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: Three Thousand and Eighty-Five Aden's Death Bell (9)

The camp of tens of thousands of troops was attacked by people, and it was not clear how many people rushed in during the night. I only saw shouts and fire everywhere. The black cavalry who broke into the camp were not without horses, but most of them were It’s an injury that doesn’t die. These black armoured soldiers who have been wounded and lost their horses have arrows on their armor, and the armor is gritty. Without the war horse, they carry the sword horse and follow the synchronous warfare. The fiercely slammed into the crowd in front of the frightened back, like a tiger entering the flock, killing the Aden soldiers back and forth, opening the way for the companions in the back,

Such an enemy, the Adenites have not encountered

Such a fierce and fearless death madness, and even the Aden soldiers were beaten up and mourned. The messy array had not stood still. Seeing the opposite side rushed up, it was immediately scattered.


Tobras' face was blue and his muscles were twitching. He organized three defenses and failed. It has been seen that the number of imperial cavalry hitting the camp is not large. Five or six thousand cavalry were killed, otherwise the opponent It’s not just going forward, but it’s just to directly crush your own army. The big reason for the current miserable situation is because of the problems of the Aden army.

These local defense forces have their own command systems. Under normal circumstances, they do not see much problem, but in the face of this sudden attack, the shortcomings are exposed, and the reaction cannot be over-represented. The soldiers cannot find officers. The officer couldn’t find the sergeant, the general’s order was sent out, as if the rocks were sinking into the sea, there were tens of thousands of people in the air, but they were fighting each other. They watched the black torrents of blood and rain rolling down one team after another. The soldiers wailed and screamed right in front of their horses. Rows of cuts were stabbed and stabbed, and blood was splattered like spring water, turning the dry battlefield into a **** muddy.

"Sir, please order fire fighting immediately, save the eleventh step!"

A blood-swept general Aden ran to him in a roll and crawled with a stern request. At the position of the eleventh corps mentioned by this general Aden, it was the rush of the impetuous imperial cavalry. , Looking in the direction, black has occupied most of the vision, all the imperial black cavalry are like a sharp sword that quickly gathers, rushing out from the gap that is completely torn, come, woo horn sound in the night Madly blowing in the air

In the position of the Eleventh Corps, the fire was skyrocketing, and a large number of tents full of supplies were burning, illuminating the sky, red the earth, and reflecting on this torrent of black armor, full of savage and **** pressure, imperial cavalry Actually rushed to the Eleventh Corps. . . . . . The eleventh corps was over, and all the Adenites who saw this scene sighed involuntarily. Sin, the eleventh corps is a logistics corps. Although the total number is 6,000, the soldiers equipped with combat weapons are only 2,000. , The other four thousand are logistics personnel. This combat power is not a big fat piece in front of the imperial cavalry who even penetrated the camp.

The Imperial Cavalry rushed out of the camp from the Eleventh Corps, and all the way burned things like torches on the tent of the Eleventh Corps,

"Sir, the instructions cannot be given at all, and we cannot save the 11th Corps."

General Aden whispered weirdly. The imperial cavalry who had slain the blood in the camp was rushing out of the gap of the eleventh regiment. Who dares to block it? Everyone's heart is actually relieved. The eleventh corps is just a logistics group, and even the battle sequence can't be ranked. If you die, you will die. These emperor killers are finally gone. Fan, I am afraid that the camp will be full of corpses. Now it’s okay to leave. As for the Eleventh Corps, you can only blame your luck. The Eleventh Corps is a logistics unit from the southern province of Haguvari. , So it should be placed at the rear of the camp, which should have been the safest

However, I didn't expect that the empire had long noticed the location of this logistics corps. In the past few days, the Aden army's endless supplies have been brought in, mostly concentrated in the direction of the eleventh corps. It’s a bit difficult. Hu Keqili’s breakthrough plan for the five thousand Dongting cavalry was directed at the eleventh corps. Since it was the weakest position of the Aden army, the logistics force was naturally the weakest. Fire, in order to rescue the logistics, even if Aden found that the number of imperial cavalry intruding was not large, it was difficult for him to spend his time to pursue

"Everyone followed me to kill!"

