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: 458 Who should choose?

I sincerely thank i for 1 vote, Tu Long 31st voted 1st, I thought the brothers forgot me, I did not expect to get two votes, the buns are very moved, the buns will not be eunuchs this time, 5,000 words per day

In early November, after receiving the news that Statunko, who was in charge of the central region, had already taken over the critical Alberton region and Uludag County, the Vikya army surrounding the mountain began to slowly withdraw, for the mountains. The Sri Lankan army, which had been under siege for nearly a month, gave way. Under the guidance of a Sri Lankan negotiator wearing silver-white armor, under the strict attention of the nearby Vikia army, 100,000 people were embarrassed. The Ruierdian army slowly came out of the mountain with a very sad attitude, and brought the final curtain to this northern decisive battle

"I didn't expect that we can go back alive!" Marshal Brant, who was at the forefront, stopped at a corner and looked back at the place where he had been fighting for a month. Flying, the cold air flowing on the grassland like a river, the **** defense line that has fought many times has turned into a scorched soil,

The smell of scorched air and the shocking black earth filled the air, making this old Marshal Rui Erdian memorable in his life,

"Thirty years of battle, I have never been defeated in such a tragic battle. I don’t know when I can set foot on this land again."

Marshal Brant focused his gaze on the edge of the vast grassland, and the blue sky in the distance was like a beautiful canopy. The land with white snow and blue grass terraces was set against a dream that never wanted to wake up. general,

This is a land of vitality, not only with the rich grassland where precious war horses can grow, but also the land infested with the blood of tens of thousands of Sri Lankan warriors. This should have been the most dazzling piece of pearl of the Sri Lankan overlord, but now it is Has become a mark that will permanently nail Rui Erdian to the column of shame,

There was a rush of horseshoes in the distance of "Treading", a team of Shenjun's black armored cavalry crossed the hills in front, the flying horseshoes raised the grass seeds on the ground, and the black metal armor in the golden sunlight of the morning light, There is a dazzling gloss that is hard to understand,

"After this battle, my Ruidian ambitions have passed away with the wind."

With a sigh of emotion, Marshal Burant's expression squinted, and the eyes of the General Rui Erdian who also lost their souls behind him, the old and dazed expression on their faces, so that the elite past spirits of these troops no longer, like this under the enemy's watch The soldiers who are fleeing like dogs are shameful anyway. The shame carved into the depths of the soul is enough to make many ambitious soldiers in the past become cowards with the demise of fighting spirits.

"The Grand Duke, the last soldiers of the Sri Lankan soldiers have left the valley. Our soldiers are cleaning the battlefield. The generals suggested that I could not change this hill into a falcon hill to commemorate me The history of defeating the Ruidians this time"

Hu Keqili lifted the curtain of the tent and walked in from the outside. He patted the soil with his hands and knelt on one knee in front of the fat man. His respectful report

"Follow them, you immediately send people to order the troops along the route as soon as possible, and pay close attention to the retreat route of the Ruidians. If there is a deviation, they are required to cooperate with the 20,000 Guardian Kugit cavalry who will follow, and quickly send them All annihilated on the vast grassland""

The fat man nodded with satisfaction and handed over a signed military order to Hu Keqili

"Send this order to the South, and give it to Governor Statunko to order his 1415 Light Infantry Banner Regiment stationed in the central region to go south, and cooperate with the Southern Fleet to tell him that this operation is top secret. , Must not be disclosed under any circumstances"

"Yes, Grand Duke" Hu Keqili nodded and turned away after taking the order

As the Vikya Army quietly entered the Abron and Uruda County areas, only the six major countries appeared, and Vikya even opened the gap and allowed nearly 100,000 riels of the Northern Army to return to the country along the borderline.

Although the loss of more than 20,000 people on the road was caused by famine and cold, the return of these troops has transformed the Ruidian Kingdom, which was originally in defense, from a passive defense to an active attack.

The situation in the north where the chaos was originally stabilized quickly, and Rui Erdian, who experienced a fiasco in the western grasslands, urgently needed an exciting victory. The sharp Rui Erdian spear pointed at those who abandoned in this chaos.

