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: 792 The Blood of Severe Winter (1)

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792 Severe Winter Blood (1)

"Oh, this guy named Akerius, the energy is not small! He even bribed 132 grain-granting officers and was able to take a million tons of grain from our army for more than half a month when he took over Palawan. , Withholding sixty tons of food, if it spreads, I am afraid that the entire Palawan will collapse."

A young man with a fat figure closed the folder in his hand, placed his hands on the table next to him, and stood up, with a flat and beautiful star-shaped marble finish, sounding his firm and lonely footsteps,

"Your Majesty, was that an immediate arrest? According to our information, Palawan's food is almost exhausted. This guy should be waiting for this moment to produce food! It is better to start in advance and take good care of these illegal smugglers."

Behind him, Lidastof looked down with a shaky look. If anyone saw it with his own eyes, he would not believe that the docile middle-aged man like a sheep in front of him was the person in charge of the supervision department who heard the color change.

"No hurry, it's just 600,000 tons of grain. I have ordered an emergency mobilization of 2 million tons of rye wheat from the northern county. If he really has such a plan, I will make him cry without crying!

The fat man raised his head slightly, and the pale blue chin of his stubble rose slightly, adding a bit of unruly and masculine temperament to his honest temperament.

"You send someone to check the background behind this person. I don't believe it will be done by someone without background!"

"Yes, my subordinate sent someone to check it!" Lidastov nodded quickly, a flash of scarlet flashed in his eyes, he knew that someone was going to die badly this time,

As His Majesty Falcon said, I have no idea if you want to make money, but you have to dismantle the platform and stir up the stable situation that was finally exchanged into a pot of paste, which is undoubtedly offended by the reverse scale of His Majesty Falcon,

Greedy food relief, disturbing market prices, causing soaring food prices, a large number of refugees because of food shortages or starvation, or riots, this is no different from His Majesty Falcon who desperately needs to settle the situation in Sri Lanka. Sprinkle a scoop of cold water on it, and the possible consequence is definitely a city-wide fryer

No one can mobilize so much food into the Palawan where food is scarce under the supervision of the business alliance. Even smuggling is difficult. Moreover, the food inventory is now very strict, and it is immediately confiscated as soon as it is found, so dare to do so There are not many people, less can be transported, and everything may be excluded, then there is only one possibility, someone is greedy from the 1 million tons of food shipped

Thinking that it was a full 60 tons of grain, even Lidastove, who was from the underworld, felt that his previous colleagues were really doing too much this time,

Then he reported to the fat man about the last investigation of the sweet potato seeds. When he heard that all the sweet potato seeds were seized and shipped back in secret, the fat man interrupted his report with a calm wave of his hand and asked. What about the businessman who planted sweet potatoes? Didn’t you find it?"

"No, we found it. Although it took some time and manpower, we still found this businessman named Onado in Moa City, south of Palawan, and had already been intensively monitored by him.

"As long as your Majesty's sentence, I can immediately order the arrest of him!" Lidastov replied with a respectful expression, and asked with a somewhat uncertain tone. "Or, it is easy to solve it on the spot!"

Although he did not know why the fat man paid such attention, this almost worthless and ruined nobleman, but also guessed that it might be related to the strictly confidential plant of sweet potatoes, and it was not once or twice that the black hand Lidastov did this kind of thing. Now, as a pair of eyes in the darkness of His Majesty Falcon, the consciousness of observation and observation is a must

"Huh? Arrest? Solve! That's all you think about all day in your head?"

The fat man froze for a moment, his eyes glared at him, and looked at Lidastov’s blank expression, and there was some depression on his face, yeah, for the guy who lived in darkness all year round, sometimes Speaking a normal word will also be understood as a variety of cruel ideas

Fat people think it is necessary to explain carefully,

Otherwise, it may not be handed over to yourself next time, it is probably the body of the businessman named Onado, no matter how he blames himself, it is impossible to turn a dead person back to life. {WW.3 Go and read quickly.}The fat man paused, and said meaningfully

"The purpose of your close monitoring is not to catch, but to protect, you know! This person is very important to me, even to the entire Falcon Dynasty. You are looking for a suitable person within the Supervision Department and trying to approach this call. Onado’s merchants, in the shortest time, get the characteristics and methods of sweet potato cultivation

"It's not possible, just pay for it!" His shameless Falcon Majesty finally pointed out. "Anyway, I don't care what method you use. Within a month, I want to get a detailed planting method. At that time, people couldn't move, because once something went wrong Only he can help us to get the right cultivation of sweet potatoes. Before our own sweet potatoes mature, you must keep him safe."

"Yes, the subordinates are too dull! It caused the wrong meaning of your majesty." Lidastov's face was pale,

"You go down first!" The fat man waved his hand, turned his back, and talked about the change of the supervision department in the foreign population. For the fat man, it was just a tool for secret control. After all, not everything was controlled by the military. To come forward, in the civil affairs and business that do not involve military affairs, the multi-duty supervision department can just make up for this shortcoming.

The eyes follow the wooden wall skirts and classical reliefs of the round office wall and look forward.

