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: Four hundred and ninety-six tiger sniffing roses (1)

"Dark Rose"

This is a name that is full of temptations to make men think about it. It is a name that gives control to 60% of the trade volume of 60%. It is the name of the 12 top deacons in the business alliance known as the uncrowned emperor in the underground. ,

It is said that this woman's nickname was personally named by a big man, from the most famous poem by Dubai, the great poet of Vickia.

"A tiger in my heart sniffs a rose in the dark"

The meaning of this poem is that in any case, the weak cowards have a tendency to violence in their hidden hearts. This poem combines the perfect contradiction between beauty and violence, just like this mystery. Women, sometimes full of amorous feelings, sometimes ruthless,

Her smirk can make the person facing her infatuated, and also make her enemies fall into the ice cave,

This is a woman from the dark. Under her delicate and seductive appearance, she controls the most powerful business organization in Big 6,

She understands almost every key link in the operation of the business alliance. At the most important business alliance deacon meeting every quarter, her words often serve as the final word.

Because only her signature, the Wikiia army that controls each level will be released,

I don’t know how many big merchants want to manipulate the market in secret, and the head I met in front of this woman was broken.

Under her tempting beauty, there is a chilling ice,

In her tightly locked door, standing in the room full of guards, a stack of reports waiting to be signed was always stacked on the desk. There were applications for opening up new business routes, and some demanded to expand the flow of goods, but occasionally they could turn out one. Zhang recorded a report of a lavish business man who wanted to disrupt the market order,

Such reports are often submitted by secret Wikia garrisons from secret channels, after investigation by the Duke’s Office of Supervision Department, with the signature of the Dark Rose,

Basically pronounced the end of this magnificent merchant's brilliant career,

Someone suggested secretly buying her with money, but now she has no way to start, because this woman does not lack money at all,

Every day, millions of gold coins flow through her. There are hundreds of applications to open new business roads. She piles up like waste paper on her desk. The money is already in her eyes. No substantive number,

Some people also proposed to use a beautiful man's plan to approach her. Unfortunately, these well-dressed young nobles who are enough to be the lover of the girl's dream will soon appear in a stinky sewer in the city of Zhivadine, so as to die or live. It depends on the individual.

She is a hand, a hand from Lord Duke. Behind her, she not only has the strongest voice, but also the will of Vecchia, her thorns, with cold blood

This is the highest secret at the top of the business alliance,

There was a senior deacon who didn't understand the depths. Under the backing of some rich merchants with backgrounds, he tried to make it difficult for this woman who didn't seem to have any background. The result was that one day, this senior senior deacon, along with several companies behind him Hao Shang was uprooted by the Supervision Department, and his life and death are still unknown, as if he was steamed in the world.

"right here"

Hu Lunfeilin lightly knocked on the front car plate, the carriage stopped on a road paved with small pebbles, the representative of the West Sea, Hu Turiel Red Moon, led by Hu Lunfeilin, wondered from The carriage came down,

"Miss Dailan lives here?"

A glance at Huturiel's face flashed across his face. In front of him was a simple courtyard. On the gray iron railing gate, there were no signs of identity inlaid, and inside the gate was a spacious lawn.

Two rows of neatly tall fruit pine, like a green wall of green standing on both sides, a white two-story building in the distance can be seen vaguely,

I have seen many such courtyards on the road, often aristocratic families with nowhere to live. Because of the embarrassment of the situation, they will build such a simple courtyard on the edge of the city. Who will dominate the owners here with the commercial alliance that controls thousands of trades? link together?

"This is not uncommon in the land of Vickia"

Hu Lunfeilin waved his hand indifferently, and seemed to think of something, with a chuckle in his mouth, "Hiding himself in the most unexpected place is a habit of a guy's bad taste, and it will also affect people near him."

"Well, I have heard some about that person's hobbies"

Huturil Hongyue nodded incomprehensiblely. In fact, in the West Sea, some of the bad tastes about fat people are very popular, and there is a sense of identity in the eyes of rough-hearted pirates.

Stepping into the gate of the courtyard, Huturiel Hongyue soon showed the difference of this courtyard. The simplicity is not simple. The seemingly ordinary carpet at the foot gives her a soft and comfortable feeling of walking through the clouds. ,

"Is this Edolix?"

The indescribable comfort at her feet made Huturil Red Moon walking above secretly murmured in amazement, she had only heard of this superb carpet in legend,

It is said that the most luxurious and priceless top rug is called Edolix, and the prairie language "earth pearl"

This kind of pearl rug can only be made with the toughest and most elastic dozen hairs on the neck of the cherished white big sheep. Such an Erdolix with a length of tens of meters requires at least one million sheep. Probably, it has always been the most conspicuous luxury of King Kukit, and it is only used in the annual sacrifice of the King’s Court in July.

