs of various races couldn't help but pause for a while. Isn't it a joke? What kind of fight is impossible at all? No wonder the emperor team is only 20,000 people, so they dare to fight for four days and three battles. The emperor team has entered the Oasis of Slam, and has penetrated into the great desert of about three thousand miles in length, which has passed one third of the distance.

At such a speed, such offensive force, this strong aggressive force and will to fight have shocked the entire desert clan. The desert clan feels like they are watching the ants that two giant beasts are fighting. Without any emotion, the impact of the imperial team made even the so-called tough desert clan feel ashamed. The desert clan that is on the spot only saw it today. How the real big front battle is played is basically strong. Push horizontally!

The brave face-to-face rushing into the battlefield not only requires courage, but also mutual understanding and sacrifice without any hesitation. If you change to the desert clan, you will definitely not be able to do it. The torrent of imperial black armoured cavalry, even if the front of the dense spears, rushed into it without hesitation, hitting a path for the companions behind with flesh and blood, even if the galloping horse was stabbed by a long spear, it would still Only a certain distance ahead will fall, the Aden army’s experience in this area is obviously inadequate, or it is simply not expected to encounter this kind of deadly play

Under the cover of the sky, the Imperial Infantry are stacked one by one, and various long soldier blades protrude like a forest, as if the fierce beasts stretch out rows of fangs, facing the Adenites in front. The defensive line crashed into it at once. The place where the imperial team crossed the attack line. The corpses in the ground were like **** against the campfire in the camp. In this case, where can you go? The shouts and curses of various languages ​​are intertwined, and everyone is madly fighting. Mars colliding with metal flashes continuously, corpses continue to fall into the mud that has turned into a red color

The emperor team used such direct and violent tactics. Three consecutive waves of cavalry impact coordination, infantry pressure, and crossbowmen cleared the line. Layer by layer directly penetrated the Adenian defense. The imperial black armored cavalry took turns to attack. After the second shock, it was transferred back to rest, and the other wave continued to go on, without giving Aden people a chance to breathe.

This is the real battle of the great powers, the collision between the iron and blood of the two major forces. Even if it is a large desert away from the center of the continent, it is still like a hurricane, deterring this wild desert

"Great elder, do we really want to do it?" asked a desert chief with a trembling voice,

"If we can't make our position clear at a critical moment, then what conditions should we use to negotiate with the winner!" Elder Khu Fu snorted, his face calm and calm, his horrible coldness, and a sigh in his heart, each desert The heads of the clan were frightened by the strength of this war, and they have lost their square inches, otherwise they will never ask this sentence. This time, the clan can be described as a nest, at least eleven years old, maximum sixty years old, eight More than 10,000 desert men, already 80% of the males of the entire desert clan, gathered a little carelessly, that is, the genocide is in front of them, how do the clan leaders don’t worry, from their position, the emperor team and the Aden Army fought in the distance The scene, from time to time with the flames of the thunder **** burst, showed great impact in front of them, thinking of throwing his limited clan into the general battlefield of the meat grinder, the face of the clan of the clan is gray and ugly, if Maybe, I really don't want to join in!

In Aden, the war situation presents an unfavorable situation

Habilis, the deputy commander of the 8th Army of Aden, also had a pale face at this moment, his fingers clenched into fists, and the former battalion collapsed so fast that he had to temporarily repatriate the troops sent to support the former battalion. The troops were deployed in the Chinese military camp, but the geographical location here brought the Aden army a very unfavorable situation. It was originally a camp under the river, but because of the proximity to the river channel, the space for the troops to deploy was limited.

After breaking the front battalion, the imperial team on the opposite side can have some breathing time to rebuild

The emperor team not only trimmed it briefly, but also dug the earth high across the river to fight against each other. Twenty Thunder Cannons were lined up in a line, and Thunder God ran a dark thick barrel towards the position of the Aden army camp. A burst of flames erupted, and pieces of explosive black smoke rose from the soldiers in Habilis. Although the damage caused was not great, it was night after all, and the Thunder Gun was only estimated to be launched from the azimuth. A heavy blow will affect its morale and deter its psychology more. From one war group to another, it is like two huge dragons tumbling. The scale of 20,000 to 20,000 is not counted in previous wars. what

But here is the desert, the battle of 20,000 people on both sides is already quite huge

"Passing my order, all the troops in the rear battalion moved closer to the Chinese army, and I didn't believe it. The imperial team was iron. After breaking through my former army in one breath, I could break through my Chinese army!" Habilis clenched his fingers tightly. His eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes. The Emperor raided and the former military camp collapsed. Even if the Emperor's team was full of momentum, they must have paid a considerable loss. Under the same strength, the Eighth Army had no reason to stop it!

Aden’s army started out of the camp from behind,

"All ethnic groups are ready, goals, Aden's back camp!" The elder Khufu smiled in the corner of his mouth, and his slightly excited eyes revealed a successful meaning. The Adenites finally couldn't bear the pressure and began to empty the back camp. This is what he has been waiting for. The large amount of materials and wealth collected by the 8th Army of Aden from the Selamu Oasis are placed in the back battalion. The back battalion has always been the center of defense, unless anyone can let The Eighth Army of Aden felt unbearable~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Eighth Army will mobilize troops from the rear battalion to fill the battlefield!

"All Army Attack"

The voice of the shouting command sounded like the hot wind sweeping across the plain in front of me. A large number of desert warriors began to rub their hands together. The dense turmoil had watched the scene for more than an hour. Various flags were flying high above the head. Then, hundreds of people, hundreds of people, a light infantry like a panther, poured out like a flood, and the direction of the goal went straight to the Aden’s back battalion, and the world was filled with shocking waves, 80,000 deserts The ethnic warrior puts all his pressure on the absolutely deadly, unprepared Aden army rear camp, and he saw countless desert people suddenly emerge from the distance, a red tide came like a flood, and I don’t know how many desert people came from the opposite side. , The long spear tips move forward, as if a forest of spears suddenly appeared on the ground, the spear tips flashed the cold metal light in the night

"The desert people rebelled... Houying ah ah!" Seeing this scene, the Aden army was in an uproar, and they never dreamed that the desert people would suddenly rebel at this time.

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