Whole Nation

: 745 Peragar (2)

Volume III Overlord's Big 6] 743 Peragar (2)

743 Pelagger (2)

"Aita, send the latest information to 34 East Star Street!"

The duty intelligence officer Rubes carefully rolled up the information in his hand, stuffed it into a tube dedicated to transmitting information, clasped it tightly with his hands, and handed it to a waiting young messenger with a gold "colored" curly head and face Very white, with a sense of wit in his eyes,

He put the lanyard of the bobbin carrying the intelligence into his neck to avoid losing the jolt on the road, and then waved to the two guard cavalry behind him. According to the regulations, such confidential information has cavalry guards

"Come on, the adults are waiting." The adjutant on duty loudly urged the **** soldiers to go on the road, and the military situation was like fire. Every moment of delay there will be unpredictable accidents. Moreover, this information is so urgent that it may even decide that the wind of the Falcon Dynasty is down. to

"Relax, you won't be mistaken for the adults!" The young messenger patted the wooden tube in his arms with his hands. This short wooden tube with a length of centimeters and a diameter of centimeters is a special intelligence tube for the Falcon Legion.

The appearance is very ordinary, in fact, it contains a mystery. The bottom of the barrel has a layer of sealed white phosphorous. If the subordinate soldiers feel that there is a leak or the possibility of being captured by the enemy, they only need to twist the bottom switch. The white phosphorous at the bottom is encountering air and light. In this case, it will spontaneously burn and burn the bobbin together with the intelligence. If the response of capturing people is slower, it is normal to be burned by white phosphorus. Then, if you want to know who robbed the intelligence, as long as you suspect the suspect’s hand injury, Ok

This is the masterpiece of Lida Hill, the head of the Weapon Research Center. Lida Hill hopes to develop a spontaneous "sex" throwing weapon, but the result is that this kind of mezzanine barrel is of little significance.

The fat man feels too bulky, and the power is not great, and the burning of white phosphorus can't compare with the fierceness of the fuel bomb. Moreover, under the existing technical conditions, it is difficult to completely isolate the air. Once spontaneously ignited during storage or transportation, the consequences are unimaginable. Finally, after some improvements, it will be doubled according to the original volume, and it will be used exclusively for this corps level. Information tube,

No. 34 East Star Street, is a side courtyard on the east side of the main road of Urhausk, full of vines, from the outside is just an ordinary aristocratic summer manor, in fact, there are a lot of people in Urhausk No known name,

The Falcon Kingdom Adjutant’s Office, the news that the Doroks sent troops to Palawan made the entire Falcon Dynasty Adjutant’s office busy. In the busy hustle and bustle, the faces of the brisk adjutants and the headquarters’ intelligence officer were shrouded. With an incredible look,

Even if they have time to stop talking about chatting, they pass each other by passing each other, "pay" a shocked look, and then rush to their place

Everyone had guessed in their leisure time that the Nords went north and "forced" Ruierdian to join forces, but they did not expect that the Doroks, known as the "flower" garden after Ruierdian, were the most important in this At this moment, he will stab the former old master fiercely. This storm has come so fiercely that it has suddenly landed on the land in the north of Da 6 like a storm.

On the evening of three days ago, a team of 5,000 troops of Doroc crossed the mountain range on the border and suddenly attacked the post on the border of the Sri Lankan. During the night of "fighting", more than 1,000 people were killed and wounded in the border guard of the Sri Lankan. , The mountain pass is lost,

This has not attracted the attention of Palawan Kyoto, only thought that it was a Dorok tribe who retaliated against the massacre of some time ago,

In order to punish these arrogant Dorok barbarians, Palawan quickly mobilized a main banner to fight back, vowing to kill all the brave guys, but soon, Palawan Kyoto now committed a big crime. Wrong, this small group of Dorok soldiers is obviously not an ordinary army dominated by mountain people before, but rather well-equipped, only found in the Dorok high noble group. Dorok "fine" sharp swordsman.

In front of these groups of "sophisticated" sharp swordsmen, which are equal to the fighting strength of the Ruierdian knights, the number of 8,000 full-faced Ruierdian flag groups not only did not take up a little bit of cheapness, but was defeated by the opposing forces with inferior forces. ,

Eight thousand soldiers, almost without even the most basic defensive line, were tens of thousands of powerful "sophisticated" Doroc shield swordsmen, wielding one-handed swords, holding the tall Dora in hand Keshan Mountain Shield, rushing into the formation with a whole row of spears,

The combat power of the Palawan Kyoto Army is mainly in Kyoto. The flag group sent to the Dorok mountainous area to suppress it is nominally the main flag group. In fact, it is just a new flag group that has just been established in less than one month.

The whole army was in chaos. The leader of the Ruierdian Banner was hacked to death by wielding a sword to drive the chaos. More than 3,000 soldiers were killed in battle, and the news that more than 4,000 people were captured shook the entire par. Laven Kyoto,

The talent of Rui Erdian suddenly realized that his intention gave the other party a chance to prove,

8,000 dead personnel, but this time Rui Erdian was defeated so easily, undoubtedly to all Dorok people, leaving a impression that Rui Erdian is already in desperation,

The human heart is far terrible. Even the weak sheep also have the moment of bravery. Although bravery is like a girl in the city, always likes the party with more people. When the powerful person who is now on his head for hundreds of years, it is just a When the paper tiger frightened people, the hearts of the Dorok tribes also began to beat. It is better to raise the sword than to be bullied, arbitrarily bullied, and hard to move the large stones built fortress under the sun. It is more in their hearts to tear up this already weak master.

Overnight, within 300 kilometers of the Doroc Mountains adjacent to Ruidian, 21 tribes rebelled at the same time, with a total of more than 120,000 troops.

God testified that when he got the news, no one believed it was true. How is this possible? Palawan Kyoto panicked, and the crusades outside the city panicked. No one thought of the Dorok Mountain Barbarian who had always been adversarial. At this moment, he dare to raise his sword to himself, especially Palawan Kyoto. He also wanted to To expand the territory to Doroc,

The war horses of the "emergency intelligence" heralding soldiers were like a shadow, and they rushed past the guards on both sides of the big door with a whistling sound, and the two guard cavalry who followed behind were all at the big door War horses pulled down everywhere, military power, except for special personnel, no one has the right to step on the horse

The herald turned over and dismounted in front of a three-story building, pushed the "door" with his right hand, and ran along with the intelligence in his hand. The loud voice shook the outer hall on the first floor, and several roadside assistants twisted almost simultaneously. Too much~www.wuxiaspot.com~I have already waited on the first floor for a full-time duty adjutant who was responsible for confidential transmission. He quickly came over and took over the battle report from the commander. Even without a single delay, he turned around in a hurry. floor,

"Your Majesty, the emergency military newspaper!"

The adjutant stopped in front of the "gate" of the conference hall on the second floor and reported aloud to the inside

"Come in!"

The big "door" opened, and the adjutant **** "color" walked in with respect, and his eyes were straight backs of senior generals of the falcon dynasty in three rows of concaves. Characters, but at the moment, their faces are filled with respect and sincerity, and there is a strong war intention in their eyes,

At the center of their gaze,

A familiar figure is holding up the command whip in his hand, striking the huge map in the middle,

"Kiss" with an inevitable mouth

"Victory, it's a fight! It's not an analysis! Since the Nords think we will have some scruples and don't dare to go south, then we have to surprise them. Our goal is here, Peragar !"

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