Whole Nation

: 494 Feng Yan (9)

"Then let go of the promenade and let the Kugitites cruising there pass by

The fat man's eyes looked carefully on the map, and suddenly a word popped out of his mouth that surprised all the generals

"Order the 30,000 northern troops of Saron, all withdraw to the Moka city in the back, if not necessary, do not go to provoke the Kugits who pass through the promenade."

"Let go of the promenade?"

Hu Keqili looked at the fat man with a surprised look to make sure he didn't hear it wrong.

This is not like the usual style of the iron-blooded fat man. If someone dares to pass the front of the fat man's house so provocatively in the past, he will be jumped out and robbed by this excited guy. The battle in the north is a living example. Borrowed, he was robbed by the fat man with the army, he almost did not bury more than 100,000 people in the snowy mountains

Hu Keqili once again cautioned carefully: "The Grand Duke, although the Green Promenade is not completely in our hands, but it is the best way for us to enter Turga in the future. It is too rash to give up in this way?"

"I can't bear the child to catch the wolf. As the commander of the army, the eyes can't just stare at one acre and three points of land. That is to eat a big loss." The fat man raised his head excitedly, and looked at several generals fiercely. Face swept

"Do you know why the Kugits have always avoided us, this time at the risk of angering us, but also why we should be close to the Green Corridor?" the fat man asked.

Suddenly there was no sound in the hall, and the generals looked at each other, blankly.

The Guards had already drawn from the northern front when the fat man went south. A month later, who knew what madness of the Kurgits in the north, a good victory was not celebrated, but like a rat stabbed in the nest, Sneaky wandering around the green promenade

"Do you know here?"

The fat man suddenly stood up and walked to the map on the long table. He pointed to the top of the map with a small pinnacle and asked Hu Kokili next to him.

"Turga?" Hu Keqili said softly.

"Yes, Turga, all the answers are here." The fat man looked solemnly, saying one by one. ""Now there is experiencing the most violent freezing rain in the history of the northern grasslands,

The freezing rain that lasted for nearly a month and a half killed most of the livestock. Not only did the material loss be heavy, even the center of their rule, the holy city of Turga, collapsed due to continuous heavy rain. The current Kugits are like a group of forced The wolves in the dead corner, no matter how powerful their opponents are, they will rush to bite without hesitation."

"Who should die?" The fat man withdrew his finger from the map, looked at the window solemnly, and sighed. "We only have 40,000 in Saron in the north, even if we add 20,000 in the Duowei Ministry, 60,000 people, if you want to fight a wild battle against Wanku’s crazy Kugits, it’s no different from looking for death. Instead of meaningless killing, it’s better to lead this scourge out of Turga’s direction.”

"If you give up the Green Corridor, the Kugitites will point the finger at the attack on Vickia who is closest to them. Haven't we even lost the most advanced defense?"

A General Samor stood up in anxiety and expressed his opinion to the fat man.

"You are right." The fat man nodded his head and said solemnly. "Because of this, the Kugit talents really dared to come out. On the east side of the Green Promenade, there is the Kugit East Court with only a small number of sentries, and the southeast. It’s the northern part of Ruidian in a chaotic battle. Compared with the 60,000 troops who retreated to the southern city of Moline, these two areas know how to choose as long as they are not fools.”

The fat man looked at several generals who suddenly realized that the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, revealing a strange smile

"Anyway, the northern part of Sri Lankan is chaotic enough, and it doesn’t matter if there are more than a hundred thousand more Kugits who come to eat at home. When the two parties are troubled and exhausted, we just need to gently touch our finger to close the door of the Green Corridor. , Turga, with empty troops, can escape our palms

"What if the Kugitites return to the army to attack?" Another General Samor said

"Aren't you afraid that the Kugits fight for infantry with us Vickia, but that's what we started with?" The fat man waved his hand humorously.


There was a loud laughter in the hall,

The generals were amused by the fat man's words, and the tense atmosphere was swept away just now,

Sitting on the hill to watch the tigers, and finally picking up cheap things, this is not the first time that everyone has done it. Thinking of the Kugits and the Ruidians, these two old friends who have fought in the past were pitted together.

Everyone feels as refreshing as eating ice and snow in June

Hu Keqili stood up in admiration and said, "I'm going to convey this command to the commander of the Saron Army"

"Not urgent"

The fat man waved at him, pointing to the corner of the map

"This time not only the regiment of Saron is to retreat, that is, Caesar Soron on the central border, but also to make a recuperation after the war. I will call you together this time, but not just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. Simple, since we lit the first fire, we must not let this fire go out"

"The Grand Duke wants our Guard Corps to stand by in the central area, turning it into a surprise sword when necessary, and piercing the chest of Rui Erdian in one fell swoop?"

