Whole Nation

: Four hundred eighty-five 1 pick 3

The heavy footsteps that sounded at the gate attracted the attention of all the lords in the hall. "Who is this?" Many lords turned around curiously and looked at them with puzzled eyes.

The figure of a young man wearing a black embroidered gold pattern robe, facing the eyes of everyone, appeared at the gate with a smile on his face, although his appearance was not good, his footsteps were unhappy, and his ankles seemed to be a little inflexible

But the perseverance and courageous momentum that came out of him naturally made people feel that this young aristocrat was so powerful and confident.

On his right side is a long, graceful and shining long girl dressed in a tight horse skirt. On his left side, another is wearing a snow-white soft robe, exposing half of the shoulders and a long show on the head. There were two stunning beauties on the scene, just like the most dazzling starlight in the sky suddenly came,

The soft footsteps made a rustling sound under the robe. A few strands of blue silk hung down on the right side of the bun, dressed in a white jade hairpin. The faint, ethereal temperament of his own body is set against the imaginable extreme. The countless stars cast by the roof of the temple seem to be discolored in her fairy-like posture.

"The first beautiful woman in the western part of Icdiva, Mao Monaqing" The fat man heard Nilai in the seat behind him and uttered a whisper of surprise. In front of this peculiar snow mountain enchanting, it was a woman who would also give an admiration

"It's such a strong momentum, it really is a disaster for men and women to kill."

The eyes of everyone in the hall can be seen. The fat man's eyes are squinted, and he can't help but look at Mao Monaqing a few times. Tonight Mao Monaqing can be described as a beautiful light. The face is like the most beautiful curve that can be outlined in the world, including all the spirits in the world,

I can't see the attitude of a strong woman at all, and show the tenderness of the woman to the extreme. Who would have thought that this woman under the age, with her own wisdom and charm, was under the sword of Samuel's unsheathed sword In exchange for a promising future for the West

"It's a great honor for Lord Statunko to meet you here." An exaggerated shout came from the left side of the hall, breaking the silence and shock in the hall. The surprised and high tone turned in the air. It took a few laps to fall,

Enright, who was a serious new nobleman just now, has forgotten even the most basic etiquette, opened his mouth wide, and stood up in front of all the lords of Sarand, full of smiles, and walked in a panic. The young nobleman who entered the hall bent over to salute

"Staturnko?" Lord Saranda's face became mixed, and there were even two lords whose eyes had not moved away from the beautiful Mao Monaqing, and they almost jumped in surprise.

"The governor of the southern part of Vecchia Statunko" shouted in the south of the Big Six, the ground will tremble, representing countless powers and strengths that are unreachable,

Why did the governor of Southern Vickia with his heavy soldiers appear here? Some people had doubts in their eyes, and others had joy in their eyes. After Enleco stood up, several lords of Sarand stood up to salute Statunko, and we can see that Statunko The influence in the south has already crossed the strait

"Don’t be nervous today, I am just a listener from afar, representing the friendly greetings of the Duke of Falcon, coming to the beautiful Salander to discuss matters concerning the expansion of business."

Statunko's face and Yue waved to the lords around him and chose a seat at the outermost seat. Here, he could show his identity as a guest without too much pressure from the lord. The fat man is not far away, if necessary, can play a drama that cherishes the fat hero

The peerless voluptuous Mao Monaqing, like a snow mountain elf, is not so good at talking. She looked at it beautifully and pulled the curious Pitton Lanya without shyness, while sitting down beside the fat man,

"Marquis Victor Seton, we met again last time. Your true knowledge and great ideas for the future of maritime trade have greatly benefited Naqing. I don’t know when I will be able to continue the last time. conversation"

Mao Monaqing looked at the fat man with a stern look, but he barely said what he had promised. A pair of sullen watery eyes, as long as he is not blind, he can see that the first beauty in the west has a heart Belong to

The brilliant and intelligent Mao Monaqing, when he walked in and saw the beautiful Nilai behind the fat man, decided to use his own unique method to make the fat man the most jealous and embarrassing man in the hall.

Only women know women

Mao Monaqing looked at the slightly pale face of the fat man and the big sweat beads, and a smile of conspiracy appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"God, does the first beautiful woman in the west like silly fat guys, what's the matter?"

The western lords were stunned one by one. In their eyes, Mao Monaqing was a legendary beauty, but at the moment, he looked at the fat fat man with a silly face, and the grudge of the grudge was completely one. Huaichun girl spoiled herself

Such a huge contrast makes many handsome young men in the hall who are handsome and ambitious and ready to win a smile from the beauty. They suddenly dump a piece and look into the fat man's eyes, burning a blazing jealous fire

"Oh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sister Naqing teases you, who told you to leave us in Lhasa, no matter how powerful you are now?" Feidun Lanya whispers intimately in the ear of the fat man, unique to girls Came, the youthful one, lying on the side of a silly fat man, how ambiguous, how ambiguous,

"Dead, there is still an ambush" left and right hugs, the fat man is desperate at this moment, Nilai's eyes from behind are full of murderous murder, never felt the scared fat man, cold sweat came out

"Dead fat, are you intentional" It seems that anger has accumulated to the apex, a low female voice, coming from behind with anger and unwillingness,

"Ah" The fat man was innocent, and felt a pain in his lower back. Nilai's two jade-like fingers were twisting the fat around the fat man's waist. The spicy eyes around him made the fat man feel like a needle felt. Under the rain, I want to justify, but now it will only become darker and darker

"Cough, it turned out that Marquis Vikseton and Ms. Momo knew each other." Enright coughed curiously, and the old Duke of Ode opposite was even under the table, giving a thumbs up to the fat man. It's like saying "Awesome, pick one out of three". ...

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