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: Seven hundred and fifty-four carbine (4)

Volume III Overlord's Big 6] 754 round carbine (4)

754 carbines (4)

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Stalos City, the battle is going on,

Flying clusters of arrows continue to shuttle between the two sides, with arcs of death traversing the sky like locusts, "shooting" into the queue of soldiers on both sides,

From time to time, you can see soldiers from both sides. These are fighting against the initiative, intensively suppressing the "sex" and "shooting" one after another.

"Attack" With the screams of the soldiers of the two armies exhausted, several black lines collided in front of the wall of Stalos, and the sound of the violent fighting rang through the sky, and the bright red blood infected the ground with a red blood.

The spears of the "Kill Kill" siege infantry stabbed into the body of the enemy, pulled out with blood, and held a thick and heavy shield in hand. They were pushed forward in a neat formation, like a continuously shrinking triangle, from three The direction continued to squeeze the noble army of the south behind the city walls, fighting with spears,

Touching the shield of the heavy infantry in the "arrow" shot, a crisp sound was bounced off, and many soldiers in the back row were shot by the arrowhead falling from the head, and a screaming cry was made, and the painful from Stoop down in formation

Seeing that a thousand-man team in the front slowly withdrew from the front, a body half-squatted on the ground covered with mud and blood, and the heavy infantry squadron captain with a giant shield in his hand, "drawn" from the ground. The heavy spear inserted on the ground shouted to the men who squatted in the same posture while standing up

"The third team is all ready! Whoever rushed to the city wall first, I promoted him to captain

"We must win, we must win!" The entire row of heavy infantry stood up, and a roar of "excitement" came, just at the moment when the words just fell,

"Huh" A harsh roaring sound crossed the top of the head, almost covering the soldiers' shouts, "Slap" A round slingshot, like a meteor, plunged into the queue behind, on the bodies of several soldiers , Crushed a **** road,

This heavy infantry captain's unmoved face, there is no slight "wave" movement, just with his **** and cold eyes, staring at the city wall "shot" from the front, it seems to be the root I didn’t realize that just now, there were already several lives, and was taken away in a tragic way,

This is the Northern Army that besieged the city of Stalos, the Saron Army that has experienced many battles, and death has long been meaningless to these experienced veterans, grabbing glory to gain wealth, and climbing to the position of the first army of the Falcon Dynasty. Is what the Northern Army most desires

Since the First World War, the Western Corps later came to the top, and became the leader of the various Corps, the Northern Army and the Western Corps "communicated" efforts, not to mention this battle, the two sides have made almost a million bets, that is 10,000 Right and left, the bright gold coins, if evenly distributed to each soldier's head, it is close to one year's income,

At the beginning of this game, the entire Northern Army was completely "excited", after conquering the original target, it continued to advance eastward,

The trombone sound representing the attack came from the direction of the formation, "Stand up! Attack!" the heavy infantry captain shouted, "Wow" The sound of a metal armor rubbing, countless spears were raised. The polished and polished steel shield shone with a red "color" halo under the blaze of fire, just like a layer of "sparkling" river surface.

"One, two, three" came from under the siege car with the sound of "exciting" and "swinging". The huge siegers slowly leaned against the creak, and the soldiers below held the shield , Wriggling like an ant swarm, leaving the defender’s scalp numb,

In a loud and tidy stepping sound, tens of thousands of heavy infantry lined up in a square formation, following the slogan, followed the tall siege tower like a giant, and slowly pushed forward in the direction of the city wall.

"Shoot, never let them come over!"

The scattered clusters of arrows on the city head came out from the "shooting" and "shooting" of the tower, but this was useless to the falcon army holding the siege shield, and more became the target of the falcon sniper crossbowman. . Archers keep falling from the tower

Two hundred meters below the city, "Loading!" With a shout, beside dozens of temporarily assembled rock-throwing vehicles, the soldiers were busy loading crude oil "shot" bombs into the "shot" frame of the catapult ,

More than ten shirtless riders with strong shirts and strong body slingers pulled the winch with both hands, and out of the sound of "Gaga." With the captain's arm waving,

"Huh, huh, huh" Hundreds of bottles of crude oil threw "shots" at the fortress walls like sky and "flowers". Only a violent rumbling sound was heard, and the already thick smoked wall was suddenly covered by a wall of fire with the degree of "meat" visible. The bright yellow "color" flame, like a volcanic eruption, jumped more than ten meters high,

In the Southern Aristocratic Army Camp, dozens of angry southern aristocrats who were "satisfied" were gathering in front of Commander Tazar's room "Noisy". The war had reached this level, but the Commander only himself. No one is in the room,

"Marquis Lidi, the commander-in-chief has gone to the front to supervise the war. Please return first!" A guardian knight stopped the nobles and wanted to push open the big door.

"Who lied? From noon to now, I have been waiting outside. Don't go to war, even a mosquito named Tazaar hasn't seen me! If this coward is not in this room, I will cut off my head. The leader on the big "gate" was a bald old nobleman who gave him a fierce glance at the guard knight

This old nobleman was called Lidi. He was a border lord in the southern Sargossian region. Because of his proximity to the border, he had participated in many wars against the Nords. The knight's sword of Le Ge is the sword of the head of the Nord army.