Hu Keqili blinked his eyes, worthy of the fat man's confidant, the first to reflect from the fat man's tone

"You're right," the fat man nodded affirmatively, his finger heavily nodded in the center of the map. "The Ruidians are not fools. According to reliable information, they have privately agreed with the Hudsons, making the south the richest. The Suo County was ceded to the Huds in exchange for a short peace in the south,

Now, with the six legions of the Southern Regiment and the local army assembled by Palawan from all over the place, nearly 10,000 people have already launched the Kugits along the front line of Palawan.

"Ten thousand people"

There was a breathing sound in the hall. The generals who were excited just now turned pale,

Even the brave Hu Keqili was ugly, and no one expected that the Rui Fendian, who was continuously frustrated, still had such a strong strength.

The fat man looked at the white faces of the generals next to him, and said with a leisurely expression, "Now that I know that I have surrounded the 100,000 Siridian North Army, I will let them go back.

If we really killed all the 100,000 people, even if Rui Dian worked hard, he would dump the anger of these 10,000 troops on my Vickia

Well now, we picked up the big bargain, and the Kugits helped us carry the **** pot behind us."

"It's messy"

General Samor looked at the map of the fat man and shook his head secretly in his heart. Dangdang 6 was the first strongest country, and now it is completely a vegetable market.

In the relaxed tone of the Grand Duke, it is more like discussing how to secretly swipe under the feet of others in this chaotic market while others are not paying attention, grabbing the fattest and largest of them.

Who knows, don’t look at the murders of the Kugits now, in fact, it is absolutely impossible to be permanently stationed in Ruidian, they came like the wind, and after looting, they will return to the Kugit prairie,

Because they knew that in the northern town of Ruidian, the advantage of the Kugit cavalry from the wind would be greatly reduced. Talking about the formal combat with one glance, the Kugits have not even achieved the pass.

For the Ruidians, the north is already a mess, and there is nothing to take care of. If this fight is not to be fought, it must be a thunderstorm, **** anomalies. After all, there are Hudsons in the south. , In the west there is Vickia, in the east there are the Doroks who have been fighting with them

"If we continue to put up a sturdy posture on the border, Ruidian's 10,000 army, after quickly defeating the Kujit's edge, will make us the target of revenge.

"Is there a lot of people?" The fat man looked at the generals on both sides with unkind looks, and scorned his lips with contempt. "Are there still few Ruidians dying in our hands? If they still play the old way, just add Tens of thousands, I also have the confidence to defeat them in one fell swoop"

"All we have to do this time is to give this deadly behemoth a fatal blow"

The fat man's voice paused, and his fingers drew a strange curve on the map, making a large circle from the newly occupied area of ​​Eberon, and then sliding like a fallen sword to the center of Paraty


The gentle and gentle morning light lightly fell on the back of the Aberyn Castle, reflecting the dense houses under the castle, showing a faint sad beauty. (Net) Since the takeover of the Vickia army, it has become a gathering place for smugglers and a dream for many merchants.

Merchant ships from the Vickia region are constantly docking, and there are endless crowds everywhere. All berths at the port terminal on the river are full of large and small merchant ships,

The cargo-handling workers came and went like ants, carrying large and small packages on their shoulders. Unloaded from the merchant ships are mainly the hottest iron ore and various daily consumer goods recently sold, and moved to the merchant ships mainly through the rear river channel, circulating ore and wood and other production materials.

In the afternoon, the sunlight is very good, and the shadow of the tall mast of the sailing ship is long projected on the pier of Port Aberyn.

A large merchant ship with a thick appearance slowly docked to the shore~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This ship is not much different from other merchant ships, but there is a very special flag hanging on the top of the mast, there is a blue Little seagull,

Everyone at a glance knew that this was a Hulin smuggling ship with the logo of the merchant group. These ships from the southern waters are often loaded with precious goods that make everyone feel jealous.

Wikya’s commercial department generally gives priority to such ships, but the port terminal is too crowded, and the military management department cannot make room for it to dock.

The springboard was laid on the trestle bridge. Several black-clad big men first came down from above and controlled the position near the trestle with all their murderousness. These people were all around 30 years old, and their expressions were fierce,

Bronze skin at a glance knows that it is a sailor who lives on water all year round. They wore short black gowns, exposing their sturdy shirts, the sea breeze blowing from time to time, and occasionally showing the Hulin scimitars that they were stuck around their waists. . ...

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