In front of the clear and semi-arched floor-to-ceiling windows, the light was slightly dim. It's raining in the sky. This kind of extremely fine rain, which makes people unable to discern the drip, hits the window sill with the wind,

The tiny raindrops floated towards the window sill and covered it with a layer of cold and penetrating moss-like moisture

This is the rainy season before the arrival of the Palawan Plain in winter,

In the moist atmosphere, people's spirits and clothes were wet at the same time. This kind of rain did not pour down, nor did it fall like a waterfall, so that the breathless pedestrians ran to hide under the door of the house on the street,

After reviewing the report on the table again, the fat man groaned dullly. "I have no opinions about getting rich, but whoever wants to dismantle my desk, I will let him peel the skin!"

This time the fat man hurried back to Palawan secretly because of two things,

The first is a report from the South. The Southern Governor, Statunko, together with the newly established Commander of the Sarand Private Pilot Naval Dustrenko, jointly wrote a combat plan, code-named "Guest Guest," which was prepared for the Nords. Behind the frequently active Ferran Island chain, an unexpected cross-sea battle was launched,

Starting from behind the Nord’s most unexpected line of defense, if you are fortunate enough to capture the main force of the Nord’s navy, you may completely control the battle situation in the southern waters and strangle the expanding Nord’s navy in the cradle.

This plan is a bit too risky, and the number of warships and landing soldiers dispatched are the first of the Falcon dynasty, the South Navy Regiment, the South China Sea Fleet, the Salander Private Fleet, plus 20 large transport ships of the Hulun nationality, This time it can be said that the falcon dynasty navy nest was dispatched, and its combat objectives were also extremely tricky.

Tiha, the most important military port and fortress on the southern coast of Nord, is crucial for the Nord kingdom trying to expand the navy and the Falcon dynasty who hopes to attract the eyes of the Nord to the sea. Whoever seizes Tiha will be able to take the initiative of war in the southern waters, and then let the other party fall into a passive beating situation

The arrow is on the line and you have to send it. You must start first and then start to suffer. This has been the case since ancient times. Rather than waiting for the Nords to begin to realize the benefits of the main attack, it is better to focus their attention first on the coast of their home country. Cut off!

After thinking over and over again, the fat man wrote an approval reply on the report,

Now that the situation on the mainland is basically clear, with the demise of the Sri Lankan Kingdom and the attachment of the northern region of Dorok, the military confrontation between the Falcon dynasty that controls the southwest and north and the Nord Kingdom occupying most of the southeast and south is also fierce. ,

In the southern part of the mainland, the Nords who had just suffered a heavy blow did not reconcile their defeat in Rui Erdian. Instead, they took advantage of this defeat and readjusted the original old and old army to make a group of powerful and energetic troops. Elites, replacing those veterans with rigid thoughts, take the position of frontline commanders,

In this move, even the fat man had to admire the courage to break the tradition of the Nord Kingdom Agrolk. This reform challenged the foundation of the Nord family, the traditional martial forces of Nord, and the resistance they faced. It is conceivable that it was fortunate that it was His Majesty the King who promoted this plan, otherwise, he would have been overthrown on the ground by the generals who were angry and angry.

But in just half a month, Norderland was unpredictably changing in a calm atmosphere. The military ministers who were not from the Wu family and the navy ministers who were not from the Wu family were on the list of officers of the military department. Except for a few insignificant positions that are generals of the Wu family, a few newly appointed important military posts are not from the Wu family.

According to intelligence, in order to concentrate the elite in their hands and form a strength that is sufficient to fight against the Falcon dynasty army, Agrolk has ordered the reduction of the original four guards to two, from 70,000 to the original 40,000, and large numbers of martial generals from other armies were placed in these two reduced legions. Although the number of people decreased, their elite level reached an outrageous level. Among the 40,000 guards, The number of military officers from the Wu family reached 1,963. That is to say, on average, each squad has a strict Wu discipline officer who can fight for the death of His Majesty without hesitation.

40,000 soldiers with absolute allegiance and elite combat strength, even the central army under the weight of the fat man, could not reach this level, and the other party was to make up for the lack of strength in the confrontation with the Falcon Dynasty.

Soldiers are being recruited in Germany, and UU reads www.uukanshu.com to expand the army. Since the Battle of Stalos, the number of Nord army that has lost its troops has dropped to below 150,000 for the first time, but in this short half month Inside, another three new regiments were expanded in one breath. The number of troops was increased from the original regular army of nearly 180,000 to 260,000. If you count the number of navies, it has already approached 30 in the battle with the Kingdom of Ruidian. Ten thousand troops,

Through the drizzle and misty sand in front of him, the fat man seemed to see this chariot called the Kingdom of Nord, and was fully accelerating to turn its wheel called the decisive battle.

The second thing that worries fat people is the large-scale food smuggling incident in Palawan City. The supervision department responsible for the secret wiring only discovered that there was a lot less food stored in the city at the end of November.

In order to appease the more than 100,000 residents in the city, the Falcon Dynasty mobilized about 1 million tons of food from the country at one time, and set up several fixed distribution points in the city, according to the roster of residents in the city, but no one Unexpectedly, even 1 million tons of food was almost empty in less than half a month. In such a pressing situation, even the careful-eyed fat man was shaken. At this moment, who dares to demolish Laozi's platform!

#c. ...

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