He is qualified, even in the regular Southern Army, he is also a prestigious veteran. At this moment, under his angry eyes, the guard knight feels like he has been pierced by a needle, a few younger points. The guardian knight is subconsciously avoiding his gaze

"Tazaar, you coward, coward!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity of guarding the knight's loss, a young nobleman behind the old man pushed open the guard in front of him, kicking the big closed door, but they only saw an empty bedroom.

"Tazar ran, Tazar ran!" The nobles looked at everything in front of them unbelievably. Only then did they show up. The guards and knights who stopped them just now ran to a left.

"Tick. A crisp horseshoe sounded from under the hillside.

"Battle report, front battle report!" A falcon dynasty's herald was riding a war horse, and rushed into the falcon formation with a flash of lightning. Nearby, a central army main battle group was passing through

The armor of the soldiers made a loud noise in the dark night, the heavy spear in his hand shone coldly in the night "color", and the moonlight of the silver "color" shouted while screaming from the queue, Crossing heralds,

His "excited" shouts caused the Central Army soldiers marching along the road to look sideways, and a squadron leader, who was urging forward, turned and shouted to the herald soldiers passing by.

"Tusor! Why are you running so hurriedly, did you pick something up again?" The herald slammed the horse and raised his battle report to him, the horse's forefoot leaped, with an uncontrollable excitement, blurring Shouted unclearly

"Victory! Our army has won! Lord Ensant's Second Banner Regiment has "forcibly" descended to Van Dijon Fort. Lord Crolisat's army is advancing in the direction of Stalos, capturing countless along the way!"

"Fuck! It was preempted by those guys in the West"

Hearing the glorious results of the Western Army, the central squadron captain suddenly turned red, his face turned sullenly, waving to the soldiers on the road, yelling at the red sky in the distance, "Plus, cheap Let others occupy, our central army can't just drink soup and eat "meat"! Beat Stalos, everyone has enough wine "meat"!"

The fat man's warhorse stopped on the high post in the rear, and his eyes looked seriously at the distant battlefield, and the flickering flames reflected the red half of the sky, and all the pupils flickered. In the distant flames of extinction, the battlefields that hit the walls are like black dots. The sound of the ear-striking fighting vaguely came with the sound of the wind, "stimulating" a wave of blood in the heart of the person,

On the vast plain behind him, in addition to the two heavy infantry flag regiments that were drawing to Stalos, 3,000 guard cavalry also advanced in the direction of the fire in the distance,

The 13,000 heavily armed Central Army that arrived last time was "sharp" and was about to serve as the last straw to overwhelm the Southern Noble Army, supporting the Northern Army of Saron who was storming Stalos 3 miles away. Taros deserves to be the last line of defense in the southern noble army camp, Sasgeborg. The most elite 16,000 noble army of the 80,000 noble army is stationed here, and the noble army leader Tazar is most dependent on Of the army,

Although the advance of the Saron Army is not slow, but because it is the heavy infantry army of the main battle, and Stalos is also the farthest and strongest fortress in the 6 cities,

So until the afternoon of the afternoon, the fat man received the report that the Saron Army broke the outer defense of Staros and attacked the core city of Staros.

"Your Majesty! There are too many enemy towers! Attack the city walls"

The guard took the battle report just sent and hurried over. The fat man turned back and waved his hand to the guard. "No need, tell Saron, I will give him another 13,000 people, whatever the cost, tomorrow. When the sun rises in the morning, I want to see the Falcon War Flag flying over Stalos’s city, otherwise, he will not come to see me!"

"Yes! Your Majesty" the guard nodded and left,

Central General Hu Keqili came up from behind and looked at her with suspicion and puzzled, "Your Majesty, our army is so aggressive that it even has five fortresses. Why is there no response from Palawan Kyoto?

If it was a surprise attack at the beginning of the attack, it has been a day of "fighting" the battle. Even if how to keep it secret, Palawan should know it, but there is no news to show that

Palawan has plans to rescue the South. Do they just fall into the Six Cities that are still on the barrier? "

"Oh, if you want something, there must be sacrifice! The two princes of Palawan have always been decisive about this. "For Hu Keqili's doubts, the fat man's mouth was exposed. A sneer, shook his head slightly

"Everyone is wise, what fights against Dorok, who lie to us! We have assembled so many troops in Emira, to be able to deceive the noble army in the south, I believe, but to deceive Para. Wen’s eyes and ears in the Emira area, that is absolutely impossible,

The army of more than 10,000 people gathered, and the grain and grass materials are in tons. As long as you pay a little attention to the flow of materials transportation, you can easily feel it.

