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: Five hundred and twenty-five Wang Ting's sad song (3)

525 Wang Ting's Elegy (3)

After Praise closed his mouth, King Harlaus, who had no expression, raised his head casually.

Sharp eyes glanced at the face of the Grand Prince Aleksas, the young prince's impetuous style made the experienced Harus frown, but also felt a little gratified.

It was a decision made by Harlaus to make Alexis join the 8-member ministerial group. He was already old. In this troubled forest, Rui Erdian needed a stronger and younger leader.

Because there are too many things that this leader needs to do by himself, instead of hiding in the laid-back palace to give orders, this is done very well. If it is not his own emergency order, this son with a little pride and stubbornness , Maybe still taking a nap behind a battlement on the front line, as a prince can stand firmly with his soldiers, this is enough to make many noble nobles ashamed

According to this month’s report, among the many prince’s tasks, Alexis may not be the best, but it is definitely the most diligent. When his brothers were still sleeping in the warm bed, this was a big one. The stupid son of the prince’s glory laurel may be on the way to detect the enemy’s whereabouts, or may be standing in the cracking cold wind, guiding the refugees who are crowded on the road and can’t see them at a glance.

His achievements are not outstanding, which is determined by his own talents. In some cases, Ali Sax is an excellent knight, and he can only be regarded as middle-level in government affairs, but his efforts are It is obvious to everyone that both the front-line commanding officer and the **** soldiers have good feelings for this young prince who has been greedy early and always covered with blood. Except for a little young man who has impetuousness, he It is also a very young man,

Since the Battle of Ye Ruige, the young man’s desire for recognition has become more obvious, although it has caused some external bad comments, such as "too arrogant, not very gregarious, not good at a-ji, etc." Rolls is automatically filtered out here,

Because the battle of Ye Ruige was originally planned by Harold

As a king, enthusiasm is not enough, but also a vigorous and ambitious ambition, that is a necessary condition for becoming a good king,

As for impetuosity, it is not a big deal in Harus’ mind

In a certain sense, young impetuosity is precisely a manifestation of vitality. That is a common problem that most young aristocrats in Ruierdian have. They are young and enthusiastic. They always like to express themselves in front of their elders and in front of them.

They may do something regardless of the consequences, or they may apologize to an ordinary person for their arrogance. This is what the Ruidian people inherited from the blood lineage inherited from their ancestors. It is their young blood The motivation of a young man who is not impetuous, can he be regarded as a **** warrior?

Compared with his impulse and impetuousness in the past, Alexas performed well. Thinking of this, Haruos' mouth twitched a little imperceptible ridicule. At that time, he was blamed for provoking the Crown Prince. Exiled to the most difficult North Xinjiang

"What do you think of Alexis about Master Prais' plan?"

Harlaus' dull voice paused. "You must know Master Prais, but I am a leader among the famous generals of Ruier. At that year, in the battle of Suo, but the Ruds who defeated the block 6 times in a row, followed his Compared to the record, you are just a young eagle who needs to learn"

"Of course, the great prince Alexis, who strongly agreed, quickly raised his head and said, in the tentative eyes of Harlaus, he slowly sorted out his thoughts, although it may not necessarily have the strength of a famous general, but this time What he saw and heard on the front line also gave him some confidence

"When I think that Master Prais can lead the army and defeat the Kugits at one fell swoop, the child feels that even the blood is up, but the child thinks that it is not time for us to fight back because the snowstorm in the north will make our plan impossible to implement.

"Oh? Why do you think so?" King Harlaus looked surprised. He had just wanted to let Alexis follow him. Who knew that Alexis really had some unique opinions?

The senior prince Ali Sachs hesitated for a while and said, "The cold weather in winter makes our frontline staff very serious. I have just returned from the frontline. Almost 2 out of every 10 soldiers have suffered frostbite. Unstable weapons. And because we have less than 10,000 troops in the promenade, the Kujit cavalry on the opposite side has 30,000 people. I am afraid that they can achieve the effect of a single blow. It is better to wait until the weather. Ease it, it is more appropriate to execute the plan again"

"Oh, the frostbite rate of two thirds, the situation on the front line is already so serious."

A light haze flashed on King Harlaus's face, which suddenly sank. His fingers lightly struck the wooden handle of the handrail, his eyes swept around, and he glanced hard at the Minister of Administration, Di Linard. After a while, I said, "What about the Ministry of Government Affairs? How does the Ministry of Government Affairs think about solving this problem?"

