Whole Nation

: 734 Madness (1)

734 Crazy One

This sudden assassination was completely beyond everyone's expectations. Even the fat man did not expect the Dorok to be so bold. In the face of the assassination, is the other party declaring war?

The sound of "Beng" bow string vibrations is like a fierce scream at the moment, and there is a harsh cracking sound in the vast space of the theater,

Everyone felt a pain in their ears at the same time, and their faces looked horrified, especially some of the officers who were proficient in battle fronts were as complex as their faces. Everyone was a weapon expert.

What's more, the Falcon Army is famous for its bow and crossbows. With the vibrating sound of the bow string that penetrates into the soul, the officers know that the transparent crystal bow held in the hands of the girl is definitely not an ordinary weapon, otherwise how is it possible Showing such a terrible power,

The audience in the audience was horrified,

No one expected that a splendid performance would be associated with such a **** assassination. The assassination of the king was always a big event that was accompanied by a **** storm

The people who have the opportunity to participate this time are either rich or expensive, and many of them are senior officers in the Falcon Army. Their look at the moment is quite wonderful,

They, who are good at fighting in the military, did not expect that a weak woman could be in the air, without the help of any borrowing point, pulled a strong bow that is one and a half meters long, and issued such an extremely strong one strike,

The sharp cold light traversed a beautiful arc in everyone's jaw-dropping tongue, with a violent roar and a long white light, hitting a back on the second floor,

The calls to protect your majesty, guarding adults, etc., echoed through the empty roof of the theater almost at the same time.

But it was too late, a ray of light almost struck like electric flint, and a white awn dazzled in front of me, the arrow cluster had not yet arrived, and the strong wind pressure it had brought was like a sharp blade that cut the skin, letting people cool from the spinal cord to the depths of the soul

"It's over, careless"

At this moment, the fat man's face was ashamed, and he felt dead.

The Doroc attack was so swift and powerful, so unexpected, the opponent's volley shot was a lore,

The stage is only about 20 meters away from you. From Zhang Gong to archery is just a blink of an eye. Even the best skill is definitely the fate of being pierced by an arrow.

I don’t know why. At this moment, the fat man has a sense of relief, and countless scenes are swaying in his mind like a slide,

Tired, close your eyes and wait for death

"Your Majesty, be careful" just when the fat men were cold as they were, a scream came into their ears, and the fragrant wind flew from a few meters away to the pale-faced fat man. Before the cluster of sharp arrows,

"Poo" blood spattered like plum blossoms, the fat man felt a shock, and he already embraced a soft and warm body in his arms. "Silisi" fat man looked at Princess Wang Ting, which gradually softened in her arms, Suddenly there was blood in his eyes,

The sound of catching the assassin only sounded in the chaotic theater hall. A **** long arrow shot into the shoulders of Princess Serice, the princess of the court, and penetrated the entire white shoulder, and then emerged from the back. ,

All of a sudden, the blood of Zhu Ru dyed the snow-white dress with blood, but this time the blockage was enough to make the incoming arrowhead less powerful and hit the fat man's underwear soft armor, causing only a trivial scrape.


The fat man clung to Scelis's **** body with both hands, watching Scelis's increasingly pale face due to blood loss, holding the blood vessel near the wound with her hand, tearing two pieces off her body with anxious look Cloth, the large arteries that scraped Scelis' neck, and the **** wounds on her shoulders, and her **** face was deformed because of the fierce,

The talents around me woke up from the sudden sluggishness,

"Hurry, hurry, please call Miss Turit Colleen quickly, still stunned." The voices of the guards running around in panic, Mao Monaqing ordered the left and right voices loudly, like a trance dream at the moment. ,

The whole theater was chaotic. Hundreds of guards wearing black armor holding battle swords rushed in through the four doors of the theater. The dancers on the stage were in a mess, and the flowers were bleakly crowded in the hands of the guards. Shivering under the sword,

The lead dancer who just launched the shooting was obviously not among them. The guards launched a large search behind the stage. Finally, only a secret road leading to the alley outside the theater was found in the back, which was the previous performance of Mestrien and Boshahua. Li has no shadow, it should have been withdrawn long ago

The captain of the guard squadron responsible for the **** of the theater was removed on the spot, all the people in the theater were taken away for investigation, and the dark theater was suddenly empty.

