Whole Nation

: 798 sea breeze*4)

Volume III Overlord's Continent] 786 Sea Breeze* 4)


786 sea breeze* 4)

The Iowim region is an important hub area in the north-central part of the Doroc Mountains, about a day away from the city of Aire, and the terrain is one higher than the mountains in the south.

On topography

It is closely connected with the Tailei Snow Mountain in the east,

On this plateau

You can overlook the entire central area of ​​Dorok with a predominant attitude

From a military strategic perspective

This is the Dorok Northland Command

It is also the core of strategic defense.

Do not

Everything is good

The topography of the Iowem region is also the same.

Near North

Vegetation is relatively rare

So the climate in Iowem is annoying

It's drier here than other areas

The water source is very precious

It's hotter than here

It's also cold when it's cold

Ordinary people come here. They will feel uncomfortable for a while

The style that seems to feel cold outside is much more violent

I feel a tingling sensation every moment.

Not only

The cold from the snowy mountains in the east

It often hits Iowem land with the storm

Turn this place into a huge area like frost

People who live here

Are used to the permafrost climate and environment

Forbearance in harsh environments

Forged their perseverance and intention indirectly

This is also the most direct reason why the tribal army's combat effectiveness in the Iowem region will be stronger than in other regions.

There are about 280,000 Doroc people living in the Iowem region, divided into 6 large tribes, of which the Deze tribes occupying the Fengmao Mountains have the largest number, and the other few tribes are the Danze wetlands. The Ilian, the Boshan clan in Yishan City, the Dirui clan that accumulates on the top of Yunshan Mountain, the highlanders' self-proclaimed Os clan, and the Shanbosi clan that is known for its hotness, but also the least number of people and the strongest fighting power

This time

In the ancient meeting room at the top of Yunshan Mountain

Gathered the leaders of the various tribes in the Iowem region. As the nearest region to the north, with the withdrawal of the parliamentary forces, the Iowem region where the six tribes are located has become the most likely target for the northern attack. This time The meeting is to discuss how to deal with the problem

Except for the Sambos, who have never asked about the world, they did not send people to participate in

The rest of the five tribal leaders gathered in this ancient parliament hall. This parliament hall built on the top of the mountain is the origin of the name of the top of Yunshan. This parliament hall has a history more than the center. Has doubled its size and has a history of more than 700 years.

This meeting was also convened by the posts of the Di Rui tribe on the top of Yunshan, and the six tribes did not sit down and discuss

On the surface, the six ethnic groups seem to belong to a whole, fact

There is no conflict between them


Least see

Otherwise it will definitely cause trouble. But now

They have to let go of conflicts and interests

Sit down calmly

Discuss how to deal with it together.

The Chamber is very

Seem empty

Very heavy

The rectangular conference table is also large. It exudes a rich historical atmosphere. It is directly opposite the wall with a large military map.

A middle-aged man with a baton in his hand was on the edge of the map. "The rainy season in the north was advanced by half a month this year, which caused us a lot of problems. The main parliament also withdrew from Ai completely under the influence of the rainy season.

But the Falcons did not pursue the chase as the Parliament had envisaged, but just followed them slowly.

This defeated the ambush vision of the Parliament. Now the Falcon Army has steadily controlled the mountains in the south of Ai Lei. Because of the withdrawal of the Parliament, our Iowem region has become the first target. !. East. Members fight! . . . "The voice of the middle-aged nobleman is a bit astringent. The situation is slowly introduced.

Chamber wall

The ground is basically black, which is out of step with the red on the map representing the movement of the Falcon Dynasty army. This middle-aged nobleman has a very good eloquence.

Exciting the mouth and the river.

Let the leaders below keep on the side

This middle-aged man is the chief of the Dirui tribe, Long Suo. He graduated from the Sri Paradian Kyoto Palawan College. He is a famous general among the Dorok tribes. He is very young and is in a high position. It’s not an overstatement. However, since I heard that the Falcon Army entered north of Dorok,

He had an inexplicable fear of this position

The thought of possibly fighting against the strongest man in that continent, he and she have a little bit of trembling.


Today he must be here

He must meet the needs of today's meeting and go all out to fight against the army that has never lost a defeat. For the prospect of this battle, even he himself is not, the inequalities in intelligence are too obvious, many people attribute the victory of the Falcon Army to the luck of the Falcons of Vickia, but few people will Note that every time the Falcon Army strikes, there is no doubt that it strikes the opponent's weakness. In the end, the Falcon Dynasty has a large and elaborate intelligence system.

The intelligence eyeline of the Falcon Army is everywhere. As long as there are merchants, the Falcon Army has the eyeline, but it is impossible to cut off the trade within the family, so Ronso believes that Caesar Sauron opposite must also know this meeting The convening of this was a war that both sides knew well, and what broke out was only a matter of time. If the final decision of this meeting is to decide to go to war with the Falcons

Then there is no need to cover up. No matter how they organize and mobilize the army, they will definitely not hide the ears of the merchants.

