Whole Nation

: Three thousand eight hundred and forty-two Aden's Death Bell (16)

At the end of late autumn, the war in Aden spread

The falcon empire that just conquered the upper and lower Eero Empire launched an attack on the Aden region from both north and south directions, and finally broke the front line that had calmed down for nearly two years, just like the North-South War that began for Obaro’s mainland hegemony two years ago. Fighting by hundreds of thousands of troops, millions of people were displaced like rootless duckweed, but at this moment the war spread the territory of the kingdom of Aden

In early August, the imperial team's attack was like a sword easily piercing the defense line of the Kingdom of Aden. Then, in just one month, the provinces in the southern part of the Gulf of Aden were involved in the war, and the northern desert of the Gulf of Aden The zone was invaded by the imperial team for more than 400 miles at the same time. In order to solve the invasion of the empire in the south as soon as possible, the fourth army of Aden, one of the famous king capitals of Aden, entered the south to fight

In early October, a large-scale slave riot broke out in the south of the Gulf of Aden, and the second army of Aden, one of the two armies of the capital of Aden, left the capital.

In mid-October, the Aden army and the emperor launched a battle in the southern city of Besad. . . . . , And as an inconspicuous episode in the prologue of this war, but only a few words were recorded in the records of later generations, Lofond Hills, this war between the empire and the kingdom of Aden, is really a prelude to this moment.

Shuge Zema, the head of the Third Banner of the Imperial Guards, rushed to the hills in front of him, and his eyes swept sharply across the ground. The thick brows unique to the Kukits in the grassland frowned slightly. The area in front of him was called Lofond Hill , One hundred and thirty miles from the center of the southern war, Bersad,

The earth in front of me was like a broad carpet. The meadow stretched under the horseshoe towards the distance. Under the white and bright morning light, the scenery was magnificent and beautiful, but the morning frost was like snow. Cruel, hundreds of dead bodies lying in clusters lying on the ground, the horses who lost their owners bowed their heads to eat grass, the blood under the bodies had solidified, turning the ground into **** muddy

A team of imperial cavalry in black armor was passing by, and brought up the fresh wet soil on the ground without mercy, and threw it into the air fiercely. In the distance, more of the third guard of the imperial guard The cavalry spread like a huge fan, and in the sun, it was like the general sparkles that scattered in the morning on the Kugit grassland, along the scattered woodlands, hills, and river valleys. , Lightweight bow riding with a team of more than 100 rides dragged a little, and the arrows on each side of the waist were pulling out the spears of the barb arrow on the corpses along the way. These cadavers were all Adenites. cavalry

"Able to encounter our cavalry and retreat calmly, it seems to be the regular army of the Adenese, and should be the ace army inside the regular army."

The imperial cavalry officers who reported to him on the situation also gave high marks to the heroic battles of these Adenites. The encounter broke out in the early morning, and 1,500 imperial cavalry encountered each other. At first, the imperial cavalry thought it was a noble private army , So I didn’t care, but as the intensity of the confrontation between the two sides increased, the Imperial Cavalry officers quickly realized that the other party was not a noble private army, because the other party’s fighting was very tenacious, wearing excellent armor, and being skilled in combat, which exceeded the general noble private. In the field of military, if it is not that the opponent’s armor is not thick, and it can’t stop our bow and arrow from shooting within ten meters, the opponent’s loss will be much smaller now.

"Ten meter save shot!" Shu Ge's eyes narrowed slightly. The bow cavalry launched a save shot at a distance of ten meters. It is a very high skill, mainly using heavy arrows, aiming at heavy armor targets, inserting these from the front Judging from the corpses full of arrows, many corpses are dressed in excellent armor. This is unique among the Adenites encountered before. Even the cavalry who encountered the most sophisticated private armies of the Adenian aristocrats in the past were only half-body armor, but these are The Aden cavalry are all steel plate armor, even if the thickness of these plate armor is not thick, it is far more defensive than those of private cavalry,

Shu Ge looked at the body under the horseshoe and agreed with this. He was still able to break through when he was chased by a bow cavalry at night, and his retreat was orderly. It was also based on excellent defense. The cavalry cannot come out suddenly. Everything on the other side is showing that an Aden cavalry is staring at himself, or that the Aden continue to send troops, and it is a cavalry unit with a good combat effectiveness, but this one The cavalry troops did not go to Bersad, but bit themselves

