Whole Nation

: Three thousand six hundred and sixty

   Four hundred miles southeast of Aden Sea, Lovan Sea

In the winter, the sea water is exceptionally clear. In the offshore area near the coastline, you can see a large area of ​​coral under the sea surface, just like a giant behemoth lurking under the sea surface. It may jump out of the sea at any time. In these huge coral groups In the meantime, you can see the wreckage of many sunken ships. After the erosion of the wind and waves, they have been completely surrounded by seaweeds and corals, forming a larger coral area.

   The sea water gently patted on the side of the ship, everything is calm like a blue carpet

The Imperial Navy Secretary Dustron Kay stood on the side of the Longya battleship, gazing at the Coral Sea below, Lovan Sea. Thirty-seven years ago, the joint fleet of the Aden Navy and the Southern Continent launched a decisive battle of sea hegemony here The total number of warships dispatched by the two sides exceeded 470. It was the Aden Navy that was determined to expand. It was finally under the command of the commander of the Kingdom of Aden Naval Commander Gud Yago that it would hit the Southern Fleet Joint Fleet here, opening the Aden Navy in one fell swoop. Gate to the waters of Centralbia

According to the statistics afterwards, the Aden navy battled 14,000 dead sailors, 84 sunk warships, the Southern Fine Continental United Navy battled dead sailors 31,000, and the sunken battleship 290 ships. After this war, the southern fine continent The naval forces completely retreated to the southern coast of the southern continent. This area was also named by the Adenites as Lovan, and the Aden language was the way to open the door.

  In fact, this calm and beautiful sea is dangerous in the eyes of the navigator

Due to the large number of corals and coral reefs, especially those extremely precious, charming, shiny, crystal clear, warm and pleasant red corals, the only living millennium spirit in this jewel does not know how many people's hearts have been confused, once it was south The main source of fine continental red coral is now owned by the kingdom of Aden. The various luxury goods of red coral are already the specialty of the nobles of the kingdom of Aden. Even many upright ministers of Aden have repeatedly written to ask the royal family of Aden to improve this extravagant style. The mining and trading of red coral is prohibited, but the beautiful red coral of helplessness has indeed attracted the attention of too many dignitaries, and it has brought huge wealth to the royal family of Aden. It is an important source of wealth for the royal family of Aden. On the contrary, the Royal Palace became the largest coral collection place, and the other royal royal families were mostly red coral, so that the Aden royal family was once called the red coral royal family.

   "Advertisement, the message returned by the Antoras, the target has passed the Marceau Bay, less than thirty miles from here"

Lieutenant Rasiam, dressed in a black Empire navy uniform, came up from the back with a look of excitement, and reported to the commander-in-chief of the Empire Navy, Dusteren Kai, who was calmly looking at the sea. There was a slight tremble in the voice, because this time the fish was really big,

On the calm and undulating sea, the dense Imperial Navy warships were undulating with the waves, and they were crazy because of the destruction of Aden Ansi. The Aden Navy, who was looking for the trace of the Imperial Navy, would never think that the Imperial Navy did not continue to stay after the destruction of Aden Ansi. The Gulf of Aden stayed in the water, but along the blind area of ​​the Aden navy. The offshore area quietly opened to the direction of Centralbia. The imperial navy’s target has been replaced. The moment the false intelligence was deliberately leaked to the Aden, the imperial navy’s The combat target has been replaced by the junction of the Aden Sea and the Central Biya Sea that the Aden people will not kill

   Mas Star Moon Bay

At the beginning, the Imperial Navy only launched a raid on Mas Xingyue, and almost let the Aden Navy be collectively attacked. This time, once the Aden Navy was informed that the Imperial Navy not only targeted Mas Crescent Bay, but also this The main battlefield of a naval war is set at Mas Xingyue

The prelude to the war has really begun. The Aden navy is now like a mad dog. According to intelligence, the main force of the Aden navy has been exerted this time. Only four naval fleets have been launched in the waters of the capital of Aden. More than 200 Aden naval warships Among them, the intelligence party specifically marked that there are twenty-one heavy armored ships built by the Aden Navy specifically for the purpose of naval warfare. This heavy armored ship has a very strong defensive force and adopts a unique hull structure. Even It was beaten into a horse honeycomb and will not sink. It is definitely a natural nemesis of the explosive navy of the Imperial Navy

   "Adult, the goal has entered twenty miles"

  After half an hour, the adjutant came again in a hurry, and the Empire State Navy Minister Dustroenkai closed his eyes, as if contemplating, without any order, but his hands clenched into fists.