Without a single soldier's death, Rui Erdian, a big 6 power, chose compromise and concession. The subsequent series of changes even made the northern countries stunned to see a small country ready to snatch.

The passive Rui'erdian northern defense line turned into a crisis-ridden trap, and the east side of the city of Echemore was replaced with the eagle flag of the kingdom of Wikya.

The big 6 nations have only come out. I don’t know when these guys who tried to fish in the muddy water have become the objects of other people’s calculations. The main Vikings who are still entangled with the Ruidian people in the western grasslands have been huge in this sudden. In front of opportunities, we stand in the most advantageous position,

In the morning, the Japanese tile car is foggy, and the cool sea breeze blows through the streets of Wocheze. In this whizzing winter, there is no cold biting feeling, at most it is only a little cool.

The warm current of the sea meets the humid air flowing in the south, so that the wagon is still able to maintain a unique attitude in the cold winter. The unique yellow knot silver flowers in winter fill the center of the city of Riva The empty square looked from afar. Like a piece of yellow carpet,

A faint mist shrouded the streets and alleys of Riwache, rendering everything around it as if it were light ink. Looking across the fog, whether it's street houses or trees and flowers, it looks hazy as if it has melted in front of your eyes. Because of the fog, the color of the sky looks a bit bleak.

The fat man walked on the long-lost street, the red fruits hanging on the roadside evergreen trees, spitting the mature fragrance peculiar to late autumn, the breath of the cool water blowing on the Virgin River by his side, the bread just baked in the city bakery The scent of the whole thing is wrapped in a beautiful hazy mist. It makes people feel relaxed and happy

In the faint morning fog, from time to time, you can see a carriage full of goods passing by. The merchant is always the best vitality agent in the city. The high rotating wheels and the full load of goods will form the nobility formed during the rule of the Dardanier family. The atmosphere was shocked,

"grown ups"

Several horses ran out in the morning mist in the distance, and the southern governor, Statunko, who hurriedly came down from the horse, limped and hurried to the fat man's position,

"Anyway, you are also the governor of the south of the hall, one of the three powerhouses of the largest power of Vickia, how can you be so embarrassed?" The fat man looked at the dusty Statunko and laughed,

"Sir, I laughed." Hearing the fat man claiming to be one of the Big Three, Statunko looked embarrassed and responded quickly and respectfully. "The subordinates have been preparing for the dispatch of troops at the southern military port in accordance with the instructions of the adults. With 48 warships capable of fighting across the sea, plus the fleets of the Hulin and Dylans, we have the ability to transport soldiers at one time. When the news of the arrival of the adults arrives, our subordinates rushed nonstop. Didn't catch up with the adult's pace"

"Oh, just a joke, it's not true" The fat man patted Statunko's shoulder with his right hand

"You have always done things with stability, otherwise I will not give you our base camp in Samor, no matter how many capable generals, without material support, they will not win.

The fat man's voice paused, and his expression was solemn. "I, Samor, can have today's achievements. You have at least half of Statuenko's achievements. Without you to stabilize the situation in the south, you will continue to deliver materials and supplies for the army ahead. Soldier, I can’t carry out the strategy of the North with such confidence. If you can’t coordinate the affairs of the business alliance well, the South won’t wake up from the war so quickly. Your role is no better than that of several others. The head of the legion can even say that the more they are together,

"Adult" Statunko's lips were trembling, and there was a little excitement in his voice. The fat man's words just hit the knot in his heart.

Although he is a veteran next to a fat man, his origin is only the son of a little-known little tax collector, and he is still disabled. Although he is good at housekeeping, he is far from Caesar Sauron and Zain in this chaotic era. Long's squad that can attack the city and grab the ground is more important,

This is an absolutely different kind of Samor's army that started from the military, but it has been the most heavily relying on the fat. It became the first government official to control half of the southern base. Even Caesar Sauron, who is outstanding in military power, can only envy Of

This rare trust not only brought him great glory, but also brought him unlimited pressure, making him always feel like a thin ice. Now that the fat man is so praised, how can I not be excited

"Let's talk about the business"

The fat man motioned for Statunko to sit down beside him, and dozens of guards with ordinary equipment quickly spread out, sealing off all possible positions.

