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: 809 Wind and Cloud in the North (7)

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Baozi sincerely thanks: the lonely watchman rewarded 588 coins; Xiaoyuanyuan voted 2 monthly tickets;

"Your Majesty may not yet know that Motu could become the home base of the Dongting people, not only because of the geographical location, but also because an extremely tragic war broke out here!"

The oldest qualified Lesuk came forward and explained, “At the beginning, the East Court rebels Hatalou led 8,000 remnants in the East Court grasslands. Our West Kugit sent a large army of 50,000 to fight against Hengsha from the border. The river beach hit Motu,

Although the rebellious Hatalu was brave, his strength was too small.

At that time, I thought that Hatalu was already in a desperate end, but this Motu city in front of me had finally saved Hatalu. It can even be said that without the ice city Motu, there would be no East Court now! "

"Oh, what happened then?"

The fat man's face changed slightly, and he didn't know why. He saw a deep fear in Lesuk's eyes. It seemed that something terrible had burned into the soul.

"Ice City Motu?" This name with a somewhat beautiful intention may also represent the fear and the helplessness and sorrow that these Kujit warlords formed and the ambush city of tens of thousands of troops.

Sure enough, Lesuk's voice paused, and his tone was full of painful memories. "At that time, I had just succeeded the patriarch, and I needed to gain warfare to consolidate my position. I, among the hundreds of tribes in West Kugit, It's a premier clan, so all generations have an alliance vow with Wang Ting. According to Wang Ting's order, I took the 5,000 warriors in the clan to participate in the war against the Dong Ting!"

Speaking of which, Lesuk looked at the fat man subconsciously,

He couldn't see any fluctuations on the fat man's face, and he was relieved in his heart. In the presence of the Khan king of the non-Kujit tribe, describe the king who has been wiped out, with some care, or someone If you deliberately make trouble, you can easily put yourself on a big hat that is "dissatisfied with the current Khan King",

By then, even if you explain yourself, you will inevitably fall into an embarrassment. If you get fat and angry, even if the Lai Su tribe has more than 200,000 people, it will definitely not be able to compete with the falcon dynasty that is now in the sky.

"Go on, if there is not even such a measure, what good is this Khan King!" The fat man smiled indifferently and waved to some worried Lesuk.

Leishuk's skinny eyes almost wrinkled together, a little wet, lips trembling and said, "I remember the winter like it was now,

My Kugits all grew up in a bitter cold place, so I was not afraid of the cold north, and I did not care about the retreat of the East Court rebels. We didn’t find out that we were hitting Hatalu until we pursued Motu. Of the trap,

On the same day, the tail of our army trailing the defeated army in Dongting followed Motu all the way, fighting for a day, driving the collapse of Dongting into Motu City, the last retreat,

At that time, it was dark and cold at night, and then the night was extremely cold. According to the habits of our Kugits, we first camped outside the city and surrounded the walls of the city.

Then wait for the dawn, and then make a total attack, which can offset the influence of the night on the siege battle,

At that time, Motu was not as big as it is now, at most it can only be regarded as a small fortress! My majestic army of 50,000 will naturally not take this small city into consideration!

At that time, some people believed that only at dawn, when the army rushed to the city, the Motu garrison with heavy casualties and the thousands of Dongting rebels hiding in the city vowed to be crushed under the iron hooves of our army."

"But one night, when our army assembled to attack the city, it was discovered that Motu's low walls had completely changed.

Twenty years have passed until now, and I still remember the scene of that day. Lesuk’s voice seemed to be in a panic. It seemed to see something terrible.

The other Kugit leaders are also weird,

Lesuk sighed "No matter from which side, it is definitely a miracle of longevity! This was very shocking to the soldiers who were in charge of the siege at that time, and even some troops directly showed mutiny. In front of this incredible miracle, Almost all soldiers refused to execute the attack order"

"I didn't take part in that war, but I heard my father mention that Motu is a city protected by the ice god!" said a young tribal leader.

"Yeah, as long as it is winter, it will be indestructible!" Another tribal chief echoed, and the other tribal chiefs nodded in a hurry, trying to persuade the fat man to give up the idea of ​​attacking Motu in winter. Obviously, Lesuk What feels terrible is also rooted in their hearts

"What you see should be a huge ice city, isn't it? From the city wall to the gate is covered with ice, just like a huge wall of ice blocks, which appeared in front of you overnight!"

The fat man stood against the tribal leaders, solemnly stood up from the ground, walked back and forth for a few steps, and suddenly interrupted Lesuk’s complaint. The look towards the fat man was full of shock

"How does your majesty know!" Lesuk's face looked like hell

"Is there enough water in Motu City?" The fat man did not answer Lesuk's question, but instead responded to the inquiries asked by the shocked Lesuk that "such as lakes, groundwater gush, or a large number of wells!"

"Enough water?" Lesuk looked blank, not knowing why the fat man asked such words, but before the fat man's black pupils like stars in the sky, he still felt some nervous reply.

"I don’t know what your majesty means, but as long as the Kugit people know, Motu means Kuye Lake in the Kujit language. It was because this area has more than ten lakes and The abundant groundwater gush~www.wuxiaspot.com~The tribes grazing all around here depended on the water to form Motu City!"

"It would be right if this was the case!" The corner of the fat man's mouth twitched slightly, raised his head, and looked out at the dark night outside the tent. It was a very dark night. There are no stars, there is no moon, and Motu City in the distance can only see a black shadow

"Do you want to see what is a miracle?" The fat man turned around and said suddenly to the leaders of the Kugit tribes sitting behind the tent campfire behind him

"Miracle?" Lesuk's face froze a little, and the other tribal leaders looked at the fat man with incredible eyes.

"Your Majesty! You mean. (full text e-book free download)..."

"Naturally, an ice city was built overnight!" The fat man raised his right hand high, with a big smile in his chest. "We also let the Dongting people on the opposite side take a look to protect Motu's ice god. In fact, sometimes Mutiny!"


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