   "Admiral, fifteen miles away" When the adjutant arrived again, he saw Shangguan Dusterunkai's eyes opened

   "Nothing was found around the target" Dustronk asked

   "Nothing happened, the target didn't seem to know that he was being followed by our reconnaissance fleet. "The adjutant's breathing was a little short and tense." And the Antolas was in its passing position, and no trace of the Aden fleet was found."

   Hearing the adjutant’s words, Dusterenkay’s eyes opened, and the knife-like gaze came out. He raised his hand to the adjutant and ordered “to send the entire fleet to the southwest, aiming at fifteen mile sea area, ready for combat”

"Yes, I understand." The adjutant turned away, the naval flagship of Dusterenkai raised the flag, the sails on the mast were quickly pulled by the sailors, and expanded in the wind, deliberately exposing the imperial navy's direction of travel, the best way, There was nothing more than a surprise attack, and this time, a very strange piece of information was sent from the emperor, and even the emperor himself could not confirm the authenticity of the information, so he asked the Imperial Navy to verify the authenticity many times.

According to this information, the eighth squadron of the Aden Navy left the Mars Xingyue Bay and was driving along the offshore area to the Gulf of Aden. Along with the eighth squadron, there was the 12th Army of the Kingdom of Aden. The war was not smooth and the soldiers were scarce, so King Aden transferred the 12th Army from the battlefield of Central Abia to the Gulf of Aden. The 12th Army of Aden is one of the frontline main battle groups of the Kingdom of Aden. Several times on the battlefield as a striker to open the way. In June this year, he broke through the Central Asian Xinjing. The first Aden army to enter the Central Asian Xinjing was the twelfth army. Whether or not to take action in the end, Dustron Kay decided

This is a huge adventure with equal costs and benefits. As the first person of the imperial navy, the navy commander of the entire continent who is best at assault operations, the emperor believes in Dusterenkai's self-judgment Attacking such fat meat will just let it go and be condemned

   The sea is calm like a mirror,

The 28-year-old young man who was preached by the Aden paper as "Aden's rising star" stood alone and proudly on the bow of the ship. The commander of the eighth squadron of Aden, Dan Sobyaco, looked far away and watched from a condescending eye. Under the coral sea at his feet, Junxiu's sturdy face had a longing envious look, and he was deeply attracted by the beautiful coral sea in front of him. The Adenites have a mysterious fascination with red corals, not to mention that the sea battle that broke out here was regarded as the livestock of the era when the Aden navy hegemony rose. Such clear sea water, picturesque coral reefs in the sea water

On the left side of the large and orderly and uniformly advancing fleet, he saw a circle of many coral reefs, which shallowly surfaced and sporadically and orderly formed into an oval ring, as if thrown into the blue sea The garland of bunches of flowers is like a necklace of white jade pearls scattered on the sea. The waves hit the coral reef and splashed the broken white jade-like waves. In the eyes of the Adenites, red coral is a sign of victory

"It is said that in His Majesty's study, there is a huge coral wall, and the entire wall is carved into a map of Obaro and the Gulf of Aden. Is this true?" a young voice asked, standing in Dan A young man with linen hair behind Sobya, wearing a general uniform of the Aden army with silver-edged cuffs, with a sharp look in the shiny eyes of the coral sea in front of him

"It is indeed a red coral wall up to four meters high. That was a gift from the Navy to His Majesty 30 years ago." Dan Sobya nodded. "It just looks a little bit off. Occupied by the Falcon Empire, your army can only expand its territory in Centralbia. The Admiralty this year just considered whether it would be more appropriate to offer a red coral wall from the new respect. But seriously, I envy your army’s ability. Galloping freely on the battlefield of Centralbia, unlike our navy, was entangled in the southern waters of Centralbia by the imperial navy for a full year, still unable to completely remove the imperial navy."

