Whole Nation

: 766 Battle of Stalos (5)

Volume III Overlord's Big 6] 766 Stalos Battle (5)

766 Stalos Battle (5)

This brave knight's actions undoubtedly stimulated the newly stabilized Ruidian soldiers. With this Ruidian morale as an example, the Ruidian soldiers rushed out of the queue. Stretching forward with a sharp spear, the dense crowd poured like half of a dam-breaking torrent, just like the tide rushing toward the opposite Wiki runners.

The phalanx that came to be tight and tidy became chaotic for a time, and tens of thousands of troops were running in the mountains and the wild with almost no queues. In front of them, there were 10,000 people pulling Ma Tau Xun. The falcon light cavalry turned,

"The whole army retreats!"

There were too many Rui Erdians running in front of him, which caused Hu Keqili to give the order to retreat the whole team. The Rui Erdians who swarmed in like the waves that were constantly turning, and they were the shadows of the mountains and the wild. The level of density completely blocked the space that cavalry can use for mobile operations,

If they are still in the same kind of phalanx queue, or they can still make a difference with the local advantage of 10,000 light cavalry, but after the central assembly just now, although it is only an undisciplined charge, tens of thousands of people The crowded crowd is enough to resist the impact of the mobile light cavalry. Even if it can be impacted, it will fall into a bitter battle. Once it is entangled in a melee, the number of light cavalry will be directly overwhelmed by these 100,000 riels.

"Your Highness, you!"

This sudden change made the second prince and the generals in the Ruierdian array also stunned. If it was not the protection of the gods, the victory **** would suddenly squint, just when the situation was rotten and it was difficult to clean up. , The situation on the battlefield suddenly changed dramatically,

There was a defeated situation just now, because the soldiers took the initiative to attack and there was a big turnaround. I don’t know if the favor of the **** of luck is due to the falcon army or the falcon army is too big. The whole army pressed

At the moment, opposite to the main force of Rui Erdian, who was in a strong morale, there were only 10,000 falcon cavalry withdrawn in a panic, and about 50,000 falcon infantry, which was only half of his own. Among them, 20,000 were removed. The Wikia crossbowman capable of long-range attack, who really resisted his 100,000 troops, only the Falcon infantry with fewer than 30,000 troops

"Order and order the whole army to press on! Immediately attack the Wikia Falcon's formation"

The prince Harolds, who was in the array, screamed with a look of joy, and his face was overjoyed, even if Harolds was not talented in military strategy, but after all, he used one city to resist the entire Par The main general of the Laval Army, the current battle situation is undoubtedly advantageous to the number and morale-dominated Rui Erdian. If you can defeat the main force of the Falcons in one fell swoop, it is also very possible to complete a miraculous major twist.


There were fierce shouts from the Ruierdian army. With the order issued, the entire Ruidian army mobilized, and a large army of more than 100,000 people immediately flooded like a flood

"Rush up, crush them!"

The oncoming cluster of arrows hit the shield of the Ruierdian infantry, and there was a crash like a heavy rain. Although many people were hit by sharp crossbows, but because there were too many people behind them, they almost wrapped them up. Then, involuntarily rushing forward, the turbulent crowd rushed towards the hill where the Vickias were

"Kill. The person who killed the Falcon, regardless of identity, is immediately conferred the Duke!"

All kinds of motivational sounds made the eyes of the soldiers of the Red Army red, who is still in control of what formation, the ground of countless two-pedal rumbling, and rushing forward with a forest of spears, unstoppable, Even the Ruierdian soldiers felt that the Victory God had lifted his skirt to himself at this moment.

"Line up to attack!"

In the Falcon Dynasty, 20,000 crossbowmen squatting on the slopes raised their crossbows in an orderly manner, firing continuously in accordance with the order of each row, and countless cold clusters of arrows leaped up into the sky and turned into a heavy rain in the sky. Poured on the head of the running soldiers, turning the people shot by the soldiers upside down, but this has little effect on the shock of the 100,000 Ruidians who are completely desperate to charge.

"Heavy infantry deported!"

With the approaching Ruierdian tide, the Falcon Dynasty's 5,000 heavy infantry quickly reached the front of the formation, and heavy shields about the height of people were inserted into the soil. In front of the formation, a sturdy structure was built. Steel line of defense, raindrops hit the smooth surface of the shield, wash the uneven patterns above it bright, the white thorn coat of arms representing the Falcon dynasty is light blue and black, and it becomes more rigid

"Column Spear"

Behind this steel wall, countless forest-like five-meter spears were slowly lowered from the gap of the shield, directly leaning on the heavy shoulders of the heavy infantry in the front row, and the sharp spear tip would fall The rain was cut into water droplets. Among the silent sounds, only the sound of heavy rain falling and the sound of the rapid running of the Ruidian people in front, the heavy breathing sound was clear and audible even after 50 meters.

Five thousand phalanx heavy infantry wearing black armor covering almost the whole body and sharp spears with blood grooves in their hands form a wall of killing between the crossbowmen in the rear and the Ruierdian that came from the impact,

"Kill" Rui Erdian soldiers shouted and slammed into it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was like a wave, slammed against a solid rock wall, and turned into countless fine white sprays,

The sound of the "splashing" spear broke like a dense raindrop, and countless blood burst at the front end of the spear, like a sudden burst of bright red mist. It’s too anxious. The front soldiers of the Sri Lankan soldiers haven’t stopped, so they are pushed by the people in the back and hit the five-meter spear with a sharp frontal attack.

"Kill" the soldiers with red eyes on both sides, screaming the same sound almost at the same moment, the metal hits the metal with a burst of harsh rubbing sound. The soldiers of both sides are fighting with courage. During the battle, the commander needs to release There are only two kinds of commands "rush, kill!"

The eyes of both sides are simultaneously focused on this killing front

"Crush them! Victory belongs to Rui Dian!"

The second prince Harousx had disregarded the identity of his royal heir, waving the sword of the king representing the identity of King Rui Erdian, riding a snow-white horse, shouting with all his strength, commanding Rui The Erdian army violently attacked the Falcon dynasty.


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