Shu Ge crossed the sword, the horse ran screaming, and protruded from the rear of the Aden barracks. The Aden soldiers who were hit were like flying gyros, and they flew out, and their flesh and blood were crowded on the ground. More than 3,000 people in the Eleventh Corps were taken in by the imperial cavalry cluster, as if they encountered a thick layer of absorbent paper, each of them fully absorbed the blood, and the blood water wet the Aden Xingyue military flag on the ground, gradually changing It was as heavy as iron, and this brief raid was coming to an end as the horseshoes became scarcer,

The chaotic Aden army regrouped, the count of the first team, and the sparse Lala team made many Aden captains look ashamed. When the **** courage was severely defeated, its high morale also quickly fell back

Prior to this raid, the morale of Aden’s army had reached a considerable height. There were tens of thousands of troops on the side, and the opposing imperial team had only 3,000 people. The disparity of nearly 20 to one, as long as they rushed up I was able to fill in the city of Bersad, but I did not expect that Bersad, who had only three thousand emperors, came out tonight with a number of elite cavalry. Who said that Emperor had only Three thousand people, everyone will pick him up and cut him collectively

Last night’s Imperial Cavalry did not see clearly, and I dare not say how many, but it is definitely above the number of three thousand, that is to say, the strength of the Empire in terms of Bessad is definitely not the so-called three thousand people who look like it. , Conservatively estimated, it should be multiplied by five. Right, Tobras' face was sullen, his fingers clenched tightly, and Shen Sheng said, "Pass my order, try my best to save the fire!"

It was noon that the fire in the camp was extinguished. The report of the damage was sent to Tobras. More than 1,700 people were killed and more than 4,000 injured. Among them, more than 30 were trampled to death because of chaos. Tobras’s face was extremely ugly. The real battle had not yet begun. He lost 5,000 people on his side. The morale of the army suffered a serious setback. Many assembled troops were empty. A large piece of wounded soldiers with blood was shocking to watch, and the soldiers were quickly rushing between the teams. A muddy cloak flew behind him, and the armor was bloody, and it was extremely embarrassing!

Originally high-spirited, preparing to take a dash of force to capture Bersad's Aden army, was beaten by the cavalry raid

In the last three days, the Aden army is doing one thing, that is, the large-scale felling of surrounding trees, adding a large number of wooden refuse horses, and thickening the defense outside the camp. Each of these wooden refuse horses has a near At a height of two meters, there is a sharpened wooden pile in front. Even the most powerful warhorse, it is impossible to jump over from these wooden refusals. The Aden reinforcements from the follow-up are still arriving, and the mountains and fields are full of Aden camps. The bonfire lights are like the sea of ​​light. The Aden patrol cavalry patrols with torches in the night, the fire is like a dragon, moving around, a circle of wooden fences, a row of rows of wooden wooden horses, I don’t know how many clothes to drive The ragged slave extended the original camp from two or three miles to seven or eight miles

In this case, even if the emperor's old skills were reapplied, I still wanted to be able to penetrate the Aden's camp laterally again. Obviously, the Aden were awakened by the cavalry raid. Generals Aden began to show their due operational command capabilities, absolute superiority in strength, step by step, not to be able to defeat Bersad in one battle, but to prepare to use the greatest weapon in Aden’s grasp, that is, the slave army, at this moment in The slave army in the direction of Bersad has reached 80,000 people, as long as there are enough equipment. The Aden army will expel the slaves and fill the trenches with their lives. Then Qiang Zang cover. Fill the trenches and pile up the earth with a simple long ladder ant.

This method of siege has been used in Aden for 80 years. Although the method is stupid, it is easy to use. The ant is attached to the moth, and the fight is to consume. When the impact of one spreads out on the wall, the victory and defeat become a look. Whether the two sides can continue to invest in the consumption of troops, and the lack of troops is the emperor’s biggest weakness. Although the city of Bersad is not large, it is not easy to maintain the comprehensive defense of the city wall. The attacker chooses the focus and concentrates the troops. Strike forward. The guard must maintain the integrity of the entire defense system, and nowhere can it be completely unprepared, otherwise, once the gap is torn, the entire line of defense may be shaken!

