Whole Nation

: 425 The Secret of the East (9)

425 Eastern Secrets (9)

"Do you know what kind of mentality I have crossed the Harlem grassland in the east? The voice of the girl in red suddenly stopped, and my eyes were full of complex colors,

The turbulent Narenji Keya River divides the Kugit Grassland into two parts, but it does not divide the blood connection of our Kugit people into two.

Decided to send troops to rescue you, although it caused a lot of disputes in our Khan court, but in the case of taking care of all the interests of Kugit, we still came,

"Enough, I'm tired of your lies long ago" Scelis covered her ears with her hands. Shouted hysterically

The girl in red still didn't mean to stop. She looked dignified and said, "Nothing else, just because you can't bear to let the holy city of Turga be destroyed by this tragedy.

It is the holy city in the heart of all the Kugit tribes, the city of the blood successor of Queen Achemore, how many people came here with pilgrimage piety,

Although only a few days, the Holy City has made me completely obey, I saw the mother’s mouth here, the water lake that never dried up,

I also saw a great city among the clans who could let the people avoid disasters and grow up.

I also went to the Changsheng Tianbei Tower..."

The voice of the girl in red paused and suddenly looked at Sacelis' face, shaking her head regretfully.

"Unfortunately, the Holy City is perfect, but the people inside let me down,

I didn't see the little girl who could bring new hope to the grassland in the mother's prophecy

In front of me,

But a prairie princess who is reckless and arrogant,

The wise and great golden bloodline shows no signs of awakening in you,

You are like a simple fool, grew up under the lies and deception of the enemy, even in the face of your own loved ones,

You don’t even qualify to be the successor of the Achemore throne. Poor my mother has always praised how smart you were as a child

The great golden family, one is imprisoned in the deepest part of the cloud city, and one has become a traitor under lies and deception

If I knew this was the result, I shouldn’t have come.” The girl in red appeared disdainful on her face. She no longer paid attention to Scelis and turned around to disappear in the courtyard door.

"No, this is not true..." Scelis' pale body softened, leaning on the pillar of the corridor,

"Are you okay?" The fat man hurried over to help Scelis,

Although the fat girl didn’t understand most of the words of the girl in red just now, but from some of the words, he also heard some secrets about the life experience of Scelis,

The descendants of the Golden Family looked at Scelis, who was already unconscious in her arms, and whispered Nan Nan said. The words of the girl in red just now seemed to evoke something.

"This matter is getting more and more complicated." The fat man looked at Scelis in her unconscious arms, her eyebrows curled.

"Don't care anymore, let's put people in place first, and then it's going to be held like this, if you wake up, this woman will definitely go crazy." The fat man smiled wryly, feeling that he always seemed to encounter these thankless things.

The fat man first asked the guard to call Mao Mo Allen, and then asked her to help Seth Sis go to her room,

Then the fat man ran into his room and opened the diary of the old duke,

Sure enough, in the number of pages of the diary that I turned over last night, I saw the records of the Achemore gold family

As the diary was read, the fat man's eyebrows almost twisted together,

I feel that I may have accidentally picked up a hot potato, which is a troublesome problem for fat people.

The Golden Family is a legendary family, like the Dukes of Duai in Virginia,

This family that ruled the largest city in the grassland, there will be a stunning character every few generations,

The most famous is Queen Achemore, who was 15 years ago,

This young woman, with her amazing wisdom, almost created a splendid grassland era in just five years.

At 15 years old, he inherited the queen, and at the age of 16, he united the entire territory of Ai Chamoir Grassland

The construction of the city of Echemore brings together the dozens of tribes that were originally scattered together to form a fixed political and economic center.

At the age of 19, he went north to recover the three northern guards,

Lien Chan and Lian Jie, a year later, built a magnificent cloud city in the northern grassland sacred place, under the longevity sky stele tower of Turga,

Twenty-year-old sent troops into the eastern grasslands,

The tribal coalition in the eastern grasslands lost their helmets and unloaded their armor, and were almost rushed into the easternmost mountainous area of ​​Dorok

Unfortunately, when this great dynasty took shape,

Fearing the rise of the southern nations of Kugit in the north, they have assembled 200,000 troops, with 80,000 riels army as the main force, and united with 16 neighboring countries,

Attacking Achemore, the dynasty center with only 20,000 left-behind troops from three directions,

Among them is the 10,000 army that Vickia participated in the war. At that time, the chief commander of the Vickia army was Duke Duai,

The narrative of the war at that time was very detailed, and almost every battle was recorded in detail.

The vast grassland has become the best battlefield for the Queen to splendid wisdom and assault tactics,

The young queen is like a goddess in the night, and the roaring Kujite cavalry iron flow often turns the dizziness of the national army.

It was the sorrowful sigh of Brian, the **** of the Ruier army at the time.

The war has been fought for half a year, and finally, through the step-by-step method of death, the front was forcibly pushed under the city of Ai Chemore

The victory of Achemore is the final result of this account,

But the entire coalition has paid a price of 80,000 people for this, the tragedy of which can be imagined

If it were not for the left guard of one of the Kugit’s northern three guards who supported Ai Chemore, a rebellion in the city was suddenly launched, and the outcome of this war was unpredictable.

Between the words and deeds recorded in the diary of the old duke,

From time to time it can be seen that the old duke admired and irresistibly admired the young woman of Queen Chemor

The fifteen pages of related descriptions are densely filled with words, and it seems that even the slightest gap in the paper is unwilling to let go.

This is for hundreds of wars and countless events in a lifetime,

A diary with a total of more than 100 pages is totally unimaginable,

Enough to see,

When the old duke recorded these contents in his secret diary, he was so excited and irreversible.

Achemore falls~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cookit's hopes rise

The wise queen of Queen Chemoel disappeared in the tragedy

Under the leadership of the new king Sze Ali, the remnants of the Achemor dynasty, which was seriously injured, moved northward to the newly built dynasty center, the holy city of Turga,

The main army of Echemore stranded in the eastern grasslands,

For unknown reasons, he suddenly turned over with Turga and announced that he would leave the royal court and establish himself as the eastern royal court.

Zuo Wei, who played a disgraceful role, moved to the frigid west.

In an environment without strong enemies, take the opportunity to rise rapidly and become the overlord of the western grasslands,

A magical woman, a brilliant dynasty

In this way, under the calculation of countless ambitions, the torrents of the times rolled forward, submerged in the smoke of history.

[Niu Wen no advertising novel dedication]

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