When I heard that Ronso mentioned that the southern part of Aire would become the relying force of the Falcon army going south, the tribal leaders present here could not help raising the police involuntarily.

Several people looked at Long with questioning eyes

"What can I do, what should I do!" Especially the Patriarch Deze, who is closest to the Fengmao Mountains in the south of Ai Lei, was even more worried about his face, and he kept muttering,

During the siege of Airy, his Deze clan made great efforts. Not only did he provide a connection point for logistics supplies, but also provided a lot of information about Airy. At that time, he was still thinking, if he could defeat Airy, the parliament Ire will be left to his own management, but no one expected that the parliament went so unscathed, and the battle flag of the Vickia Falcon scared the parliament with fear.

The only thing that is still fortunate now is that the battle of the Ai Lei siege has not been fought in the end, otherwise, according to the style of **** blood of the Falcon Army, his Deze tribe is definitely among the key targets of attack,

The heads of several other tribes also looked at each other, and no one expected that the so-called parliamentary army would be so vulnerable in front of the Falcon Army. Except for the Deze tribe, several other tribes actually did not sell parliamentary accounts.

The center of the parliament is in the central Aaron Basin, where the parliament’s battalion is located, and the marginal areas like Iowem only belong to the third-class position in the parliament.

"The parliament withdraws so unreservedly, throwing all the danger to the self

Obviously uneasy

The parliament wanted to use the falcon of the Falcon Army to control the entire Iowim region."

The Patriarch Rosbur of the Ilian tribe frowned greatly.

Obviously he didn’t know how to deal with this matter. Now they are discussing how to deal with the problem of the Falcon army going south, but now they find that they seem to want to put them on more than one side of the dead, and there are dark arrows from behind,

Boshan Fries, the patriarch of Boshan, said indignantly, "What kind of thing is this? These parliament guys have a set of words and secretly set up a set of secrets. If they are not for this meeting, we are not all pitted by them! "

"How many people are there in the Falcon Army south of Aire?" Beaufries said a little eagerly.

"According to our information, this time stationed in the southern part of Airy is Caesar Sauron, one of the Falcon's five pillars." The southern area of ​​Airy was nodded with a dignified look on the wooden whip wall in the hands of Ronso. "This is a general who has won the trust of Vickia Falcon. Within ten days, it was him who defeated the 200,000 Bernese clan in the north. Such a brilliant record is enough to prove that this is a warrior who is good at attacking.

"There is no accurate sentiment

But the Caesar Sauron’s legionary department is located less than five miles from the sideline..."Longsuo bitterly authentic. "Everyone knows that the Falcon army has always been aimed at warfare. In order to obtain warfare, this general’s 5 The Wan Falcon Army may go south at any time and use us as a victim of their medal of war

"That is, we will be the next conquest point of the Falcon dynasty! We must make a choice, whether to swear to resist, or to migrate..."

Ronso put down the wooden whip in his hand, and his voice sounded awkwardly strangely.

It seems extremely weak

There is no such kind of compelling and decisive Jedi style before. Of course. It may also be entirely because of the name Caesar Sauron.

Let the audience have the illusion.

"What, migration? Are you crazy? In the Chamber, everyone is stealing

Several tribal leaders are also quietly biting their ears

Exchange ideas

Among them, the highlander self-proclaimed Oss patriarch Ovesu was extremely dissatisfied and shouted, "Winter is coming, now it is the rainy season, where can we migrate..."

At dusk, the heavy dark clouds in the sky almost blocked the last ray of light in the sky, and silver lightning flashed out from time to time. It appeared in the dark clouds from time to time. This is a sign of the coming of heavy rain. According to Messierin’s law, this It was the last rainy season in northern Dorok,

It may last for more than ten days, or it may be a month. When the rainy season stops, it is the severe winter season of Dorok. At that time, the entire mountain range will be covered with snow. The mountain in silver is absolutely impossible for people. Forgotten beauty,

But before that, all Dorok tribes will enter a period of rest,

Hoarding food and materials in response to the cold wave that may come from the extremely cold polar region, that is, during this time, the Dorok Parliament will not take any military action, even if the Parliament forces the tribes to no avail,

Compared with the crusade against rebellion, letting your own people survive the harsh winter is the issue that the leaders of all ethnic groups need to consider. The fat man decided to use this time to return to Palawan to take the alien princess Austin Yundai and his party. , Turit Colleen has traveled from the three northern counties to Palawan. As long as the patient arrives, the treatment can be started

Although I don’t know the real identity of the fat man, under the double **** of Mesjielin and Bosha Huali, Austin Yundai can only promise, otherwise, no one knows what will happen when the fat man comes next time.

The way back this time was a river course, the Dorok Mountains are thousands of miles away, and the canyon river course between the mountains is also densely covered.