Tobras now gazes at Bessad's direction more than 100 times a day. He is looking for a weak position on the city wall. The Imperial Cavalry sent him a knife. He will return this knife to Bessad. Strong, it is impossible to block the impact of 80,000 slaves! Under the flagpole hanged by Tobras, more than 40,000 Aden's armies encased seven or eighty thousand slaves, like a large ant digging in layers of layers, keeping the offensive line close to the city wall, everywhere The head moved, crying and screaming. Everywhere, Aden soldiers pulled the figure of the slaves, such as wolves running around, even though some young slaves wanted to resist, but driven by force, it was like a large group of ants moving

Tobras immediately stood on the boss on the high ground of the camp, but looked coldly at the scene like **** on earth.

Tobras is waiting, waiting for the imperial team to complete the rally in Bersad City, so that he can defeat the invading imperial team in one battle,

There was a sound of mourning in the distance, and the slaves crossing the line from time to time had arrow clusters shot by the direction of the city wall fell to the ground. The large number of Aden slaves had even ignored the arrow clusters. They were crowded together tremblingly, using the fastest Speed ​​sorts out the road ahead and clears the route for the siege equipment of Aden’s army,

"Adult, there are fewer and fewer arrow clusters from the Bessad city wall. On the first two days, more than 500 slaves were shot every day, but now there are only more than 100, and the shooting distance is also from the original 100 meters. It was shortened to fifty meters, which shows that the imperial team on the city wall lacked materials and had to keep the arrow cluster to deal with the possible outbreak of war! A general Aden said at the meeting

"It would be great if we could try it out. If we encounter a warship like the Imperial Crossbow Car again, at least our army will not be caught off guard like last time!" It was suggested that as the military strength increased rapidly, a large number of slaves came continuously. General Aden was also eager to try. Anyway, there was a slave army as cannon fodder, and their courage also grew up. It seems that these tens of thousands of people are dead, and it is not difficult to drive tens of thousands of people to die again. Even if fifty or sixty thousand slaves are like this It is dead, and it is a great deal to be able to defeat the army that the empire invaded in World War I!

"Casualties within 20,000 people are acceptable, we can use the slave army to test it"

The meeting quickly confirmed the decision to send a slave army for temptation, and the slaves of two teams of 10,000 people were selected

In order to strengthen the impact of the slave army and meet the needs of probing the defense of the emperor, the Aden army equipped the front row of these slaves with typical light infantry bucklers and wooden spears. Such armaments are used to attack large fortresses, but they must attack the cypress. The wall of Sade is still enough. Under the impetus of dozens of large siege towers~www.wuxiaspot.com~Twenty thousand slaves followed with trembling, like the dense ants spreading around the siege tower. Dead, advancing or still alive, there are a large number of slaves standing on the wooden board built inside the siege tower, the body shakes left and right as the siege tower moves, like a layer by layer of people piled up inside mound

Generals Aden all stood on the boss, constantly calculating the distance the siege tower advanced

One hundred meters, eighty meters, fifty meters,

I heard a cry from above the city wall. The arrows as dense as raindrops approached the approaching siege tower, and the steel arrow cluster bombarded the siege tower with whizzing and violent sounds. The sound of piercing, sharp weapon piercing was like a wave of water beating on the hard On the rock wall, it turned into splashes of horror bright red, and it was pierced by the front end of the arrow. The wooden board of the siege was directly penetrated by the powerful crossbow arrows, and the slave soldiers inside the siege tower La La La

"Add a baffle in front of the siege tower, it should be able to block these crossbow arrows"

Tobras said in a condensed voice, the other generals of Aden nodded one after another, and secretly whispered a luck in their hearts. Fortunately, these slaves were used as temptations, otherwise the siege tower as the main siege is the living target of the imperial team, just in Tobras’s The words just fell, and a dense roar rang in the head of Bessad City, and I saw a dozen fireballs with black smoke tails flying towards a siege tower, rumbling, the fire exploded, the wood chips scattered, I saw A large piece of the siege tower that was hit was exploded, and the fire mass exploded directly inside, just like a watermelon that was squeezed violently. A siege tower with a height of more than ten meters flew across, and a huge flame came from inside. The flamed slave soldier jumped miserably from the height

"Hula La" siege tower burst from the top third position under the impact of a fireball, General Aden's face turned pale!

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