Of course, Huturil Hongyue did not know that what she stepped on now was the legendary Erdolex. In order to compensate for the military expenses of buying weapons, the poor only had the pants of the court of King Kugit. Heirlooms are mortgaged,

Sokotos Delane feels that this thing is idle and idle in the warehouse, and it is regarded as a floor stall. Who is a tall woman who cares most about her slender beautiful feet? This thing is stepped on, that is one Enjoyment

Such a surprise, it seems that I haven’t played, I walked through the seemingly ordinary corner in front,

A strong stimulus made Huturiel's eyes completely fixed

"Luxury, what kind of person does it deserve, such luxury?"

Huturiel Hongyue subconsciously licked her lips that were chapped with tension, all eyes were drunk,

I saw in the front hall, a seven-star crystal chandelier with a seven-star-like moon, surrounded by a large crystal chandelier with a diameter of three meters in the middle, transparent and bright, which made people feel the magic of the creator,

The tiny round, familiar pale white gloss, undoubtedly shows that this chandelier that made this shocking and vulgar, and made some luxuries dull, is the best with thousands of glossy round and full, the same size The large pearls of Salander are connected in series,

Such a pearl can sell hundreds of gold coins on the market, but here, it can only be used as a decoration for hanging lights on the wall. The luxury can no longer be expressed in words.

"These add up, I am afraid that we will not be able to earn ten years in the West China Sea." Huturil Hongyue has been completely shocked,

His eyes stared at the pearl chandelier, a faint loss on his amazed face, and the hand holding the gift was slightly white,

Taking advantage of Hu Lunfeilin's effort to lead the way, Hutuerhongyue's hand gently stroked, the gift box silently crossed an arc and fell into the grass at the foot,

He handed the red coat over to the maid standing at the door, and Hu Lunfeilin, who led the way, stopped in front of a room and made a please gesture.

"Miss Dylan is waiting for you inside, this is her meeting with you Dexihai, I won't go in"

"Do you meet with the West Sea?" This sentence seems to stimulate Hu Turiel's stubbornness in the blood of the red moon, and his sparse face has regained a proper look,

"Damn, what happened today"

Huturiel Hongyue secretly cursed, feeling ashamed of his previous gaffe,

I was a little afraid that the other party would take advantage of the interests of the West Sea, but now it is only now that in front of the real trade predators, the interests of the West Sea are really small and pitiful. In this case, this thing in his own hands really takes Don't shoot

With the knock on the door,

"Come in, there is a clear female voice,

Huturiel Hongyue gently pushed open the thick and mysterious door in front of her, and summoned the greatest courage to walk in. The door closed, engulfing her figure

"Nice to meet you, if I guessed right, you are the most famous petrel of the Dexi Sea"

With a smile on his mouth, Sokotosdalen stood up from behind the table and reached out to Huturiel, who was pale and pale with tension,

Seeing the other party holding out his hand in a tense and holding it together, Sokotosdalen knew that his plan had been half successful,

Frightened before the battle, this swallow, known as the storm in the West China Sea, has stepped into a trap he dug in advance,

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies appear pale and weak

His series of layouts surely made this Xihai family member known for its beauty and spicyness completely lose the most basic interest consideration, and now the initiative of the discourse has been in his own hands.

"I plan to open a port on the island chain of the Rudsi Sea as a freight point for commercial alliances,

But you know, the reefs of the West Sea are densely covered. If there is no safe passage, I can only abandon this plan and work with the Ali family in the central part. Compared with you, the central part of the sea is wider and easier to navigate. Xihai, not a little bit stronger

After exchanging a few words with each other, Sokotosdalen's face was solemn, and he came up with his plan immediately.

"No, the waterway is not a problem"

Sure enough, Hu Turil’s pretty face became pale, almost defensively, after hearing Dylan’s turn to cooperate with his rival Ali’s family.

"Although the West Sea is densely covered with reefs, it is not without a passage at all. We in the West Sea can guarantee that as long as adults can build cargo stations on the island chain, we can guarantee that commercial ships can freely pass along the coastline."

"Verbal assurance makes no sense"

Sokotus Delan looked unmoved and shook his head coldly.

"I can't trust millions of trades and thousands of merchants' lives on verbal commitments without substance. If there is no more precise thing, I can only choose to give up the West Sea and cooperate with the Ali family."

"This is a chart jointly drawn by 32 of us in the West Sea. This can prove that I am by no means a verbal rhetoric."

Huturil Red Moon bit his lip, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly stood up, took a picture of leather from his arms, spread it in front of Sokotus Stellar, and pointed to the west of the map A corner

"This is a cliffy sea covered with reefs, but according to our years of exploration, there is a relatively safe passage to the west of the cliffy sea, but it is relatively narrow and cannot pass too many ships at once.

"In the past, we used this secret road to transfer some of the goods to Vickia for sale, but this year, because the strength of Dallas at sea has shrunk, the Ali family in the center has expanded in violation of the previous agreement and not only wants to expand to the sea. , This joint undercover is no longer safe"

Huturil’s swearing that Red Moon gritted her teeth, she is now critical to the survival of the West Sea, and she can’t control that much.

"But I can guarantee that as long as Miss Dylan can answer our request, it will be desperate. Our thirty-two houses in Xihai will also open this passage."

"You are going to fight the Ali's family?"