The equipment of our army is completely a siege force. If it is aimed at the Doroks, it should only need to send cavalry. There are so many infantry flag regiments! "

The fat man's voice paused, staring at the direction of the fire in the distance, and continued, "But the Palawan side is completely pretending to be deaf and dumb with these. On the one hand, he persuaded the logging army to deal with the Dorok, and on the other hand, Very generously agreed to our request for borrowing, during this time, they are acting with us,

Don’t remind me that even a little bit of news didn’t reveal to the Southern Aristocratic Army. What this shows, Palawan has already made plans to sacrifice the Southern Aristocratic Army! It's not just us who can kill people with a knife! "

"No, this is not a way out of self-defeating. What is the difference from cutting off one's arms?"

Hu Keqili opened his eyes wide, and he was incredulously saying, "Isn’t the Palawan side always supporting each other with the Southern Aristocratic Army? If the Southern Army collapses, Palawan can only face the positive crusade against it alone, In this situation, isn't the cunning second prince missing?"

"No, it was just very clear, so I did this! The second prince has always been very decisive in this respect." The fat man took the whip, and his face sighed slightly.

"The southern army of nobility is a piece of sand. From the beginning to the end, the Palawan has never been able to afford the southern nobility. Some only use it. Politics is far from a combination of interests. Once it turns from a friend into a threat to each other, it is "desire". The death is fast and decisive,

The second prince tolerated the southern noble army because he desperately needed a strong backup. Now that he has established a foothold, the ambitions of the southern noble have become obvious.

Moreover, the aristocracy in the south has formed a system, and the outsider root cannot enter the core, completely out of his control, and instead of waiting to continue to grow and eventually become a threat to Palawan Kyoto, it is better to use our hands to eliminate the troubles! "

It seems to confirm the fat man's conjecture that an emergency meeting is being held in a courtyard in Palawan composed of beautifully shaped white "color" marble

"So... so is the Six Cities in the South finished?"

The soft icy voice of the second prince Haruo Sikes leaning on the seat made the whole hall breathe cool, knocking on the finger of the armrest, and the sound of the tower in the silent hall,

Opposite him, the generals of the Palawan Army, there was a silence below, no one dared to speak, and no one knew how His Highness the Second Prince planned. It stands to reason that the six cities in the south are the rear of Palawan. If you don’t save , You will fall into the enemy's position, but there is an unlucky ghost in front, just because you asked "His Royal Highness, when will we go to rescue?"

He was directly beaten by His Highness the Second Prince to the Ninth Banner Regiment, but the famous cannon fodder regiment, mostly composed of prisoners and thieves and thieves held in Palawan Prison, was placed in the first row when he was on the battlefield. The pikemen who block cavalry are often hit by one person, and less than one-tenth of the people who can survive. Therefore, they are also called death regiments.

"Isn't that Tazaar a very capable person? Why didn't you insist on it for a day? Your previous expectations seem to be a bit wrong." No one answered below, and the second prince Harousk groaned in dissatisfaction.

"Solantai, there seems to be some changes to your previous plan. If the Falcon army captured the Six Cities, but did not go to the south to fight against the Nords, wouldn't we really be enemies!"

Harousx looked around, and finally focused his attention on a middle-aged man on the left.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry about this at all!" The strong man came out of the queue and reverently responded, "Although the Vikias attacked violently, they even went to the Six Cities within a day. It would be impossible without any loss. Such things as the army must be rested after the "aggressive" battle. The Southern Nords can never sit back and watch such an opportunity and slip away from their hands."

The voice of the strong man stopped, and he raised his head and continued, "Beat the Falcon in order to truly master the South of Sri Lankan. The Nords are not fools. They know who is the real opponent.

Salton is a master in defense. He will definitely use this short rest time to arrange the heavy soldiers and the six cities in the south before the Falcon Legion completes the preparations for the south, forming a situation of north-south attack with us~www.wuxiaspot .com~ At that time, even if the Falcon Legion tried to us, we would never dare to move! "

"Oh, so, can our plan to kill the Falcon continue?" Hearing the analysis of the middle-aged man, Haruo Si Ke's serious face "sweet" a little ridicule, the Sixth South City is a trap against the Falcon, He believes that neither he nor the Southern Nords have a tacit understanding of this, that is, the Vickia Falcon is well aware of it

"Of course, in fact, it is just the beginning!" The strong man responded to the second prince with a loud voice, his appearance is not really handsome and gives a sense of stability. Although he is about 30 years old, but he is bald, his skin is not white for the nobles, but is a kind of civilian dark, "color",

This is definitely different from the ordinary people in the Ruierdian aristocracy, but with a pair of slender eyes, it makes people feel that this is a very slippery person, and this appearance has also left a deep impression. It makes people feel that "Jing" is full of energy and full of vitality,

"As long as the Falcons occupy the Six Cities, the whole situation will change. The army is dispatched, and the rear is empty. From the moment he occupied the Six Cities in the South, for Vickia Falcons, they all danced with sharp knife wounds. We can’t afford to lose this battle, so as long as we have enough patience and a dazed gesture, we can be invincible! Perhaps if we don’t, we will reverse the entire situation in Sri Lanka and report to the north. One Arrow's Revenge of Three County."

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