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: Three thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine Aden's Death Bell (3)

The Fourth Army of Aden arrived in the early morning. The crystal clear dew in the morning slipped from the blades to the ground with a slight tremor on the ground, and a rumbling sound sounded in the quiet ground in the distance.

A team of light cavalry with blue capes appeared from behind the rolling hills of the plateau. These cavalry on horsebacks were strong and dark, as if covered with a layer of grease. The middle-aged man in the armor of the general was Tobras, the head of the fourth army of Aden. When he saw him, he suddenly strangled the mount in front, waved his hand backwards, and brushed! More than a hundred cavalrymen brushed the horses under the crotch and raised a soaring smoke, and behind the cavalry was a wave of trembling

A black line emerged from behind the cavalry, and the starry moon banner of the kingdom of Aden was blown by the night wind. The countless swords were cold, and the iron armor was like a silver wave, and the steps were stopped neatly. The noise of the roaring wind in the night was even more devastating. Seeing this scene, General Aden, who had waited for most of the night, could not help but swallow.

"It's the Fourth Army!"

"It really deserves to be one of the fourth army of the Wangdu dual army. It is really amazing. I am afraid that it is stronger than the imperial team."

The Fourth Army of Aden really deserves to be one of the two corps of the Royal Guards. Just showing its momentum, it gave a suffocating pressure. General Aden praised the joining of the Fourth Army. Speaking of which, it has definitely greatly strengthened the defense force. Even if the battle with the emperor has suffered a lot of losses in the front, the addition of the fourth army of Aden has also allowed the balance of the war to tilt the side of Aden fully, and at the same time a Aden scout cavalry flew until the big In the middle of the night, in front of Prince Soto Rosso, Ning Sheng reported on the arrival of the fourth army of Aden. After listening to the report, Prince Soto Luosu frowned slightly, and Tobras was indeed reckless and even sent people directly. Tell yourself that the Fourth Army of Aden did not come here for a holiday. Its meaning is undoubtedly that the other troops are exclusive, which is really crazy.

Seeing the daring expressions of other generals of Aden, Prince Sotorosu suppressed his inner anger, and soon became famous Tobras, the commander of the Aden Fourth Army Corps, a close minister of the King Aden, with a sturdy body The arm under the armor leaf is thick and scary, riding on the war horse is like a black iron tower, a pair of wide and long eyes narrowed into a line, like two willow leaves, giving a wilderness The wolf's sense of cruelty,

"You guys, meeting today is really a bit of a rush. I don’t want to say too much polite words. This time I came to Lukebo. The Fourth Army only wanted one thing. That is to let the whole continent know that the Imperial Team is not invincible. In front of my sharp scimitar in Aden, I will invade the head of the imperial general of the kingdom of Aden and bring it back to the king as a congratulations to the emperor!" Tobras said coldly.

"What does it mean?"

"What does it mean not to come on vacation, do we just come on vacation?

This Tobras was so crazy that he didn't take everyone's eyes at all, but His Royal Highness. . . . . "Tobras’s words, it was a blast of ridicule to other generals, which exploded the emotions of the generals. Although the fourth army of Aden had the nickname of the King’s Guards, it was too unpredictable. The imperial team defeated, what did he think he was! It was just these words from the generals that had not yet come to speak. Tobras glanced at the generals' face with a slender and slender look, and said calmly again, "I Want to ask, where is the Imperial team now? When the Fourth Army first came, it was always necessary to give you a greeting


General Aden's face was stunned, and then they all showed horror. This guy is not crazy, but crazy. Tobras means to attack the imperial team alone! Isn’t it a joke, the empire team that strangled 3,000 people with the strength of 18,000 people, but still hit the head and broke the blood, the fourth army of Tobras is full, that is, 20,000 people, just want Touch the emperor?

"The imperial team is in Bersad" don't know the purpose. Someone in General Aden shouted. The other General Aden was quiet for a while, even Prince Sotorosu was silent, since Tobras If you want to provoke the generals, then just look at the excitement yourself. Although Soto Rosso is the Prince of Aden, his fiefdom is not near the capital, but is located in the northwest of Berkol Okinawa, near the lower part of the Gulf of Aden As a local monarch, the Kurosya region in the narrow strip has the first strong army of the Aden of the royal flag and the fourth of Aden of the king's guard for the two most powerful legions that have always been stationed in the heart of the royal capital. Army, not just curious

In the history of the Kingdom of Aden, the Wangdu Shuangjun is more like a Dinghai **** needle. It is the sword of the Aden royal family to suppress the foreign lords. The Wangdu Shuangjun left the Wangdu only four times in history. , The two kings of the army with their absolute strong power is almost a crushing victory, so that they become two swords on the heads of the nobles of Aden

But Prince Sotorosu, who is one of the branches of the royal family, is more aware that the real goal of the Wangdu Shuangjun to stay in the royal capital all year round is not to suppress the foreign lords, but to guard against another powerful opponent of the Aden royal family, the Red Dragon Palace of Aden. The Aden Red Dragon Cavalry Regiment of the Red Dragon Palace in Aden is stationed in the Red Dragon Palace all the year round, so the kings of the Aden royal family are also stationed in the king capital all the year round. The south was overthrown by the Emperor's First World War, and the elite knights prepared by the Aden Red Dragon Temple for decades have lost most of them. They have been unable to pose a threat to the Aden royal family by force.