The kind of feeling like a knife cut, making pale Plinnard can't help but breathe tightly. Although he has long known the dissatisfaction of his own minister of administration in terms of logistics, he did not expect to discuss strategic plans. Suddenly difficult

"The subordinates immediately asked all the tailors in Kyoto to work overnight, and they must send 50,000 sets of cotton coats before the battle."

Dillinard quickly stood up and responded that he had no regard for the consequences of this sentence. Now that he is riding a tiger, he must stick his head to the top, otherwise his pretentious prestige may become a money after this meeting. not worth,

His previous power will soon be snatched by other opponents. When he bowed his head, he looked at the military secretary Prais who stood in front of him with a vicious glance, and his intestine was blue, this time it was lying. He was also shot

Then King Harlaus questioned several other ministers one by one, and occasionally stopped to ask about the views of Grand Prince Ali Sachs who dared to do something, which extended the meeting time a lot, but the ministers all Dare not say anything

They knew that this was His Majesty the King teaching the Grand Prince himself,

The eyes of the heavy ministers looking at the back of the grand prince also began to be complicated. Some obscure news was undoubtedly conveyed in their flashing eyes, there was joy, firmness, and a trace of "the lion is old, but this lion cub is Not too tender"

After everything is finalized, the sky is already bright,

The court official Dona gently pushed open the room that had been closed for one night to let Jin’s winter warm, and her beautiful and slender back was taken in. The morning food was placed on a silver dining car and was used by more than a dozen officials. Push forward

"Okay, let's go here"

The tired King Harlaus yawned in his seat and waved to these dignified courtiers, saying, "You stay Alisax, everyone else go down."

The prince Ali Sax accompanied the king for breakfast. King Harus, who had been frowning for many days, had a rare interest to see the palace 1a garden.

In winter, the 1a garden is very lonely, and the snow that has not yet melted is still thickly piled on the walls.

Gently throw the bait in your hand to the fish pond floating with light ice,

The interested King Harlaus suddenly turned his head and said, "Do you know why Prais was so eager to get back from the front line?"

"For the promenade attack plan just now"

Ali Sax froze for a moment, and replied happily. In fact, he still couldn't let go of the fact that he hadn't arranged him in the attack sequence.

"Haha, you're so honest." King Harlaus patted his shoulder with a smile, his wrinkled face bloomed like a daisy, and even the moth patterns on the brow corners disappeared.

"Isn't it?" Ali Sax asked suspiciously.

"Of course not. Does a frontline attack plan require the Secretary of State to come back and report?" Harlaus turned his head, his eyes flashed a little slyly, his face calmly said. "Praise came back specially for a receipt. The news, the Kurgits of Turga, as we expected, ran into the Vecchia army at the Green Promenade ten days ago."

"Wikia?" Ali Sax glanced at his father sleepily. "Isn't it that Turga is a rebellion within the Kugits? How could there be a Wichia in the Green Corridor?"

"Oh, this is the most interesting place." Harlaus stared deeply at the predatory fish in the pond below, and said in a deep voice. "Although there are rumors that the Duowei Department is attached to the Wikiyas, we have not Let’s confirm that now, the rumor is a little bit true. The most important thing is that the Kurgits of Turga and the Wikya army are now on board. I’m afraid that there will be no breakthrough in the short term. An extremely precious time"

"The meaning of the father, can we take the opportunity to retake the land they once occupied?" Ali Sax suddenly realized that if he couldn't even see this, it would be stupid.

"Yes, this is the core of last night's meeting." King Harlaus nodded solemnly. Praise's attack plan was only a cover attack to cover our true intentions. In fact, all the materials and preparations ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ will be transferred to your first knightly group through secret channels. You are the protagonist of this battle. Don’t disappoint me. Tetriggs of the Kingdom Guardian Knights will go to assist you. Nice commander"

"Teter Riggs? That abominable traitor's guardian knight" Ali Sax frowned, with a look of disgust "Let him come to my knighthood, and only the battle flag of Rui Erdian will be stained."

"Dell William is a great warrior, not a traitor"

After being silent for a while, King Harlaus suddenly threw all the bait left in his hands, and looked at the fish fighting over the water, whispering in an extremely depressive manner. "It seems that it is time you should know. "

The voice of King Harlaus paused

"As a qualified king, you must know that those ministers are worthy of reliance, and those who are just some collaborators in interests, distinguish their intentions, and then use bait to control them in time. Dell William’s death, you should ask Ask Prais, I said I let you go, I hope the truth can enlighten you"F

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