Shu Ge frowned slightly, and was surprised, which was too unreasonable. Aden left Pesard at the center of the southern battlefield, but he bit his head fiercely. The meaning here is very obvious, the other side Not for Pazad, but for himself, the other party wants to grab himself

It must be said that the Aden command is also a discerning person, playing snakes and fighting seven inches. The reason for the slave riot in the southern part of the Gulf of Aden was his third flag of the Imperial Guard, so many slaves, so many manors, if Without the third flag of the Imperial Guards stirring inside, there would be no such situation at all.

So the other side followed along, wanting to wipe out themselves completely, and want to calm down the slave rebellion in the south of the Gulf of Aden from the source, because as soon as you find an opportunity to rush into the central area of ​​the Gulf of Aden, you can encourage more slaves in Aden to rise up and riot.

In fact, Shuge had several opportunities to rush into the hinterland of the Gulf of Aden, but King Aden was the heart of the Kingdom of Aden, the political, military and cultural center, and the entire face of the royal family of Aden must be guarded by heavy soldiers. Shuge knew that he broke into the central area. After that, it will inevitably lead to the chasing and blocking of the heavy army of King Aden. It is better to just wander around the king. The opponent will not take the initiative to attack without knowing it. When the other party realizes that he does not fight King Aden, I have long returned from King Aden. Under the eyes of the main king of Aden, I calmly evacuated, not only violently stimulating the Aden people, but also slap the Aden people heavily.

It's just that Shu Ge didn't expect that the Adenites would take the initiative to bite themselves, but the other side didn't expect that his imperial cavalry was a bow cavalry, and it was still composed of sharp shooters from various parts of the East Court. The striker was shot straight, throwing away hundreds of corpses and withdrawing, but he had to admit that even though it was a disastrous defeat, these Aden cavalry who were responsible for the offense were shot to death by a lot of arrows, but they have been stubbornly delayed until The opponent evacuated and died here in succession. The fighting power of these Aden cavalry aroused Shuge’s alertness.

Shu Ge's guess is correct, he was indeed bitten

King Aden was furious, and he even sent all the royal armies in order to quell the slave rebellion in the south in the shortest time. The role of the third flag of the Imperial Guards was undoubtedly crucial. It is the Second Army of Aden, who quietly left one of the king capitals of the capital of Aden. The Adenians are not very good at cavalry combat, but they also know that it is not at all a field cavalry cluster to wipe out a 5,000-person field. Possible, so the second army of Aden just fell behind, looking for an opportunity to annihilate this imperial cavalry

"Sir, we lost 162 brethren, and the imperial team finally went to Bolehesi"

Deep in the birch, Ramdorek, the head of the Second Army of Aden, watched fiercely and calmly, looking at the smoke that rolled up on the horizon in the distance, rising with the wind. Behind him, densely dressed Aden in light armor Cavalry, the Adenians are best known as camel cavalry, which does not mean that there is no cavalry. In fact, the war horses of the Aden species are sturdy and powerful. They are an excellent choice for war horses. The Aden Kingdom itself has four standing cavalry regiments. The total number of cavalry has reached more than 60,000, but the regular Aden cavalry is currently in Central Biya, the king of Aden has two armies, which happens to be a Marine Corps, and one is the Cavalry Corps.

For this imperial cavalry unit that broke through the defense line, the Aden side finally released the killer, the second army of the Kingdom of Aden

Only two or thirty thousand emperor teams, it can pressure me Aden to have to send out the royal army, what's wrong with this world!

Ramdorek's eyes flashed an inexplicable dark color. In the past few years, the Kingdom of Aden, in view of the aggressiveness of the Falcon Empire, turned its strategic focus to the east, and finally achieved brilliant results in Central Abia. I think that the kingdom of Aden is as powerful as the sky. Everyone thinks that the kingdom of Aden is about to enter the ranks of the empire. But the cruel reality has shredded this shallow shame

Tens of thousands of emperor teams have entered the south, and Aden has transferred more than 200,000 troops before and after, but this is still a stalemate.