The sharpest sword of the royal family of Aden touches the invincible spear of the imperial battle. What will it look like? Prince Sotorosu also wants to see. The fourth army of Aden, known as one of the two armies of the king, has What's special, Bursard is not far from the Aden Battalion. After inquiring that there are only about three thousand emperors in Bursard, Tobras glanced dismissively.

"What is the reason for the imperial team attacking Bursad?"

Tobras frowned slightly and asked, after all, he had just arrived, and he had not fully understood the whole battle situation. If he thought that Tobras was a stunned boy, he would be wrong. One of the chiefs of the army, not only if he is the confidant of His Majesty the King, but also the wisdom and courage of the strategy is a temporary choice

Tobras does not seem to be famous in the Aden Army, but no one knows that before Tobras became the head of the Aden Fourth Army, he used other names to stay on the border of the four directions of the Kingdom of Aden. In the past two years, I have caught sand thieves in the hot oasis of the scorching sun, I have also pursued pirates in the picturesque Gulf of Aden, and I have personally planned small-scale battles against the southern fine continent. , Because there is no fighting, but it is the only place where Tobras has not stayed. For the situation in the south, I have only looked at it from the map.

"Bursad is the only road leading to the Northwest Luosu Mountain Mine. Through this road, you can enter the Luosu Mountain Mine." This time it was Prince Soto Rosso who had calmed down and saw Tobras at a loss. As the head of the southern front, Prince Sotorosu attacked the Empire and released slaves all the way. It was often a headache for the imperial team to evacuate that place, but it was released. Hundreds of slaves

"Luo Sushan mining area? Where does the imperial team go,

"The Luosushan mine is the largest mine in Aden in the south. There are as many as 50,000 slaves in mining alone. The goal of the Imperial team should be these 50,000. This is not the first time the Imperial team has done this kind of thing. This time The imperial team that invaded my southern Aden was only about 30,000 people, but like a frenzy, I swept all four provinces in the southern part of Aden, because every time the imperial team attacked, it released the slaves in one place. Almost 100,000 slaves have been released by the imperial team. The imperial team gave these slaves some simple weapons, and then allowed these slaves to attack the nobles’ mansions and mansions, thereby forming chaos and turmoil in the entire region, unless we kill all the slaves. Otherwise, it is all in vain, that is, relying on the whole, the thirty thousand emperor team actually made us four squandered, and empty let us fall into such a passive situation."

"Dogs that have eaten humans cannot be kept. The slaves dare to offend their masters, and it should be eradicated."

Tobras nodded, just looking at the battle report sent by the South, but he couldn't see these. He clearly had a huge advantage in the military, and even several times the strength of Dili. At the same time, the attack was breathless, and I was very strange in front of this situation. Now I have heard it and I know that the reason is that the slaves in the south

Although the southern area of ​​the Gulf of Aden is not rich, but it is backed by huge mountains and extends to the boundless sea, it is an absolutely safe zone. Although the population is not dense, it is a densely distributed area of ​​Aden’s large aristocratic plantations. It is conservatively estimated that the Aden nobles The number of plantations in the south of the Gulf of Aden is more than 17,000, and the number of slaves working in the plantation is more than 3 million. The Kingdom of Aden has never thought that the large number of plantations and slaves will become the current situation in the south. The main reason is that although the imperial team has little strength, it wins in the elite. Every time the imperial team hits a plantation, it will inevitably release the slaves of the plantation. Think about the millions of slaves in the south. Tobras also Feeling numb

"If the imperial team enters the Luosu Mountain mining area and releases all the 50,000 slaves inside, then these slaves will inevitably affect the entire surrounding area for more than a hundred miles, and even spread to the birthplace of your majesty, the royal territory pulls the year-old palace." The voice of some fingers paused. "Your Majesty became the emperor soon. If the La Sui Palace is hit by rebel slaves, the consequences may be...

"La Sui Palace!" Tobras's face changed slightly. The La Sui Palace is the royal palace in the south. If the general palace is dead, it will not matter, but the La Sui Palace is not a general palace, but the birth of the current King Aden. In fact, even the royal family has prepared to change the Lasui Palace to the Lasui Palace to cater to the king's emperor's enthronement. If the Lasui Palace is tainted by slaves, the news spread to the king~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in the presence of many other Aden vassals The face of the power is the face of the naked king who is beating His Majesty the King. The terrible Aden Empire cannot even hold down the slaves of the South. What other face can be promoted to the Empire! Therefore, Bossard can never let the imperial team control! ‘

"Come here, pass my orders, and the whole army turns to Bursard!" Tobras's face tightened. Although he knew that Prince Sotorosu meant to run against himself, at least one thing was right, and he could not let the emperor. The team entered the mining area, and the emperor team could not be allowed to release the slaves in the mining area.

Under the city of Bersad, the traces of the fierce battle in front are still there. The broken Aden flag flying diagonally on the ground flutters in the morning breeze. The fragments of the broken sword are everywhere. The Aden army battle flag is grinning, and the dark blue army is like a block. In the flat land outside the city, countless sharp spears spread like forests. Tobras rode on the warhorse, with a golden tasseled whip banging on the riding boots

His fierce eyes, constantly sweeping through the city in front of him, the hand holding the whip tightened unconsciously

Although Bessard is not a big city, it is not badly guarded, the gate of the heavy iron ring is closed, the walls are covered with dense imperial soldiers, and dozens of old catapults are difficult on the four-corner sentry tower of Bessard Tighten the lever. In terms of the height and thickness of the city wall, Bossard can definitely be regarded as a very strong defense line. It is no wonder that the troops of Prince Sotorosu in the front will not be attacked day and night.

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