"According to my understanding of the merchants in Salander, the situation in Salander is now dangerous and delicate," the fat man said oddly. "In addition to the alien invasion, it also seems to involve some conflicts between the coastal lord and the king. Otherwise, A month before the alien invasion, the thirty sea beast warships docked in the southern Wartu military port would not mysteriously catch fire. As a result, they lost two thirds directly before the battle and destroyed the most important sea defenses directly."

“I heard that just last month’s Battle of the Roland Valley, the most famous Mamluk cavalry in the Kingdom of Sarande, even the passive combat situation led to the most important central defense line being broken by aliens, even as a large rear Enemies appeared in the northern region," Statunko said in a deep voice.

"You are not bad." The fat man nodded and looked at the river surface with white mist floating in the distance, condensing his voice. "This is also the reason why I have been hesitant to decide whether I want to cross the sea immediately. If it is just an alien, it is okay, but if The problem is that within the Kingdom of Sarande, our brazen intervention will inevitably lead to joint opposition from the lords of Sarande,

When I want to lead the army to the 6th time, I am afraid that the resistance encountered will be very large. If the neighbors also join in, then the situation in the entire Sarand will be extremely detrimental to us."

"The Rudds? Does the Grand Duke also suspect that this matter has something to do with the Rudds?" Statunko stood up in horror and looked at the mysteriously fat man. "According to what we sent to Sarande The eyeliner reports that the aliens who invaded the Kingdom of Sarande, the warships they took were very similar to the favorite axe battleships of the Germans, and the fighting style was sturdy. The weapons were mainly heavy shields and heavy axe infantry. If the subordinates of the German infantry have made good guesses, this interracial group should be from a certain country overseas, just like the ancestors of the Deutschmen."

"Oh, you guessed it." Hearing the analysis of Statunko, the fat man stood up, withdrawn his gaze from a distance, his mouth sneered.

"If I tell you, the sea south of Saranda is the entrance of our Ikadivar 6 to the other 6, you will not be so surprised, this is also the important thing that I resolutely sent troops to the Kingdom of Salander One of the reasons is that if we can get through this sea route to other big 6s, then the business strength of our Vickia will inevitably rise to a higher level and become a real trading empire."

"What, Statunko shook his body and stood up in surprise, gazing at the fat man with admiration.

No wonder the aliens will regard Salander as the first target to attack. It turns out that there is an entrance to the other big 6 that is not the best golden route."

As the governor in charge of the business in the South, Statunko feels deeply about the high profits of marine trade and the great price difference among the goods.

The region is the advantage, the distance is the price. Take the specialty rum in the south as an example. In the south, only one silver coin may be sold. As long as you go west along the sea road, it will be transported to the Dorok mountainous area at the east end of the 6th. A barrel of rum The price of liquor can be sold for a silver coin, and even when the supply is short, a gold coin and a barrel are sold at a high price.

The doubling of it is staggering. Think about if you can bring the goods of Xingda 6 and then transport the goods of Icadiva, and the doubling is more than a hundred times.

"You're right," the fat man nodded firmly. "We just want to take this opportunity to put the Saland side into the sea, firmly in the hands of our Vickia Navy. Starting with 10,000 Central Army, and 30,000 North Army of Caesar Sauron as a backup, your warship preparation may need to be accelerated."

"Yes, I have informed the headquarters of the business alliance in Zhivadine, and they promised to recruit commercial ships of various commercial associations to support us. Now these commercial ships are being urgently converted into sea ships capable of sailing in the shipyard. I believe that until Caesar Sauron’s When the 30,000 Northern Army arrived, it should be enough," Statunko quickly nodded.

"Well, you did a good job on this." The fat man nodded in satisfaction. As the behind-the-scenes controller of the business alliance, he naturally understood the powerful material mobilization ability of the business alliance, but he was also aware of its shortcomings. The person of the alliance, who has made the most contribution in this matter, I appointed him as the principal of the business alliance"

"Also, you can disclose the golden route to the business alliance guys in due course, and they will be more motivated." The fat man's voice paused before continuing.