  Dan Sobya reluctantly licked his chapped lips. He really envied the Army. Last year, it was arguably the most brilliant year for the Army

The Kingdom of Aden was promoted to the empire, and His Majesty the King was promoted to the emperor. The army of Aden could take out the impressive record as a gift. Instead of destroying this throat-like imperial navy squadron in the southern part of Centralbia, it almost took the most important naval port, Mas Crescent, even the commander-in-chief of the Navy, Goodego, had to resign. The army is a good news, and it has captured more than 100 cities in Centralbia. The expansion of the territory has almost hit an Aden. How can the navy report the loss of hundreds of battleships? More than 10,000 experienced sailors

   "Without the assistance of the navy, it is impossible for our army to achieve such a glory, and there is no harsh word for your navy there, it is obvious that your majesty sees how the navy fights bravely."

The young man in linen smiled and said, "Not to mention, this time his majesty was transferred back to the navy to suppress the invasion of the imperial navy. I believe that in a short time, the news of the naval victory will come, and then, even if it is Goodyago The elders will also shed tears of relief, and the Navy of Aden will also become a veritable first navy under the sky."

"Haha, thanks to you, I only hope I can catch up with this event." Dan Sobya's mouth laughed, his cold face completely bloomed as if spring had arrived, and he said in a happy mood, "I believe in China The Army will also make better progress because of the return of your 12th Army. The prestige of the 12th Army has passed to His Majesty’s ears. The Twelfth Army can break the current deadlock, and it is not impossible to replace Wang Du Shuangjun as his darling."

   "Oh, even if Wang Du's two armies are very powerful, after spending so many years in Wang Du, the true combat strength is really not complimentable"

The young general shook his head, with an unabashed contempt in his tone. Wang Du Shuang Jun had a big name and was the most favorite running dog of the royal family. He was regarded as the iron king and the 12th army was a local faction. Both sides It’s a state that they despise. The army’s field battle is not the banquet of the kings. The two armies met the brave, and the real sword was shot. The king’s two armies didn’t work. The current domestic situation is eroding to this extent

   "Adult, the order you just received"

   The lieutenant of communications quickly sent a report from the army, handed it to the young general, and immediately turned away.

   "It's about the southern battlefield" Dan Sobya glanced curiously

"Should be" The young general looked down at the intelligence and frowned. He heard that on the battlefield in the south of Hérault, more than 100,000 troops and 20,000 imperial troops barely confronted each other. In the face of the Aden soldiers, the battlefield of Central Abia, they are unpredictable and unstoppable, but in the Aden kingdom, they are fearful of the enemy. The loss of the helmet makes them these incredible Aden field troops feel incredible. Such a report, and still in front of the navy, is not a very long-faced thing. He opened the report in front of his hands, his eyes swept, and his body was slightly trembling.

   "Is the outcome of the southern battlefield a result? It must be a victory, it cannot be a victory"

Dan Sobya said curiously~www.wuxiaspot.com~Because it is far away from the Aden homeland, the news about the southern battlefield is now a dance of gods and demons. There are all kinds of things. Some people say that although the Imperial Army has only 20,000 people, it is a battle. With elite strength, one fights against ten Adenites. It is also said that the Aden Army did not make any effort to wipe out the troops invaded by the empire. Dan Sobya was also very curious about the truth of the southern battlefield. However, more than 100,000 troops fought against 20,000 empire There shouldn’t be much suspense in the army. Everyone is a soldier. Naturally, they won’t believe that the imperial soldiers are monsters with three heads and six arms.

Seeing the young general's lips tightened and his breathing short, Dan Sobya's voice also stopped. He glanced at the young general and took the report carefully. At first glance, he took a breath. German fiasco except for the fourth Aden breakout, nearly 60,000 other Aden troops were completely destroyed, my God, how could this be possible Dansobya felt his head graciously, blank

   "Adult, a large number of ships were found near the northeast"

At this moment, the adjutant looked over and yelled in a panic. The urgent whistle suddenly sounded sharply, and it was extremely harsh in the calm coral sea. At the beginning, it was a whistle, then two whistle, three whistle last All the whistle was connected, and the sharp whistle seemed to pierce everyone's eardrum. The Aden sailors who were on the lunch break were immediately awakened by the sharp whistle and fell off the hammock. The lookout whistle on the mast was crazy. In general, gesturing, the sea level in the distance, large white spots come with the tide

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