Under the dark sky, twelve pointed warships with Falcon dynasty badges, carrying 400 Vikya Guards, descended along the most famous Saran River in northern Dorok

After traveling for 2 days, I finally entered the middle of the Doroc River and the junction of Palawan. There are thousands of kilometers of the river suddenly kicking here, white waves one after another, avalanche overlap ,

The middle of the river is full of swirling vortices, and the raging water waves hit the mountains on both sides, making a loud rumbling sound, like a fierce behemoth, ambushing in the bend of the river channel in front,

The turbulent river continuously hit the side of the warship, like a pair of invisible hands holding the ship on the water,

The warship was pushed into the mountain pass by the turbulent waves, and the white river was broken from the middle by a huge emerald mountain, and turned into two magnificent rivers.

"Adult, this is the most famous Benhe Mountain among the many mountains in Dorok." The thin sand Huali beside the fat man pointed at the huge mountain in the middle of the river with a trace of pride on his face.

"The Saran River, the largest river in the north, is here divided into two by the Benhe Mountain, a Dorok hinterland that flows to the east, giving birth to the Aaron Basin, known as the mountain pearl, and the other one will be 60 miles in front. The Anse Grand Canyon turns to the central Palawan Plains, and waters thousands of miles for it. Without the Saran River, there would be no central Palawan!"

"Yeah, I have listened to the magnificent Doroc Mountains for a long time. It is the source of the mainland of Icadiwa. Eighty percent of the rivers in the mainland come from the melting snow of the Doroc Mountains." The fat man looked at her and felt in front of her As soon as she shined, the water vapor wetted the long skirt outside Bosha Huali, especially revealing her moving curves, but Bosha Huali seemed to have been prepared for a long time. The sleeves make the fat man's gaze unattainable, and the sturdy waist under the tight clothes is more delicate and delicate, making people unbearable.

The steam blew on the face, bringing a burst of coolness. The bean-sized water splash hit the face, sometimes dense, sometimes loose, and the fat man couldn't help but feel relieved.

Although the war in the South has subsided, the Doroc Mountains have become a battlefield between the Falcon dynasty and the Southern Ruddists. Although this time they have occupied one head, no one can guarantee that the Nords will not take any unexpected means. The counterattack came back. After all, the parliament that holds power in Dorok is on the side of the Nords.

And the Ai Lei and Vedic on the side are all bearing the name of the rebels. For most Doroks, they are their enemies! It seems that in many cities centered on the Aaron Basin, anti-Falcon waves have emerged, but what about this? If shouting slogans and killing me with a banner, then I would have died countless times! "

Seeing the inadvertently fearless masculinity displayed on the fat man, Bosha Huali's eyes flashed a little strangely, her face slightly reddened, and she sighed beside her, "I'm now beginning to believe in Sister Mesjielin's words, you People are really guys that even the gods will choose to avoid."

The fat man looked surprised. "What?"

Bosha Huali, "Sister Mesjielin, you are a man with luck. Like this heavy rain, not only does it come in time, it does not damage your reputation as the undefeated God of War, but it is also the most violent storm in recent years.

The Dorok parliamentary army will only withdraw overnight, partly because of your threat, and partly because this early rainy season will cause mountain floods to skyrocket, causing them to lose large amounts of winter crops planted in the mountains ,

Most of the tribes will be caught in the winter because of the heavy rain and they will not be able to receive food for the winter. Even with the help of the Nords, the effect will be greatly reduced because of the long-term storage in the heavy rain in the south of the wheat. This is for you. The arrival of the Falcon Dynasty, which started with business, is undoubtedly a piece of news.

The voice of Bosha Huali paused, her face suddenly clear and dark, her brows were deeply locked, "The death of the Dorok tribe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, you have been squeezed in your palm, there is no food, this year's Doral Many people will die in Keshan Mountain, don’t tell me, you are so rushed back to Palawan, not because of the opportunity to see it! Otherwise, I will despise you!”

The fat man shrugged his shoulders and grinned bitterly, "This time you are really wronging me. I rushed back to Palawan completely because of other things. Wait a minute and you will understand that I am not a lie!"

"Oh? Did anything happen to Palawan?" Bosha Huali saw the fat man's true face, and her pretty face could not help changing. At this time, the sky began to rain, and there was a white mist on the river.

The sky was completely dark, looking forward from the top of the battleship, the bow was only faintly visible. Twelve double-headed ships hung wind lamps at the stern,

One after the other walked on the turbulent river. The oars protruding from the left and right sides of the boat are rowed neatly and forcefully, which not only shows the well-trained soldiers on the ship, but also shows the determination and perseverance of never fearing by action.

"You don't understand, war is not only on the surface! Sometimes it is far more dangerous to appease the floating people's hearts than a war!" The fat man did not answer her, but turned around and turned away without saying anything.


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