The sudden slave riots in the south have further worsened the situation in the south, and have even threatened the tilt of the balance in the entire southern battlefield. More than one hundred thousand Aden army and the imperial team confronted in Bessad. The more than one hundred thousand Aden army's military supplies are all Shipped from behind, and now, this slave riot has cut off the logistics of the southern battlefield. If the riot continues, the defeat of the southern battlefield will be in sight.

The South can no longer be delayed, it must be determined quickly

At the military conference held by the capital of King Aden, King Aden made a death order for Tobras in the southern battlefield. Within ten days, His Majesty the King would see the report of the victory of Bursad, and return more than 100,000 troops. Can't beat a Bersad, then all the generals of Aden on the southern battlefield can die! King Aden, who has always been famous for his stability, was also forced to kill at this moment, because the news has just arrived that the imperial team has unknowingly entered the great oasis hundreds of miles, five days and four battles, the kingdom of Aden is in the great oasis The garrison killed nearly 50,000 people in battle. It can be said that the great oasis annexation plan proposed by coach Ig Woods was completely bankrupt, and the efforts of the Aden Kingdom in the Great Oasis for decades

The Kingdom of Aden not only lost the general control of the Great Oasis region, but also lost half of its troops. This is a great irony for the Kingdom of Aden who wanted to use the Great Oasis to deter other vassals.

The other vassal forces that had already accepted their destiny, after hearing this news, showed signs of temptation. The royal family of Aden sent four princes to these vassal forces to sit in the night, but this is only a temporary measure, and it can really suppress these vassal forces. , Still a brilliant victory,

The Kingdom of Aden is now more than ever eager for a victory that proves the strength of Aden

Ramdorek, a general of Aden, one of the two capitals of the capital, has always been known for his sharp awareness. He immediately proposed the main cause of the southern rebellion, which is the invading imperial cavalry, which is the imperial cavalry. In terms of the most terrible killer, the 20,000 emperor team can’t shake the situation in southern Aden, but these imperial cavalry use the high mobility of cavalry to quickly advance, sweep, kill nobles, and release slaves, just like a sharp edge. The incomparable sharp knife had been severely cut on the foundation of Aden before Aden had fully responded. The nobles of Aden as the basic rulers were slaughtered and a large number of slaves of Aden were released. This is the most deadly.

The regular army of Aden has gone to Central Biya, and the regional garrison troops went to Besad. In the face of the imperial cavalry and countless riot slaves, the nobles in the southern territories only dared to hide in the castle and defend themselves. If it continues, even if southern Aden has won the counterattack against the imperial invasion, and wants to return to its original state, it will definitely not be possible within ten years. If this impending cavalry is not resolved, quelling the southern rebellion is Joke, at the meeting, Ramdorek asked to go to the southern battlefield and got the consent of King Aden

"Just bite the Imperial Cavalry. When the sun goes down, we will start!"

Ramdorek narrowed his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ waved his hand, the golden sunlight began to cover the hills, dyed every tree golden, Ramdorek looked up A glance at the golden sundial slowly rising in mid-air, commanded the cavalry behind him, the forward cavalry's fiasco was nothing. Although hundreds of cavalry were lost, it also broke the myth that the imperial cavalry was invincible. The name of the group still has an influence on his subordinates, but as we all saw last night, the Imperial Cavalry will also be hacked and bleed. In the face of the desperation of the forward troops, the Imperial Cavalry will also be the same. Able to stare

"As long as the imperial cavalry are like flesh and blood, this is enough."

Ramdorekmi snorted. Pieces of cavalry drove forward like huge waves in the light. The ground under tens of thousands of Aden Rui's horseshoes was like a series of iron plows cracking the ground. ! Snapped! Snapped! The broken roots of the grass scraps, as the horseshoes rose up and scattered in the wind, the meniscus helmets of countless Aden cavalry fluttered in the wind, and the light in the distance shone obliquely, just like a large red piece burning the earth Screen, spread out in front of everyone's eyes,

The slightly hoarse voice of "the whole army continued before" was like a sullen thunder, and the blood in the original body of the Aden cavalry was ignited at once, and the marching lines formed by the war horses spread out like a huge arc surface extending indefinitely.

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