The hurried Turit Colleen quickly rushed to the theater, and after carefully checking Scelis's injury, she could only shake her head helplessly. "The other party's attack power is too great, the sharp arrow cut off With the heart of Sister Celis, even my medical skills can’t make up for this damage.”

"Why are you so stupid? Why should I block the arrow? I can be your enemy." The woman holding her arms in the arms, the fat man trembling with arms, tears rolling down her cheeks, Charlie Love,

This is the first time a fat man feels that he is so close to death. It turns out that he will also die. This is not a game. This is a real reality. The feeling of desperation that has been extremely desperate has come before him, and was once again seen by Scelli. The silk is blocked,

For the princess Wang Ting who saved herself, the fat man has always felt owed. The princess of Xi Ting seems to have been hovering in an awkward hostile identity and various contradictions since the day he met him. ,

From the initial private exchange of food between the enemy and the enemy to the captives, to the final death of Kukit Xiting, the fat man's attitude towards the Xiting princess is to use more than his feelings, just like the destruction of Xiting, although there are certain natural disasters and personal grudges, But if it weren’t for his own step-by-step compulsion and set-ups, Kukit West Court would not perish so fast, and Scelis would not become a princess of perdition.

The purpose of her final decision to marry Scelis, in addition to some guilt that she wants to make up, is mostly to encircle the tribes of West Kugit and use her identity as the princess of the royal court to help herself ascend to the throne of the Khan. ,

love? Kindness? feeling? This relationship is a confusing account that cannot be sorted out. Sometimes, even the fat man himself does not know how to face this woman who fades like a flower in the wind in her arms,

It was her own end of the princess Wang Ting’s youthful life. She should have lived happily on a vast prairie like a lark, instead of having to bear the fate of the dead country and marry herself to death The enemies of the kingdom,

At the most critical moment, Saceris, who should have hated herself, saved herself without hesitation, which made the hard-hearted fat man also guilty.

"Your Majesty, please don't be too sad," Turit Colleen looked at the fat man's sullen hair, and Selice was crying. She was crying like a tearful man, leaning on the fat man's shoulder.

"Your Majesty, please lay your sister's body flat, so as to reduce the pain of my sister's leaving." The tearful Mao Monaqing whispered in the fat man's ear, kneeling respectfully beside Scelis, Wipe Siseli's **** face gently with a white towel close to her hands, revealing Siselis's pretty face full of wild temptations,

Among all the fat women, the cheerful and generous Scelis may be the one who is most attuned to her. Both are women from the west, and their regional customs are relatively similar. There is only a library that has been influenced by the polygamy system since childhood. Gite women will accept another woman so calmly, treat a woman who shares the same man with herself as a sister treats her sister

This is also the intention of the fat man to let Serice as the first princess. The word jealousy never appears in the dictionary of Kugit women. They are the greatest wife and mother of this era. They never have themselves in their hearts. The moment they were born, they knew who they lived for,

They may not be the most beautiful, gentle, and considerate, but in front of tribes and major events, the choices of Kugit women often move people to tears, and Selise may not be as smart as Mao Mona. It’s not like a little bird like Dylan Snis, it’s not like a confidante like the witch Turit Colleen,

But as long as a Kugit woman is presiding, you don’t have to be too tired of the battle in the harem,

This time, the fat man also truly felt the greatness of the Kugit woman. Even if she knew that her motives were impure, the inheritance in the bloodline of Secelis still made her block the killing one without hesitation. arrow,

Carefully put Siselis's body down and put it down~www.wuxiaspot.com~He is close to the heart, feeling that the fire of life in the arms of the lady is gradually weakening like the fallen leaves in the autumn wind, and finally the fragrance disappears.

The icy trembling in the dark theater, the fat man slowly stood up, the voice was extremely cold and ordered

"Come here, immediately seize all the people of the Dorok Messenger Group and close the city gates, and no one can be missed. From today, the Business Alliance will ban all trade with the Dorok side."

"Your Majesty, you want it"

Mao Mona raised her head in amazement, and saw the fat man's eyes full of red blood, already terrible storm-like killing intent, black short hair angry like a spear, standing upright,

At this moment, Mao Mona was silent, not knowing whether it should be moved or should be worried,

In the fat man's sad gaze at Scelis' corpse, she saw the rainy blood and the corpse on the floor,

The madness of the crazy Falcon will burn the whole Doroc mountains

734 Crazy One

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