"You send someone to say hello to the Hulin tribe, and arrange ten ships to Salander. I will go to Salander in person. I know they have a good relationship with Salander recently. Half of it was transported to Salander through them. Don’t forget who gave it."

"Adult is going to Salander, how can this be..." Statunko was startled by the fat man

“I’ve decided on this matter.” The fat man waved his hand to stop the admonishment of Statunko and stared into the distance. “This troop is very important to me in Vecchia. The Kingdom of Sarand is different from the other areas of Big 6, and the area is facing the sea. Once the sea route is cut off, no amount of effort is needed. The life and death of my tens of thousands of Wikia troops is difficult to say. It’s not my style to send troops out of the blue. I have to go in person.”

"This time I will bring a thousand guard cavalry with me. I believe that as long as there is no major problem, there is still the ability to protect yourself. All you have to do is to receive the order from me and in the shortest possible time. The army transported across the strait"

The fat man discussed the details of the contact with Statunko, and hurried to the wagon where the Dylans family was,

Looking at the hillside, the gray and dilapidated castle was repainted again, and the dome above was also inserted with the joint flag of Dylans and Samor. The fat man's look was a bit dazed. The sight in front of him reminded me of the last visit to Di The scene of Lens, a ridiculous ball, made this originally enemy family the most sturdy ally of Samor

Since the Dylans family was attached to the fat man, the originally closed situation was also broken by the prosperous business. Through the spring breeze that saw the rise of marine commerce with Salander, the business atmosphere of the Dylans family territory became stronger and stronger.

Not only did he set up his own business fleet, but also exhibited a golden route along the coastline to the mountainous area at the eastern end of the Big Six, establishing a strong connection with the Dorok tribe there.

In April of this year, for the needs of military defense, the fat man handed over the reclaimed Tyre territory to Dylans, so that his military strength has been sufficiently increased. With the fat man’s willingness, he has expanded from the original 5,000 standing army to 15,000 people, becoming a force that plays a decisive role in the South

At this moment, the wagon is the most beautiful time of the year. With the arrival of the southeastern sea breeze in winter, the edelweiss over the mountains and the mountains make the whole hills snow-white.

Through the evening sunset, the fat man gently lifted the curtain of the carriage,

In the distance, the Dylans Castle on the top of the hill is vaguely visible. Under the hill, the city originally built on the mountain has obviously doubled than before. Not only does it have a steeple representing the nobility, but also many merchants are the most I like to live in a three-story villa, and the seaside port has expanded a lot. There are hundreds of large and small boats docked inside, most of which are commercial ships with white canvas erected, and the pointed bow is inlaid with the Dylan family. Poseidon, occasionally you can see the skull banner of the Hulin tribe and the eagle flag of the Vicya Navy

"The time has come so fast, it is half a year"

The fat man has a deep gaze, listening to the rapid wheel sound from below, and his heart seems to be integrated into this beautiful white, a beautiful shadow can't help but appear in his mind

The innocent girl who hugged herself around the ball at the ball, UU reading www.uukanshu.com I don’t know if I’m having a good time now. I thought of the ambiguousness at the banquet that day, the fat man’s heart could not help touching

Although the Dylans family has been married to Samor, since the last time I saw Dylan Qisi at the ball, the fat man has not been seen for more than half a year. The issue of the marriage family around the edge of his own power structure has been It’s a heart disease in the fat man’s heart,

In addition to the officially confirmed Jones family, several other women are standing behind the shadows of all parties. Their own improper handling will inevitably have a profound impact on the newly rising kingdom of Wikya, such as the Dylan family Is one of the necessities for the stability of the South, and behind Mao Mona, it is the representative of the interests of the West

At the beginning of the kingdom, the pace of becoming the king of Wikiyaa has been stabilized. The relationship between these foreign names will also become closer and closer. The choice of future queens makes it difficult for fat people to decide.

"Who should choose?" The fat man tapped the armrest of the seat lightly, thinking deeply. ... h

[...Who should choose 458? The fastest text update...] a! !

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