Whole Nation

: 807 Storms in the North (5)

807 The North Wind and Clouds (5)

"The East Court is over!" Seeing the falcon army that came across the mountains and the sea opposite, Dongting General Wu Wu has been completely desperate. The Northlanders fought back and completely defeated the last hope of this famous East Court. The Falcon Army has not yet Pressed up, the 20,000 elite cavalry on the left wing of Dongting fell into chaos

"Charge, kill all the **** from the north!" A **** Dongting Qianqi screamed in a hurry, and behind him, a large number of elite cavalry transferred from the right wing were thrown into the battlefield, a terrible saber split Underneath, the most fierce Northland heavy infantry in the front row finally showed fatigue, and thousands of horseshoes trampled them in front of the Dongting cavalry hit by the flying coil, and the screams were completely submerged in the hustle and bustle. under. ◤9!3!Z!W the most complete novel into m◥

As the east court army leaned to the left, in the fierce assassination, the northerners' impact momentum was finally suppressed,

The leader of the Northlanders, Aso, rode on a brown-black warhorse with a cold smile on his lips, and he did not care about the defeat of the legionary infantry. He laughed, and the whip in his hand raised high and shouted. "Order everyone to retreat according to the plan. The Dongting people are over. No matter whether we can break down the Dongting people's formation, the Dongting people can no longer have the opportunity to rise. This attack can be regarded as a Dongting people. The return of "special care" for more than ten years"

A whispering whisper of whimsical horns came from the left wing, the pace of the Northland Army finally began to slow down, these tall polar warriors seemed to be killed, no longer chasing the panicked Dongting cavalry, but began to fight back. Direction of attack line

"The Northlanders are going to run!" Wu Mu watched the unusual behavior of the Northland Legion, suddenly flashed a trace of enlightenment, and then screamed in anger. "This group of **** still want to run. It is late. Come, come and order support. The left-wing cavalry bit me these guys, even if they were dragged, they would be dragged to death..."

It is a pity that his orders have not yet been issued, and the violent impact of countless metals has come from the front.

In front of Dongting people,

The steel triangle formed by the falcon cavalry has rushed over like a meteor crossing the sky, and the horses are like thunder, and the black armor up and down is like the night covering the earth.

The broken ice raised by the horseshoe formed a misty ice mist in the air. These falcon cavalry in black armor, like the black shadows shot from an avalanche, turned into a black rainstorm and smashed **** the Dongting people. On the already shaken front,

"Hissing" the horses who were knocked to the side screamed screamingly. 40,000 falcon cavalrymen shot like a huge long steel arrow. The huge impact made the front row of Dongting everyone turn their horses, almost The entire row was washed down

This is the largest cavalry group battle in the mainland of Icadivar in the past five years.

There is no ingenuity, it is entirely the collision of steel and will, weight and scimitar. Countless cavalry on both sides drop the war horses in a staggered collision, and then are hacked to death by the flying swords, the intrepid falcon The cavalry, like a huge killing sickle, swept across the front of the Dongting people

Because the situation was too chaotic, the Falcon cavalry who rushed into the Dongting people's array didn't even look at it. Seeing the companions in the front row rolling off the horse, a Dongting cavalry in the back row was sitting on the horse silly, eyes straight as the black falcon cavalry rushed past him, and no one was interested in supplying him. A knife. It took a long time for him to understand what happened,

The falcon cavalry's impact line was covered with snow,

Falcon light cavalry fighting momentum is even stronger than heavy armored cavalry, the former army of the East Court was one by one fell to the dust. Under the fierce attack of the enemy like the tide, they could not exert their powerful fighting power at all, and they looked like fallen leaves that were dying from the ground, swept by the terrible wind, and could not help themselves.

The sound of a crisp metal fracture with a broken gun was harsh on this battlefield. The first one who couldn’t stand under the attack of the Falcon army was the Borans cavalry who was the least proficient in the Dongting people.

The composition of these cavalry was not a warrior in the clan, but was temporarily recruited by ordinary clan people. The number was about 10,000. It was taking into account the limited combat power of these Boran cavalry, Wumu arranged it in the lineup In the third row, no one thought that the northerners' turmoil caused the defense to shake.

Originally in the third front of the rear, before the fierce falcon cavalry tactics, the entire queue was "wowed" by the swift black armored cavalry from the middle,

The East Wing cavalry on both wings panicked and turned around, meeting toward the center, causing a complete chaos of positive resistance. The cavalry on both sides had no formation at all.

It's all about people chopping people, and horses hitting horses. Nearly 60,000 cavalrymen were crowded on an impact arc surface of less than 2 kilometers. The black armored cavalry in the rear was like a tide that pushed and rolled, and the Dongting cavalry in the front was like a dam that could collapse at any time before the flood. They were colliding with each other, biting each other with all the weapons they could use, and blood was splashing on the cavalry’s face, making them look like a scary red man

The two sides were so close that, in the eyes of both sides, the other's cavalry seemed to be slashed and killed on the back of their cavalry! The two sides have no room for turning horses. The only thing that can be done is to wield the sword, wield the sword, and then wield the sword, until there are no more enemies in sight.

When the left and right wings fought at the same time, a strange twist appeared on the front of the Dongting people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ On the one side, the left wing blocked the Northland Army, and on the other side, it was beaten by a fierce falcon cavalry. The right wing of the sieve, the original strict array is exactly like a twisted s-shaped.

In the fierce confrontation between the two sides, the Sikugits held their breaths one by one, and some tribal soldiers even stopped their charge, dumbfounded at the strangling field that fought against the sky, and the falcon cavalry showed the fighting power. Not quickly with the Kugits who dominate the prairie!

This scene made many Kugit leaders secretly wipe out their sweats. Looking at the scattered Dongting cavalry, they couldn't help but feel a little lucky. If they didn't surrender to the Falcon Dynasty, now The end of the Dongting people is their own copy,

No one expected that the falcon dynasty, dominated by infantry, had such terrible fighting power on the cavalry. Of course, they would not have thought that before Sikujit took over, the cavalry under the falcon was less than 20,000, but he annexed Xiku. After Gite, the number of cavalry has more than doubled in just over half a year, and it has the confidence to use cavalry clusters for decisive battles.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield was already very clear. Because of the violent impact of the falcon cavalry, the Dongting people could only watch the northerners with a sharp knife behind them evacuate from the battlefield, and finally disappeared away from the horizon. Office,


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