Sokotus Delane's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she looked at the angry Huturil Hongyue and suddenly asked

"I heard that the Ali family is an agent specializing in smuggling of the Nade Navy, and has inextricably linked with the noble aristocracy,

Are you fighting with him, are you afraid of offending the German navy? Although the Uyghur navy has now fallen, is it not that a pirate like you can contend? "

"We are pirates, and from the day we were pirates in Shanghai, we were not prepared to have a good result."

Hu Turil’s eyes were reddish, and a hint of desolation appeared in the corner of his mouth under the light. “If you can survive, who will choose to be a pirate, you may not yet know that the most envious of us now is the Hulin people across the reef, look People are nourishing their lives now, look at us again, it’s a heaven and an underground."

"Okay, let me think about it. I will leave this chart here first. Tomorrow morning, I will give you an answer." Sokotus Stellan snapped the chart on the table and let Hulunfeilin take Huturi. Er Hongyue went to rest, then hurriedly picked up the quill pen on the table and wrote a few words on a piece of paper

"Come here, send this to Aberyn Castle" Sokotus Stellar covered the dense pieces in her hands with red paint and gave them to the close maid outside the door. A fast horse flew out of the gate of the manor

"The Grand Duke, an urgent secret letter from Tuan Manor." A guard captain gently knocked on the door of the fat man's study, holding a red lacquered secret in his hand

"Come in"

The fat man who is listening to Brant Bonnie's explanation of Eblon's history and human geography is listening with relish, without looking back, and waving directly to the guard captain

"Help me see, what does it say?"

A trace of hesitation flashed on the guard's face, opening the secrets was a felony, and he was going to kill

"This is an order" The fat man's face sank, posing a serious posture

"Yes" the captain of the guard quickly stood upright, gently prying off the lacquer on the dense parts with his fingers, taking out a delicate lead paper from inside, and said aloud

"Sea breeze is strong"

"The sea breeze is strong?"

Brant Bonnie’s face was stunned, and he looked at the fat man who was listening to his explanation, and he couldn’t understand his mind at all. This dead fat man was too good to pretend to care about this letter. An indifferent look, the two slightly raised eyebrows, undoubtedly exposed the real thought of this slut

"A good sea breeze is looking like something has arrived." The fat man smiled at the corner of his mouth, waving his hand to let the guard go down.

"What?" Brant Bonnie was confused, and since the fat man asked her to be a bodyguard, through secret letters of exchange, he also knew something about the fat man's secret work.

What provokes the inner bar of the Kugits and pulls northern Salander into his own ally, behind the Yin Ruidians, these incredible things, in the eyes of Brant Bonnie who received orthodox knight education since childhood, is simply a The shame of the kingdom nobility, the good duke's palace is not waiting, you have to jump up and down, and hope to disturb the entire Big 6,

"This guy is just a **** stick." Brant Bonnie recalled that when he refuted his situation at the meeting, he felt a rage.

"Compared with such a guy, I was absolutely crazy."

But Brant Bonnie also had to admit that it was in this ups and downs that Samuel accumulated the advantages step by step, conquered the south, defeated the noble private army and the northern Stian family, and gradually stepped onto the altar of the great powers.

According to the fat man, this is called layout planning, and it is the most mysterious discipline in Palawan College. It is more advanced in strategy. Only when you are really in it can you understand the context.

It is for this reason that a fat-faced fat man has made an arrogant female knight who wants to come into contact with strategy into his follower

"If I tell you, is it a chart of the Desi Sea? Do you believe it?"

The fat man laughed, ignoring the surprised face of Brant Bonnie, turned to point to the west side of the sky

"Crossing this forest barrier is the Kingdom of Rud. When they are now, in their backyard, tens of thousands of Vecchia troops suddenly pop out, don't know what expression they will be?"

"Are you going to fight with the Rud?" Brant Bonnie was obviously scared by the fat man's words. This thing changed too fast. After all, she was just an ordinary middle-level commander. She had to think with the fat man like this. Compared with the entire Big Six guy, there are still several levels of difference. As a front-line commander who once fought with the Rud, she can imagine the sensitivity of this sentence.

"You're wrong, people don't commit me, I don't commit people. This is my usual principle. Violence is not the only way to solve the problem, but when violence comes, I will report more terrible violence." A fat grinning finger shook in front of Brant Bonnie, like a devout pacifist~www.wuxiaspot.com~Who would have thought of this merciful slut, this is the big one 6 biggest source of turmoil

"You promised me that you will help me take revenge on Ruierdian," Brant Bonnie said with a red face. "Now I'm calculating the Rud, what the **** do you want to do?"

"What should you do to avenge you, is just part of our agreement. Haven't you been clamoring to learn strategy? Then I will call you the most basic lesson today." The fat man sneered and looked up In the distance, a look of excitement

"Have you heard a poem?" I have a tiger in my heart sniffing roses in the dark. "The fat man said one by one." This is human nature. There is courage in everyone's heart. Just see if you can wake up the tiger in her heart. "

The undulating mountains in the distance, like a beautiful Phnom Penh inlaid in the sunset, the perennial emerald pine forest, like a green carpet, spread from the foot of the castle to the endless horizon wilderness. ...

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